Just as I Begin to Fade

By DivineGypsyWitch

9.9K 1.1K 329

(P/U: 90s) Buckingham Nicks ~ An overly mature, though troubled teen; trying to mask her pain as she tends t... More

One. The First Day... Again
Two. Boyfriend
Three. Judgement
Four. Broomstick
Five. The Past
Six. Control
Seven. Dignity
Eight. Honesty
Nine. Secrets
Ten. Messes
Eleven. Talking it Over
Twelve. Beautiful
Thirteen. Advice
Fourteen. Doing Better
Fifteen. Impressions
Sixteen. Hidden Feelings
Seventeen. Bothered
Eighteen. Promises
Nineteen. Dinner
Twenty. Confusion
Twenty One. Anxiety
Twenty Two. Toxic
Twenty Three. I'm Sorry
Twenty Four. Leaving it Alone
Twenty Five. Reboot
Twenty Six. The Movies
Twenty Seven. Fighting the Past
Twenty Eight. In Love
Twenty Nine. Seamless
Thirty. Betrayal
Thirty One. Guilt
Thirty Two. Hold Me
Thirty Three. Lies
Thirty Four. Trust
Thirty Five. Drinks and Depression
Thirty Six. Moving On
Thirty Seven. Friends
Thirty Eight. Getting in Touch
Thirty Nine. Fight or Flight
Forty. Something's Wrong
Forty One. Heaven
Forty Two. Home
Forty Three. Feelings
Forty Four. Rules
Forty Five. Refined
Forty Six. Parents
Forty Seven. Two Kinds of Trouble
Forty Eight. Shock
Forty Nine. Good and Bad
Fifty. Regret and Fear
Fifty One. Relief
Fifty Two. Congratulations
Fifty Three. Happy
Fifty Four. Familiar
Fifty Five. Only Option
Fifty Six. Closer to the Truth
Fifty Seven. Panic
Fifty Eight. Approval
Fifty Nine. Perfect
Sixty. The Nightmare
Sixty One. The Truth
Sixty Two. Alone
Sixty Four. Change
Sixty Five. The Future

Sixty Three. Challenges

119 17 4
By DivineGypsyWitch

~ Two Months Later ~

"Hey, Linds, can I borrow your car?" Gwen asked as they walked passed one another in the living room.

Pulling his keys out of his pocket, he tossed them to her. "Where are you off to?" he turned to look back. "I thought your grandparents were coming over in an hour?"

"I know, but I forgot to buy some soda and I need some Diet Coke," she stated. "I'd take my bike, but I'm wearing, kind of a short skirt," she gestured.

"I see that," he arched a brow, not totally approving of the length, but he wasn't going to tell her that.

The ripped denim material only brought back memories to her first week of school, how he urged her to cover up. He was only thankful that she was wearing black nylons instead of fishnets.

"I'll be right back---do you want or need anything?"

"Um, Seagram's would be good," he assured. "We already have regular Coke."

"Okay. Bobby should be here soon too."

"Alright, be careful," he added.

She gave a thumbs up and was out the door.

Lindsey then walked into the kitchen, seeing all of the food that the teen had prepared for her grandparents; augratin potatoes, green beans and tri-tip steaks in which he had actually cooked for her, along with the simple brownies for dessert. He smiled lightly because he knew it meant a lot that the two were coming over.

Although the Nicks couple had met Lindsey briefly and shared one dinner with him in the last two months to past, they loved him and found him everything that their daughter was missing in her life. He was a busy man on most days, but he didn't mind Gwen offering his house for the get togethers, in fact, he urged her to bring them when they were in town which wasn't too often.

It was the third visit Stevie's parents were making out since she left the house, but they only understood that their daughter wasn't home for obvious reasons as they weren't on speaking terms. They had no idea she had just left Gwen with Lindsey.

About ten minutes after Gwen left, Bobby turned up and he was dressed nicely.

He had a simple, short sleeved, black button down and he wore dark-washed jeans with some black trainers.

"Hey, Lindsey," he bumped fists with him.

"Hey, how's it going," he patted his shoulder.

"Good. I'm ready for the break to be over. I wanna get into the fall classes already."

He chuckled.

"I just get bored so quick and then Gwen's at school like regular... I already miss high school since I graduated. I got nothing to do except work and I like to be in class."

"I get it. So are we going to do the eight week classes or full term?"

"I do better with the accelerated ones... Once it's over my brain will be fried again," he smirked. "I'm bored right now, but once I'm back in, I'll be over it. Let's stick with the accelerated."

"Gwen's more into those as well, but she is also very fast pace."

"Tell me about it," she agreed. "She's a nerd trapped into a hot girl. I love it, she's a brainiac."

He smirked and kind of shook his head.

"So, how's Stevie doing?" he thought was good to ask as the girl wasn't home yet.

"She's okay... Karen comes by and drops off gifts, ultrasound pictures. She seems calmer, if I am feeling the right person from afar."

"How far along is she?" he creased his brow.

"Eight months today, actually."

"Nice... Did she say she would be back by the time she was going to have the baby."

"Not sure, but she said we're all invited to see her. I'm just hoping she comes to terms with herself quicker than thought of... I'm going crazy without her."

"You really love her, don't you?" he wondered.

"I do. She's a challenge trapped into a beautiful woman... I was just kind of drawn into helping her before I fell in love with her. I am also kind of nervous for her to come back too. Gwen and I have been kind of accustomed to our routine and living together as near stepdaughter and stepfather, which is odd but I think it's been fine. We're good, so I guess that's what counts. Stevie is a whirlwind of things... Wouldn't want Gwen and her mom to have any issues."

