By Catchingyou_jk

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-ON HOLD- "P'Nine. Can i be your flower tattoo?" #JOONGNINE FANFIC More



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By Catchingyou_jk

Hi lovelies! I'm sorry that it's a day late! Ohmygod, It slipped off of my mind! But, here it is! So, I might upload a playlist for this story? Let me know if you are interested and I would love to hear your suggestions too! Thank youu so much! Stay safe always! Lovelovee! 💛

The real drama is coming soon! *wink*
(I accidentally published this earlier, ohmy. I'm so sorry!)

Joong's POV

I watched how the students in the building walks inside. Some deciding to stay and chat with their friends, some of them has their earphones in, probably listening to some music while waiting for their friends, some are just looking around maybe wondering how much they would most likely want to stay at home rather than attend classes. While, here I am, observing, standing awkwardly because apparently, I'm scared of what this day holds. I'm scared that everything will return to the way it was before once again.

"Joong! We're here!" The door bursts open revealing Earth and P'Ben. I was shocked to see P'Dome and P'Pavel trailing behind them.

"P? What are you guys doing here?" I walk towards them and greeted Earth with a hug and nod towards the others before they scurry of to where P'Nine was calling for them.

"We met P'Dome and P'Pavel to where we decided to order your food and when they heard the news that P'Nine was awake, they immediately wanted to tag along." Earth explained as we stood a few feet away from the Doctor Gang plus P'Pavel. We watch them laughing and bickering as Earth and I grab the paper bags from the end of P'Nine's bed.

"Joong! My man! How are you bro?" I rolled my eyes playfully as P'Pavel wrapped his arms around my shoulder. I shrug him off and pushed him (not too hard) towards P'Dome who immediately caught him making P'Pavel coo at how strong and cute his boyfriend his. Argh. Too sweet.

"I'm fine, P'. And we have just seen each other yesterday." I told him while shaking my head. A smile on my lips was still evident though. I'm glad they're all here. I'm sure P'Nine also missed them even if it was just for a day.

As I focused on preparing our food, I didn't noticed Earth standing by my side before he nudges my arm gently.

I hum and opened up the containers.

"I'm guessing everything is well?" He asked. I turn to look at him and his gaze was soft and warm, like he already know something.

My eyes automatically shifted to where the others were sitting around P'Nine as they make him laugh and talk about random things.

I stiffened when our gazes met. He was smiling, not a half smile, not a small smile but that kind of smile where his eyes shines and his entire body's glowing. He looks so happy and beautiful.

Butterflies erupted on my stomach as he nodded at me before shifting his gaze back to P'Ben who was talking even making some hand gestures.

"Yeah. I think we're okay." I just hope it lasts.

Loud chatters and laughs invaded my ears as I focus on what is currently happening. God, I should really stop zoning out before anything happens.

I shook my head and fix my hair. Tightening my grip on the strap of my bag I walk forward.

I entered the building and headed straight towards my locker. There were more students hanging out in the corridors rather than outside. I noticed a couple standing just beside the windows showing off their flower tattoo to one another as they shine a bright shade of red. I felt a pang on my chest. They look so happy. Will I ever get the chance to experience that? Probably not anymore. With my flower tattoo slowly fading, there'll be less chances it could happen.

I sigh and forced a smile as I walk pass them. It's okay. I'm gonna be fine. Besides, I would never force P'Nine to be with me if he doesn't want to. I'm not like that. For as long as I know that I did my best, then i'll be okay.

As I was nearing my locker, I stopped dead tracks when I noticed a student—putting something inside it. A medical student at that. What is he doing here? I squint my eyes trying to hopefully get a catch of what he was holding. Is that a white envelope?

I gasped in realization. No way.

Once he successfully put the envelope inside my locker, he turned around and froze when our gazes met. His eyes widened, and if i just walk a little closer I would be able to see the fear in them and how his hands started to shake.

When I took a tentative step closer, he quickly took a step backwards and before I know it, he was already running away.

"Hey! Wait!" I yelled. A few heads turned to me probably startled at my sudden outburst. I'd apologize but I have someone to catch. With that, I ran after the boy.

He was fast but luckily, being sporty also has its own advantages. I dodge a few students along my way careful not to bump into them.

"Wait! Please!" He passed the back door of the building and that's where I decided to pick up my pace.

