Amongst the Chaos

By _cherryflavored_

571K 13.8K 2.5K

Theodora Romano is lost and is struggling to find herself amongst all the chaos surrounding her. Being rippe... More

Character Introduction
This isn't living
So Lost
Where's Mom?
What happens now?
Police Station
The Flight
Nightmares & Pancakes
The Mall & Mystery Man
Slowly Undoing...
The 'Bully'
No Hospitals
Business as Usual
Secrets Unveiled
Bad News
It Will Be Okay
Time for Honesty
So Many Questions
Debating & Doubts
Falling to Ruins
Is This The End?
The Reckoning
Seeking Comfort
A step forward, A step backwards
The Demons That Won't Die
Dark Cloud Looming
Is it Real or Fake?
*Important Notice*
Flashbacks & fights
The Salty air
Gut Feeling
Little One
At Fault
Baby Steps

Bumblebees and tea

12.7K 354 51
By _cherryflavored_

I looked outside and the sun was slowly rising, I stood up and just before I left Luca's study I looked back

"We will figure this out together"



Slowly opening my eyes, the sun was slowly rising. I rolled over weakly to see it was 5 am which was strange since I haven't gotten up this early in a while. I tried to pull myself out of bed but everything was aching. As soon as my feet touched the wooden floors I let out a hiss, it was freezing. I trudged towards the bathroom, deciding that a hot shower should help me warm up.

I began my usual routine, removing my clothes as you do and the various bandages and plasters that were scattered across my body. Once again I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and was not so surprisingly horrified by what I saw. There were dark circles under my eyes that were accentuated by my even paler complexion.

I spent no less than twenty minutes in the shower and to no avail, I could not warm up. I bundled myself up in a jumper and a hoody with some sweatpants and fluffy socks. Maybe if I ate I wouldn't feel so weak and tired I contemplated. I walked at a snail's pace to the kitchen, I think it took me at least ten years to make it there. I was surprised to see that no one else was up, I would've assumed that Luca, Matteo, and Gabriel would've had to work today since they worked yesterday.

I hobbled over to the kettle to make some tea and grabbed some cheerios from the cupboard. It hurt to move too much, everything was aching and the fact I was shivering didn't help the situation either. I grabbed the blanket hanging off the side of the couch and wrapped it around myself. I stood near the kettle, munching on my cereal waiting for the golden brown heaven to grace me. When I was little, before Steven was in the picture I could always remember my Mom making me a big cup of tea when I wasn't feeling well, that and soup and toast because I usually couldn't stomach anything else.

The sweet memory brought a small smile to my lips, which soon vanished when someone yet again scared me half to death.

"What are you doing up so early?" I jumped but luckily didn't spill any of my cereal, I slowly turned to see Christian. I'm not as nervous around him as he has quite a calm aura.

"Oh I-I'm sorry I was cold and thought maybe some tea would help" He started walking towards me, taking long strides. Just as he was a foot in front of me I inched back until I no longer could, my back was met with the edge of the countertop. I'm rethinking my earlier statement, Christian, while he appears calm and collected also has the build of someone who definitely workouts every minute of the day, every day. Not to mention he stands a good two heads taller than me.

"Are you okay? you don't look very well" The concern in his eyes surprised me, probably because it contradicted his physical appearance. That is why I never like to judge anyone by their appearance, I didn't even judge Steven when he first showed up as much as I hate to admit that.

He brushed a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"I'm f-fine just woke up feeling a little achy and cold, probably just from all the walking yesterday" I'm still nervous around my brothers, I never knew what to expect at Mom's with Steven, so being somewhere new I have no idea what to expect here either.

He placed the back of his hand against my forehead, thankfully he raised his hand slowly so I didn't flinch. He stared at me consciously for a moment before nodding.

"Knew it you have a fever, you're going to have to rest today if you're going to be feeling any better for school tomorrow" Christian guided me over to the couch and sat me down, I tried to protest but it was no use.

"Anything in particular you would like to watch" He sat down beside me, scrolling through the various movies and shows. I simply shook my head.

