♟Promotions and Sacrifices [S...

By sssarah009

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Dark magic is evolving. Death Eaters are rising. The match has begun. (taking a break from this book but it... More

Character Aesthetics:
First Year
Second Year
Summer At the Burrow
Third Year
The Summer Before Fourth Year
Forth Year
5th year: Partners
5th Year: Pranks, pranks, and more pranks
5th Year: The Hogsmeade Date
5th Year:
5th Year: The Quidditch Game
5th Year: Truth or Dare
5th Year: Knight in Shining Armor
5th Year: The Library
5th Year: Can't fly
5th year:
Part 1: If I go down, you're going down with me
Part 2:
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 19

254 13 21
By sssarah009

Rose dragged her little brother across the busy alley. The scorching sun shone down on them and heated up the tiny town like an oven. Like every year, Diagon Alley was at its population peak today. Crowds of families swarmed in and out of the tiny shops, and up and down the narrow street, rushing to get their school supplies.

"I can't believe you got lost." Rose huffed, frantically looking around for their parents.

"I can't believe you lost mom and dad!" Hugo exclaimed, trying to wriggle his arm out of her tight grip.

"Yeah, I lost them looking for you!" She glared over at him.

"So basically, you lost me first then lost-"

"Shut it, Hugo,"

"We're never going to find them! Look at this place. It's like the muggle mall mum would take us to on brown Friday!"

"It's called black Friday- and you babbling on won't help us find them. I mean, you could at least-"

"Hey, is that Scorpius?"

"Huh?" Rose's eyes followed Hugo's finger and instantly picked out the glaring shock of platinum blonde hair. He was wearing a black polo shirt that emphasized his sickly pale skin. His eyes scanned the shops, most likely looking for some place to buy his books.

As if he could feel her stare, Malfoy looked up and met her eye.

Nope. Not doing this today.

Rose abruptly spun around and dragged her little brother the opposite direction.


Rose ignored him and kept walking.

"Rose, where are we going? You said that-"

"We are going to look for them somewhere else."

A strong arm pulled her back and Rose groaned. Why must he be so fast?

"Didn't your parents teach you it's rude to ignore people?"

"You're one to talk about being rude."

He smirked and took a step closer. "So where are you headed to? A second-hand robe shop?"

"That's original." She glared and crossed her arms. "If all you wanted to do was taunt me, then I guess I will get going. You see, I actually have better things to do than converse with a Malfoy."

"Oh please. Don't act like you didn't miss me."

"Miss you? I was stuck with you for nearly a month this summer!"

"True. By the way, you owe me a thank you."

"Why would I thank you?" She sighed and waited to see what desperate situation he would come up with this time to deflate her dignity.

"For driving out that pick."

"You drove yourself out?"

"Very funny. I'm talking about Mclacking?"

"That doesn't count."

"And why not?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Because you got us all in trouble. I spent the last week washing everyone's dishes and doing their laundry. Me! And I was barely part of it!"

"I did warn you."

"Shut up, Malfoy. Now if you'll excuse me, we need to go."

Malfoy looked at her funny. "Who's we?"

Rose pulled her arm, but no one dragged forward. She gasped and looked at the empty hand that had previously held Hugo's arm.

"You have got to be kidding me." She buried her face in her hands.

"Your brother's gone."

She lifted her head from her hands and glared at him. "Gee, thanks captain obvious."

"Any time." He said, flashing her a smile.

"Oh mum and dad are going to kill me." She whispered to herself, looking over everyone's shoulders for a ginger head.

"Oh come on. The kid's fourteen. He'll manage."

"I need to find hi-"

"I'll help you look."

Rose looked up at him. "I don't have time for your games."

Amusement twinkled in his eyes. "I'm serious. I mean, you're like a dwarf. One wrong step and you'll probably be carried away in these streets."

Rose scrunched her nose at his blatant insult that he managed to fit into such a nice gesture. He had a point though. Since he was so tall, he could easily spot out Hugo over the crowd of people flooding the alley.

"You better not slow me down." She huffed.

He grabbed her wrist and pulled her through the alley, pushing through the crowd while she repeatedly apologized to every one they bumped into.

