It Was Accidentally on Purpos...

By sleepingpup

562K 11.5K 2.1K

where one ambivelent girl trusts one cheeky boy who ends up being exactly who she thought he was when they fi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39 *LAST ONE*
Authors Note :)

Chapter 5

16.9K 372 64
By sleepingpup

Guys I'm sorry this one took longer to upload!!But here it is! Most of if is from Harry's POV because i felt like i had to clear up some things from his point. Hope you guys like it! vote, comment what ever you please! thank you!! xx -Chloe


Rewind before the coffee shop incident. Harry, Louis, Niall, Liam and Zayn are recording new songs for their new upcoming album.

We had just arrived at the recording studio and we were all quiet. (Except for Louis who was being the typical goofball.) We started recording then took a five minute break. Before we could even leave the booth; Perrie and Eleanor barged inside to hug Louis and Zayn. At first Zayn got upset because he thought it was one of us who messed up his hair, then when he saw it was Perrie, he kissed her.

Louis put his arm around Eleanor and turned around. “We’re gonna go walk around outside for a bit.”

“Don’t be long.” Added Niall. “Or we might just start guessing things.” Louis let out a loud laugh and pulled El closer to him and walked out. Meanwhile, Perrie was sitting on the couch with Zayn trying to fix his hair. Classy Zayn.

I went down the hall to a vending machine and got some bubbly water. Liam walked out too. Here it comes I said to myself. Liam’s gonna ask me about what happened yesterday with the reporter. Who this girl was who I liked etc. But surprisingly he didn’t.

“Watch the rugby match last night?” He asked. “Cheshire won against Cambridge.” I nodded and he smiled. I really appreciated being Liam’s friend. He knew I didn’t want to talk about Tiffani so he didn’t bring it up. He always knew what to do and how to make people feel better. He was one of those friends that no matter what happened; he’d always be there for you.

He started walking away when I grabbed his arm.

“I didn’t tell you guys about the girl because I wasn’t even sure about her myself.” I tried explaining to him but he just stopped me.

“It’s okay Harry.” He said with a sympathetic smile.

“I would have told you guys, I swear it’s just…” my voice trailed off. Liam truly knew how to talk to people and make them feel less stupid.

“You liked this girl.” He said. I tried to protest but he help up his hand and looked at me. I sighed and slowly nodded my head.

“I won’t tell the boys.” He told me and started walking away. He was about to walk into the room when he turned around.

“And Harry,” He said softly, almost whispering. “Since when have you ever let a girl you like get away?” He rose his eyebrow suspiciously then walked inside.

He was right. Since when did I ever let a girl get away from me? Especially one that I liked? Liam was right. I had to do something. I had to try harder. Tiffani had this one thing that just radiated this attraction to me.

When I walked back in the recording booth Niall, Zayn and Louis were still looking at me, waiting for an explanation. I decided to take action.

“Look guys.” I started. I looked over to Liam who nodded encouragingly. All the boys looked at each other but not at me.

“That girl I mentioned before… I didn’t tell you guys because I wasn’t even sure I liked her myself.” I told them taking a seat next to Louis.

“Why didn’t you just tell us that then?” Asked Zayn from across the room. I looked down at my feet. Why didn’t I tell them? I took a deep breath.

“Because I felt like you all had this image of me set up.” I said.

“What kind of image?” Niall asked leaning forward. I could feel Louis’ eyes on me but I wouldn’t meet his glance.

“That I was some guy who hooked up with random girls just for satisfaction.” I looked up and saw them all looking at me.

“That I was a player and ‘relationships’ for me never lasted because I always got bored of one girl and had to have a different one. That kind of image…”

I felt Louis hand on my shoulder. I looked over to him. He was smiling sympathetically.

“Harry we never think like that about you.” He said.

“Yeah, you’re just a bit flirty.” Niall added. “And there’s nothing wrong with that.” Zayn concluded.

“Plus we understand where you’re coming from.” Liam said. “We know you’d tell us everything but whenever it comes to girls it always takes you a while to open up.”

He was right again. They all where. My best friends always knew how to lift my spirits. But then of course negativity washed over me.

