Ephemeral You | Shoto Todorok...


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"Soulmate?..." The male groaned slightly, staring at the body laid on top of him. βΈΊ π–πŽπ‹π… π€π‚π€π‚πˆπ”οΏ½... More

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"Wait here, I'll inform the teacher first. He didn't know you'll attend today," Aizawa knocked on the door and slid it open without another word. Wolf was left to stand beside the door quietly, where the students inside couldn't see him.

Vlad King stopped writing on the board as a knock on the door gained his attention. The students of 1-B too were focused on the door. Surprise written on their faces as Erasurehead came walking into their class with a serious face. The black-haired male came closer to Vlad King, scratching his head a bit.

"Uh..." Aizawa started then clicked his tongue. "He's here."

"Today?" Vlad King seemed amused, crossing his arms with his brows raising. "Well, let him in. I've got a lesson to continue."

"Is something wrong, sir?" Kendo asked as her head tilted a bit. Most students were just as confused as her while some of them were guessing what was happening.

"Nothing, we just got a new student," Vlad King informed and hushed his students before they could have a chance to start murmurs or chit chat among themselves.

"New student?!" Tetsutetsu asked in enthusiasm, his eyes widened in excitement as he threw his gaze onto the door.

Monoma smirked mischievously, "Interesting," he clasped his hands together, chin leaning on them as he too anticipated the person that would come through the door later.

At the other side of the door, Wolf was compelling with himself about which spell he should use as his quirk at U.A., it was complicated for him as he knew that he always use multiple magic at once and using one wasn't quite a good option for him. For a moment, he felt himself being irresponsible for mostly counting on his magic and not his pure strength as a trained knight.

'Enchanting? Or Spellblade?' Wolf thought hard. He needed weapons to do both of the magic and Creation wasn't a bad option too. At this moment, he realised that he should've come to the elementals training at the Magic Tower before instead of joining some hinting competition by the palace.

"Wolf," Aizawa's voice snapped the boy from his deep thought and he stopped himself from frowning as he stared up into the male's eyes.

"Yes, Mr Aizawa?" Wolf answered, face neutral as he kept his arms on his sides.

"You can come in now," Aizawa pointed the class with his thumb over his shoulder and Wolf almost lost his hard-built composure at the order.

"Sure," the boy nodded in a fake calmness. He just didn't know what to do. Should he frown? Smile? Or even glare? Expressing emotions was sure tiring.

As Wolf took a breath slightly, ⸺as his condition was still a bit bad⸺ he tailed behind Aizawa. The older male then took the courtesy of opening the door wider for him to walk in. With the fear of making a foolish first impression, Wolf gained his composure as he stepped into the class smoothly and stood beside the teacher's desk.

Unbeknownst to him, the image he was displaying to the others' eyes was too noble to be believed. From the way his steps were done so gracefully, to his straight back and his neatly tied red ponytail hair. His expression seemed empty although his bright mismatched eyes said otherwise. The rich golden and grey hues seemed to glint under the light coming from the ceiling lamp.

He looked like an art popping out from a vintage royal portrait, some had thought.

"Welcome, new student," Vlad King welcomed him half-heartedly. "Please introduce yourself," he motioned to the students as his eyes were kept on the boy.

Wolf bowed the instant Vlad King finished his request, confidence filled him as he was used to introducing himself in front of a crowd. Heck, he was once introduced to the whole knight base in the palace when he was just 15. He almost let go of his sword at that time and it left a nasty impression to everyone older that he was just a useless brat. But after some sparring with his seniors, the title was taken away just as how fast it came to him.

There was absolutely no way the boy would let others thought that he was weak because he wasn't.

Straightening his back, Wolf held a firm gaze onto the students. "Good morning, I'm Wolf Acacius Vaughan. My quirk is called 'Spellblade Summoning'. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

"A foreign?" Someone murmured among the students. "Is he a transfer student?"

