The Bride of Gojo Satoru

By MixyX21

1.2M 40.7K 40.5K

Ena Kita is the last member of the Kita Clan, who were the gift of God during the prime era of sorcery. Becau... More

🌸Character Profile🌸
Chapter 1.1
Chapter 1.2
Chapter 1.3
Chapter 1.4
Chapter 1.5
Chapter 1.6
Chapter 2.1
Chapter 2.2
Chapter 2.3
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
β‹‡βŠΆβŠ°β£βŠ±βŠ·β‹‡EXTRA CHAPTERβ‹‡βŠΆβŠ°β£βŠ±βŠ·β‹‡
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
~Easter Special~
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Fluff Chapter
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2
Epilogue 3
Author's Note

Chapter 26

8.8K 354 276
By MixyX21

In the middle of the night, I woke up from Gojo shuffling in bed as I kept my eyes closed. Could he not sleep? I knew it wasn't hot because we're in the middle of fall. Plus he would cling onto me even if it was a burning oven in our bed. That man doesn't care if we're sleeping in hot sweats. What an oddball. Then I heard him quietly picking up his phone from the nightstand on his side of the bed. Did he want to know what time it was?


It sounded like he opened the home screen of his phone. Now he piqued my curiosity. If he's not looking at the time... What was he doing on his phone? Suddenly, a sharp pain entered my heart as I thought about the worst possibility. Was he cheating on me?! My heart ached from the unspeakable yet realistic idea. Unable to keep my eyes close since I couldn't bother to sleep on this, I opened my tired yet sad eyes and rolled over to hug him. I made sure that it looked like I was still asleep, and I just wanted him in my arms but in reality, I was spying on him.

An arm and leg was over his long body as I positioned my head where I could get a close view of his phone. The bright screen hurt my tired eyes but I didn't care. My eyes weren't the only organ that was going to be in pain in a few minutes from now. If Gojo was really cheating on me, I'm going to make sure that he doesn't see the bright of day. I will murder his ass. I don't care if he's the strongest jujutsu sorcerer alive. Eyeing his phone like a hawk, he scrolled on his social media feeds. There was nothing suspicious yet, however, the opportunity of it hasn't risen.

After he scrolled through his social media feeds, he then went on his message app and clicked on... My heart raced in anxiety and pain, and I unconsciously smacked his ass so hard that his buttcheek deflated. I didn't mean to expose myself, but my mind was clouded and therefore had a mind of its own.


"OUCH!!" His hand rubbed his buttcheek, and he spun around to face me in bed.

I turned on a lamp on my nightstand, so he could see the hurt and anger in my face. I gave him the death glare in his damn blue eyes. "Are you cheating on me?" I didn't hesitate to be straightforward. My chest felt heavy like tons of weights collapsed on me. I didn't want this to be real but who knows? Some people were great at deceiving their partner, and I didn't want to be one of them who has to hurt later in the long run despite us being together for a very long time.

The bright light in the room forced his eyes to close for a split second and reopen to adjust to the sudden change. "Wh-what are you talking about?" Gojo confusingly asked, slowly sitting up as he stared at me, rubbing his eyes. Did he act clueless on purpose to fool me? I won't be swayed by mere idiocy.

I also sat up, putting a great distance between us on the mattress. "Stop pretending like you don't know what I'm saying! You're tired of me and this relationship we have aren't you?! Who would suspiciously wake up in the middle of the night to touch their phone?!"


"No! Don't 'babe' me! If you stopped loving me then you should've said so!" Swelling emotions clouded my judgement as my future words were drenched in the 10 years we've been together, including before dating. "Why agreed to officially marry me if you were going to backstab me now?!" The memories we shared from beginning to end punched a hole in my heart. I still remembered how we first met, and it was a weird way to meet my fiancé. I began laughing and crying, thinking about how I should've knocked him out when he was claiming to be one of the good guys. His playful nature still hasn't changed since we were 18. Perhaps he only loved me more back then because we were young and in love, and now that we're older, he wanted someone refreshing to be with.

"Honey..." I tuned out his words and thought about my own turmoil.