“But she doesn’t  like me back.” I told them. “In fact I think she hates me.” I frowned noticing how bad that sounds when I say it out loud.

“What?” All the boys said at once. They all had this expression of utter confusion on their face. “No, wait, what?” Louis asked. “She hates you?”

I shook my head. “I don’t know Lou, every time I see her she gives me the cold shoulder. She doesn’t like me and I don’t even know why.” I could tell all the boys felt bad for me and pretty confused too. Considering a girl has never turned me down for a long long time now. Hearing me say one hates me must be kind of shocking.

Liam decided to speak up. “Harry, she can’t hate you. Nobody can hate you.”

“Well she does.” I said sadly.

“Well there’s gotta be a reason for it.” Niall said. “No girl can just simply hate you for no reason.”

I bit my lip. I already told them this much I might as well tell them the rest.

“There is…” I said. “Actually three.”

“THREE?!” Exclaimed Louis. “What is wrong with this girl?”

I’ve been asking myself that question this whole time I said to myself.

“Well to start… she hates the Hollywood life. Like the free food.” Niall gasped.

“Reorganization from around the world.” Liam gasped.

“Having fans following you everywhere.” Louis gasped.

“And Paparazzi.” Zayn gasped then sat dramatically on to the couch again.

“Stop… I can’t take anymore…” Zayn said slowly.

There was a pause then I went on. “She has a boyfriend. Or had or might not have one anymore I really don’t know but yeah…” They all looked at each other and started laughing.

“Since when have u cared if she had a boyfriend or not, Haz?” Louis asked bending over from laughter. My face turned red.

“That was one time, Lou! One time!” I pushed my curls back and flopped them around. “She also thinks I’m some kind of player…”

Their laughter died down and their faces turned serious. I looked over to Liam.

“Liam what do I do? I like her, but she wants nothing to do with me, the last time I saw her she called me a ‘cocky, arrogant stranger.’” I was seriously confused. I had never been confused about a girl before but Tiffani made my thoughts disappear. It was so frustrating! Agh!

He sat down. “Just be yourself around her, mate. Don’t charm her or pull anything on her. Just be friendly, little things go a long way in relationships…”

I thought about it. I guess that could work. Even though all I’ve been wanting all this time was for her to kiss me… I suppose if being “friendly” around her first was a step closer to a kiss, I was willing to take it.

But that doesn’t change my feelings. She made me so upset yesterday at her work. She didn’t know anything about me and for her to insult me like that when I was just being nice? Who did she think she was. But then there was that image of her in my head when she was leaning in to kiss me by the bench then backed out and walked away. Her face in the moonlight… I shook my curls out of my face.

For the first time I was actually gonna have to bring down the charm and just be normal around her. The thing is… I’m not really normal. So I don’t know how this will go.

“By the way.” I said before putting on my headphones to begin recording again. “If you all meet this girl, do NOT embarrass me.”

They all chucked and Louis walked over to me. “Now where’s the fun in that?” He asked cheekily.

“Wait, what’s her name?” Liam asked. “You never mentioned it.”

“It’s Tiffani. Now let’s get to work shall we?” I said changing the topic.

Flash forward to after the coffee shop incident. Niall, Louis, Liam, Zayn and Harry are all pilled in the car going back to their house.

I ran out of that coffee chop as fast as I could. Anger and annoyance was burning through me. Once we were all in the car I gave all the boys an angry stare.

“You embarrassed me out there.” I told them. Zayn and Niall looked down and I could tell they were sorry for what they did. But Louis was just sitting opposite of me grinning like a maniac.

“Is this funny, Louis? Do you find my embarrassment funny?” I asked him sourly. He was getting on my last nerve now. Normally I don’t mind when Louis jokes around, it’s what he does. But this time he just did it too far… and in front of Tiffani. Kill me, please. But he just kept on grinning.

“No mate, it’s just, you were so awkward around her. I’d never seen you act like that around a girl.”

The other nodded in a agreement. But I just ran my fingers through my curls.

“I told you guys not to embarrass me.” I said gritting through my teeth.

