My Fairy Tail one shots (stil...

By 1bunnylover

5.9K 112 99

(If you're not reading this on Wattpad, you're reading an illegal copyright version of it) Although this is m... More

A Wish Come true- Nalu
Nightmares- Gruvia
Loves Clarity- Nalu (Part 2) (edited [fixed])
Results of truth or dare- Nalu/Gale
I didn't mean it- Nalu
Do you ever think about- Nalu
It was worth it- Gruvia
Failed to protect her- Nalu part 1
Failed to protect her- Nalu part 2
Confession in comfort- Rowen
Trying to get over you- Nalu
Helpful counterparts- Nalu (Earthland/Edolas) part 1
Helpful counterparts- Nalu (Earthland/Edolas)part 2
The book reading- Nalu
Practice makes perfect- Nalu/Gruvia
I have a fiancé- Jerza
Worth it- Nalu
Don't mess with Mama dragon- Rowen
Don't mess with mamma dragon- Rowen (Part 2)
Broken- Gruvia
Amplified love- Nalu (part 1)
Amplifies love- Nalu (part 2)
The (not so) cursed Pocky- Nalu
A series of (un)fortunate Pocky- Gruvia
Cuddling/nightmare- Nalu

Loves Clarity- Nalu (part 1)

319 6 8
By 1bunnylover

It was a pleasant and peaceful day in Magnolia, and many of the Fairy Tail wizards were taking some time to enjoy the peace.

Lucy sat at the bar, waiting for the rest of her team to make their appearance. She had expected them, or at least Natsu, to be the first one there, picking a fight with Gray, or anyone really. He practically lived in this guild when he wasn't at her apartment. So, where could he be?

"Thinking about you and Natsu?" Mira suddenly asked.

"What? No!" Lucy crossed her arms.

"Come on. Everyone knows you have a thing for him." Mira grinned.

" I don't!" Lucy yelped.

"Say what you want, but we all know it. You two are going to be Fairy Tail's sweetest couple." Mira cooed, clapping her hands together.

"Ok, I'm done with this. If Natsu comes looking for me for job, tell him I'm out for a walk." Lucy said.

"That's not the only thing I'll tell him." Mira said in a sing song voice.

Lucy blushed, but ignored the comment as she ran out of the guild. She wasn't going in any particular direction, she just needed to get away before she said something she'd regret. Especially if it was in front of Mira.

"What is Mira thinking? Me a couple?" Lucy paused in her walk.

It wasn't an unheard of idea, but there were so many things she was unsure about. At the top of the list was if Natsu had any romantic feelings for her at all. He has never had a crush, according to everyone at the guild. So why would he chose her of all people?

"I wish I knew." Lucy muttered to herself.

She continued her walk and trying to sort out her feelings until she stumbled upon a new magic shop.

It was odd, because it didn't seem to fit well in the area and she hadn't ever seen it before. Almost as of it came in overnight. But there was something unique about it that drew her inside.

As she entered the shop, she was greeted with walls filled with potions. Each one shimmered in different vibrant colors, and there were so many, it was hard to even count them.

"Wow. I wonder what they all do." Lucy wondered aloud.

"Each one has a special ability."

Lucy yelped and whipped around to see a woman standing behind the counter in the corner. She was very pretty with her long black hair, fair skin, blue eyes, and long burgundy dress.

"Um...hi." Lucy gave a small wave. "This is quite the shop you have."

"Thank you." She nodded. "Is there something I can do for you? You seem troubled."

"Oh! Well...I don't know." Lucy nervously fidgeted with her fingers. "It's not exactly something that I'd like to talk about with a stranger."

"Ah, where are my manners. My name is Nina. I specialize in potions and dabble in charm making. Maybe I have something here that could help you." Nina offered. "I have helped many with these items."

"I'm Lucy, but I don't think there is anything here that could help me." Lucy replied. "My problem has to do with...someone else."

