Mr and Mrs Mafia |Z.D.H|

By Lexi-whydontwe

160K 3K 421

Shay. Leader of the Italian mafia. Zach. Leader of the American mafia. Shay and Zach have hated each other... More

Characters :)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chaptee 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
New book!!

Chapter 1

12.2K 170 16
By Lexi-whydontwe

A bullet flies past me as I pick up a fry.

"What the fuck" Ella reaches for her gun but I stop her.

"I got this I haven't done anything in a while, I need the practice." Grabbing my gun, I  start chasing after the figure who shot me. Idiot. Who was stupid enough to go after me?

Standing up, I run for the figure who is now halfway down the streets. My legs pick up, as I move faster, getting closer to the person dressed in all black. The rush of adrenaline feels amazing, blood rushing through my veins, everything feels so ecstatic.

When I catch up to them, I tackle their body to the ground. They land on their back with a loud thud which was followed by the groan of a man. I take off his mask to get some identification. It was a man no older than 25. What a shame I have to kill him.

"P-please don't hurt me." He managed to get out as he trembled.

"I don't have time for this who sent you?" I scowled. The man just looks at me, afraid to speak. I hear Ella's footsteps behind me and turn to her. "Let's take him to the warehouse and teach him what happens to those who don't speak." I say to her, picking him up. She simply nods and calls our driver over.

The sound of my Range Rover comes from around the corner and my driver, Phoenix, pulls up to the curb. I open the door and shove the man into the backseat. Getting in next to him, I say, You know this could all be over if u just tell me who sent you."

"Never! I'm loyal to those I serve." He shook his head.

I smirked. "So a mafia." I look at Ella and she looks back at me. We seem to be having the same thoughts, so I speak again. "American mafia I'm guessing. Zach Herron sent you, yes?" I questioned looking back at him. He doesn't say anything so I sigh and sit back.

"You and Zach have been going after each other for years I'm sure he's tired of no being able to end you, so he sent this idiot to do the job for him." Ella sighs.

I laugh. "Well if Zach thinks that low of me I might have to teach him a lesson." I looked at the man who was now looking back and forth between both of us. He looked confused.

"I'm from the Russian mafia." He said. My head immediately jerked towards him.

"And why would Vladimir go after me? We have an alliance between the Italian mafia and the Russian mafia why would he break it." I said asked clearly aggravated. He just stared at me and I turned back to Ella. "We'll get him to talk."

Phoenix stops outside one of my warehouses and I open the door, dragging the Russian. Ella grabs a chair and puts it in the middle of the room. When I throw the man into the chair, she quickly ties him up.

"Tell me your name so I can question you easier." I announce, my voice going throughout the room.

He look at me clearly dazed but said "My name is Pavel."

I smirked. "Well Pavel" I say, making my Italian accent more clear. "Tell me why Vladimir would go against our alliance?" He didn't speak and I finally had enough. "I don't want to do this to you, but you did try to kill me, and I can spare you but you aren't talking." He looked more frightened but still said nothing, so I grabbed my knife and slowly carved my name into his chest. He screamed Russian curses and pleaded for me to stop. "All you have to do is speak and it will all be over." I say.

"FINE! Ok I'll speak up!" He screams. I smile and look at him waiting for him to continue. He hesitates for a while and I start to pick up my knife, but stop as he finally speaks up. "Vladimir wants to take over the Italian and American mafia. He sent another assassin to assassinate Zach Herron the leader of the American mafia!" I smiled when he finished and nodded.

"See it wasn't that hard." He only stares at me as nod to Ella who puts a gun to his head. Pavel starts trying to break free, only making this more amusing to watch.

"You said you would spare me if I spoke up!" He screamed.

I smirked. "We say a lot of things don't we?" I turn and start walking as he screams only for them to be stopped after a loud bang. I walk out and go to the car as Ella follows.

"What should we do about this?" Ella questions as she sits next to me. I look at about to say something, but she cuts me off. "We cannot fight. The Russian mafia is more powerful, we won't win and even if we did we would not be left with a lot." I close my mouth and look out the window. We have to do something about this.

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