Once I was only a few feet away from him, I grabbed his arm making both of us stopped.

I was panting, trying hard to catch my breath from the sudden run I had. I'm sweating so much. God, school hasn't even started yet but I already look like a mess.

"Let go. Please." The boy was whimpering. He was trying to shake my hand off of his arm.

My eyes softened. "I'm sorry. But, please. I just want to talk. Please. I'm not mad, I promise." I assured him with a soft tone on my voice.

He remove his gaze on the floor but after a minute, he nodded. I released a relief sigh as I let go of his arm.

I let my eyes wander around and noticed that we were at the school's garden. There wasn't much students around. I look at my watch and we at least have 22 minutes to talk before the bell rings.

I return my gaze towards the boy who was  slightly taller than P'Nine. He's shuffling on his feet nervously. "Do you want to sit down?" I asked him carefully, not wanting to scare him.

He looked at me for a second and turned around. I was scared that he would ran away again but my eyes lit up when he sat down on one of the benches.

I followed him and sat down beside him, leaving enough space between us. It was silent for a few seconds. We were just staring at the scenes in front of us before I decided to speak.

"You—you're tulips, am I right?" I asked slowly not wanting to scare him off with so many questions. His eyes were a bit wide and big, like a cute puppy doe eyes but the color of them wasn't that noticeable. I think he's wearing contact lenses. His nose was perfectly carved and pointed. His lips were a bit shiny and glossy, he seems like he applied some lip balm to them. His hair was black and parted at the middle. His skin is tan and i think it really suits him. He looks unfamiliar to me. Is he a transferee?

I removed my gaze from him and settled them on the mountains, I could only see their silhouette though. Just blackness with the shape of the mountains perfectly seen.

"I—I am." He nodded a bit timid and shy. His voice was soft. Really soft. I think, it's even sweet. It perfectly fits him. Cute and adorable.

"I—i'm sorry. It's just—I didn't think that you'll be there. I'm really sorry. I'll stop if you want me to." He rushes out. He was now staring at the ground again, obviously ignoring my stare.

I shook my head, "No. No. You don't have to apologize. I don't—to be honest, I just want to ask why." I spoke truthfully. I won't make him do anything, I just really want to know why. His reasons. No one—no one have done this gestures to me before. Not this way. It makes me curious as to why.....why me?

This time, his eyes travelled up, meeting mine once again. Now, I could see the fear and slight confusion in them.

"W-why?" He repeated cocking his head to the side.

I let out a small smile, "Yes." I gaze back towards the mountains, "Why me? I—i think i haven't seen you before. I honestly think i'm not that special." I laugh, trying to ease off the tension between us.

I can feel his stare burning as he continue to watch me. To be honest, it isn't that uncomfortable. Probably because of what I have seen before. How he seems so nervous and shy. I think he seems like a good person.

"We've met. We've met before..." he started.

I gaze back at him with widened eyes. "What? Really? When?" I never had a memory where I saw him or talked to him before.

His gaze shifted back in front, but this time, he was smiling. Cute.

"You asked me. You asked where Nine was. At the Science and Medicine Building, near the lockers. I remember how nervous I was back then." He chuckles, "But, you—you smiled at me. I was always the type of person who prefers to stay at the back, you know? Who studies a lot. And stayed away from any troubles. But, there was just something in you. You were warm. Your eyes are warm, your presence was nice and comforting. Even though, it was only a minute of interaction, I couldn't seem to forget about you that day. You were special." I couldn't control it but I blushed. My cheeks felt warm. When he gazes at me with an intense stare, I was the one who had to avoid his eyes. No one—no one has ever said that to me directly. It felt nice.

"I—i'm sorry. But, I can't remember the day we met." I bit my lip and lowered my head. No matter how much I try to remember, there's nothing coming up. I feel bad. I hope I remembered.

He just smiles at me, "Don't worry. I kind of expected that. It was only a brief interaction anyway. But, it's really special to me, so." He shrugs and I'm glad to see that he seems more at ease and comfortable than before.

"But, hey, thank you. Your letters are really beautiful. I really appreciate your efforts and just—thank you, really." Argh, is that all I could say? When will I ever not stutter when i'm talking to someone? I scoff internally. I'm such an idiot.

I glance at him briefly, "Sorry. I'm so lame, argh. It's just—no one has ever confessed to me like this. I don't know what to say." I explained. Feeling slightly bad because I couldn't seem to express how really thankful and grateful I really am.