He nodded. "Despite how good things are and how much she misses her mom, I think she's nervous too. It's seeable when I look at her when she talks about her."

"Maybe I'm also nervous that when I next see her, I'll be becoming a father... This is my first rodeo," he explained.

"You'll be a great father," he patted his shoulder.

Gwen suddenly walked through the door and she grinned. "Hey, you look great," she marched over and kissed Bobby.

"Thanks, so do you," he took the sodas from her.

"Come help me," she urged him to follow her.

He obeyed and kind of waved at Lindsey, gesturing that they would chat later.

The man then took a seat on the couch and he sighed to himself.

Talking about Stevie made him realize how much she did drive him crazy, how much he cared for her and how much he loved her. After his wife died, it had been really hard for him to get a grip, but then he came to terms with himself. When he did, he found it very hard to date, go out or even just have a drink with another woman. And then Stevie was thrown at him and she changed everything. She was a challenge, but he also new she was his future and he knew he would do anything to save it.

Moments later, there was a ring at the door.

He hopped up, smoothing his white button down shirt on his way over. Opening the door, he blue eyes beamed.

"Hello, Lindsey, it's so nice to see you," Barbara grinned at him as she walked forward to kiss his cheek.

"You as well. How was the trip here?" he shook hands with Jess as he entered and then he shut the door behind them.

"It was okay," Jess assured. "Got a little more rest than usual, so it was better."

"I'm glad to hear that."

"Is Stevie here or...?" Barbara wondered.

"No, Karen took her out today... I don't know what her plans are," he honestly stated. "Just us and the kids..."

"Oh, is Bobby here?" the woman smiled.

"Yeah, they're in the kitchen. Gwen went all out for dinner, so I hope you enjoy," he grinned. "I'll go get them. Can I get you guys something to drink?"

"Do you have any whiskey?" Jess asked.

"I do. And you?" he wondered.

"The same is fine for me, thank you."

"My pleasure, make yourselves at home," he moved through the room rather quickly and he got the drinks while urging the teens to get out there.

Gwen entered first, Bobby following behind as they went to greet her grandparents.

"It's so good to see you guys," she grinned, hugging her grandmother warmly. Moving to her grandfather, "I missed you so much. How are things?"

"They're great. We've been looking forward to the visit," he rubbed the top of her head, thinking she was the most beautiful thing ever.

"I'm so happy," she expressed. "You guys met Bobby, he thought he would join. Hope you do the mind."

"No, never," Barbara put her arm through the young man's as he reached to shake hands with Jess. "The more the merrier and if your mom's not joining, at least we get to learn more about this handsome boy," she winked at her granddaughter.

The teen just smiled in return.

Lindsey then made his way in and he offered the couple their drinks.

"Dinner's ready if you wanna get seated," she mentioned.

"Of course, honey," the woman assured, already pushing her husband in that direction.

"Great, Bobby, will you help me? Lindsey, you sit... Do you need anything?"

"No, I'm good, kiddo, thank you."

"Okay," she smiled happily and she went back to the kitchen in order to grab the food with Bobby's help.


As the evening and their meal passed them by, the table spoke about everything and anything from work, school, their daughter and how everything was going. Of course, they spared the details of Stevie just leaving.

"Gwen, where did you get this recipe for the potatoes?" Barbara wondered.

"Um, my mom makes them a lot... She has a little box of recipes. Was it okay?"

"It was wonderful, my love... If it's a written recipe, I'm pretty sure it was mine. I just wondered since it tasted so familiar," she smiled.

"Well, I hope I did it justice," she assured.

"You did a very good job. We should make dinner together next time."

"I'd love that," she beamed.

Meanwhile, Jess was pretty silent as he happily ate his meal, being a man and not so into the conversation.

Although he was light-hearted, happy, and outgoing, he did miss his daughter and it weighed the most on him that she didn't want to see them. From a young age, Stevie was a daddy's little girl, so it broke his heart that they weren't close.

"So, son, are you working?" he managed to ask the young man as he already knew everything about his granddaughter.

"I am. I'm a part-time math and science tutor at our college," he ensured proudly.

"Are you into any sports?" he wondered since they seemed to be into a lot of mathematics that he never even heard of.

"Oh, yeah, I love baseball, football, you name it. I play soccer and sometimes I coach for the little kids who try out. I've been playing since I was seven and I've always loved it."

"Nice. Gwen, if you're into sports, maybe we could go to a Dodger game sometime this coming summer."

"That would be awesome," she agreed.

Just then the phone rang.

"Excuse me," Lindsey got up and he went into the kitchen to answer it.

As he answered, Gwen had an interesting feeling in her gut; it wasn't a bad one, but it made her a tad anxious.

After only a moment, Lindsey came back in. "I'm sorry to do this, but I have to go. Will you be alright here?" he kissed the top of Gwen's head.

"Of course, dear," Barbara assured.

"Wait," the young gal followed him to the foyer. "What is it?" she whispered.

"Karen said your mom was in the hospital. She's in ER, but she hasn't been seen yet."

"I wanna go."

"I know, kiddo, but I don't even know what's going on, plus with your grandparents here..."

"Right, right," she nodded in agreement since the thought of something wrong with her mother caused her to forget what was going on. "Call me as soon as you know something."

"I will," he assured. "Take care."

She then spun around and she gave a smile, ready to reassure them that all was well, when she really had no idea.

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