Then I wondered about the birth of Naozumi. Did having a child he yearned so much meant nothing now? Because for me, Naozumi was the greatest gift that god has given me. He's my world I wanted to protect and love until the day I die. I learned how to be a better mom compared to the harsh environment I grew up in. Naozumi's presence filled many holes in my life. If I didn't have him, then I don't know how it would feel like not to have him smiling everyday at me, talking to me about the things he did, or feeling my heart swell up by the fact he took after my traits. His beautiful golden eyes showcased an upbringing that I couldn't have, so I gave him the life that he deserved: love and freedom.

"Ena, listen to me." Gojo's low voice tried to capture my attention, but I didn't want to give in. I didn't want to face this harsh reality of him ending our relationship. My attachment with him was too strong. I felt scared to be alone after knowing what love was, but yet again, I have to brace reality. If he stopped loving me then he stopped. I cannot change that.

I sniffed loudly and pulled myself together. I'm done crying over our long history because crying won't change anything. I'll do that more once we break up, but right now I have to show him my brave face. Holding on to my last rage in my heart, I straddled him, grabbing the collar of his cotton shirt as I glared at him with my red, puffy eyes. "I'm going to kill you, Satoru—No, Gojo." Why bother to call him by his first name if he's going to be another person's partner?

"BABE!" Gojo, who was underneath me, spouted in frustration and confusion as he forcefully rolled our bodies over. Now he was on top of me while I was beneath him. His hands glued itself next to my head, and his eyebrows knitted in the lack of understanding from what came out of my mouth. Gojo's blue eyes swam in pure loss like a fish losing its direction in the big great ocean. "I'M NEVER EVER LEAVING YOU!" Before I knew it, his soft lips were crashing all over my face. I couldn't even say anything because his lips would target my mouth, refusing me to speak any further. "Don't you dare to think... *kiss* I'll leave you *kiss* because I won't!"

His shower of kisses rained down on me for a few minutes before ceasing. Gojo sat up and pulled me into his arms, cradling me like a child. Although I wanted to believe him, I needed to make sure that he's not lying to me. I knew Gojo wasn't a liar or a secretive person but I just needed reassurance. "If you aren't cheating then why did you wake up out of nowhere? And who were you going to text too?" I said in a hostile manner, pushing him back but he refused to let go of me. His arms secured me tightly as he sighed in defeat.

"...I was going to text Nanami that I couldn't sleep. I can show you the unsent text!"

I rolled my eyes in my new profound anger. I cried over the fact that he was going to text Nanami?! And I jumped to the conclusion that he was going to cheat on me before hearing him out. My head throbbed from Gojo's antics. Pushing him away with all of my strength, I rolled off the bed and scowled at him. "I'm getting the divorce papers later, and I'm sleeping with Nao!" I should be relieved that it was just Nanami and not him cheating, but I'm drained and tired from this situation. There's just too much miscommunication. My brain can't function right now.

"Honey, you're joking... Tell me you're joking?!" I heard his body shuffling off the bed, but he was too late because I exited our bedroom. I'm done with his shit... He's always putting me on an emotional roller coaster.

"Talk to me later at court. We're going to be fighting over child support!" I yelled loud enough for Gojo to hear the irritation in my voice. I'm not the one who'll be driving Gojo away from me, it's the other way around! There's only so much I can handle before I explode.


I opened the door to Naozumi's room and closed it quietly. My feet tiptoed to the empty side of Naozumi's bed and slipped inside, snuggling close to my snowbear.

"M...Mommy is that you?" My son groggily said, feeling my presence beside him.

A light smile lifted my lips. "Yes, it's mommy. I'm going to be sleeping with you." I planted a kiss on his hair, closing my eyes to rest for a few more hours.

When morning came out, the dining room was tense due to me as we ate in silence. Most mornings would be filled with bright expressions and happy laughters but not today. Gojo, who sat in front of me, looked like a sad puppy. His blue eyes wavered in deep sorrow while Naozumi innocently sat here. He didn't know anything that went down between his parents, and it's a good thing he didn't either.

"Oooo, daddy's in trouble!" Naozumi popped a blueberry in his mouth and ran out from his seat after finishing his food.

I guess I spoke too soon about my son's behavior. Well, I can't expect him not to know anything. He's a sharp kid.


