His Possession (kookv)Book 1

By fity24

306K 7.4K 2.8K

"YOU ARE MINE GOT IT, "_Jeongguk said in a low voice Start: November 26, 2019 Ends: January 18, 2021 Sequal "... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6 (M)
chapter 7
A/N not an update
chapter 8
1k special chapteršŸ”„
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12 (M)
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
100k special
100k special pt.2
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40 (M)
Chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Epilogue: Chapter 60(M)
The trailer of "Our Possession(Kookv)" book 2
book2 is out!!

Chapter 59

1.1K 36 56
By fity24

Jeonghyun P.O.V

I was in my crib supposed to be sleeping but instead, I'm up with excitement. "Na Na Na Na" I sang but stopped when I heard footsteps. I watch the door open just to reveal my mom in his sleep robe, he walked up to me and picked me up, "Jeonghyun why are you awake you know you need plenty of sleep for tomorrow. You don't want to be very tired right?" My mommy asked. "no, mommy. I don't want to be very tired, " Answered with honesty. He smiled at me, "How about a lullaby and maybe that will help you fall asleep?" Mommy asked. I nodded my head. He sat down on the rocking chair and then sat me down on his lap

"Hush little baby, don't say a word, mommy going to buy you a mockingbird.

And if that mockingbird won't sing, mommy going to buy you a diamond ring.

And if that diamond ring turns to brass, mommy gonna buy you a looking glass.

And if that looking glass gets broke, mommy gonna buy you a billy goat.

And if that billy goat won't pull, mommy gonna buy you a cart and bull.

And if that cart and bull turn over, momma gonna buy you a dog named Rover.

And if that dog named Rover won't bark, mommy gonna buy you a horse and cart.

And if that horse and falls down, well you'll be the sweetest baby in town." My mom sang that I felt my eyes closing, falling asleep.


No one P.O.V

Taehyung put Jeonghyun back in his crib covering him up with a soft silky blanket to keep his son warm. Taehyung kisses his forehead then left the room making sure to close the door softly to not wake him up. Taehyung went back to his room, going back to sleep.

9:00 Am

Taehyung was making a very special for his son and husband because ... It was their birthday. Of course, Taehyung was going to make the best out of this day. Jeongguk came fully dressed with Jeonghyun in his arms as well. Taehyung greeted Jeonghyun and Jeongguk with a smile then kisses both of their cheeks. Taehyung took Jeonghyun from Jeongguk's hands and sat him down on his highchair. Jeongguk sat down in the chair, the moment Jeongguk looked at the food his eyes widen.

"Oh, wow such a big breakfast you made," Jeongguk commented. Taehyung smiled, "Of course, because It's your birthday and Jeonghyun's birthday so of course, I would make such a huge breakfast." Taehyung said which got Jeongguk and Jeonghyun to smile. "Thank you, darling. I really appreciate it," Jeongguk said, "Thank you, mommy," Jeonghyun said. "You both are welcome, Now let's finish breakfast so we can start the day," Taehyung said.

Jeongguk nodded his head. Jeonghyun clapped his hands.


The Jeon family finished their breakfast and was ready for the day. Taehyung was going to distract them while the crew decorates the house. Taehyung was going to take them to an arcade to relax and have fun. "So are we ready to go?" Taehyung asked. "I'm ready, darling," Jeongguk answered with a smile.

"I'm ready, mommy," Jeonghyun said as he holds his mother's hand. "Okay, good. Now let's go!" Taehyung said cheerfully. The family left the house and drove to the arcade. Taehyung was driving this time.

20-30 minutes later

The Jeon family got there they got greeted by a line not any line but a long line. The family got in the line and waited for a while. Both Jeonghyun's and Jeongguk's patience was getting low, Taehyung tapped the person in front of him. The person turned around facing Taehyung. Taehyung gave him a tight smile, "You don't mind us skipping right?" Taehyung asked hoping he would say a no. "Sorry, your highness but I can't let you skip," The man said as he crosses his arms to his chest. Taehyung grabs the man by the collar, his eyes glow to an icy blue.