"Can you let go of me?" She asked, struggling out of his grip.

"Do you want to get lost? I mean, that would be what- strike three?"

Four, actually.

Rose rolled her eyes but reluctantly followed him.

After a minute or so of frantically apologizing to the families they pushed past, Malfoy led her into a familiar shop.

"Why are we here? This is Flourish and Blotts."

"Congratulations, you can read." He drawled and finally let go of her wrist.

"I'll ask you again since you appear to be a little hard of hearing. Why are we here?"

"Why do you think, genius?" He threw his hands out, gesturing to the books on the shelves that were stacked to the ceiling.

"I doubt Hugo would voluntarily come here."

"Yes, but I need to buy my school books before sundown. Mother will have my head if I come back after all this time empty handed."

"But what about-"

"Relax, Weasley. There's no way we can find him with the place flocked with people. Just wait it out, the crowd will die down, and we'll look for him."

Rose contemplated for a moment and found herself agreeing with him. It would be impossible to find him with just how crowded the alley was. Plus, she did need to buy some books for this year.

They split up, agreeing to meet back in the same spot in about ten minutes.

Rose went straight to the potions section, searching for the 'Advanced Potion-Making' textbook. She already had most of the books- hand-me-downs from her parents. To pass time, she looked at other books, briefly skimming them.

She was heavily invested in a book about magical creatures when a hand gently tapped her shoulder, bringing her back into reality. Malfoy stood over her with an arm full of books.

"You said ten minutes. It been-" she looked down at her watch. "Thirty minutes. But I shouldn't be surprised at this point."

"Yes, well clearly you didn't mind the wait." He glanced over at the numerous books that laid around her. "Are you sure you can pay for all of that? These books are rather expensive and well- you being a Weasley should say enough."

She put the books back on the shelf next to her, making sure to stomp on his foot on her way. "My family can afford new books, Malfoy. We just don't unnecessarily throw money around like fools."

"I'm buying school books. How is that wasting money?" He smirked and fell into step with her.

"For one, you could use the books your parents used. I'm sure they are in perfectly good condition."

"Yeah, whatever."

They paid for their books and walked out. Rose made sure to hold onto his wrist as she walked into the packed street.

"I knew you were just dying to hold hands with me."

Rose felt her face heat up and she could already sense that stupid little smirk curing his lips. "Don't flatter yourself."

"You hungry? Oh who am I kidding, you're always hungry."

"I-" Rose cut herself off and settled with a good kick to his legs. A satisfied smile lifted the corner of her mouth as she heard him hiss in pain.

"Look, it's Florean Fortescue's. Let's go there." Rose tugged him across the street to the ice cream shop.

"Ice cream does sound good right now..." He followed her into the parlour and walked up to the front.

"Welcome to Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour. Do you know what you'll be having today?" A lady at the front desk asked with a painfully forced smile plastered on her face.

"Yes, I'll have two scoops of vanilla ice cream with chopped almonds. Make that chocolate covered." Malfoy turned to her, waiting for her order.

"Could I get the strawberry cheesecake sundae with extra whipped cream?"

"Absolutely. Your total will be two galleons and a sickle."

Rose reached into her pockets but by the time she got them out, Malfoy had already paid for it.

"Come on, I want to get a good seat before they're all filled up."

She followed him to a corner table. "You didn't have to pay for mine."

"Yes, well you would have taken an awfully long time. It's embarrassing, really."

Rose rolled her eyes. Of course that was the reason why. "Right. I bet the idea of being a gentleman didn't pass through that empty head of yours."

He slid into the bench backed up to the wall. "Excuse you, Weasley. Many people would describe me as a chivalrous man."

"Like who? Your mum?" She snorted.

He opened his mouth, thought about it, then closed it. "That's besides the point."

Rose laughed and he shot her a glare. "It's like you can't do one nice thing without having bad intentions. Not that I'm surprised or anything- I mean, you're the typical Slytherin."

"That's not true. I can do plenty of good."


"Well, I'm helping you find your brother. That's very generous of me." He stated proudly.

"And yet this whole time, while we're supposed to look for him, we were out buying your books. If you ask me, that sounds pretty selfish."