"Oh, a lover than?" Nina inquired.

"What? No! It's not like that. Natsu and I are just friends." Lucy assured.

Nina grinned knowing at Lucy.

"I see." Nina remarked. "That might have been more convincing if you haven't mentioned his name."

"Oh...right..." Lucy blushed.

"So, what is the problem?" Nina pressed. "Does he not love you?"

"I...I don't know. Honestly, I'm not even sure how I feel about him." Lucy admitted. "I like having him around and everything but...I just don't know."

Nina hummed to herself for a moment in thought. She has heard many people with similar problems and was always able help them with the perfect potion or charmed item. She mentally went over all her potions until she thought of the one needed.

"In that case, I have just the thing." Nina suddenly said.

She ducked behind the counter and began to rummage through a few boxes. Lucy peeked over the desk curiously until Nina sprang up with a small pink bottle in hand.

"This is exactly what you need." Nina assured as she set it down on the counter.

Lucy looked over the small bottle that looked to be a love potion from the designs and color of it. The words "loves clarity" was written on its label as well.

"No thanks. I don't need a love potion." Lucy replied. "That would just complicate things even more."

"Oh, but this isn't a love potion." Nina assured.

"It's not? Than what does it do?" Lucy asked.

"It is true that it is similar to that of a love potion, but it does not force false love, like a typical love potion. Instead, this potion helps you to see who you are truly in love with. Whatever doubts or uncertainties you have about you feelings, this potion will show you the truth." Nina explained."So, would you like it?"

"I...I don't know..." Lucy muttered. "I don't think so. Plus, I'm running low on funds and I have to pay my rent."

"You can take it for free then." Nina said.

"Really?" Lucy questioned suspiciously. "Why?"

"You were lead to much shop for a reason, and I'd like to help you. That's why I do this. Besides, I know you won't use this for the wrong reasons. There is no harm in letting yourself know, right?"

Lucy was hesitant about all this, but she really wanted to know the truth.

"You're right. I'll take it." Lucy finally gave in.

"Alright. Just be aware that it only requires a little sip and should not be taken too many times in a row. You are welcome to drink it with something if you don't like the flavor." Nina warned.

"Ok...anything else I should know?" Lucy asked.

"Yes. Please come back here if anything happens." Nina replied. "Or if you would like to try something else."

"Wait, are there any bad side effects?" Lucy worried.

"No, not unless you drink too much of it at once." Nina assured. "But I would like to know the speed of success of my potion. It can be a little different for certain people."

"Ok. I'll do it. Thanks so much Nina." Lucy chirped.

Lucy then took the bottle and ran home.

She soon bolted to her apartment and grabbed a cup. She filled the cup with water and added a little of the potion, but didn't drink it.

Part of her was super excited, but another part of her was worried. Not so much about drinking a mysterious potion, but what it would do if it worked.

Too many what if's of if he wouldn't feel the same and if it would damage the team. Or, would it make it better?

"Ok, I need think this through." Lucy sighed.

She left the kitchen, leaving the cup were it was, and went into her bedroom. If there was a way for her to sort things out it would be through writing. So, she began to scribble down all her thoughts and the pros and cons of the potion.

As she was busy writing, Natsu decided to pay her a surprise visit, like he usually does. Only without Happy since he was busy trying to win over Carla.

He went in through her window and went straight for the kitchen. But before he could go for the fridge, his nose picked up on the sweet scent of the cup that she left there.

Natsu stared at it curiously, and suddenly felt very parched. Without another thought, chugged the water and potion mixture down in one gulp.

"Ah, that hit the spot." Natsu remarked.

He went to put the cup down, but a weird warm feeling bubbled up in his chest. He was so caught up in trying to figure out what he was felt that he ended up dropping it.

Natsu plopped down on the floor, trying to figure out what this feeling was. It was odd, yet strangely familiar and pleasant. What could it be?