Gojo pushed his seat back and rose up, kneeling beside me. Next, he took my right hand in his and kissed the back of my hand. His soft lips tickled my skin, warming my tough heart from breaking out of character. I wasn't mad after resting; I was actually laughing about it once I woke up. It's actually really funny because out of anything that my mind could think of, it wouldn't have landed on Nanami. "Ena, please forgive me! I didn't mean to cause you distress! I love you sooooo much! I wouldn't dare to hurt you! I love this family we built; I wouldn't want this with anyone else!" Watching him tear himself apart was amusing yet reassuring. Gojo's words were true from his heart as he poured everything—from old to new memories—into his confession of love.

Soon, it came to a point where I had to stop torturing this husband of mine. Cupping his face, I tilted his head up as I leaned in, almost inches from kissing his lips. A small smile curved my lips up. "My dear husband, I am not mad." I pecked his lips, soothing his aching soul. "It could've been worse if you didn't love me, but after hearing your long recital of our passionate love, I am assured that you love me very much." His wilting expression was showered by my comforting words as his face soaked it all up, feeling relieved.

"Really baby?" Gojo said in a tiny voice, making sure that I really meant it. Does he take me as a jokester? That's funny because I should be weary of his antics over mine. I'm the one who's mature in this relationship.

"Yes, babe. Do I joke around like you? No."

However, our special moment together was cut short when there were loud knocking on the door.


"Who could be visiting us?" I knew it wasn't Gojo's parents because they were out of the country at the moment; Utahime, Shoko, Nanami, or Mei Mei wouldn't want to drop by unless they have a reason to—especially Nanami. Perhaps his students? I doubt the 2nd years wouldn't want to come without reason too, so it might be the 1st years who dropped by.

"Oh! It's the 1st years! Before we made up, I texted them to come by to 'watch Naozumi', but in reality, I wanted some company."

That's really sad to hear him say he'll hang out with his students because he doesn't have any friends... But I mean, he 'killed' his only friend, therefore he doesn't have anyone. "Let's pray that Nao will stop Megumi from killing you." I made my way to the entrance and opened the door, allowing the 1st years to come inside.

From behind, Naozumi gasped loudly, seeing Megumi in the house. "Big brother!" Naozumi ran over to hug him and smiled brightly at him, grinning his shining teeth.

"Hey, Nao. It's been awhile since I've seen you." Megumi looked pleased and at ease from the sight of my snowbear, ruffling his white hair.

"Hey, you're not going to say hi to me and Itadori? We came all the way here just for you." Kugisaki grumbled in displeasure, having her hands on her hips as she stared down at Naozumi, who was still in Megumi's arms.

Naozumi giggled, peeling away from Megumi and grabbing Kugisaki and Yuji's hand. His golden eyes twinkled at them, still keeping his toothy grin. "Don't be jealous that I greet big brother first because you two are very special too! Sister Kugisaki and brother Yuji!"

Kugisaki's face flushed from hearing the word 'sister' echo in her ears. I'm guessing she's the only child in her family and has never been called 'sister' before in her life. Her face looked like a ripe tomato. Though I haven't been around them for a long time, Kugisaki gave me tough girl vibes which meant to me that she doesn't show vulnerable emotions towards others. "S-sister?! You see me as your...sister?" I couldn't tell if she was happy, shocked, or offended. Her flushed face wasn't giving any of us an answer, but I'm going to assume she's happy. Who wouldn't want to be called 'sister' or 'brother' by my son? He acknowledged the person as a close family member of his.

"Haha! Kugisaki, look more happy! We're finally on Fushiguro's level," Yuji joked, picking Naozumi up and swinging him around. My son giggled from how high he was flying.

I suddenly jolted when I felt a pair of arms snaking around my waist. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Gojo apologized, resting his chin on top of my head. His body warmed me from behind—my own personal heater he was.

"Oh don't worry about it." My eyes gazed at the four kids playing with each other. They were all smiling and laughing at each other. It looked like a picture perfect moment as if they were siblings. Then a twinge shot through my heart when I realized Megumi and Yuji had no family. Gojo killed Megumi's dad, we have no information about his birth mom if she's alive or not, his step mom died a long time ago, and his step sister's in a cursed coma. If his dad hadn't told Gojo about Megumi, then he would've been sold off to the Zenin clan. Luckily, Gojo interfered and stopped that from happening. Gojo and I took care of him and his sister for a while like they were our children. As for Yuji, we don't have any information on his parents and his grandpa's dead. Similar to Megumi, Gojo quickly took Yuji under his wings too. At the end, those two boys gained foster parents and a little step brother. "Babe, why don't we actually adopt Megumi and Yuji? We're practically their caretaker. We've raised Megumi and his sister, and you're kind of doing that with Yuji too."