" You don't mind us skipping right? You know I have places to be, right? I don't have all day to deal with your nonsense so please let me and my family skip unless you wanna... see the results," Taehyung threaten the man. The man and the rest of the people moved out the way for the royal family. Taehyung picked up Jeonghyun and walked to the front of the line with a smile on his face. Jeongguk followed his wife with a smile on his face as well. They got to the front of the line and got their tickets.

They got inside and stand for a bit, "So what do you guys wanna do first?" Taehyung asked. Jeongguk looked at the map and saw something interesting. "Hmm, how about the dancing machine?" Jeongguk suggested. "Sure. Jeonghyun do you wanna dance?" Taehyung asked Jeonghyun. "Yes, I wanna show my new moves daddy taught me," Jeonghyun said with a smile. "Well, let's go!" Taehyung said.


Meanwhile with the crew.

Jin, Bangchan, Shownu, Jinyoung, Taeyong, S.Coups, Hoongjoong, Suho, Jinwoo, Seongyoon, and Yoon Jisung were the ones directing their members and the workers for the king and prince's birthday. "Silver or gold?" Jimin asked showing the two plates to Jin. "I think gold, remember this has to be perfect and you know how those two likes everything perfect," Jin reminded Jimin. Jimin nodded his head and left to get more gold plates to put on the dining tables.

Yugyeom was hanging up some streamers and many other decorations with Jackson, Youngjae, and Bambm's help.

"How much time do we have until they come back?" Vernon asked. S.Coup looked at him then smiled. "About 4-6 hours I think," S.Coup answered. "Oh okay, that's enough time for me to get this ready and dress up," Vernon said in relief. Vernon left to get the room ready.

Taehyung P.O.V

I and Jeonghyun were dancing but it seems like Jeonghyun was much more of a pro than I am. I didn't care about winning or losing since this is just a game. After two rounds Jeonghyun won. "Yay I won!" Jeonghyun exclaimed proudly. Taehyung picked Jeonghyun up and Hugs him.

The next 6 hours.

I got a text from Yugyeom that the party is ready. "I think we should go home now we've been here for 6 hours," I said. "Yeah, let's go home, I'm sure Jeonghyun kind of miss his toys," Jeongguk said with a chuckled. Jeonghyun looked at Jeongguk and nods his head.

We left the arcade and I dove us home. when we got to the gate I teleported all of us upstairs where my room and Jeonghyun's room is. "Why didn't we use the door?" Jeongguk asked. I got nervous, "Because I thought you were tired from all that dancing and walking," I said hoping he would buy my answer.

"Oh okay," Jeongguk said not questioning me any further. I sighed in relief which got Jeongguk to stare at me. He got closer to me examining my face. I started to get nervous that I felt sweat coming down my face. "Is there something you aren't telling me?" Jeongguk asked. I gave him a fake smile, "O-Of course there is nothing I'm finding from you," I said nervously. "I'm gonna go and play with my toys," Jeonghyun said as he teleports to his room I guess. Jeongguk pulled me by the waist and kissed me. Our lips moved in sync for what felt like 3 minutes. Jeongguk broke the kiss and looked at me. I looked down at the ground since my face was a little bit red.

Jeongguk lift my chin up with his finger, "Look into my eyes and tell me So that I can be the only one to hear it," Jeongguk whispered to me. "Uh, Just get dressed," I said. "Oh okay, then," Jeongguk said as he went to his walk-in closet.

"Great now I got to get Jeonghyun ready and myself, Being a mom isn't easy," I thought to my self.

I went to Jeonghyun's room and saw he was playing with his blocks. " Jeonghyun you need to get ready. Let mommy get you ready," I said as I picked him up. He didn't complain he just nodded his head.

I looked in his closet and picked out a Gucci outfit for him. I felt his diaper was a bit heavy. I laid him down on the changing table and change his diaper. I changed his outfit and style his hair.

