My Immortal (A Niall Horan/On...

By hipstapleaseee95

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What would you do if you stayed 17 forever? A lot happens with this Immortal Lilianna. Traveling all over the... More

My Immortal (A Niall Horan Love Story)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four Part One
Chapter Four Part Two
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Tweleve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Author's Note
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six

Chapter Twenty-Five

688 9 5
By hipstapleaseee95

So, i was thinking about getting this book published as well therefore taking it off of here when it's finished. 

Also, there's going to be a sequel but it won't be on here, the full book at least. I'm starting to sell my books now and i'm actually quite happy about that. This book will just be hidden as i'm not completely deleting it. 

Please don't be mad that i'm publishing my books :( i've always wanted to and know that i am, i want to get the word around so that people know my writing, not just Wattpad. Of course i'm going to post more books on here but the really good ones i'm going to start to sell.

i came up with a author's name, making it Alex Montgomery. You can find my published books on Please buy my books. I'm going to donate the money i get to the people from Sandy Hook and other organizations to make a difference. So when you buy my books, it's like you're helping them as well.

Anyways, onto the chapter 

Chapter Twenty-Five

Harry POV

Since Niall had told Andy that she would be able to get the cat, what better way to get it while he was gone? Of course part of me didn’t think it was right and the other part of me was just like YOLO. To calm my good side, I sent him a quick text telling him that I was taking her out to get a cat. I wanted her to pick it out after all and she’s already been seen by at least one person if not more. I wouldn’t be that surprised if the paparazzi got a picture of her while she was out.

“Andy,” I called as I came into her green colored room. Her head turned up to me as she stopped playing with her dolls, controlling them with her mind in fact. “I was thinking that we would go get that kitten today.”

“Really?” She jumped up and down before running to me and nearly tackling me down to her carpeted floor. “Thank you Harry!”

I chuckled. “No problem. Let’s just go before Niall gets back.”

She gave me a weird look. “He doesn’t know?”

“I gave him a text about it. I thought that that would be enough to tell him that I was taking you. I’m sure he’s read it by now.” As if on cue, my phone vibrated in my pocket.

Nialler: I swear Harry, if anyone spots her….

No one’s going to spot her. I bet they already did it by now since she ran away and since the paps are always in front of our house.

Nialler: We’ll talk about this later.

I didn’t feel like replying back to him. I mean, he has a hot girl to worry about for right now. He could at least give me this.

“I’m not supposed to go outside,” she said looking defeated.

I stood up and picked her up with me. “You’ll be fine if you stay with me, okay? And you’ve already went outside before so this is nothing different.” She looked at me with concern eyes but didn’t say anything about not going. When I really look at her now, she looks about 5 or 6 and that really started to scare me. Pushing those thoughts aside, I walked downstairs while grabbing my keys off of the side table in the hallway. Liam was with Dani and Zayn and Louis were with their girlfriends as well so it was just Andy and I. What better thing to do than go out pet shopping?

Niall POV

I ran my hands through my hair once I stopped running. I was in this little alleyway and just pressed my back up against the cold brick wall behind me. First, my eyes glowed in front of Hanna and then Harry texts me to tell me that he’s taking Andy out to buy the kitten I promised her. Of course I wanted to do it myself being that I wanted to be a father daughter thing but when will that ever happen with Harry? And plus that was the least of my worries right now. I have the rest of my life to be with Andy and have all the moments I want.

I quickly turned my head, hearing the familiar footsteps of someone I know all too well. Victoria saw me and was casually walking towards me, her hands in her hoodie pocket. “Niall,” she said once she reached me.


She sat next to me on the cold ground. “Was running away really necessary?”

I turned my head to look at her. “How is it that you know everything?”

“I’m a witch, we know things. You still didn’t answer my question.”

“Yes it was necessary. You didn’t see the scariness in her eyes like I did. She thinks I’m a monster.”

She shoved me a little. “That’s not how these things work. I knew she was coming but I didn’t think she was coming this soon. And being that Lilly is gone, I thought that I should just hide for a while. But when I saw her coming, I had to of course find you. I can’t see her decisions like I can see yours and everyone else’s. I also can’t see Andy’s.”

“You know about her?”

“Like I told you, we know things. How long did you think you could hide her from the world?”

I shrugged. “Just until her growing stops or at least slows down.”

She smiled. “It’s slowed down about a week ago. She’s looking about 5 or 6 right now. I still don’t know how they work. But getting back on the topic of Hanna; when are you planning on telling her?”

I scoffed. “Shouldn’t you already know this?”

“No because you haven’t made a decision yet. When are you telling her?”

I rubbed my face. “I don’t know. I just met her.”

“Did you really? I know you know everything about her.”

I shook my head. “Not everything. I know she’s hiding something and it’s not my place to find out.”

“But you want to know what it is, don’t you?” I nodded my head. “Well,” she said while standing up. “You’re in luck. I know what she’s hiding.”

I stood up too. “You do?” She rolled her eyes at me. “Oh yeah, of course you do.”

“Do you really want to know?”

I pondered her question for a minute. I knew that I should have Hanna tell me herself and that I’m really not good with keeping things from people. I still didn’t know what to do. Part of me wanted to know about her past and the other part wanted her to tell me herself. I looked down at my feet. “I…um…”

“You want her to tell you.” I nodded my head. “Then I guess you’re going to find out now.”


“Niall?” I turned around and saw that Hanna was behind me, looking quite sad. I turned back around to Victoria but found out that she was no longer there. Sometimes I really do hate witches.

“Hanna,” I said turning around with my hand on the back of my neck.

“Why did you run off like that?”

“I…um…” I sighed. It’s now or never, Niall. “I panicked.” I slid down the wall once again.

