Journey Of The Bonded (Being...

By DarkenedLight01

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Ash Ketcham a pokemon trainer who ia about to go on his frist journey through the Kalos region aiming to win... More

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830 19 12
By DarkenedLight01

"Normal talking"
'Telepathy' (everyone can understand unless told other wise)
"Pokemon speach"( I will have it already translated but only Ash can understand it no matter who's POV it is)
"Legendary speach"
'Aura talk' (everyone can understand unless told otherwise)
[My Note/messages]
Time Skip/Location swtich


"Wow", Serena said amazed while looming at the stone pillars of Geosenge Town.

"It is said that the stone pillers were all that was left of the original town from ancient time", Lucario said.

"I say we stock up on supplies and keep moving to the next gym", Riptide says.

"Riptide its almost dark", Lucario said.

"So we can move in the dark", Riptide said.

"Umm I case you haven't noticed were not dark types", Sapphire said as she held Starlight.

"Hey Serena are you allright with staying here for the night and leave to slorur city tomorrow morning", Ash asked.

"Sure I kinda tried anyway let hope the Pokemon Center has a room", Serena answered. 

"All right let go get some shut eye then", Ash said as the group starts to make there way to the Pokemon Center.

As the group went to walk away Riptide say something out the corner of his eye but couldn't see what it was.

"Riptide come on", Mystic called for Riptide.

When he caught up to the group at the pokemon center they saw it was under renovation and that there was a sign that read medical use only until completion.

"Well guess were camping outside somewhere", Ash said as he looked at the group.

"Are right let's go set up then", Serena said.

After a few minutes they found a spot to set up and set up the tents to sleep. Ash set up his rather quickly and started to play with Starlight. Mystic, Riptide, Sapphire, and Lucario were all talking amount each other. Serena finished seting up her tent after another few minutes. She tried to turn on a lamp but the batteries were dead and she couldn't find the spares.

"Hey Ash where did we pack the batteries for the tent lamps", Serena asked.


"Ash", Serena said as he turned around.

She saw Ash leaning against a tree asleep with an arm over a alseep Starlight snuggled against him in his lap.

'Aww he is so cute when he sleeps', Serena thought as a blush crepes up on her face.

She takes a quick picture before she goes off to bed the rest of the pokemon falling asleep soon after Serena.

The Next Day...

Serena wakes up to the sound of an explosion.

"What in the name of", Serena said as she jurked awake.

She exited her tent and saw Ash and Riptide on their back with a angry looking Sapphire over him.

"Do I even want to ask", Serena asked.

'Basically Ash and Riptide started teasing me and Sapphire and then said something stupid', Lucario said to Serena.

"Why am I not surprised", she replied as she facepalmmed.

"Well let's back up after breakfast and move on", Ash said as he sprang up.

The others started to giggle at Ash.

"All right but can we stop at some of the shops first I hear they sell mega stone holders for pokemon here I would like to find one for Sapphire", Serena whispered to Ash.  

"Ok Sure, but I will train a little bit while you do that", Ash replied. 

"Can I have some Oran berries Mr. Ketcham", Sapphire asked.

"Sure, they for Starlight by chance", Ash ask as he grabs out 2 Oran Berries.

Sapphire nods as she takes the berries.

"Riptide can you please use cut to cut these in smaller pieces for me", Sapphire asked.

Riptide nods and does the task. Sapphire then beings on feeding Starlight.

Ash and Serena went to make there own breakfast 

"Do you think Clemont and Bonnie made it to Shalour City", Serena asked.

"Yeah if they helicopter didn't take them there after the stop to Lumiose city last night it will take them there today", Ash said.

"Lets hurry cause I'm starving", Ash added.

After they eat breakfast Serena went and tried to find a mega stone holder for Sapphire but couldn't find one. When she returned to the group everyone was playing with Starlight except Mystic, so Serena walked up to her.

"Hey Mystic why don't you join theme", Serena said.

Mystic jumped up and yipped in fear due to not know she was there. After she turned around she started to hid here face due to embarrassment.

"Don't worry I will not tell anyone", Serena said.

After that though everyone noticed Serena returned.

"Serena did you find it", Ash asked.

"No I didn't, I wish I could though", She said as she turned to face Ash. As she turned another Mystic appeared behind Mystic.

"Wait why are their two Mystic's", Ash asked.

"What", Serena said as she turned around and saw the second Mystic there.

"Why do you look like me,......Why are you copying me!", Both Mystics shouted.

The two of them continued to fight about who was the real Mystic.

"All right let's just calm down for a second", Ash said, but as he did both glared at him which made him back up.

"This ridiculous can't you tell which one is real Riptide", Serena said.

"Uahhhhh", Riptide said as he body was frozen.

After a few minutes Starlight walked over to them.

"Your Mrs. Mystic", She said as she pointed to the right Mystic. "And your the fake", She added as she pointed to the left Mystic.

"You got me", The left Mystic said giggling.

"Its close hurry and we might still be able to catch it", said a nearby unknown voice.

The left Mystic took off running and ran away.

"Wait",  Starlight said but was too late to stop her.

The group then hears the sound of running feet, then a group dressing black rounded the corner. Ash's group recognized them as team Neo Plasma.

"Your the group that made Lucario like this", Ash said.l as he stepped in front of Serena.

"Oh, its the kid again from Cyllage City, let's finish him now, then we can go back to our main target", one of the grunts said as he pulled out a pokeball.

"Finish me ?" Ash said confused.

The grunts them tossed the pokeballs and Liepards came out the pokeballs.

"Allright use Shadow Ball/Dark Pulse", commanded the grunts.