His outfit

After I was done changing him I was about to leave his room. Jeongguk came into Jeonghyun's room looking extremely handsome.

Jeongguk took Jeonghyun, "Go get dress darling," Jeongguk said with a smile. "Okay, honey," I said before I kiss his cheeks. I went to my room and started getting ready.

I wore a black suit and a choker. I styled my hair to look perfect.

Jeongguk's P.O.V

Taehyung came into Jeonghyun's room looking absolutely breathtaking, I couldn't help but just stare at him. He chuckled at my reaction then walked up to me. "Now let's go downstairs, there is a little something waiting for you two," Taehyung said as he leads us downstairs. I carried Jeonghyun since he can't walk on the stairs yet. When we got downstairs everyone jumped out of their hiding spots "HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEONGGUK AND JEONGHYUN!" Everyone said. A smile started to dance on my face. Jeonghyun smiled and clap his hands happily.

Many of my friends hugged me and Jeonghyun. A video was playing moments of Jeonghyun and Me.

No One P.O.V

The video

The moment Jeonghyun was born and he was in Jeongguk's arms sleeping peacefully. Taehyung woke up from his sleep after surgery. "I'm sorry, I couldn't celebrate your birthday and I didn't even get a chance to get you a gift," Taehyung apologized feeling ashamed. Jeongguk chuckled, "You did get me a gift," Jeongguk said.

"W-What do you mean?" Taehyung asked with a confused look.

"Jeonghyun is the gift, ever since we found out that you were pregnant I was excited for Jeonghyun to be born. Today is the best day of my life because Jeonghyun is finally here," Jeongguk said.


Jeonghyun being 6 months

Jeonghyun was sitting on the couch next to his father watching a bit of TV. Jeonghyun saw his father was watching something on his phone, Jeonghyun was very curious so he leans over to see what his dad was watching. Jeongguk was just watching a G-dragon music video. Jeongguk saw that Jeonghyun was curious about what he was watching so he picks Jeonghyun up and sat him down on his lap. The two watch the video together.


Jeongguk was talking Yugyeom, he picked up Jeonghyun's bottle of milk and drank it by accident. "Oh no, I drank his milk by accident. Let me hope he didn't see me do it though," Jeongguk said.

Jeonghyun saw that his father drank his milk, He gave Jeongguk a deadly look. Jeonghyun's face went red immediately and he started crying loudly. Jeongguk picked up Jeonghyun and rocked him hoping he would calm down. Jeonghyun just grabs his father's finger and started chewing on it since he was teething. Jeongguk didn't feel any pain so he was okay with it. Jeonghyun's face went back to its normal color. "Good thing, he calmed down immediately," Jeongguk said in relief.


Jeonghyun was 8 months,

Jeonghyun walked up to his father who was sleeping on the couch. Jeonghyun saw his dad didn't have a blanket on him so being the good boy he is he put the blanket on him and pats his face. "Nini, dada," Jeonghyun said before he sat back on the floor to play with his toys.


Video ends.

Everyone had a heart attack by the video because of how cute the Father and son relationship is. "Well is anyone hungry after setting all of this up?" Taehyung asked.

everyone said "me" Jin was already getting his food along with the rest of the crew who were directing the groups.

When Jeonghyun got his food Seongsik wanted to feed him because he wanted to. Seungsik tried to feed Jeonghyun the last spoon but Jeonghyun kept on shaking his head as a sign that he was full. Jeonghyun pushes the food near Seungsik's lips, "You eat it," Jeonghyun said. Seungyeon chuckled at her grandson who was trying to feed his grandpa.

after an hour they finished their food. It was time for the group to perform a song. Before they could perform a female came in and walked up to Jeongguk.

"Can't you believe that we are going to have a baby?" The girl asked Jeongguk as she rubs her flat stomach.

Jeongguk was confused because he doesn't leave his house often or does he interact with females plus he has never seen this girl before.

"I'm sorry, but who are you? and the only person I got pregnant is my wife," Jeongguk said.

