How To Save A Life - Grey's A...

By wheredidthegoodgo

16.7K 344 542

HEY GUYS !! if ur reading this it means u stumbled across my story/account ! as much as i am proud of this st... More

A big day
New beginnings
An accident
Finding the lost
Does she still remember
Driving down recovery road
Hoping you're someone I used to know
But you're probably with that blonde girl
Who always made me doubt
I can't tell you what I'll write, they're words without the paper
Somebody said you got a new friend
I'm your biggest fan, I'll follow you until you love me
I did my best, it wasn't much, I couldn't feel so I tried to touch
All my troubles on a burning pile, all lit up and I start to smile
We were love drunk waiting on a miracle
So alone in love like the world had disappeared
Never got the chance to say a last goodbye, I gotta move on but it hurts to try
What I would do to take away this fear of being loved, an allegiance to the pain
Hey baby, I think I wanna marry you...
Just like the day that I met you, the day I thought forever
I bet you even tell her how you love her
Twisted reality hopeless insanity, I told you I was okay but I was lying
You'll be the prince and i'll be the princess its a love story baby just say yes
I've been a victim of a selfish kind of love
Hold on I still need you
Somewhere between unsure and a hundred
How to save a life
Heartbeat make me feel young again
Take a sad song and make it better
I moved on for the better, you moved on to whoever
Got a pretty face, a pretty boyfriend too
The things I did, just so I could call you mine
Guess you didn't cheat, but you're still a traitor
Good for you, you look happy and healthy, not me
Character descriptions
I said, excuse me you're a hell of a guy
Why you still talking 'bout me like we together?
I'll always remember us this way
The less I know, the better
Tell me how I'm supposed to breathe with no air
Hello? It's me

Love, Lies and Deceit

581 12 1
By wheredidthegoodgo

Merediths POV 

''Oh my god! It's Mark!? But if Mark was driving, then where's Lexie. They were on their honeymoon, why would they be apart?'' At this point, my heart is racing. Why isn't Lexie here with Mark? Was she in the car? Did she get thrown so far from the car in the accident they didn't find her? Is she dead? So many scenarios are running through my head. I feel almost.... numb, like i can't move, or speak. I try and shake the feeling off so I can actually understand what Link is saying. 

''I'm going to tell you so you don't have a heart attack, but Lexie is at a different hospital. I spoke with a doctor there and they told me she just got out of brain surgery.'' Link unwillingly responded 

''Oh god! Is she ok? What hospital is she at?'' Another long pause came from Link which worried Meredith. 

''Dillard. She's at Dillard Medical Centre. The place Derek almost died 6 years ago. 

''Are you KIDDING me! Get her transferred here NOW. She is my little sister, I am not having her die before I do.'' Meredith yelled while tears rolled down her cheeks. 

''She's on her way Meredith. I got her transferred, don't worry.'' trying to be reassuring.

I exhaled a sigh of relief. We stood there in silence for a few more seconds until I had a thought. More like a question. 

''Why haven't you told Derek.... that it's Mark and Lexie?'' I don't want to lie to Derek about who the patient is, because if he find out I knew and didn't tell him, he'll either be really grateful, or extremely hurt. 

''Because he was operating on him, and if I told him, it would have affected him emotionally. He would've said he was fine, but inside he would've been so scared. I didn't want how he was feeling, to reflect onto his surgical skills and him end up killing his best friend without realising. Do you get why I didn't tell him?

Link's explanation was justified, I couldn't even think of a reason to tell Derek. It made total sense, and I can't argue with that. I'm just worried Derek will get hurt by the fact that I didn't tell him. 

''I actually completely understand and agree. But I don't want to keep the secret, so if he asks if I know who the John Doe is, I'm going to tell him. I don't want to ruin my marriage. Is that alright?'' Hopefully Link understands. I mean, he's in a relationship too, maybe he can see where I'm coming from? One can only hope. 

''Yeah, I understand. It's not ideal, but you can tell him, if need be.''

''Thank you for understanding Link! Page me when Lexie arrives?''

''Of course, no problem.'' 

*3 hours later* *Lexie has just arrived at GSMH and Mark is awake* 

Derek's POV

''Hey Meredith! The John Doe is finally awake.'' Meredith looked over to me from the other side of the hall and started walking over. She is so beautiful, even after a long day at work.

''Oh great! How is he? How are you?'' As she plants a quick kiss on my lips.

