His Possession (kookv)Book 1

By fity24

306K 7.4K 2.8K

"YOU ARE MINE GOT IT, "_Jeongguk said in a low voice Start: November 26, 2019 Ends: January 18, 2021 Sequal "... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6 (M)
chapter 7
A/N not an update
chapter 8
1k special chapterπŸ”₯
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12 (M)
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
100k special
100k special pt.2
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40 (M)
Chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 59
Epilogue: Chapter 60(M)
The trailer of "Our Possession(Kookv)" book 2
book2 is out!!

Chapter 58

985 29 38
By fity24

3 months later (Jeonghyun is 11 months)

No one p.o.v

Jeonghyun finally accepts the sippy cups and realized that they weren't that bad. He knows how to walk and talk, saying things like "Mommy can you please lift me up?" or "Daddy, I did that, it was me." Jeonghyun started learning his alphabet and numbers.

Jeonghyun was at his grandparent's house sitting on the floor blanket using his iPad.  Seungsik was watching him making sure Jeonghyun doesn't get hurt. Jeonghyun was looking at the image of a dolphin, he really wants the dolphin so he looked at the image then his grandpa. Jeonghyun got up with his iPad and then walked to his grandfather. when he was in front of his grandpa he looked at him with his baby eyes, " Hey papa, Kinkin wants this, please?" Jeonghyun asked as he showed the image of the dolphin to his grandpa. Seungsik looked at the image and then chuckled. " Have you been a good boy?" Seungsik asked. 

Jeonghyun shook his head," No, I haven't been a good boy lately." Jeonghyun answered.

"How about this, if you be nice for 2 months then I'll tell your parents to get you the dolphin, okay Kinkin?" Seungsik asked.

"But papa, I want to buy it myself. I can pay for it with my money." Jeonghyun insists.

"Where is your money?" Seungsik asked.  Jeonghyun puts his iPad on the floor then he immediately had a shocked look that his hands were on his head. 

"Oh no, I'm broke. Papa, how do I get money now?" Jeonghyun asked.

Seungsik chuckled and then pats Jeonghyun's head. "Maybe if you behave that will be a way to start," Seungsik said. 

Jeonghyun gave his grandpa a hug" Thank you, papa. You are my number#1 supporter." 


the next day 

Jeonghyun was using his iPhone 11 pro max to videotape himself being nice so he can prove that he can be nice. Jeonghyun puts his phone on his parent's nightstand then teleports himself to their bed. His father was sleeping, Jeonghyun shakes his dad to wake him up "Daddy, wake up!"  Jeonghyun said. Jeongguk woke up and looked at his son with tired eyes, "Why are you here?" Jeongguk asked. " I don't know, how about you figure that out yourself?- I meant to say hi. I'm sorry for being rude." Jeonghyun apologized that made Jeongguk smile. "It's okay buddy. Just next don't say that, it's rude." Jeongguk said.

after 2 hours Jeongguk was ready. Jeongguk faced the camera and sighed " Morning sleep and weekend sleep they- they're no longer mine. He took it all and it's completely out of reach for me. I'm trying to learn to accept it a-and adjust and I'm trying to press through and uh-" Jeongguk got cut off by Jeonghyun.

"Grow up?" Jeonghyun added.

"I'm already grown okay? You don't know what it's like to lose something you love." Jeongguk paused.

"Sleep was my best friend and we had a really long friendship..." Jeongguk babbled

Jeonghyun just yawns watching his father talk, "What a big baby." Jeonghyun muttered under his breath.



"I need a place where I can have peace and quiet without anyone bothering me. all quiet that I can think properly and calm down-" Jeongguk said but got interrupted by the door opening revealing Jeonghyun. Jeonghyun came up to his father with a toy drum stick in his hand.

"Jeonghyun, this is my only private time," Jeogguk said. "Ha," Jeonghyun said.

"This is what happens every time, he comes in with a toy in his hand, talking about some nonsense. I don't want to be a share of space,"  Jeongguk said to the camera.

"Hi, dad."

Jeongguk waves at Jeonghyun, "You can go find mommy, he is in the kitchen," Jeongguk said as he points at the door. Jeonghyun walked to the door and then walked back to his father. "Are you done?" Jeonghyun asked.

"No, I'm not done. I'm not going to do that in front of you. I-I don't feel comfortable doing that in front of you. "

"Where in the back?" Jeonghyun asked as he hits his father's thighs with the toy drum stick  "Jeonghyun, I am good. You can go find mommy. " Jeongguk suggested.

"Nah, let me help you, dad,"

" I don't need help, I'm an expert at this. I know what I'm doing. " Jeongguk said to the camera.

"I try to give him all the food that he needs, main meals and snacks too. I sometimes fail to eat my food at the same time as him since I'm too busy providing him everything that I make a mistake to eat my food after he does," Jeongguk said to the camera.

Jeongguk was eating his lunch after feeding Jeonghyun. Jeonghyun came up to his dad and started whining as he watches his father eat. "Didn't you ate already?" Jeongguk asked. The only response he got was whining. Jeonghyun looked at the food then at his mommy and at his dad." Daddy, I'm hungry again. " Jeonghyun said. "You want more Jeonghyun?" Taehyung asked.

