Looking for trouble | Vol. 2...

By AllMightyLovebird

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Vol. 2 in the Bower series. A Jamie Campbell Bower fanfiction. Hollywood isn't a place for the faint hearted... More

2 | Secret confusion
3 | The past
4 | Tonight on the dancefloor
5 | Twisted thoughts
6 | Backfiring party crashing
7 | Heaven is a concept
8 | Damsel in distress
9 | Sheehan the prankster
10 | Disneyland is a freaking wonder
11 | The unicorn onesie.
12 | Unexpected
13 | Unpetrified
14 | Midnight crash
15 | The sexy voice
16 | A Possible Mistake
17 | Can't take the ache from heartbreak
18 | Calls from home
19 | The loop
20 | Perfect and Imperfect
21 | Movies lie
22 | Family
23 | The national hospital of Copenhagen
24 | Failed parenting
25 | Resurrection
26 | P.R.
27 | Fleeing the country
28 | Reminiscing
29 | the safety of night
30 | The spirit of Christmas

1 | The return

2.5K 53 18
By AllMightyLovebird


I am weeping like a baby. Let's just say 'the fault in our stars' is one emotional movie. I pick up my phone dialling almost blindly, the tears clocking my eyes. She picks up after a couple of rings.

"Hey J, what's up?" she chirps happily and I clear my throat.

"Yo, Skye," my voice is guttural from crying, "can you come look after me?"

"What's happened, J?" she asks worry in her voice.

"The Fault in our stars is what happened; I'm balling my eyes out! Those two were meant for each other, Skye!" my voice is turning slightly hysterical," and then he just died! Like what the flying unicorns is that about?!" I hear a small splutter of what sounds like a choked laugh escaping her,

"It's not funny, Skye..." I sob.

"No of course it's not," she says though I could hear the bloody smile on her face, "I'll be there in ten, I just got out of spinning class," She informs me, talking to me like I am some sort of child. I don't care; right now I am emotionally unstable. I am clutching my teddy bear Roofie tightly in my one hand, phone in the other.

"Bring Reese's and cupcakes, please..?" I ask in a small voice. They are hands down my favourite sweets.

"Sure, J, anything else while we're at it?" she asks sounding distracted.

"No, just hurry please," I say, I don't want to be alone... Like Hazel... Gosh the whole story made me want to ball my eyes out!

"I will, is Jorge there yet?" she asks, I could hear the car drive by her on the street and the chatter of people through the phone.

"Yes he is here to shoot some scenes with Robert," I reply as I take a sip of the water bottle in front of me. I had seen on the schedule on my door that Robert and Jorge would be shooting, then it was Isabelle and Alec, we had already shot the first couple scenes in the pandemonium. I on the other hand had mistaken today for tomorrow and had by mistake dragged my sorry arse to set, only to get told to bugger home. So I had huddled myself in my trailer to watch 'the fault in our stars'.. Again.. It got me every time.

"Perfect," she says, "I'll be there soon, I need to drop off something for Evelyn, she forgot her phone at the apartment."

"she must be having a frenzy," I joke, "Poor Eve," Eve or Evelyn is the hot chick playing Izzy, the only ones who is from the original cast is myself, Rhys(aka Valentine), Godfray(aka Magnus - sparkle arse - Bane), Aidan (aka Luke) and Sheehan ( aka Simon Lewis). Everybody else was a recast. I am pretty proud that I got the role again honoured, but never the less proud.

Evelyn is the hot girl every guy spends high school dreaming about, all long legs and shinny jet black hair. She is hugely phone addicted and like me from England, like most of the cast is this time around. We're British because we're supposed to come from a place called Idris, which is stationed in the middle of Europe. The producers saw it therefore more realistic to have the cast be a bunch of brits, even the cast of Clary for some unknown reason, though she was asked to tone it down a good deal, being from Brooklyn and all.

