Piece of Your Heart βœ”οΈ

By SettleDown1D

321K 13.9K 12.4K

Harry will do anything for the ones he loves. When Draco finally shows the good that Harry knew was hidden un... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Pansy Parkinson's Gossip Column
Final Author's Note
1 Year of POYH
Thank You / Other Works

Chapter 25

5.6K 254 205
By SettleDown1D

After talking and laughing for hours, the men didn't want to lose the other's company. They had prepared Draco's potions lab to begin brewing the next day. He was so excited and Harry loved seeing the genuine smile on his face.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Currently, Harry and Draco were cuddled up in Harry's bed. Draco had all, well most, intentions of sleeping in his own bed. But Harry had asked if he wanted to stay and continue talking, and who was Draco to say no?

"Like what Dray?", Harry asked, humming.

"I was hoping you would tell me, as you're the one making the face."

"I just love seeing you smile. You have a great smile, and I like knowing that you're happy."

"I'm more than happy. I'm ecstatic."

Draco nuzzled his face into Harry's neck.

"I'm glad. You deserve the world."

"No, you do."

"Draco I already saved the world I don't think I want it anymore."

Harry melted as Draco giggled in his ear.

"What are you doing to me Draco Malfoy?", Harry whispered quietly.

"Making you transfer ownership of the world apparently."

Harry snorted, and Draco just tightened his arms around Harry. He knew Harry was looking at him with an expression of fond... and maybe something else. Draco couldn't say for sure, but he absolutely relished in it. Harry made him feel cared for, and dare he say, loved. The l word needed to stay out of his head before he isolated himself. Malfoys did not know how to deal with love.

"You're quite funny you know. I never really noticed it before."

"Malfoys don't joke unless it's at the expense of others."

"Now those jokes I do know."

"I was quite the slimey git."

"Was?", Harry asked teasingly.

Draco bit down onto Harry's shoulder.

"Dray", he whined.

"Yes was."

"Then what are you now?"

"A sexy git", he whispered devilishly into Harry's ear.

Draco lightly attached his lips to Harry's neck.

"I dunno you may have to prove that one."

"Is that a challenge?"

"I like the sound of that."

Harry hummed lightly as Draco kissed along his neck. He pushed the thought out of his head telling him that friends don't do this.

Draco had barely left a mark when he was interrupted by squeaking. Harry made to get up but Draco pulled him down until he was finished. Pressing a light kiss to his art, he begrudgingly let Harry get up.

"Oh Merlin that's what I forgot!"

"What's wrong?"

Draco was immediately drawn into panic mode.

"No it's nothing too important relax. I just forgot Hermione was stopping by tomorrow because the day after is the party which I completely pushed out of my mind."

Draco watched as Harry began pacing back and forth and he rolled his eyes.

"Respond to Hermione, relax, and get back into bed."

"But I-"

"Bed. Now."

Harry swore under his breath, okayed Hermione's message, and crawled back into bed. Instead of laying back down, he sat up.

"You're like a big child aren't you?"

Draco pushed a very confused Harry forward so that he could slip in behind him.


"9:30 am."

Harry watched as Draco turned on the lamp and set the alarm to 8:45 and 9:15. He then began rubbing Harry's tense back.

"What else is bothering you?"

"Hermione is gonna tear into me about the state of the house."

"Harry it looks so much better than when I first got here. I'll help you clean tomorrow if you wish, and if it bothers Hermione that much she can help. I highly doubt she expected you to get this much done. Next."

"Well there's the party... I think I'll just cancel."

"Potter you are not canceling on my account. You spend all of your time with me. I'm know I'm the light of your life, but you are allowed to see and spend time with your other friends. I have a potion to work on remember?"

Harry didn't even try denying that Draco was the reason. He was selfish. The thought of sharing Draco with anyone else made his skin crawl and his eyes burn with fury. Draco needed to be protected, he was special.

"Yeah but-"

"No buts. You deserve to have a good time. If you keep worrying about things that you have absolutely no need to worry about you're going to end up having a nightmare. I don't want that for you, and I most certainly don't want to force my potion down your throat."

Harry's reply was cut off with a groan.

"Potter if you don't stop fighting me-"

"No Malfoy it's not that. Your hands are magic."


Soon Draco was smirking, and he widened the range of skin his hands were exploring.

"I promise they're more magical in other areas."

"Salazar I don't doubt that for a minute."

As much as Draco enjoyed the current conversation, he needed to keep Harry on track.

"I promise you everything will be fine. I'll make myself scarce and you have fun. You deserve to see all of your friends. It'll be like I was never here so everyone will be comfortable. I'll just stay in my room or in the lab. It's truly okay Harry I promise."