"Well, guess what, you are the father," The girl said as she showed the paper. Jeongguk took the paper and skim through it. He laughed at what he saw. "I see you used wite out to cover-up who the father is and if you are pregnant or not. I can see through your lies," Jeongguk said.

"I'm sure your son would agree with me," The girl said as she tried to touch Jeonghyun but Jeonghyun smacked her hands away from him. "Don't you fucking dare touch me bitch," Jeonghyun said as he glared at her.

The girl gasped "Who do you think you are talking to?" the girl asked.

"A bitch that nobody would want to be with," Jeonghyun respond.

"You have no respect," The girl said before she rolled her eyes.

"I do respect people only when they deserve it and you are one of them who don't deserve it. Plus we all know that there is no baby inside your stomach the only thing that is there is MacDonalds," Jeonghyun said which got everyone to burst into laughter.

"Well-" The girl got cut off by Jeonghyun.

"Instead of talking how about you turn your bitch ass around and get the fuck back to your seat. What the fuck is wrong with your head?" Jeonghyun asked.

"OOOOOOOOHHHHH" some of the groups yelled.

"And if you were pregnant you wouldn't wear tight outfits and drink alcohol, " Taehyung said as he points at her outfit.

"Ugh! you are just mad that you aren't me," The girl said proudly.

"Woman, no one wants to be you," Jeongguk said.

"Since you don't want to leave let me help you," Jeonghyun said. Jeonghyun just jumped and kicked her in the face. The girl fell having a nose bleed. Jeonghyun landed on his feet which made everyone clapped their hands.

Jeonghyun started waddling and clapping his hands saying" Good job Kinkin, good job." Acting as if he didn't curse the girl out or even hit her. "Jeonghyun, show us your happy dance," Jeongguk said. Jeonghyun jumped up and down and clapped his hand with a smile on his face that you won't be able to tell if it's real or not. Jeonghyun stopped and hugged his father's legs. "Good job?" Jeonghyun asked looking up at his dad. "You did a good job buddy!" Jeongguk said as he gave Jeonghyun a high-five.

"Well I'll just put her in the fire," Jeongguk said as he snapped his finger that the girl was gone but she was in the fire.

"What are we standing for let's party!" Minjae said before she drinks a cup of vodka.

after a few minutes the group changed their outfit, the performance was about to start everyone sat down and stayed silent.

(I'll put the lyrics since the fan cam didn't have any lyrics. Oh, Taehyung is the green hair girl, Minjae is the one with curly hair, Chungha is the one with long hair, Seongyeon is the one who did the Highnote, and Jihyo was the one who only got one line)

Line distribution

Minjae: Yeah I'm the female monster you know that.

Taehyung: Let's get crazy right now, lego.

Minjae: People around me call me crazy, you're looking at me calling me crazy too. I understand, I think I'm a bit crazy too I dance to the rhythm like I'm crazy.

Chungha: Once I go somewhere, people go crazy here and there the deeper the night gets, we all get crazy. The answer is already, you're just ok just like that, me and you, go crazy.

Seongyon: Don't make yourself lonely anymore find your hidden self. In the world before you tonight go crazy, scream, enjoy it. The night is passing so everyone jump and shake it.

Taehyung: Look at me and go crazy.

Minjae: Crazy!

everyone: C-R-A-Z-Y

Taehyung: Follow me.

Minjae: Follow me.

Everyone: C-R-A-Z-Y

Taehyung: Everyone go crazy.

Minjae: Like you're crazy, yeah, like your crazy. Like you're a bit crazier like you're crazy. Like you're crazy Like you're already crazy like you're crazy for me right now, everyone, everyone, go crazy.

Taehyung: I'm a crazy girl around here like a gossip girl. If you can't believe me hey call my boyfriend. You can't come up to my class, I go wherever I go Newyork, Paris, Milano, Tokyo, London.

Chungha: Once I decide, People go crazy here and there when this body passes, everyone goes crazy. The answer is already, you're just ok just like that, me and you, go crazy.

