Malicious by choice. //Kai Pa...

By cantevendecide

142K 3.9K 1K

No strings attached with Malachai Parker? Seems manageable as Kaitlyn and Kai had one major thing in common a... More

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Authors Note.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter eight.
Chapter nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter eleven.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter fourteen.
Chapter fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty-one.
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three.

Chapter Twelve.

4.7K 166 47
By cantevendecide

A.N. Terribly sorry! Its just I kind of had that writers block where you know what you want to write but can't get it on paper, but when I did I wasn't happy so I've kind of been trying to ignore it though I've had this chapter for the last couple of days and I know I'm completely useless.
Anyway last time I was officially on here I had like 2k likes and now its 7k! Omg I think I just broke my leg from my spaz attack! Enjoy! :) //Luisa//

Chapter twelve--

"And then I woke up."

"You just woke up?"

"Yeah, its by far the weirdest dream I have ever had."

I wring my hands together to stop myself from cringing at everyone's stares, they were all staring at me as if I sprouted another head.

And by everyone I mean EVERYONE.

It seems like when you invite one person over, everyone one else isn't far behind.

"And how is your dream of any importance? I can tell you my dream last night. It was very vivid and spolier alert you were in it."

Damon sang from his perch on the bookcase. He sent a wink my way, a wink that no doubt had dropped plenty of panties.

How does Elena stand him?

"Because, then I have these."

I push my long sleeved top to my elbows, showcasing the bruises in the shape of hands. I could hear Everyone gasp.

They were quite ugly, dark purple and they made it painful to move my arms. Someone had to grab me very tight in order for them to be this bad.

That someone probably being Kai.

"But it doesn't make sense because you said it was a dream."

I glance at Caroline to see her eyes wide with confusion.

I had no idea what it meant either.

"I know but what do these mean then?"

"Maybe it actually happened?"

"What so I blacked out, then mysteriously woke up back in bed?"

The words made me sick to my stomach, because well it could be true.

Maybe Kai knocked me out and then carried me back into my room?

Then wouldn't I at least have marks from the car crashing? I'm pretty certain that there wasn't a spell to stop a moving car.

"That's a possibility."

I looked over to see Jo. I had already came to the conclusion that I didn't really like her, mostly her judgmental blue eyes.

"If you don't mind me asking what was Kai doing there?"

Her tone didn't sound very questioning, more like demanding. Like there was no choice but to answer. I was tempted to just clamp my mouth shut and not answer, what could she do? She may be older but because of her predicament she was a newbie compared to me.

"I didn't invite him if that's what you're really asking."

She flinched at my icy tone. I was a little surprised myself. I guess there was something about her that made me hate her.

You know, those people.

"He just showed up with dinner." I spoke up again, leaving out the fact he got me a gift. I felt like it was our little secret and I honestly did not want to share it with his sister of all people.


"Yup, Thai."

"But that's your favorite!" Caroline Screeched. I looked over to see her eyes wide and mouth slightly agape.

"I know Care, apparently Elena helped him out with getting to know me."

"I don't believe that."

For some reason that made me mad. Like i-really-want-to-throat-punch-you-mad.

And it took all I could to not actually jump over the lounge and do it. How could she even think I'd lie about something like this?

"So what he read her mind?" My voice broke off with a scoff, i looked at Caroline to see her staring at me in shock.

Understandably, I was being extremely bitchy today. Maybe it really was that time of the month.

"Look, all I know is that he turned up at my place with dinner and seemed to know an awful lot about me."

I grabbed ahold of Cares hand, hoping to convey through this one gesture that I was sorry for snapping at her.

She squeezed mine back, giving me a desperate look. Asking me with her eyes if I was alright. I just knew she was going to want to talk later. She always wanted to talk.

"What happened next?"

We were snapped out of our little heart to heart by Jo. Of course, I was about to fly kick her in the face soon.

"We didn't have sex if that's what you're implying. I told him I was on my period."

Damon snorted at my words and I turned towards him, focusing my glare on him.

"Are you sure you're not really on your period? It would explain a lot."

"Might want to choose your words wisely Day." I mocked, using the nickname I knew he hated. I pranced up to him taking the glass of scotch he had in his hands throwing it back and finishing the contents. "We don't want a repeat of yesterday." I winked to get my message across.

"What else happened?" Jo asked yet Again.

At her words it was like my neck suddenly got heavier and the space between my boobs seemed to sear, as if reminding me about the locket.

I didn't say anything, I didn't want to tell them anything, I wanted to keep this between Kai and myself.
'Oh lord, you sound whipped Kaitlyn.'

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I hadn't realized Jo had walked up to me before it was too late.