"See you in a bit, J" Skye says in a laughing voice, before she hung up. Leaving me hanging on the line. We had been in LA for about 3 weeks now and we are about one week into shooting. They have started off small, giving us time to get healthy or for my part bulk up. It had been going pretty decently, I was already bigger than I was before, more muscle. I like the change though I sometime don't recognize myself in the mirror. The change happened fast this time around.

I am also quite happy at the moment, because I think I'm kind of with Skye... neither of us had actually officially asked, but we just act like we're a thing... So I guess we are.. Right? I sit on the sofa watching extra material on the tfios DVD till Skye opens the door to my trailer and storms in, throwing Reese's and cupcakes in my face, it's the ones from the good place by the beach. She walks in shutting the door behind her. I put the sweets on the coffee table in front of me. For now they could wait.

"Hey Reap" I say giving her the elevator look. She is wearing a loose flowered sundress with small straps over her shoulders, showing of her pale skin, on her feet she wears brown gladiator sandals and a sunhat was placed on top of her curly hair, seeing as she is in fact a pure redhead and the sun doesn't like her very much.

"Hey J" she smiles, placing her yellow handbag on a table by the door. We all had our own trailer but Skye spent most of her time in mine, apart from when she was getting ready for a shoot. The trailers all came from the same blueprint repeated over and over again. A sofa, a sofa table, a telly, a makeup table, a tiny kitchen containing practically only a microwave and at last a tiny bath and shower.

"You okay?" she says as she sits down next to me, then swinging her legs over mine and resting her head on my shoulder snaking her free arm around my torso. She skin feels hot to the touch as I snake an arm around her shoulders, holding her close.

"Now I am, " I mumble against the top of her head, she smells like sun, flowers and saltwater now, back in England she had smelled like rain, cinnamon and grey clouds if someone can even smell like that.

"As Cheesy as always I see" Skye's says lifting her head to plant a kiss on my lips, she stayed there a little longer than I had expected.

"You know me," I just answer, I had gotten a habit of being excruciatingly cheesy and romantic around her, just blurting out all kinds of cliché lines. Sometimes I didn't even see them coming before they just poured out my mouth, like word vomit. It was turning into quite a problem.

"Come here" I say picking up my phone and turning on the front camera, "let's tweet." She giggles at me, she still hadn't gotten twitter for some reason, she was set on only having Instagram and Facebook, though both was filling up with girl asking to follow or to be friends. She was currently neglecting everything electronic while shooting; she said it kept her focused. I hold my phone out in front of us, then I turn my head planting a kiss on her cheek as she blushes, she always did. Then I picked the photo for a tweet and wrote as a captio: this one saves my day #tfiosfeels

Then I placed my phone on the table while it exploded with replies.

"Why do you do it?" Skye asks, picking up my phone and scrolling through the tweets, her brows furred together a she got a confused look on her face.

"I don't know, makes them happy and me too, fans can be a real pick me up sometimes," I reply

"Look at this," she says seemingly ignoring what I just said. She shows me the screen; it's a tweet from Lily Collins.

Looking forward to meet you guys sometime

There is a smiley face at the end, so at least she didn't sound mad. After all Skye had kind of gotten her role. Under Lily's tweet is Patrick's,

You guys disgust me #gags

It wasn't like walking in on him and Jorge was all that pleasant... then two days later him and some girl... and an hour later him and some random guy... I've seen things... things I can never un-see.

"Does she want to meet up or something?" Skye asks, placing the phone on the table again.

"Seems so," I mutter.

"Do you think she's mad at me?" she asks a little pout on her face.

"No, why should she be? She never even auditioned for the role," I try to assure her.

"I don't hold a candle to her," She says looking at her knees.

"That's not true, Skye," I say wrapping my arms around her shoulders, tugging her to my chest and kissing her cheek.

"You don't know that, J" she says a sad smile on her face.

"Actually Skye, I kind of I do," I tell her and she looks at me funnily, "I've acted with both of you, you know."