Seongyeon: Don't make yourself lonely anymore find your hidden self. In the world before you tonight go crazy, scream, enjoy it. The night is passing so everyone jump and shake it.

Minjae: Look at me and go crazy.

Taehyung: Crazy!

Everyone: C-R-A-Z-Y

Minjae: Follow me

Taehyung: follow me.

Everyone: C-R-A-Z-Y

Minjae: Everyone go crazy.

Taehyung: Like you're crazy, yeah, like your crazy. Like you're a bit crazier like you're crazy. Like you're crazy Like you're already crazy like you're crazy for me right now, everyone, everyone, go crazy.

Jihyo: You're crazy for me, just trust me, go crazy for me. Trust yourself to me, just trust me trust yourself to me. Don't ask anything and play with me just follow me for today. Just follow me today and pretend to be crazy.

Taehyung: Look at me and go crazy.

Minjae: Crazy.

Everyone: C-R-A-Z-Y

Taehyung: Follow me.

Minjae: Follow me.

Everyone: C-R-A-Z-Y

Taehyung: Everyone go crazy.

Taehyung& Minjae: Like you're crazy, yeah, like your crazy. Like you're a bit crazier like you're crazy. Like you're crazy Like you're already crazy like you're crazy for me right now, everyone, everyone, go crazy.

__Song ends__

Everyone clapped at the performance. The group got off of the stage and left to change their outfit.

A few minutes later

It was time for the cake. There were like cakes for everyone to get a slice. Before they could get some cake of course they got to take some pictures. Jeongguk was holding Jeonghyun and was about to make Jeonghyun sit on the table next to the cakes but when Jeonghyun saw one of the cakes he grips his father's suit and looked in the other direction. -Jeonghyun started crying which got everyone's attention. Jeongguk tried his best to comfort him but Jeonghyun wouldn't stop crying. "M-mommy," Jeonghyun said as he reaches for his mother.

Taehyung took Jeonghyun from Jeongguk's arms and rubs Jeonghyun's back to calm him down. "Shh mommy is here, mommy is here. " Taehyung said. "T-The-" Jeonghyun said before he points at the Micky mouse cake that was just sitting there looking at the ceiling with his two eyes. "How about we stand 3 feet away from the cake, Will that make you feel a bit better? Taehyung asked Jeonghyun. "Y-yes, mommy," Jeonghyun answered whipping his tears away. "Okay then we'll just stand a little bit far from the cake," Taehyung said.

They took photos and ate cake well Jeonghyun can't eat cake plus he didn't want any of it.

3 hours and it became 9:00 P.M Jeonghyun's bedtime. the guest left leaving the maids and butlers to clean up. the royal family went upstairs to get ready for bed. after putting Jeonghyun to bed the couple took a shower.

Taehyung and Jeongguk were in their bedroom having a conversation usual. "It was pretty fun today but I'm not fully satisfied yet," Jeongguk said looking at Taehyung with lustful eyes. "Oh, then what is it that you need to be fully satisfied?" Taehyung asked.

Jeongguk just placed his hands on Taehyung's thighs leaned forward that his lips were near Taehyung's ear. "You," Jeongguk answered. Taehyung blushed which made Jeongguk chuckled. Jeongguk kissed Taehyung passionately, Taehyung kissed back going with the flow. Jeongguk pushed Taehyung on the bed that his lips went from Taehyung's lips to his neck.

The two did you know what---



The reason why I didn't write smut was I still have to write chapter 60 and the q&A chapter. Plus I thought why not write the smut in the second book. I was kind of getting tired because I started writing the second book. this chapter is 3,000+ plus words so I'm getting a bit tired.

Second hint: Jeonghyun going to his grandparent's house.













Fity24 (Author-nim) :

I put this again so You guys don't have to scroll up and down. I also thought maybe you guys didn't have a question last week and maybe you have one this week. I already started typing the Q&A and I don't want to leave a single one of you out of it.

Don't be a silent reader.

No memes this time.


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