Naruto: The Fool's Sister

By AriaLord

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Naruto's little sister Aika cares deeply about her big brother, they are twins after all, and since the villa... More

Character Description: Aika Uzumaki
Chapter 1: Big Brother and Little Sister
Chapter 2: Enter! Naruto and Aika Uzumaki!
Chapter 3: Sasuke and Sakura: Friends or Foes?
Chapter 4: Pass or Fail: Survival Test
Chapter 5: You Failed! Kakashi's Final Decision
Chapter 6: A Dangerous Mission! Journey to the Land of Waves! Part 1
Chapter 7: A Dangerous Mission! Journey to the Land of Waves! Part 2
Chapter 8: The Assassin of the Mist!
Chapter 9: The Oath of Pain
Chapter 10: The Forest of Chakra
Chapter 11: Growth
Chapter 12: The Broken Seal
Chapter 14: The Demon in the Snow
Chapter 15: A New Chapter Begins: The Chūnin Exam!
Chapter 16: Identify Yourself: Powerful New Rivals
Chapter 17: Chūnin Challenge: Rock Lee vs. Sasuke!
Chapter 18: The Team Splits Up! All Ten Rookies Face Off!
Chapter 19: Start Your Engines: The Chūnin Exam Begins!
Chapter 20: The Tenth Question: All or Nothing!
Chapter 21: The Chūnin Exam Stage 2: The Forest of Death
Chapter 22: Fire in the Forest: A Life Changing Speech!
Chapter 23: Battlefield: A Fight Between Frenemies!
Chapter 24: Narrowing the Field: Sudden Death Elimination!
Chapter 25: Final Battle: You Can Do It Aika!
Chapter 26: Ebisu Returns: Time For Training!
Chapter 27: The Final Rounds: Let the Battles Begin! Naruto Vs Neji!
Chapter 28: Sasuke Arrives: Aika's Life or Death Match!
Chapter 29: Aika Unleashed: Secret Technique! The Konoha Crush Begins!
Chapter 30: The Third Hokage Forever: the Strongest
Chapter 31: Hate Among the Uchihas: The Last of the Clan!
Chapter 32: Goodbye Sasuke: the End

Chapter 13: The Weapons Known as Shinobi

3.9K 112 5
By AriaLord

Naruto's chakra takes the form of a evil grinning fox, his wounds started healing rapidly. Naruto then ran towards Haku like a complete animal. Haku threw needles at him but they were deflected without him even touching them. The two started fighting each other for a while until Naruto grabbed Haku's wrist. He threw a punch at Haku's face which sent him flying through the ice mirrors. Naruto was going to punch him again but stopped when the mask fell off. Naruto went back to normal.

"Why do you not strike? Did you not just vow to avenge your comrade's death by killing me or was that vow just empty words? What about your younger sister? She can't help but shed tears of pure sorrow" Haku says

Naruto looked at Aika and threw another punch at Haku.

"You know that won't do. You're still holding back. If that is all your strength you put into it, you'll never keep your vow. Perhaps he didn't mean as much to you as you pretend. To show mercy to ones who oppose the one you serve, allowing his enemies to live when you can't strike them down.. this is not compassion. It is a betrayal of life's very purpose. For what reason do you exist then? You're a use to no one.. your life has no meaning. Are you really that blind little one?"


Naruto quickly turns around to see Aika's eyes glowing dark red, her hair ablaze as well, she was pissed.

"You have no right to speak!"

Aika runs at them and punches Haku in the face sending him flying back more.

"Aika!" Naruto shouts going to grab her

"You killed him!" Aika runs away from Naruto, towards Haku

Aika slams her hands into the ground in front of Haku, a giant wall of fire rises behind him and forms a circle around the two.

"Aika don't!" Naruto runs up to the circle, he put his arms up as the fire intensifies, he couldn't get in

"I can see the fire in your eyes" Haku stares at her "the deep burning passion, the sadness for the loss of a loved one. That boy and you were close"

"Sasuke was my best friend!" Aika shouts as she creates an 'X' with her fingers "After Naruto, he was the first one to truly accept me!"

Dozens of fire clones appeared in the fire circle, though this time her fire clones weren't normal, their bodies were completely on fire from head to toe.

"I see" Haku stares into her eyes "the Fenikkusu Kekkei Genkai"

Tears continued to fall from Aika's eyes as her dark red eyes turned darker "I'll kill you!"

Aika's clones all readied a fireball jutsu and all striked together. At the last second Haku threw needles that went right through the fireballs and destroyed Aika's clones. The needle aimed at the real Aika hit a pressure point on her forehead that caused her Kekkei Genkai to deactivate.

Aika's eyes turned back to their normal blue color as Aika fell backwards onto the ground. Naruto quickly ran over and caught her.

"Aika" Naruto moved her hair away from her face and smiled slightly "you're ok"

"Sasuke.." Aika mumbles as tears fall from her closed eyes

"Sorry Naruto, change of plans" Haku apologized "I can't die by her hand" he disappeared in a gust

Kakashi impaled Haku with lightning blade. Zabuza was then going to strike Kakashi, but he moved away along with Haku. Sakura then noticed Naruto.

"Naruto! Over here! Naruto! So all three of you are alright?!" Sakura shouts, Naruto looks down sadly as he stood up with Aika in his arms "What's wrong? What happened to Aika?! ...Where's Sasuke... No.."

Sakura and old man Tazuna went over to Sasuke. Sakura started sobbing as Naruto looked down at Aika, who had her eyes slightly open as she cried.

"Aika" Naruto spoke as tears fell from his eyes "I'm sorry"

Naruto put Aika down on her feet and she immediately held onto his chest. Naruto wrapped his arms around her as she cried into his chest, while Naruto placed his head on her shoulder and cried.

"If only I did something more useful" Aika cried "Sasuke would still be alive"

"No.. it's his fault" Naruto cried silently "that idiot!"

"W-where's Haku?" Aika asks "I-I didn't kill him"

"He saved Zabuza" Naruto told her "..he protected him till the end"

"even though he killed Sasuke.." Aika wiped her eyes and smiled a bit "I can respect that.. at least that.. right big brother?"

"Right" Naruto smiles a bit as well

Naruto rubbed Aika's head before the twins turned to look at Kakashi and Zabuza. Kakashi had managed to immobilize both of Zabuza's arms.

"Did quite a job on you, didn't he, Zabuza?" they all looked over and saw a short man with a group of armed thugs "I must say, I'm disappointed"

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