"Lily is an amazing actress," she then says," and I am not trying to compete with her, but I can't help but feel I've kind of stolen her job?" and I simultaneously add in my mind if not to mention her ex-boyfriend...

"How can you steal a job she never even applied for Reap?" I say, using my nickname for her to try and calm her nerves, it really seems to bother her.

"III don't know!" She exhales, looking blindly into the air.

"Don't worry about it, Reap" I comfort her, kissing her cheek again, before turning her face and kissing her lips. We sat there kissing each other for and while and I feel like my heart is going to swell up and explode in my chest. It had taken Skye a good while to forgive me for Mathilda but eventually she did. Or I think she did, it probably helps that we're in LA and she's back in England.

"Now kids," Someone says, "that not how it's done." I'm too involved in what I am - correction - we are doing, to remember the voice.

"Go away, Patrick," Skye groans against my lips.

"No, thank you, I'm quite good where I am," He says and I avert my eyes to look at him, he is leaning casually against the doorframe watching us with a smug smile on his face.

"It wasn't really request," She - more or less - growls turning her face to look at Patrick, she is sitting with her back to the door. I spot a hickey on her neck as she turns her head - when did that happen?

"I know," Patrick simply says in a nonchalant voice. He was smiling mockingly at us, like we were one grand amusement. Skye sighs heavily and swing her legs down from the sofa and I tug myself up a bit, to sit more comfortably.

"Is it your life's purpose to cockblock me?" I say sounding a little more irritable then I first anticipated.

"Oh it is working! Good to know," Patrick reply sounding like he just asked a professor what string theory was.

"You're an arse," Skye says her voice drooling with a mixture of exhaustion and irritation. She rubs her temples, in a slow motion.

"Born and raised," Patrick mutters in an southern drawl, as if he's a real cowboy; "anyway, Bower some chick is looking for you." He says this is his normal straight British accent.

"What chick?" I ask.

"Short brown hair, about Skye's height, button nose, intense eyebrows? Ring any bells?" yes, yes it did... Lily darn Collins. She just tweeted, she must have recognized (somehow) our surroundings, having she herself been in a trailer just like this one.

"Yeah... it does..." I mumble.

"Well you better get going then! She is kind of hot you know, maybe you should throw this old rag" he point to Skye, grinning all over, "out the window, and get the hotties out there?" Patrick suggests helpfully.

"Already been there mate," I say getting up, "I'll go say hi to her, you can come if you want Skye?" I offer, I could feel Patrick looking at me in disbelieve.

"No, I need to go, I have a lunch date with someone actually," she says sounding very casual, standing up and going to her yellow purse. A lunch date? What? Was she dating?

"You have a, what now?" I ask confused.

"That came out wrong, it's with Godfray, he is taking me to his favourite restaurant," she explains.

"You know it's probably sushi right?" I remind her, "he is Chinese after all," I can still remember her resentment when I tried to get her into a sushi restaurant, it hadn't ended very well, at least not to begin with. Her brows furrowed together, like she just remembered Godfray's heritage.

"Oh god I forget that part... I have to go.." she says before she picks up her purse and run out the door, "See you guys later!" she shout over her shoulder as she goes out into the burning sun. Patrick moves aside to let her past.

"So can I call dips on the hottie out there?" Patrick asks.

"Sure, just let me go say hi and she is all yours," I reply as I walk through the trailer and out into the burning sun. I knew that Lily would probably show up one day, I just hadn't thought it would be this soon. We had barely started shooting, some of the sets were still all over the place, but of course here she was. She was standing by a water fountain, talking with Rhys, her back to me. She had cut off her hair and had gone back to her normal brown colour. Hearing me coming she turns around, there is a wide smile on her face which scrunches up her nose. She is exactly as pretty as I remember her.

"So there is the star," she says.

A/N: Remember to VOTE and COMMENT if you enjoy my story! it mean a lot thank you!

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