"If you're sure."

"Positive. Now come cuddle with me so I can sleep."

With a small chuckle, Harry clicked off the lamp and held Draco in his arms.

"Everything will be fine", he reassured himself.


Harry wished he kept that attitude when he heard the alarm go off for the second time.

"C'mon darling, time to get up."

"It's absolutely infuriating that you are a morning person."

"How do you think I feel having to get your lazy arse up all the time? It's a full time job."

"In that case, you should bunk off work and come back to bed."

Harry held his arms open for Draco and angrily opened an eye when Draco didn't fall into his embrace.

"I'm not falling for that one again Harry. Up."

"What am I broom?"

Grumbling, he threw off the blanket and marched over to his dresser to pick out clothes. He was so angrily focused on tearing through his shirts that he missed Draco's comment of, "I'd ride your broomstick any day."

Draco made a mental note that he would have to reuse that line later.

When Harry took off his shirt he made sure he threw it directly onto Draco's head. He was satisfied when he heard him whining about his hair.

After finishing getting ready in the bathroom, he made his way downstairs where a grumpy Draco was waiting for him in the kitchen.

"I don't think you even deserve breakfast after that stunt."

"Drayyy", Harry whined.

"Don't Dray me Potter."

"Moonbeam? Honey? Baby? Love? Sweetheart? My little golden snitch? The light of my life?"

After each pet name Harry took a step forward until he could wrap his arms around Draco from behind.

"Are any of them doing it for you?"

"That's for me to know. You may beg and grovel for my forgiveness."

"So you want me on my knees in front of you do you?", Harry asked with a malicious grin.

Draco felt his face burn, but he bit his lip as he tried to find an appropriate answer.

Finding none, he continued to make breakfast.

"Draco I'm sorry", Harry whined. "Please forgive me?"

"You're so bloody annoying do you know that?"

The exasperation in Draco's tone was clear, and it only further egged Harry on.

"You remind me every day Moonbeam, I could never forget."

Harry placed a quick kiss on Draco's cheek, and headed off to get his house plans ready for Hermione to view. She was always early and if Harry didn't have anything ready for her she would lecture him and he wasn't feeling it.

As soon as he sat at the table and prepared everything she arrived. He let out a sigh of relief, and was surprised to find Ron accompanying her.

"Ron mate, I didn't know you were coming!"

Harry pulled him into a hug, and then followed suit with Hermione.

"Morning Hermione, Weasley", Draco said with a curt nod to both.

Hermione launched herself at Draco and pulled him into a hug. Draco was so stunned he almost burnt himself on the stove, but after refocusing he returned the affectionate gesture.

"Draco I absolutely adore what you did to my nails! They haven't chipped yet!

"I'm glad to hear that! When you want a new design let me know, I'm more than happy to oblige. Would you two like breakfast?"

"I'm never one to turn down free breakfast."

"You'll be over tomorrow as well?", Draco asked conversationally.

"For the party yeah."

"I'll have some cinnamon rolls ready for you. I wasn't expecting you today."

"I don't know what you put in those things but they're heavenly."

"Mother's recipe. I just tweaked it a bit. Freshly ground cinnamon sticks makes a huge difference."

"You hear that Hermione? Freshly ground cinnamon sticks. For me."

"Yes Ronald I do have ears."

Turning to Harry, Hermione asked," what room do you plan on having the party in?"

"I dunno. How drunk is everyone planning on getting? I just redid the dining room and I don't need anyone being sick in it."

"Best just to seal the room off mate."

"Draco could you do it after breakfast? I know for a fact I'll end up locking us out of the bloody dining room if I end up drinking too much."

"Sure Harry. Any other rooms you want sealed off?"

"Should I prepare the guest rooms Mione?"

"If they get too drunk to apparate they can take the night bus", Hermione said as she rolled her eyes. "Honestly Harry sometimes you're too caring."

"I just don't want anyone getting hurt and splinching themselves."

"Do we need a drink limit?"

"If anyone has relatively any good news then yes. Seamus always brings the hard stuff."

"Pansy and Finnigan would get along wonderfully. Never drink anything she hands you unless you want to be drunk off your arse after two drinks."

Draco started dishing out plates for breakfast.

"Harry is the better cook obviously so this is what you get I'm sorry. Desserts are more my forte."

Ron took a tentative bite and quickly dug in soon after.

"It's well seasoned that's all I care about."

Draco was just happy Ron wasn't talking with his mouth full. He knew it was a nasty habit the other man had and it irritated him to no end.

"You should invite Parkinson to one of our parties."

Draco raised an eyebrow, questioning where this was suddenly coming from.

"Somehow I don't think we quite fit in with your crowd. It's probably for the best if we don't."