She grabbed ahold of my necklace pulling it out of my top.

"T-this... This was my mothers." She looked at me with scared eyes. Why was she scared? "How did you get this?"

I shrugged at her, slowly prying her fingers off of my locket. "Kai gave it to me." I kept my tone nonchalant, hoping she wouldn't question me, but my words seemed to cause an uproar since at once everyone started screaming and crying nonsense.

I looked around taking in everyone's worked up forms. My gaze stopped on Damon who seemed to sober up, his hand bloody from the cup he smashed by how hard he gripped it.

I then looked over to Caroline who was extremely red in the face, over to Jo who was being embraced by Alaric.

This particular scene made me roll my eyes, she wasn't a baby. There was no need to coddle her.

So what if Kai gave me a necklace? Its not like it means I've gone to the bad side with him.

Plus its pretty.

"That's not the point, it just means Kai is trying to coax you into siding with him, and who knows how powerful he'll be if he absorbs all your magic." I didn't realize I had said it aloud. Oh well.

"Just because a guy gave me something pretty doesn't mean I'm automatically going to fall for him and stand behind him. Plus he didn't even Ask me to help him, and far as I know he hasn't taken an ounce of my magic. I'm not just some basic bitch." I laughed at my little joke, this just seemed to make everyone more edgy.

"Nothing else happened?"

Caroline squeeked, from her position on Stefan's shoulder.

"Uhm... Well." I put emphasis on the 'well' causing Caroline to jump up.

"What did you do Kaitlyn?"

"He gave me a present so I gave one back."

"You didn't."

"I did." I defended, knowing full well she was probably going to slap me silly.

"What did she do?" Stefan asked, looking at me with his brooding stare. It seems everyone was looking at me but for once I didn't feel embarrassed. I was a grown ass women, I could do as I please and if I wanted to give someone a present I would give someone a present.

"You're not meant to give that to just anyone! Its meant to be with the one you love not som-"

"Care." I held up my hand, signalling her to stop. "We both know you're mad cause you didn't get to give yours first. Plus It was just sitting in the back of my closet anyway. Its not that big of deal."

"Not that big of deal?" Her hands flew in all directions, her voice getting louder. "NOT THAT BIG OF DEAL? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" she screeched, her voice going an octave higher than normal, I really wanted to laugh but I also didn't want an angry blonde after me.

Yeah I'm good.

"Look I'm going to be late to class, we'll talk later."

I decided to make my leave before she exploded, also to dodge the disapproving looks I was sure to get from everyone once they found out what Caroline was so flustered about.

"Wait! Class doesn't start for another 30 minutes Kaitlyn! I'm in it with you!"

Care yelled after to me, I flipped her off as a response. No way was I staying for their next conversation.

One sentence made me stop dead in my tracks though, of course it was Jo opening up her big mouth.

"Does she always run from her problems?" She 'whispered' to Alaric.

That biatch.

I whirled around so fast I'd be surprised if I didn't have whiplash, and stomped over to her making sure each stomp conveyed how angry I was, imagining I was stomping on her head instead.

"Excuse me. You do not know me. You don't know anything about me so next time you want to know something about me, you fucking ask me okay?" I was right up in her face, probably spitting on her but I didn't even care at that moment, I was so livid. "Okay?"

Her head bobbed up and down so fast she looked like a bobble head.

"Good. Just remember I'm helping you out, I can easily switch sides and kill you so remember who you're Talking to. What are you even doing here? You're literally a waste of space. All you really are is Alaric's eye candy."

I saw her eyes well up with tears and took it as my que to go. I glared at everyone before spinning around and sauntering out the room.

"Wow she's so hot when she's mad."

I heard someone slap Damon at his comment, telling him to shut up. I laughed as I pictured Damon's scrunched up face and made my way to campus.


Kill me now.

I currently sat in the library, attempting to catch up on the homework I didn't know I had, which was due in the next 20 minutes. I gazed down rereading the same chapter I've been staring at for the last five minutes.

The words all jumbled together making it impossible to concentrate.

I let out a loud groan earning a glare from the frail librarian.

How cliché.

I was about to just pack up and leave. Hopefully I would find Caroline before class and convince her to let me copy her work.

A hand slamming my book shut snapped me out of my thoughts.

One look at the wrist to see my bracelet shining in the light confirmed it was Kai.

My eyes trailed up his defined arms, past his broad shoulders settling themselves on his proudly grinning face.

I couldn't hold back the slither of fear that ran up my back, I was so not ready for this confrontation.

"Like it?" He dangled my bracelet in front of my eyes. "I've been showing it off to everyone!"

I let out a shaky laugh at how proud he was, studying his face for any of the madness he showed last night. Needing to know if it was real or not.