"Spellblade?" Tetsutetsu seemed confused but he stared at the boy in awe. He knew for sure that Wolf would be a great person and friend.

"Good," Vlad King nodded and pointed his finger at the desk behind Tetsutetsu. "Take a seat. We've prepared a desk for you."

"Thank you, sir," Wolf nodded a bit with his eyes closing for a short moment. He made his way to the seat and hid his discomfort at the feeling of eyes boring into his back.

Aizawa kept his eyes pinned onto Wolf as he waited for the boy to take a seat. Once the boy did, he turned to face Vlad King. "Then, I'll be going. Please help him with any difficulties." He left through the same door he opened earlier, nor sparring any more glimpses towards the boy.

Vlad King then continued his lesson after summarising the things he was teaching about previously before Wolf arrived. Thankfully, he didn't miss anything. Throughout the lesson, Wolf focused on the board with his eyes skimming over the words to memorise them. He attempted to match the words with Vlad King's voice that was reading them.

"Hey," Wolf turned his head to the left and saw a blond-haired boy with blue eyes. "So, you're a transfer student, huh? I'm Neito Monoma and I hate Class 1-A. Nice to meet you."

Wolf rose a brow in amusement. Did the boy truly had just confessed that he hated a class in his introduction to him? Somehow, Monoma reminded him of one of his comrade that was probably dead by now.

"P-Pleased to meet you! I'm Owen Adrastus Salvatore and I hate my dad!"

"Me too, Neito," Wolf hadn't realised that he was actually smiling ⸺just a little⸺ as he looked back at Monoma.

The blond was taken aback. Just now the boy seemed dead inside and he was actually smiling right now? Even more, calling Monoma by his first name?

"Is something wrong?" Wolf rose his brows for a moment and Monoma shook his head with enjoyment plastered on his features.

"I see, you're probably not used to it till' now but remember, in Japan, you're supposed to call someone you hardly know by their family name," Monoma explained and he was entertained to see the noticeable surprise on Wolf's face.

"Is that so? Then please forgive my shameful act."

"Well, I guess it's fine. We both can hate 1-A toget⸺"

"Monoma and Wolf, focus on the board!"

Monoma paled, "Y-Yes, sir!"

Wolf only nodded silently.


The bell rang and seeing the clock along with the reaction of the students, Wolf knew that it was lunch break. Deep down, he was dying for the break too as the information about heroes this and that was all too new and too much for him to take. But it was fine, he could probably catch up to it later.

As Wolf put away his things into his bag, he checked his pocket for the money that Aizawa managed to give him this morning, on their way to 1-B. The older male told him that Nezu would be the one to take care of his finance for now. The boy felt as if he was burdening the principal but oh well, if the older male insisted to do so then Wolf couldn't help but to just accept it.

It wasn't as if he got any other options left too.

"Hey, Wolf," the called boy looked on his left side and saw Monoma standing with a small smile. "Come on, would you like to eat with us?" He cocked his head to the side a little, offering the male with a mocking look that Wolf found pleasing to look at.

Well, at least Monoma wasn't some kind-faking guy.

"Sure," Wolf stood up and walked with Monoma, being the last pair to leave the class.

The two boys walked side-by-side, exchanging some small talks among themselves. Wolf took the opportunity to roam his eyes around, finding himself becoming more and more impressed at every single glance he took. The physical look of the students here was too different from what he expected, some of them truly resembled some rare races from his world's continent. He almost zoned out in awe yet managed to keep himself walking normally with a straight face.

"So, you're not from Japan. Am I right?" Monoma earned Wolf's attention at the question as the boy turned to him.

"Yes, I'm from England but was raised here since the age of 10. My Japanese is still wasn't very good and I'm still learning so please pardon me," Wolf simply answered as to how Aizawa had guided him in the morning. He kept calm, trying to not look suspicious as he swung his arms slightly.