She came over and sat next to me, her shoulder rubbing against mine. “Why did you panic? Did I do something or-“

I shook my head. “You didn’t do anything. You’re perfect.” I looked over at her and she just smiled at me. “There’s just…” I looked back at my knees that were pulled up to my chest. “Things that you don’t know.”

“Like I told you before, I don’t need to know everything.”

“But you do need to know everything about me. Just like I want to know everything about you. I just… don’t know how you’re going to take this.”

“Take what? You’re not making any sense.”

I sighed. “Like when my eyes turned yellow, there’s a reason behind it, behind everything about me.”

“Niall I-“

“Please just… let me explain.” I looked over to her and she just nodded her head telling me to continue. Might as well show her. “Think of something you really want.” She looked confused for a second but she still closed her eyes, making a thinking face. “You want to start over.”

Her eyes snapped open. “How did you…” She looked me in the eyes carefully, searching for something, anything that would answer her question.

“Think of something physical now.” She looked perplexed but still thought of something. I smiled at her thought. “Save that for later, promise.”

I saw her blush as she still looked at me. “Seriously, this is really scaring me.”

“When I said physical, I meant something that I can make, not something we could do.” She looked down and blushed again, her thought making me smile. I turned her face to look at me and I opened my free hand to reveal a red tulip in my hand.

She looked down at my hand and then back up at me with wide eyes. “Please tell me that that was a magic trick.”

I shook my head. “Well, sort of.”

“And your eyes…”

“They’re naturally blue but when I use something, they turn that color.” I stood up now, about to demonstrate how strong I was. I looked around for something to kick or punch until I saw a dumpster near a back door.

“Niall, what are you…” I walked over to the dumpster and punched it once, leaving a huge dent on it as it slid against the wall. That actually felt good to get my anger out on something. I punched it a few more times before I turned back to her, looking between me and the damaged dumpster. I heard footsteps coming from the building and I knew we had to run.

“Jump,” I said to her as I bent down so she could get on my back. She hesitated for a few seconds. “Hurry, someone’s coming.” She wrapped her legs around my waist as her arms were around my neck. I held onto her legs as I began to run fast and out of here.

“Shit,” she said once I took off, being surprised at the speed I was going. I turned a few corners before stopping far away from where we were. I noticed that we were at the secret place I wanted to show her. “Wow,” was all she said as she got off of my back taking in her surroundings. She turned around to face me, her hand covering part of her mouth. “What are you?”

“Please don’t be afraid…”

“Surprisingly,” she said stepping closer to me. “I’m not.” Something so fragile could be the most enchanting thing. Her hand faltered before it touched my arm, running down to take my hand. She seemed so breakable and I knew that I had to be careful with her. She was nothing like me; I was so much stronger than she was. Being with Lilly, it was so much easier because we were like the same. With Hanna, she was so much more; she was so soft and yet breakable.

She looked up at my eyes, trying to read what was behind them. “You know,” she started. “There’s a reason I want to start over. I’m surprised that you didn’t find out what it was.”

I shook my head. “I know everything about you; your favorite color, your first day of school, how many times you’ve moved, and that you want to be a nurse when you grow up. But I can tell that there’s something missing from your past and I just don’t know what it is.” She lowered her head, blushing. “I mean, you don’t have to tell me. I’m fine with not knowing.”

“Now we both know that that’s a lie.” She smiled up at me. “But I know that I need to tell you. It happened about 2 years ago, my boyfriend at the time and I had sex and I ended up getting pregnant. Having the reputation that I had at that school, he thought that I cheated on him and that it’s not his. He hit me repeatedly, making me lose the baby.” A tear slipped out of her eye. “When I’m single, I have the hardest time staying away from single guys. But when I’m in a relationship with someone, I’m always faithful to that person. For some reason, he didn’t believe me.”

“I’m so sorry.” Frankly, I just wanted to kill the guy with my bare hands. No one should ever put their hands on a woman like that and that’s exactly what she is, a woman. She was pregnant at that. “That guy just seems like a real tool.”

She smiled. “He is. But that’s why I moved here. And luckily, my dad got a new job here and here I am.”

“As perfect as you’ll ever be.” She smiled at me again and I returned the gesture. She was truly special and amazing. When I’m with her, I no longer feel upset about everything I’ve been through. I just want to do more fun, spontaneous things with her and I’m glad to know that I can. She’s made for me.

Suddenly, I looked down to my arm that was in flaming pain. I pulled away from Hanna, being that I didn’t want to hurt her in any way. This pain was something that I’ve never felt before and it hurt to the point where I wanted to just cry. It felt like my arm was getting ripped off and I just wanted to scream. I knew what it was; I was getting my marking.

“Niall?” Her voice was soft and kind. And for a short while, it took my mind off the excruciating pain I was feeling. I looked into her soft eyes and instantly the pain was gone but I knew that the mark was still forming. I could feel the pressure of it digging into my skin. Once the pressure was gone, I looked down at the new pattern that was perminately on my skin.

She looked down at my arm and traced the lines with her finger. Her touch was sending a tingling sensation down my spine. I finally looked down at my arm at the shapes and lines that were now there. It surprised me that in the middle of all those swirls and lines, there was a heart right there in the middle. When she traced it, it lit up pink and we both gasped, making her fingers stop touching me which the heart stopped glowing. I looked up at her and she just traced it again, making it have the same effect. I smiled as she looked up at me, a smile on her face. I didn’t know what else to do so I hugged her close to my body. She was taken by surprise but she still wrapped her arms around my neck, making my head rest in the crook of her neck taking in her sweet scent. It surprised me that she kind of smelled like Andy but it also put a smile on my face. This girl was made for me and I couldn’t be happier.

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