I saw no traces of anger, he looked Genuinely ecstatic. I was so confused.

"Well?" I realized I must have been staring, explains his cocky smirk. I could feel my neck get hot, no doubt a blush on my cheeks.

"Oh, its great I guess."

"What the bracelet? Or my face?" His smirk was full blown by now but I didn't laugh. Still staring at him my face scrunched with confusion.

Surly he didn't forget about all his violent episodes...

I stood up abruptly grabbing all the books on the table and made my way into the row of bookshelves.

My stomach clenched with fear when I heard him get up and follow me. Looking around I realized it was probably a bad idea because no one seemed to be around and we were pretty far in so no one would hear me as I screamed for my life.

Damn me and my constant need for seclusion.

"Did I do something wrong? Do you want the bracelet back?"

I turned regretting it when he bumped into me causing all the books to fall out of my hands and scatter on the floor. I didn't realize he was so close.

I dropped to the floor slowly picking up the books using that as an excuse not to look into his eyes.

"No nothing is wrong just out of it I guess and it was a present, of course I want you to keep it."

I went to pick up the last book when my wrist was grabbed by Kai causing me to flinch, just the slightest touch and my bruises would hurt.

He must have seen my flinch because he let go of my wrist instead putting his fingers under my chin tilting my head, guiding my eyes to meet his.

"Whats wrong?"

His eyes were so sincere it frightened me. I couldn't be apart of anything with such an unstable person.

I considered telling him but how do you bring it up?
'Oh its nothing, just pretty sure you tried to kill me last night. No biggie.'

Yeah that will go over well.

"Did I do something?"

Now his eyes were filled with concern, dear lord he will be the death of me.

"I have to get to class Kai."

I pulled my chin out of his grasp and rose up to put all the books back.

I contemplated throwing a book at his head then booking it out of here but decided a book wouldn't really injure him much.

Just as I pushed the last one in and turned to make a hasty exit, I felt Kai put his hands on the bookshelf behind me, entrapping me in his arms.

It was like all my senses had come alive and I was very aware of how close he and I were.

Whenever he inhaled his chest would bump mine sending shivers down my spine.

"Tell me what is wrong first."

His breath fanned my cheeks, he smelled like cinnamon.

I couldn't help my eyes from flicking from his eyes to his lips, really wanting to kiss him in that moment.

Maybe it would distract him enough?

Just as I leaned towards him licking my lips with anticipation his finger stopped me.

"Don't try and distract me, tell me what's wrong."

His voice was soft, maybe he didn't know what was going on.

I wriggled myself from his cocoon fortress and went to the opposite bookshelf. An attempt to put distance between us.

My tongue felt heavy and bile rose up my throat, my hands were clammy as I wrung my fingers nervous about telling him.

"I had a dream last night."

"Okay?" He looked at me as if I just told him I was running away to join the circus. "Not just any dream... You were in it."

This made him smirk, all traces of the sensitive Kai gone.

"Must of been a great dream. Of course, I was in it."

"Ugh, I shouldn't have told you anything."

I went to leave again but his arm stopped me. What I wouldn't do to Have vampire strength so I could throw him through a window. I opted instead for throwing the nearest book at him. I didn't care if it didn't do great damage, so long as it did some kind of damage.

"You." There goes Wuthering Heights.

We must be in the classics.

"Are." Pride and prejudice.

"An." Jane Eyre.

"Incredibly." Great Expectations.

"Difficult." To kill a Mockingbird.

"Person." The great Gatsby.

"Asshole." An encyclopedia?

I didn't complain because it was big and heavy and when it hit his gut I heard a satisfying groan.

"Look I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

He held his hands up in surrender, not quite being able to get rid of his cocky smirk.

I stared past his head, looking at all the books on a particular row. Distracting myself with reading the titles.

After awhile I decided to put him out of his misery.

"You tried to kill me."

I looked back, gauging his reaction.

Now he had an emotionless expression, his eyes hard.

For some reason I kept going on, like my mouth had a mind of its own.

"And these." I pulled up my sleeves. "I woke up with these, so I need to know Kai. What the hell happened?"

It was quiet for a few minutes. The deadly kind, the only thing heard was our breathing.

"I d-didn't. I don't." He stuttered, running a shaky hand through his hair. I was genuinely surprised at his ghastly complexion.

"I didn't try to kill you, I left early because I had things to do."

I looked into his eyes to see nothing but truth, and somehow I knew what happened last night didn't really happen.
I trusted him.

"Then how did I get these?"

Kai reached out and gently measured his hands with the bruises.

"W-what the hell?"

They didn't even match.


Please, please, please.




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