 ''Everything seems normal, except he looks incredibly familiar, don't you think?''

''A little bit, but it might just be because of the injuries to his face.'' She replied hesitantly. Almost like she was hiding something. But why would she hide anything from me? I'm her husband, and the doctor for the patient, she should be telling if she knew something. 

''You know who he is, don't you.'' This was a long shot question. I either accused my wife of lying to me, or she might actually know something.

''I...I-I'' she was stuttering, something she did when she was nervous. '' Is the patient going to make it? I haven't checked his chart in a while''

''Answer the question Meredith.'' I accidentally sounded a bit more annoyed than I meant to sound.

''Is the patient going to be ok?'' She repeated her initial question, but she was acting very serious. 

''Yeah he will but-'' I got cut off by her telling me who it was. 

''It's Mark.'' She spat out my best friends name. I just operated on my best friend without even realising. Holy crap, Mark is in the ICU right now. 

''WHAT! That's MARK! I didn't even know they were back from their honeymoon yet. Have you called Lexie?'' There was a short, silent pause between conversation, which made me worry.

''Meredith, where's Lexie?'' I'm growing increasingly worried. She's pregnant, possibly injured, and not at this hospital. This could end badly. Meredith opened her mouth to speak but her pager went off.

''She's just been transferred here, but Derek, we have to go! We need to make sure she's ok, she wasn't at the greatest hospital.''

 By now we had both started jogging down the hall to the elevator. We get in the elevator to the ICU, where she's been admitted, and I try to continue the conversation we just had. 

''Not the greatest hospital? Which one, and why was she taken there and not here with Mark?''

''Don't freak out, but she was at Dillard, where she had brain surgery. So we're going to need a CT to check their work. And surprisingly, the baby is still alive'' 

''Oh no.'' I was in so much shock and disbelief, that I could only form 2 words, 'oh no'. The elevator dinged and we ran out of the partially opened doors to Lexies room. 

Meredith's POV

''Lexie? Lexie, are you ok?'' I asked as I ran and sat down by the side of her bed, grabbing her hand tightly. 

''I- I think I'm ok? Are you- are you my doctor? Her voice was shaky, but that's to be expected, as the sedation from the transportation was just wearing off. But I don't think she recognised me, or Derek. 

''Lexie, it's me, Meredith, your sister. And that's Derek, my husband.''

''What happened? Why am I in the hospital?'' 

''You were in a car crash. You and Mark were on your way home and a truck slammed into you. You don't remember?'' I'm starting to get really worried. She can't remember anything, or anyone.

''No I don't remember anything. Who's Mark?'' Lexie looked down at her feet and noticed her large baby bump. ''And why is my stomach so big?''

''Mark is your husband. You were just coming home from your honeymoon, when you got into this accident and Lexie, you're pregnant, remember?''

''No, no that can't be right. I'm not married, I don't even have a boyfriend, so how am I pregnant?''

I turn away from Lexie to face Derek.

''Derek, we're going to need a CT, and some sticky notes.'' 

*30 mins later in the CT room*

''Oh god, they've messed up her surgery. They've nicked the hippocampus in her temporal lobe, and now she can't remember anything. We need to monitor her closely, to see if this is long-term or short-term. For all we know, she could wake up totally normal tomorrow, or she'll completely forget that today every existed.''

''Great, now Lexie is going to be all dark and twisty like me.'' I said as I rubbed my hands over my face, sighing loudly.

''Meredith, just be glad her, Mark and the baby are alive. She may not remember anything yet, but she's alive.'' 

Derek is right. Dark and twisty Mer is taking over me. I need to start thinking more positively, but I'm not sure that I can, Cristina and I are the twisted sisters after all. Derek and I walk back to Lexie's room and I start writing on sticky notes. She's asleep so I'm trying not to wake her. I'm writing the things she needs to remember like:

'Your memory sucks'

'You were in a car crash, with Mark'

'Mark is your husband. He is alive and recovering.'

'You are pregnant. The baby is alive and well.'

'I'm Meredith, your sister and that's Derek, my husband and Mark's best friend.' 

Just as I finish writing the last one, her eyes start to flutter. She's waking up. Here's the moment of truth, does she remember anything? 


Hey guys! Leaving you on a bit of a cliff hanger! Will Lexie remember anything? Keep reading to find out! Also thank you so much for 150 reads! I wasn't even expecting to get 10. Dont forget to vote and comment what you would like to see in future chapters xx

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