Nothing surprised Draco more than Ron rolling his eyes.

"Honestly Malfoy, I don't think they'll mind you much. Petty school and house rivalries don't matter much anymore to us. I'll vouch for you."

Draco was shocked to his core.

"Thank you Weasley. I don't think anyone could react worst than Weaslette."

"Ginny is an absolute nightmare lately."

"Does that explain your visit then?"

Harry had been hoping it was to see him, but he figured there was another reason.

"Partially. I was supposed to have Auror training today but some other case broke and I wasn't needed. It was either come and visit my best mate or hang out with Ginny. Even if she was normal I'd still choose you Harry."

"Thanks Ron", Harry said, laughing lightly.

"Seriously though Malfoy, I'll talk to everyone. If I can forgive you there's no reason anyone else can't."

"I appreciate it. I'll pass on this party though, I actually have a potion to brew."

"What kind of potion?"

"A sleeping potion-"

"Draco Malfoy! Those can be very harmful to your health! You can become addicted- oh Harry you haven't been taking any of them have you? I cannot believe you would be so stupid! There's other ways-"

"Hermione, relax! No, I haven't taken it, but it's safe. Draco can explain it better than I can obviously, but it's Madame Pomfrey approved."

Draco had never been so glad to hear Harry interrupt someone. Granger could lecture for days he knew.


Draco launched into the story of how the potion was developed. The whole conversation went over Harry and Ron's heads. Instead, they had folded a napkin into a triangle and were taking turns trying to flick it through the other person's fingers to score a goal.

It was all in good fun until Hermione was annoyed and plucked it from the air.


"One of you are going to poke your eye out!"

"Sorry Ron, it would be you."

"Me? Really Harry?"

"Ron I wear glasses. It can't get into my eye."

The dumbfounded look on Ron's face had Draco snickering.

"Yeah, yeah. Laugh at my expense Malfoy. At least some things never change."

"Ron his potion really is fascinating-"

"Hermione dear, I know you're excited, but this is an intellectual conversation and I am most certainly not an intellectual in this sense. Unless it's defense against the dark arts or you need brute strength, I'm probably going to be lost."

Draco surprised to see a faint blush creeping up Hermione's cheeks, like flowers growing towards the sunlight. That reminded him of his own flowers Harry had gotten him last night.

"I'm going to go seal up the dining room. Are there any valuables you want me to lock in there?"

"Let me take a quick walk around. I don't think so."

Harry left to make his rounds, Ron headed to the bathroom, and Hermione followed Draco to the dining room. Gasping, she leaned against the doorway, shocked at how beautiful the room looked.

"Was this you?"

"I wish I could take credit for how beautiful it is, but this was all Harry. He's full of surprises."

Draco smiled and blushed as he smelt the flowers Harry had purchased specifically for him.

"Everything has been going okay with you two?"

"It's been great honestly. It's nice having a real friend you know? I don't feel as alone as I used to."



Draco had become dazed and distracted looking at the flowers, lightly touching the petals.

"You have real friends. Multiple."

"I'm not quite convinced yet to be honest. It's not you lot per say, just bad experiences."

"Harry convinced you?"

"99% of the time yes. Madame Pomfrey helped with that some."

"Light dosage of truth serum?"


"I'm glad he has you Draco. Ron is most certainly not around as much as he should be. I'm not around as much as I want to be either, but I do my best to pop in, even if it's just briefly.

I can't imagine this whole Ginny situation is easy for him. They were close before everything happened and now she's being a proper b-"

Hermione had to take a breath and calm herself down.

"It's just... Harry has lost everything in his life. Every single time someone gets close to him, bad things happen. I know he's worried for you, and that he's worried you'll leave.

If Harry is clingy in any way, it's because he's attached. He doesn't get attached very easily to anything anymore. You two are so similar, so it's no wonder you get on so well. Just be gentle with him."

"I'll never leave him", Draco said fiercely. "I'll be here until he wants me gone. Even then, I'll be here after if decides he ever needs me. I know he's going to get tired of me at some point and I'm trying to push that out of my mind. I just want him to be happy. He deserves it."

"You make him happy Draco. He's so different than how he used to be. It's like he's finally waking up now. It's a great change. Even Ron had noticed it. So thank you."

"He's my best friend", Draco said quietly. "I would do anything for him."

"Hey guys what are we talking about?!"

Harry came bounding into the room, almost giving Draco a heart attack, but he didn't show it. That would raise suspicion.

"How wonderfully you redid the dining room Harry", Draco answered coolly instead.

"You really like it Mione?"

"I absolutely love it", she replied, making eye contact with Draco.

"Now what on Earth does that mean?", he thought. "Was it something I said?"

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