"This is a great movie" I waited for the title to appear and was surprised by his choice, The Wizard of Oz started playing. Little did he know that was my all-time favorite movie. Every time I watch it I get a warm, safe feeling, probably because I know how Dorothy's story ends...unlike mine.

"I'll go make your tea you stay here." He took my empty cereal bowl and stood up. I'd expect this nurturing and caring side from Gabriel or maybe Leo but I didn't consider Christian would be like this towards me.

He came back shortly with a steaming cup of tea. I loved the mug he poured it in, it was ivory white, covered with bees and butterflies which I both love. I don't know what it is about them but I just love both of them I think they're very graceful and beautiful. Once I looked up after admiring the mug, Christian was staring intently at me.

"Thank you" I whispered.

"I have to finish some college work, I have lots of assignments due but if you need anything just give me a shout or ask any of the other guys okay? My room is beside Luca's which is down the hall from Leo's"

"Okay thank you" I replied softly taking a small sip of tea.

"Feel better bumblebee" My heart nearly melted at that moment, I struggled to place the nickname he just called me but then a small memory came to mind.

"You feeling any better Theo?" I slowly shook my head, I was cold and tired and all I wanted to do was sleep.

"Let me tuck you in so you're snug as a bug" Christian made sure I was bundled up in bed, I felt a little better as I buried myself and Barry my stuffed bumble bee teddy into the mountain of blankets.

"Nightie night Chrissy" He look horrified by what I had just called him but soon laughed.

"You can never call me that in front of our brothers or Mom or Dad okay? That is our secret" He leaned down and kissed my forehead.

"Feel better bumblebee" He turned the light off and I soon drifted into a calm, dreamless sleep.

"Hey? Theo are you okay? What's wrong?" Chrisitan who was just about to leave came back over to the couch and sat down beside me.

"What? n-nothing is wrong" I flashed him a small smile but he wasn't convinced

"Theo you're crying" I slowly reached up and sure enough my cheeks were wet with fresh tears. I didn't even realize I was crying. I placed my tea down and wiped the tears away with my sleeves.

"What's wrong?" I looked at Christian and I debated telling him the truth, I didn't know if it was a bad idea, what if he didn't remember and I just look ridiculous for crying over something silly.

"It's silly I'm fine, really" I mumbled looking down at my hands in my lap, I felt two fingers rest gently under my chin, pushing upwards. Christian was staring softly at me, nothing but kindness appeared in his eyes.

"What's wrong bumblebee" That's what broke me, I started to cry and he pulled me into a warm embrace.

"Shh hey it's okay, you're okay" He whispered comforting words to me as he rubbed soothing circles across my back. He gently rocked us back and forth and we stayed like that for a couple of moments before I calmed down.

"Now want to tell me what has you so upset?" I sniffled and wiped away my tears and runny nose with my sleeve

"Eww don't do that here let me get you a tissue" A small laugh escaped my lips, causing Christian to smile at me. He came back with a box of tissues and continued to rub my back. Once I composed myself I took a deep breath.

"When you were just leaving and you called me bumblebee I was trying to piece together where I heard that nickname before and then it came to me. One time when I was three, no four, and I wasn't feeling well, you were tucking me into bed and you told me to feel better bumblebee" A small sob escaped me at the end when I was replaying the precious memory in my mind.

I looked up at Christian who was teary-eyed.

"Christian? Are you okay?" I immediately grabbed a tissue and handed it to him, did I upset him or annoy him?

"I remember that you had the chickenpox, aside from Mom and Dad I was the only other kid who had gotten them before so everyone else was sick." He sniffled

"I was putting you to bed and you said to me, nightie night Chrissy and I told you that name was our secret" He laughed

"I'm sorry for upsetting you" He looked taken aback before shaking his head.

"Don't be sorry I'm so happy you remembered" He pulled me into another hug and I held on for dear life, enjoying the comfort I so rarely received before.

"I love you bumblebee"

"I love you too Chrissy"



I'm not crying you are! I really enjoyed writing this chapter, I've been battling with myself on who she would have the first genuine connection like this with, once again it just happened when I was writing that Christian was the one to walk through into the kitchen.

Let me know what you thought of this chapter in the comments any constructive criticism is welcome!

Until next time, Love


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