Jeonghyun walked to his mom. "Yes, please," Jeonghyun said. "Okay. I'll get you some more," Taehyung said as he went to get Jeonghyun more food. Jeonghyun looked at his dad then said "Hurry it up, meng!"

Jeongguk just holds in his anger and sighed. Jeonghyun left following his mom. 

Taehyung came back in and feed Jeonghyun.

"He may not take my food now, but later on he will. So food is no longer mine. I feel like don't own my body anymore." Jeongguk said to the camera as well as fake crying.

Taehyung was just watching him with an annoyed look. "I give Jeonghyun everything, even when he was in the womb. I'm the one who had to deal with him kicking me so hard that I couldn't sleep at night when I was 6-8 months pregnant. " Taehyung muttered under his breath.


Taehyung decided it was a nice day to go to the park with Jeonghyun. Jeongguk stayed back because he has work to do so Taehyung did him a favor of taking Jeonghyun with him. Jeongguk being the overprotected husband he is he sends 4 guards to watch over Taehyung and Jeonghyun.

Taehyung and Jeonghyun were enjoying nature and having had well. Taehyung was running away from Jeonghyun so he doesn't get tagged, of course not running too fast that Jeonghyun would trip and fall. "Tag you're it, mommy," Jeonghyun said as he pays his mom as a signal that he caught him. "Oh no, I thought I could run away from you but I guess you are very fast," Taehyung said playfully that made Jeonghyun giggle.

"Well, you better run cause I'm going to catch you and eat you up for dinner," Taehyung said playfully as he got closer to Jeonghyun. "No, don't eat me!" Jeonghyun said as he started to run. Taehyung ran and caught him, Taehyung picked Jeonghyun up and kiss his face. Jeonghyun giggled then "mommy, no don't eat me," Jeonghyun said playfully.

After 15minutes later

Taehyung and Jeonghyun were taking pictures of the flowers. A ten-year-old boy came up to the two royalties. "Are you the queen and the baby Prince?" The kid asked. "Yes, we are," Taehyung answered with a smile.

The kid squats down to Jeonghyun's level and tried to hug him but to his surprise, Jeonghyun wasn't any regular baby. "Don't touch me," Jeonghyun snapped. 

The kid's eyes widen by sudden words the 11-month-old.  "W-what? aren't you a baby? babies don't talk!" The kid claimed. Jeonghyun rolled his eyes, "Do you hear that?" Jeonghyun asked. 

"Hear what?" the kid asked looking around for the sound. "Nobody asked for your opinion," Jeonghyun said.

The kid was shocked that a baby, A BABY talking to him like that.

"At least I-I know my time tables."

"Okay, then what's 7x7?"

"Easy! 41!" The kid said proudly.

Jeonghyun laughed."You are 10 yet you don't even remember your timetables properly. The answer was actually 49. You let me, who should know less than you correct you with your timetables." Jeonghyun said. the kid started to cry. "waaahhh mommy!"The kid cried out loud.

"What are you crying for? What are you crying for? I should be the one crying, not you. Ugh! I'm so done." Jeonghyun groans as he watches the kid cry.

 Jeonghyun remembers his papa's words "Love your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, for he is shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil."

Jeonghyun tugged the boy's pants, "I'm sorry for saying all that, that was very rude of me. The way I-I act was so impertinent that I forgot about the people around me. So please forgive me, I promise I won't say anything rude again." Jeonghyun apologized.

The boy looked at Jeonghyun then smiled. " I forgive you. How do you know that big word impert- something ?" The boy asked. 

"Uh... that I can't tell you."


The Jeon family were having dinner Jeonghyun was sitting on his highchair getting fed by both of his parents. Jeongguk failed to eat his food at the same time as Jeonghyun. after 15 minutes Jeonghyun was done eating his food so Taehyung let him walk around. Jeongguk was eating his food and hoping Jeonghyun wouldn't ask for any of his food. Jeonghyun walked to his dad and pats his thighs. "Daddy..."

"Jeonghyun, if you want some of my food you can have it."

"No, I'm full. I just want to say sorry that I took the 4 things away from you which are sleep, food, peace, and mommy's attention. I-I was selfish and I only cared about myself that I-I didn't think about your feelings and health. So from today forward I will let you eat your food, sleep, have your peace, and mommy's attention." Jeonghyun apologized sincerely.

Jeongguk felt tears forming and falling down his face. Jeonghyun looked at his dad with a confused look.

"Daddy... why are you crying?"

Jeongguk picked up his son and hugged him. "Thank you, Jeonghyun. You make me the happiest father ever. I'm thankful to have a son like you." Jeongguk said while crying that made Jeonghyun cry and hugged his father.

"Hmm, I wonder who taught Jeonghyun to be a good boy?" Taehyung asked.

"P-papa did." Jeonghyun stuttered as he was crying.

'Good job Kinkin, you're already making progress. I'm proud of you.' Seungsik said as he put a thumbs up at Jeonghyun. Only  Jeonghyun could see him in this form 

'Thank you, papa.'

Woooo hoooo Jeonghyun is finally acting like a good boy instead of disrespecting everyone.

Announcement 📢📢📢

I'm going to make a sequel for  "His possession( KookV)"!!!!

I'm going to create the book this week and start writing. 

His possession will end with 60 chapters.














Fity24 (Author-nim) :

Meme time


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