"I bought you ice cream."

"No, you're distracting me with ice cream. So while you're out here enjoying your icy treat, my little brother is out there, lost in the blazing sun and uncomfortably large crowd. He's probably feeling lost and scared..." Rose taunted, smiling at his glare.

"You know, I'm starting to think that you don't care so much about your lost and scared brother as much as you care about proving me wrong."

Rose smiled at the lady placing their ice creams on the table. "Hey, he's fourteen. He'll manage."

Rose's mouth watered at the sight of in front of her. In the large bowl lay three large balls of the pink, creamy, ice cream with crushed graham crackers, drizzled strawberry syrup, and a giant dollop of whipped cream on top. She scooped up part of it, shoving it into her mouth with a muffled moan.

Malfoy eyed her bowl in disgust.

"What?" She asked, slowly chewing.

"You're going to eat that?"

She looked down at the bowl- what she believed to arguable be the most beautiful sight in the world. "What's wrong with it?"

"It's just a little...excessive." He chose his words carefully, cautiously looking at her. Malfoy knew better than to blatantly insult her food.

"Excessive? There is nothing excessive about this. It's ice cream. How can it be excessive? You're excessive."

Clearly he did not choose his words wisely enough. "I'm just saying. It's like diabetes in a bowl."

She gasped. "I know you aren't talking with your vanilla ice cream. Could you be any more basic?"

"It has chocolate covered almonds."

Rose scrunched her nose. "You know nothing about ice cream."

He rolled his eyes at her but a small smile played on the corner of his lips. "Okay, Weasley."

"You don't believe me? Fine. Try it." She slid the bowl across the table and looked at him expectantly.

He eyed the pink bowl then looked back up to her. "I'm good." And pushed it back to her.

"Eat it."


"Seriously? You're going to be a wuss about this?"

"I- no. I just value my health."

"You only live once."


"Oh just try it. One bite won't kill you."

The bowl had been sliding back and forth and he had finally taken ahold of it. Warily glancing at the melty scoops of pink, he took an infinitesimal bite.

She stared at him, waiting for his reaction. After what seemed like an eternity of him chewing, he finally swallowed and looked up. "It's alright."

"Alright? Just alright? I- just give me that. You don't deserve such a luxurious treat." She snatched the bowl away.

After finishing their ice creams, Rose and Malfoy headed back outside. The sun was beginning to set and the previously boiling atmosphere had cooled down. Along with that, the crowd died down, making the alley seem much more breathable.

"Okay, if I was Hugo, where would I be?" Rose asked herself.

"Maybe Weasleys Wizard Wheezes?"

Rose looked up at him in shock. For once, that talking knut had a good idea. "Yeah, let's check there."

They strode down the alley, walking past the numerous shops lined up one after another. The small bell rang as they entered Rose's uncle's shop.

Rose ran up to the front of the store. "Uncle George! Have you seen Hugo?"

"Yeah, he was here maybe thirty minutes ago? Bought a couple of exploding gum drops."

"He already left?"

George nodded his head.

"Do you know what direction he went?"

"No, sorry Rosie. I could ask your parents t-"


George narrowed his eyes at her.

"Mum and dad specifically told me to keep him by my sides at all times. And well..."

"Now you have replaced him with Malfoy."

George and his niece looked over at the blonde boy who was engrossed with the shop's latest gadget.

"He's supposed to be helping me."

"And how's that working out?"

They shared a knowing look and George ruffled her hair. "You'll find him. I'll go look once I close up the shop."

"Okay, thanks Uncle George.

"Bye Rose!"

Rose waved back at him and dragged Malfoy out.

They strolled up the partially vacant alley, looking through the windows of the stores for a familiar ginger head.


They turned around to find a tall lady walking out of 'Twilfitt and Tatting's' with a handful of shopping bags.

Malfoy smiled and walked towards her.

"Scorpius, there you are! Oh you had me worried there for a moment."

"Hi mother." He gave her a soft smile and kissed her both of her cheeks- a very old fashion gesture if you ask Rose.