Sapphire and Blade responded by using Light Screen shealding them from the hit. Ash then decided to counter attack.

"Ok if its a fight you here you go, Riptide Water Pulse", Ash said.

"Sapphire Dazzling Gleam", Serena commanded.

Both pokemon did there moves the Liepards they hit got knocked out. Only 2 reminded.

"Why are you here causing problems", Ash asked as he glared to the Plasma Grunts.

"Why would we tell you, but it will not matter, Toxic now", the grunt responded.

From the corner of his eye Ash saw a Scolipede about to use toxic on them. "Sapphire Teleport us out of here quick", Ash commanded.

Sapphire quickly turned around confused until she saw the Scolipede and with out waiting a second longer she focused her Pyhcic power and Teleported them back back outside pokemon center.

"What how did we", Serena started.

"AGGG They were waiting for us", Ash said frustrated.

Sapphire then collapsed on one knee painting.

"SAPPHIRE !", Lucario shouted worryingly.

"Sapphire you allright", Serena said as she assisted Sapphire to a sitting position.

"Teleporting.....that many people and mons.... took a lot out of me, im just tired", She replied.

"You need to rest, I shouldn't have asked you to do that yet since you just became a Gardaivor, but we need to contact officer Jenny about team Plasma, but take a Sitris berry", Ash said as he handed her the berry.

"That will not be to hard Master Ash", Lucario said.

"Why is that", Ash asked back.

Lucario then pointed to a TV screen inside the Pokemon Center, which showed a flying boat above Shoulor city.

"Is that what I think it is Ash", Serena asked.

"Yeah thats Team Plasma's ship, but why are they here", Ash said.

"I bet there after me", Lucario said.

"Daddy dont leave", Starlight cried as she jumped up into

"Well they can not have you, I will make sure they don't get you", Ash said confidently.

Suddenly the ground began to shake violently. The glass of the pokemon center began to shatter. The walls started to crack and Nurse Joy came running out with some Injured pokemon following her.

"What going on", She asked as she ran out.

"We don't know", Serena said. 

"I do", said an old sketchy voice.

Everyone turned around and saw a man dressed in a black and gray robe with a red eye cover on his right red eye. He had greenish gray hair and on his left arm he has two gold bracelets, also in his left hand he held a cane like staff with the team Plasma logo in the center. 

[This is him]

"And who are you and what is happening since you know", Nurse Joy said.

"I have received Intel that my Dark Stone is here and I want it back to complete my goal", He said.

Ash flinched at what he said, but no one noticed it.

"And whats your goal", Serena asked.

"I Ghetsis will be the king of the world with the Original Dragon at my side", he said as he slammed his cane in the ground.

Everyone gasped at his goals.

"I will not allow that", Ash said after he recovered from the reveal of Ghetsis's goals.

"I would like to see you try with this failure of a mega Lucario", He mocked.

Lucario went to respond but Ash stopped him.

A beeping sound was then herd. Ghetsis then put his hand uo to an ear piece and said, "what is it Zinzolin".

'Riptide sneak around behind him and get ready to grab his pokeballs', Ash told Riptide through Aura.

Riptide then sneaked his way around as waited for Ash to give the signal. 

"Ok then ready the canon fire when ready then send it to me so I can deal with this Idiots", Ghetsis said.

"We will stop you you know", Ash said.

"Really now, I like to see you try", Ghetsis snapped back.

"RAHHHHHHHHHHH", a roar was herd right after Ghetsis said that.

"What is that", everyone but Ash shouted.  [Including pokemon]

"No", Ash whispered.

"Hahahah, Yes my friend, you are indeed to late and you can not stop me when the dragon of ideals is by my side", Ghetsis said.

A large Black pokemon landed behind Ghetsis

The pokemom is a black, bipedal pokemon resembling a dragon or dinosaur, with dark patches on various portions of its body. It has red sclerae, white irises, and black pupils, as well as a small horn-like protrusion on the tip of its snout. Its head sports a thundercloud-like crest tipped with light-blue coloration. There are six pairs of pointed teeth visible when its mouth is open, two in the upper jaw and four in the lower. At the base of its neck is a black, stud-like feature, and atop its shoulders are similar, larger features resembling armor padding. The bases of its wings also have such padding, and a fanned, splayed, seemingly webbed shape with a small "wing-spike" on one edge. The lower length of the pokemon's arms extenuate into splayed, seemingly webbed, somewhat baseball-mitt-like formations, with three-clawed, dark-colored hands on the undersides. The front portion of its waist is black-colored, with its belly and thighs having thin striations down their length. Its knees are black, as are the foremost parts of its three-clawed feet and spiked heels. Zekrom stood behind Ghetsis

"Now Ash Ketcham Son of Riley and Cynthia I would like you to meet Zekrom the last pokemon you will see", Ghestsis said with a evil grin.

[All right everyone that is Chapter XXIII uploaded. Im going to say it now, yes I know its been a while and yes I did say I would have this out about one ot two weeks ago. First and foremost sorry for the extremely long wait, I was having issues in some classes and then got caught up doing other things I didn't get time to work on any of my books really. A part of it was writers block but I'm not going to pass the blame to anyone but me. This chapter was suppose to be done about a week ago but when I upload my stories I may write them on my phone but I always upload them on my computer since I have had issues in the past, and my computer decided to kill it's self when I went to upload it and I had to fix it. Now thats its fixed I am uploading this Chapter. So with that out the way sorry for any errors and I hope you all enjoyed this Chapter of Journey of the Bonded and I will see you all later]
~Darkendlight01 signing off 

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