A look of fascination was shown on Monoma's face as he took a glimpse at Wolf. "Wow, really? Man, you're cool. Bet you can beat those 1-A brats!" He laughed like a maniac for a second and Wolf gazed at him with unnoticeable worries.

Thank the lord, Monoma didn't ask any further about Wolf's origin.

"Do you hate them that much?" Wolf wondered. It was true that hate was such a horrible feeling to feel towards people, but to Wolf it was fine. Even he too had many people that he hated.

"Yes," Monoma firmly answered and soon they arrived at the cafeteria. That was all he spoke, Wolf knew he shouldn't pry into it further.

He gazed at Wolf for a moment, "Do you want to line up with me? I mean, pfft even if you order me to help you, I wouldn't," he puffed at his own statement, body hunched over a bit. The same smirk was shown on his face again but still, Wolf didn't mind.

"I will and thanks for the consideration, even if it's not that genuine," Wolf nodded once. He began his track again once Monoma had started to walk towards the line of students.

Monoma stood before Wolf, body facing the side as he took a look at the new boy.

"Hmm... So about your quirk, Wolf. What can you possibly do?" Monoma asked out of curiosity with his side facing Wolf as the boy was standing behind him. "You know, that Spellblade stuff," his fingers quoted the title of the quirk.

"It means I can summon weapons that contain a certain power," Wolf simply explained. He crossed his arms loosely and tapped his elbow. He should definitely keep his ability as average.

"But I'm not really expert in it. I can only summon swords and arrows with light and water elements for now, or maybe a lightning dagger. Other rare elements would be hard to learn, so I still need more training⸺"

"Really? That sounds so cool and manly!"

Wolf stopped talking and turned behind only to find a red-spiky-hair student lined behind him with enthusiasm indicated on his face. He frowned for a second.


"Ehh?! Why? Does class 1-A don't have such a cool quirk like his? I mean you guys sure do boast a lot so it is to be expected to get payback!" Monoma cackled once again like a mad man but worse than before that he seemed to have a lack of air. Although he was belittling the 1-A student, Wolf knew that the boy was sweatdropping.

The red-haired boy was about to defend himself but a hand was placed on his shoulder. "Oi, Shitty Hair. Don't waste your time with this guy."

"But he was insulting our class!" 'Shitty Hair' gaped.

"Shut up," another spiky-haired boy behind him snarled, blond hair poking out in every direction, unlike the red-haired one. He looked at Wolf, a scowl evident on his features. "Who are you anyways, extra?"

As the question was directed to Wolf, he rose his eyebrows just slightly in amusement. "I'm Wolf Acacius Vaughan."

"Huh? Wolf what? What kind of long-ass shitty name is that?" The other boy huffed, not managing to repeat Wolf's name.

"It's my name," Wolf firmly stated.

"Are you new here? Nice to meet you. I'm Eijiro Kirishima!" The blond's friend offered a hand to shake yet Wolf found himself only staring at that hand. "And that's Bakubro! Katsuki Bakugou!"

"Tch, don't go around sharing my name, dumbass!" Bakugou almost growled at Kirishima as he sent the boy a hard glare. "Now that you know, drill it deep into your kind as you watch me becoming number 1!"

Wolf, on the other hand, was still staring at Kirishima's hand as the boy was ignoring Bakugou. Was it really necessary to accept it?

"Now, now. We wouldn't want to waste our time with you guys. Back off to your scummy base," Monoma smirked as he leaned over and lowered Kirishima's hand. He pulled on Wolf's sleeve. "Come on, it's our turn."

"'Scummy'?! Repeat that you shitty bastard!" Bakugou urged to stomp over but failed to do so as Kirishima held him back, pleading him to not cut the line or else they would've to go to the back again.

Seemed like Bakugou had done this a couple of times before.

Wolf spoke flatly, "I do appreciate your help but please refrain yourself from being too rude." He mentioned to Monoma and the boy laughed at his words.

"Of course," Monoma rolled his eyes playfully before ordering his food.