Rose felt very awkward as she stood there while Malfoy talked to who appeared to be his mum. She suddenly felt very insecure standing next to her. Malfoy's mum was much taller than her, but just a little shorter than her son. She had a long cascade of golden hair and pearls hanging down her neck. Just her presence made Rose feel poor.

"And who's your friend?" The lady looked over Rose with a warm smile.

"Hi. I'm Rose." She looked down at the extended hand and shook it. Rose's hand felt flimsy in the ladys tight grip.

"Weasley, I presume?"

"Yes, Rose Weasley." Rose felt her infamous blush creep up her neck.

"Hello, I'm Astoria Malfoy. You're Albus's cousin, right?"

"I- uh yeah. Albus's cousin." Rose inwardly cursed her own awkwardness.

"Ah, that's how you sound familiar. Those two talk about you a lot."

"They do?" Rose could feel her face grow even more red.

"More or less. Why, you are such a pretty girl. I love your eyes."

Rose's eyes widened at this complement.

"And your hair is just gorgeous. Such a color is so unique!" Astoria's smooth voice carried through the alley and Rose was in shock that such a nice lady could have mothered Malfoy.

"I- uh- thank you. Yeah, my mum tells me alot about my hair being different...I like your dress." Rose stuttered. For some reason, she couldn't think straight with such a strong presence by her side.

"Oh, thank you dear. It's from Twilfitt and Tatting's. A little too simple for my taste but nevermind that. What are you two doing here together?" Something twinkled in her eyes as she looked between her son and Rose.

"I ran into her while buying my school stuff."

"Oh." She seemed a little disappointed by his response but continued. "Rose, dear, would you like to accompany us? I need to find my boy a new set of school robes for this year."

Rose stammered before taking in the subtle tone indication more of a statement than a question. "Of course."

"Wonderful. Well, let's go then, Madam Malkin's is near closing." Astoria walked ahead of them, leading them to the robe shop. Rose looked at Malfoy questingly but he only shrugged.

They entered the shop and Rose took a seat on the small bench to the side. Astoria led her son to the tailor to get his measurements. While waiting, Rose zoned out. She was brought back into reality when Astoria called her.

"Rose, what do you think?"

"Mother, is her input really-"

"Oh hush Scorpius."

Rose looked at the tall blonde boy that was lazily gazing at her. The robes had fit perfectly well, but that's not what she was paying attention to. His sharp jawline and prominent lips caught her attention- something she had never really noticed before. His white-blonde hair messily hung from his head with a lock falling into his eyes. Rose felt the urge to push it back but resisted.

"Rose? Is it too tight? Oh, I was thinking that too but thought I was maybe just imagining things."

"No, no- it's nice. It fits well."

"You think so? Are you sure it's not too-"

"Mother it's fine, really. Weasley, tell her."

Astoria gasped and smacked the back of her son's head. "Where are your manners?"

Malfoy glared over at Rose. "My apologies. Rose, could you please tell my mother it's fine?"

Rose felt a surge of satisfaction and fondness for his mom.

"Well, now that you say it...it does seem a little tight."

Malfoy sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Great."

"Miss. Malfoy, as much as I would like to stay, my parents are probably waiting for me."

Astoria gave her a small smile and nodded. "Of course, darling. It was nice meeting you."

"You too. Bye then." Rose stood up and was unexpectedly pulled into a hug. Her eyes widened and looked at Malfoy over Astoria's shoulders. He looked just as surprised as she was.

"This was nice. I hope I see you again."

"I- yeah, no, of course. I- see-" Rose stammered and felt her cheeks heat up. How embarrassing. She decided to just give a small wave and smile while backing up to the door. When exiting the store, she released a sigh of relief. It wasn't that she was uncomfortable around Malfoy's mum. Something about her just made her nervous.

Rose strolled down the streets thinking. What a day. Not only did she manage to spend nearly half of it with Malfoy- but she met his mom.


Rose looked across the street to see her mum and dad, with Hugo among them. Well, good to know they didn't leave without her. 


This chapter was very long and probably the longest one I have written with 3,122 words and 17,238 characters! This chapter was solely for introduction purposes. Anyways, comment if you want more longer chapters like this or shorter chapters like the ones I usually write. Thanks for reading and be sure to comment what you think, vote, share, and follow =)

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