Gojo spun me around as I cranked my neck up. His arctic blue eyes were gently looking at me. "We could... It's only if they want to." I chuckled at his statement, imagining Megumi shutting Gojo's offer down in an instant. "Nao already sees them as his older siblings."

"When we have time, we should ask."

Night fall took over, and the three boys: Gojo, Yuji, and Megumi were in the kitchen preparing hotpot. I didn't dare to step inside the kitchen because I cannot cook. I'm fine with cleaning if they did the cooking. It's better than us eating burnt food if I took over or even helped.

"Ena-sensei, did you know Gojo-sensei talks a lot about wanting a daughter?" Kugisaki's words struck a mallet to my head. Another child sounded great for our small family, but now I'm not sure if I want to go through labor again... That was painful despite its satisfying reward at the end. Plus, Gojo was a little brat towards me during my pregnancy. He really tried to make me lift boxes while I was 6 or 7 months pregnant during our move to his family house. "There was this one day where sensei tagged along with me to go shopping, and he was in the baby aisle, looking at baby girls' clothes..."

"Oh no..." I whispered in horror to myself. My gut instincts were telling me that a baby was on its way to be born. Those indications of his hints was him telling god he's ready to have another child. Additionally, her story took me back to 5 years ago where he gave me multiple hints of wanting a child. Rather than being subtle, he was straightforward about it all. Gojo tried to grab any babies' attention, picking up baby clothes at the store and showing me it, and has a breeding kink too. If I didn't have infertility problems, then there would be a soccer team in the house. Gojo doesn't know how to hold back.

Kugisaki continued on, "He also says how he wants to see a mini-you running around the house. He even came up with names for his future daughter too!"

"Mmmm... Makes sense. I came up with our first child's name, and Nao's gene is a copy of Satoru. If we have a girl, then she will take after my hair and his eyes and his personality." Coldness ran up my arms. My future baby girl will be breaking hearts because she has Gojo's personality.

"Hotpot is ready!!" Gojo loudly but proudly announced.

Eating hotpot at the table, Naozumi suddenly brought up a request to his dad. "Daddy! Yuji told me that there's a carnival in town. Can we please go?!" His eagerness was showing in his eyes, and I've got to admit that he looked very cute. His cheeks were puffed and his eyes rounded. My child looked like a cute squirrel. There's no way Gojo would say 'no' to our lovable son.

A big smile plastered on Gojo's face, reciprocating a bigger energy to our son. "Of course! Why don't we bring all of my lovely students with us too?! The 1st and 2nd years!" Everyone except Megumi cheered in excitement. It's always Megumi who acted like the calm one in the group. Furthermore, Gojo sure lived up to his reputation for being the coolest yet annoyingest teacher on campus. "But!" This word made everyone stop celebrating, in fear what came next. There's always a catch to everything that's enjoyable in life. "We have to get the ok from Ena."

Wait. How did this turn to me? They all whipped their hungry eyes on me as fright sunk in my chest. They resembled wild animals ready to pound their prey. I didn't think that their eyes would scare me despite being an adult... Kids were indeed terrifying. A nervous chuckle slipped out of my lips as I gave them their answer. "If Satoru is willing to pay for our entry ticket then I'm fine with it." Money doesn't rain on trees for me, but it does for Gojo. If his closet was filled with Prada, Gucci, and other luxury brands, then he can afford tickets for all of us.

"Anything for my students!"

"YES!" The kids pumped their fists up in the air, celebrating and relaying the information to the 2nd years.

Leaning over to Gojo's ear, I joked around with him. "If you don't have enough money, you can sell your Gucci shirt—"

"No, I like my Gucci shirt! Don't you know how much I paid for that?!"

"Honey, your closet consists of white button up shirts! They all look the same! I'm pretty sure you have four of the same Gucci shirts so don't complain."

The sentence which left Gojo's mouth made me kick his leg. "I'd rather sell my sperm—Ack!"

"I'm guessing you're asking for a death wish because those are mine. No future Gojos aren't coming out from any woman's womb but mine. Remember the conversation this morning."  

A/N:  I hope you all are healthy and staying safe :)) 

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