Wolf looked upon the menu, wondering what to order. For the whole time, he had been having the same foods he had from his previous word which were all too different from what he had witnessed the others around him eat. Aizawa had come before and brought him something called 'ramen', it suited to his tongue but still, he wasn't accustomed to Japanese food.

Regardless, it was never too bad to try something new.

So with untroubled heart, Wolf randomly pointed to a food written on the menu. 'Katsudon' was the only thing he could clearly read at the moment. He called for the worker, pointing to the menu while briefly saying his order. Not even some minutes passed after the payment was settled and before Wolf could even notice, a bowl of what seemed to be rice and chicken fillets was set in front of him.

"Enjoy your food!" The lady at the counter smiled and Wolf awkwardly nodded back, not exactly knowing what was happening. That was fast.

"Come on, Wolf," Monoma raised his brows at Wolf with a small smile of his, eyes managed to glare at the 1-A boys behind the red-haired newbie.

"Sure," Wolf nodded and followed the blond.


For some reason, Wolf found himself sitting with a group of people that he wasn't familiar with as he followed Monoma. But from what he recalled, these people were his classmates too.

"Welcome to U.A., Wolf! I'm Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu. Nice to meet, you!" The male who seemed covered with platinum all over his body, ⸺including his eyes and hair⸺ introduced himself in enthusiasm and bowed so low to the table that his head almost bumped hard surface.

"And I'm Kendo Itsuka. Nice to meet you, Wolf. I hope that you'll like it here," the orange-haired girl spoke after Tetsutetsu, being the one sitting next to the male.

Wolf bowed a bit, "Pleased to meet you too..." He replied, confused for a short moment about Tetsutetsu's name. Calling him by his first name would equal to calling his last name and intended the otherwise would result in the same too.

The introductions went on shortly and it seemed as if almost all of the students from Wolf's homeroom were eating in the same area. Class 1-B sure had great chemistry among each other, somehow he too wished to fit in a bit with them.

"Alright, alright," Monoma sighed a bit. "Just started eating already," he waved a hand and dug into his food after chorusing 'thanks for the food' with his classmates.

"Thanks for the food..." Wolf mumbled, copying his new friend.

The boy's hand hovered over the spoon, fork and knife on the tray that he had gotten earlier. He decided to cut the chicken fillets neatly first before eating them, being a noble that he was. Just because he was in a different place, it didn't mean that he had to throw his culture away, right?

"Umm, Wolf?" The boy looked up and saw eyes on him.

"Yes?" The boy rose a brow.

"N-Nothing..." Kendo laughed nervously and picked her utensils back.

Wolf was clueless but continued eating with his mouth closed, savouring the rare unique taste on his tastebuds as he shut out his surroundings. Truly, the boy didn't notice the effect of his movements on others as he once again displayed the sophisticated way of him eating that the others felt nervous to eat in front of him.

"So cool!" Tetsutetsu sobbed non-existent tears as he gobbled his food.

"My, my. Elegant, aren't we?" Monoma shook his head a bit before shoving his chopsticks between his lips.

Eating in silence, Wolf looked up to stare outside the giant windows of the cafeteria. His gaze fell onto the right side of the cafeteria, precisely onto a table that was placed meters away from his and was separated by the wide opening for students to walk through. Something perked his interest⸺

Or rather someone.


My exam is over so I'm back to writing
but my school will start soon too.

This book will also run out of spare chapters soon
but the important chapters are done so it's fine.

I just love the idea to have a friend like Monoma,
he's just really chaotic and entertaining
so I'm really excited for his friendship with Wolf :D

Anyways, I might start a crossover fic soon with
Bakugou centric so please do check it out if I happen to make the book in the future.


I do not own the original picture,
only this edit.

Sorry if it seems unpleasant but I can't have Pony in the middle of the class of the teacher wouldn't have any space to walk through lol

Hope you love the chapter!

Stay healthy❤

[ 3 K WORDS | 28.03.21 ]

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