He laughs, amused. His eyes were shining, he's really cute. But—I can't say that I feel something special towards him. My heart has always been loyal and only honest to one person.

"It's fine. I understand, Joong." My eyebrows lifted at that.

He seems to notice it as his eyes shone with realization, "Oh! I'm in a year same as Nine. Different courses though." Oh. So, that's why.

I nodded in acknowledgement, "P'? What made you start to write letters to me?" I asked him. Not bothering to hide my curiosity anymore.

He didn't seem bothered by the question though, "Well, I like you." I almost choke at the sudden confession. Oh, wow. I didn't know that he can be really bold and at the same time gives off a cute vibe. I hope I'm that brave too.

"I thought, even if I know that we're not soulmates. That you love someone else. Why not just try to express ny feelings? I just thought that, I want you to know how I feel cause I don't want to have any regrets. At least I could say that I did something to act on what I feel, right? I'm not honestly expecting you to like me back. Actually, it's okay this way. I just really want to let you know. I hope—that's okay?" His body was completely turned to me now. His shoulders were less tensed and he has a warm smile plastered on his face.

I nodded once again, returning his smile I leaned my back on the bench. "Ofcourse, P'. I won't stop you from doing something you want. As I said, i'm not uncomfortable with it. Besides, I'm honored and happy. Thank you, P'. And i'm sorry if I made you feel like I'd hurt you, earlier." I frowned. I didn't want him to think that I'd be mad at him.

"No. It's okay. I think it was bound to happen anyways. I'm just glad that I let everything off of my chest now. You're a great person, Joong. You just have this kind of aura that makes you stand out from the rest. I guess that's why I decided to like you, huh?" My heart flutter at the compliment. Eversince I've won the title of the Campus Moon, people noticed me more often and said nice things but never like this.

"Thank you, P'. Really. I hope—after this, we can be friends?" I glanced at him, shy and nervous. I hope I didn't offend him that being friends is all I could offer. I haven't thought about the possibility of liking someone else in a romantic way or vice versa. It never cross my mind.

He smirked, "Ofcourse, Joong. We can be friends. I know that your heart is taken, anyway."

I blushed at the comment and played with my fingers on my lap, "Everyone knows, huh?" I sigh.

A hand slowly found their way on my shoulder and pats them, "I guess. The fight you had months ago was the talk of the town. You really love him, huh?" He asks teasingly.

I groaned in embarrassment. Well there's no point in hiding anyway, "I really do, P'. I tried everything but—I guess I'd be single forever." I pouted. My flower tattoo is slowly fading and it hurts like hell. I'd spent nights taking some painkillers to somehow ease down the pain but sometimes it's just too much.

He squeezed my shoulder in attempt to comfort me, "Hey. It's gonna be okay, Joong. You're an amazing person, I'm sure Nine would be able to see that one day, hmm? Stop pouting!" He playfully pinch both of my cheeks.

I giggle and tried to swat his hands away, "Stop! Okay, okay. I get it, P'." The smile never left my face. This is nice.

We sat there, comfortably looking at the horizon. He's so warm and kind. I hope one day, he'll find someone that would love him just as much and takes care of him like he deserves. I pray for that to happen.

The bell rings, signaling that classes was about to start soon. Students began to head inside the building.

With a sigh, I stood up grabbing the bag that I placed under the bench.

I looked at the P' and realized that, i'm so dumb. I didn't even asked for his name. Ohmygod. We've talked a lot of things and I forgot to ask for the most important thing.

"P'? May I—ask for your name?" I asked him, hesitantly. What if he doesn't want me to know?

His smile widens showing his eye whiskers, cute, "I'm Lance. Lance Wang. Your white tulip. My flower tattoo." He held out his hand for me to shake.

I chuckle, I let my right hand travel to his and our palms collided, "It's nice to meet you, P'Lance. I'm Joong Archen. A red astilbe."

As  both of them stood there, shaking each other's hands. They didn't notice a man hiding behind a tall tree. His fist were clenched as he watch one of the guy handed out a small white piece of paper to the other who was still sitting on the bench. They both wai at each other before the taller guy went inside the building. He gritted his teeth trying to calm his anger. No one. No one is allowed to take Joong away from me. I'm not letting him go this time. Never again.

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