“Yeah but Haz,” Zayn said. “I think we did you a favor by speaking up.” I looked at him intriguingly.

“Oh really?” I said sarcastically. “How is that?”

Before Zayn could answer Liam did.

“Did you not see her face when Niall said you talked about her all day? She looked straight at you mate. I don’t know about you… but I think she might have something for you deep down.”

But I just frowned. She probably just thought it was pathetic for me to be thinking of her. Or she thought it was some joke I told the boys about her. She was probably pissed off at me now. And it was definitely no help how I practically said the total opposite to her. “Why would I talk about you?” I quoted myself. I was a total idiot.

We rode in silence for a few minutes and I closed my eyes to relax. I looked over and saw Liam and Zayn nudging Louis in the ribs with their elbows.

“Um, Harry?” Louis asked softly. I looked over to him and crossed my arms. “We’re sorry we embarrassed you. We didn’t think you’d get so upset.”

“It’s alright lads.” I said with a half smile. But it didn’t bother me anymore. It happened and I can’t take it back. All I can do is focus on what is to come. I wasn’t sure if I would see her again. But at the rate at how often we are now… I wouldn’t be surprised if we did.

I smiled at the thought. Then I thought about what Liam said about how she might like me deep down. I really hoped that was true. I wanted her to like me, even if it took me forever to convince her, I couldn’t stand having her hate me.  

Once Louis and I got to our apartment I decided it was time to take a cat nap. I spread out on the couch and fell asleep.

Before I continue, I would like you to know I don’t control my dreams or plan them. They just happen.

I was walking down the street with a girl. We were holding hands and swaying our arms back forth. She spun around in my arms and it was Tiffani. We stopped at a milkshake shop and I got us a giant milkshake with whip cream and syrup. We both drank it from two giant straws and we gazed into each others eyes.

Tiffani accidently got whip cream on her nose and I leaned over and kissed her nose to get it off. She blushed and whipped her nose. I got some whip cream on my finger and placed it on my nose purposely. I gave her the puppy stare until she sighed loudly and got the message. She leaned over to kiss my nose but right when she was about to, me being cheeky, leaned up too and our lips touched. The kiss lasted a few seconds until she pulled away.

She started laughing and I grabbed her hand from across the table.

The next thing I knew we were at a fair. There was music, popcorn and games everywhere. Everything was in fast forward though so it was all blurry. The only clear image I got was the two of us standing together on the dock. I had my arms wrapped around her waist and laid my head on her shoulder.

She was cold so I put my jacket on her and hugged her. I tried kissing her cheek but she hid her face in my chest. I looked down at her cupped her face in my hands and rubbed my nose against hers.

She then grabbed my face and smushed my cheeks against her hands. She made funny faces at me and giggled every second. I grabbed her hands and pulled them down. She frowned, disappointed I stopped letting her play with my face. She turned away but I pulled her closer. I looked at her and mouthed something to her but I couldn’t hear anything.

At first I thought I said something that annoyed her because she just stared at me blankly. Then she rolled her eyes and kissed me passionately. She put her arms around my neck and I could almost feel the warmth of her body against mine. I kissed her back and put my hand on her waist and the other on her cheek. I ran my hand down her face and placed it behind her neck. We kissed more and more and I just couldn’t get enough of her kisses. It was like the longer I wasn’t with her the more I need her with me. Finally, she took a step back and said something. I smiled and pulled her closer to my chest.

Then I woke up. I laid in bed for a few minutes processing my dreams. My best dream ever. When we kissed in my dream, I swear it felt real. This was the first time I had an actual dream that I actually remembered when I woke up.

After having this dream and kissing her (even though I know it wasn’t real) it just made me realized how happy I would be if I was with her. I’m not saying my life wasn’t happy now, I’m just saying… I wanted this to work out. Even if she says she doesn’t like me I’m still going to tell her how I feel. I’ll tell her I’ll do it her way, as long as it works out.

But how… That was the question. How am I going to make her fall in love with me?


This is going to be harder than I thought. I grabbed my pillow and buried myself inside my bed.

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