The click of the cup against the floor drew Lucy's attention and she went back into the kitchen. She wasn't really surprised to see Natsu there, but her eyes widened when she noticed the empty cup on the floor.

"Natsu...what did...did you?" Lucy stammered.

His gazed snapped to her like a predator locking in on its prey. He didn't say a word as he got to his feet approached her. There was a look in his eyes that she had never seen before, and it alarmed her.

"Natsu?" Lucy questioned as she backed up.

Natsu continued on towards Lucy until her back was against the wall. He only stopped a few inches from her, and stared heavy into her eyes. Both his arms extended out on either side of her, keeping her from escaping.

"N-Natsu?" Lucy stammer with her cheeks burning.

She wasn't sure if she should be scared or embarrassed or what to really feel at this point. He drank the potion meant to understand your romantic feelings. A million questions were running through her head along with her racing heart.

Did she put too much in the cup? Was he reacting to the side effects of it? Did the mixture of his dragon slayer magic and the potion have to do with this behavior? Was this because he didn't have feelings for anyone, so it did something else to him? Or...did he actually have real feelings for her...and this was just how he showed it?

She was snapped back into reality as his eyes broke from hers and went down to her lips before coming back to her eyes. His face slowly grew closer to hers.

"Natsu...what are you doing?" Lucy whispered timidly.

"I don't know. I just feel....weird." Natsu finally said. "What was in that cup?"

Lucy looked away. Well, as much as she could with him so close.

"'s called Loves Clarity." Lucy replied sheepishly.

Natsu suddenly stepped back. She looked at him in confusion, and saw the hurt look on his face.

"Why do you have a love potion? Were you planning to use it on someone? Why would you want that? Do you have any idea what those things do to people?" Natsu interrogated.

"No, no, no! You have it all wrong! It's not a love potion!" Lucy exclaimed.

"Than what is it? Why do you have it?" Natsu asked.

"I...well..." Lucy trailed off.

"Lucy?" Natsu pressed.

"It doesn't force love, it shows it." Lucy replied.

Natsu just stared at her for a moment with his mouth hanging open.

"What does that even mean?" Natsu crossed his arms.

"I...I wasn't sure how I felt about...someone and this potion maker gave it to I could really know how I feel about them. The potion is supposed to make things clear. I was just nervous about what would happen if my feelings were true. So, I was going to wait." Lucy explained. "But I didn't expect you to drink it!"

There was a brief silence between the two as they simply stared at each other.

"Who?" Natsu broke the silence.

"What?" Lucy asked, taken off guard.

"Who is it? Who are you uncertain about?" Natsu clarified.

Lucy looked to the floor, as her cheeks grew a rosy shade of pink. Should she really tell him?

"Lucy, please." Natsu begged.

"It's you, Natsu." Lucy finally admitted.

He looked away as she gazed back up to him. A long deafening silence filled the air around them. There was so much Lucy wanted to say, but couldn't find the right words.

Natsu abruptly turned his back to her, and headed for the window.

"Natsu?" Lucy squeaked out.

He paused a moment, but didn't turn to face her.

"Let me know when you are sure. I'll be waiting at the big Sola tree in South Gate park." Natsu said.

He then jumped out the window, leaving her alone in her apartment.

Lucy blinked a few times before sliding down the wall to the floor.

"Did...did he just..? Dose that mean...oh my..." Lucy blushed. "Natsu... has feelings for me..."

With this new information, there was only one thing left for her to do. She had to drink some of that potion as soon as possible. Now, she absolutely had to know for sure.

However, she was having trouble remembering where she left it. She checked many possible places, and was thankful she found it some time after.

"Looks like it's time to see." Lucy muttered.

She took the top off the bottle and took a small sip. At first, nothing seemed to happen, and just when she doubted it, her true feelings became clear. She had to tell Natsu.

So, with a new scene of determination, she ran out of her apartment and went to go find Natsu and tell him the news.

To be continued...

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