The Precious

Per humnarehman

44.4K 4.5K 761

She was rebellious but broken He was arrogant but soft Més

| Prologue |
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three


1.7K 180 17
Per humnarehman

I woke up with a headache and constant knocks at my door.

"Nandini if you don't get up then I will break the door." I heard my mother's threat.

"I am up." I shouted to stop her from getting in as I was still in my clothes from last night's sneak out.

"Good. Get freshen up. Sidharth is here." She said and I at once sat up hurting my head all the more than it actually was.

What if Sidharth knows what Manik said to me? No no. He cannot know. How will I face him. He loves his brother. He shouldn't know.

" Hurry up. "I heard my mother's shout once again.

I ran to washroom and got freshen up as fast as I could. I looked at the clock to realize that it was 1 in the noon.

Shit. I slept for too long.

I quickly moved down stairs to have something as my head kept on hammering.

"Hy." I tried to sound happy and fresh to not let anyone notice any change.

"How did you sleep for so long?" Mama asked and I looked at Sidharth who entered the kitchen on hearing my voice. We both exchanged looks as only he knew that I was late in the night for which I woke up late.

"It was Sunday so I thought of having a sound sleep." I lied very clearly and I couldn't hate myself anymore.

"How are you Murthy?" Sid asked trying to change the topic.

"Good and you?" I asked back.

He shrugged and our looks could say that we wanted to have a heavy conversation about yesterday's events.

In no way I am going to discuss what his arrogant, ill-mannered and selfish brother said to me.

"Both of you come and have breakfast" Mama called for us and both of us quietly moved outside to see the table fully arranged.

" Me and your father are going to market and after that we will be visiting your aunt so stay at home. If you go out then make sure to lock the door behind." My mother instructed me as if I were an infant. I simply nodded as my mind was already clouded with last night's events.

Mama and papa trusted Sidharth a lot. They clearly understood our friendship. We were undoubtedly best friends from any and every angle. Sidhrath in the starting days of our friendship made sure to have a good impression in front of my parents to let them have peace from us being friends.

"Son I hear that Manik is in town. Is it true ?" Papa asked coming out from his room wearing his wrist watch.

Stop taking that monster's name please.

"Yes uncle. He came yesterday. He will surely come and visit you." Sidharth told us and I already started praying for him to not show his face.

"I know how much respectful and obedient he is. May Christ be with him always." Papa blessed him and I saw my mother smiling as if Manik is her son.

Why everyone loves him so much despite of his arrogant attitude?

"Anyways we will get going. See you." Papa said and both of them moved out after kissing my forehead and bidding farewell to Sidharth affectionately.

Both of us sat opposite to one another and starting eating without saying a word.

It was awkward.

"Murthy I am sorry for last night." He said and I looked towards him to see him looking at me with guilt.

"It's not your fault Sid. I am equally at fault. Don't stress yourself. We will be careful next time." I tried my best to keep him at ease.

"Thank you Murthy I was dying out of guilt of taking you there." He said digging back into the meal.

"I am not a child Sid. You didn't force me. I went with my own consent. Stop treating me like a baby." I might be over reacting. I would no way tolerate him considering that I can't make decisions for myself.

"Hey. I didn't mean it in that way. Just close this topic already." He said coming towards me and holding my tiny hands in his strong grip.

"I cannot even stay angry at you." I said dejectedly and he laughed.

"Aww baby doll." He called me with a nickname with which no one else calls me and I instantly smiled at how good of a friend I have.


"Navyaaaa.." I almost cried as my cousin continued to drag me through the entire length of market to search for a 'black' dress in particular to wear at the function which will be held after three days.

Navya is my Maternal aunt's daughter and my best friend.

Apart from sidharth

But... both of them clearly don't like each other.

Right now we were shopping for a function at college but to my bad kuck Navya couldn't find her dream dress since three hours without a break.

I can already feel myself going out of breath.

"Navya lets eat something please..!!!" I pleaded like a kid and she finally gave in.

"You go and order I will be back after looking at that shop." She said pointing in one particular direction and I happily moved towards the small cosy cafe.

"Two chicken sandwiches and caramel lattes." I ordered the guy standing behind counter and dig in my purse to take out bills when a voice startled me.

"Hello Little Friend." I turned to know who had the guts to call me Little but shock soon overtook me.


"Hy." I tried to look confused but deep down I was already frightened with the way his look carried power.

"Remember me? Aryaman." He introduced himself again.

I remember every thing from that horrible night.

"Yes. Of course. You helped us." I finally said in order to not look like a confused soul.

"Oh it was nothing." He said with a smile and that helped me to be a lot at ease.

I have always liked people who smile and think positive.

Aryaman seemed one too.

"By the way what's your name?" He asked and I realized how I have not told him my name.


"Nandini Murthy." Before I could complete someone else took my name and that alarming voice caught my attention at once. I looked upwards to find Manik towering over Aryaman with his Giraffe like height.

Aryaman chuckled at Manik's intrusion and extended his hand towards me.

"It was nice meeting you, Nandini Murthy." He said and I immediately looked away from the dangerous looks of Malhotra towards Aryaman who had been sweet all the time.

"Nice to meet you too Aryaman." I shook hands with Aryaman returning his smile.

"Me and Manik are going to have a coffee. You can join us if you are alone." He was being very kind unlike his friend which made me relaxed.

"Actually I have to accompany my friend for shopping. She must be waiting." I said trying my best to convince him to let me go.

" It's totally fine. May be next time." He said showing his kind nature once again.

"See you." He said and moved away towards one of the tables. I looked towards Manik to find him in his usual angry hulk mood sulking like always.

I don't know what kind of liking he has towards his anger. He is always flaring his nose and gritting his teeth ready to pounce on anyone and everyone.


I did the payment and waited for the order very impatiently as I wanted to leave the place. Being around the jerk made me remember all the horrible words of his. But he is not at all important to remember his words.

"Dine in or take away ?"

"Take away." I said on not finding any other option.

We will be eating on the road now.


I took the order and moved out to see Navya coming towards me chirping like a bird showing me a hand bag.

Finally.!!! She got the dress.

"I got what I was looking for and I can't wait to flaunt it in front of everyone." She said zoned out into her lala land where she might be getting compliments from every girl and boy of college.

"Thank God." I shighed.

"By the way why did you bring the food out? We were supposed to dine in." She asked and I had to lie.

"I thougt why not enjoy the sunset and eat ?" An idea struck my mind and it made me equally happy as it did her.

"Perfect." She said and we both moved towards our point 'sunset park'.


It was 9 in the night when doorbell rang much to my irritation. I just sat to have some alone time with a random film but how can I !!??

Mama and papa were still at Navya's place and will be back after having dinner.

It would most probably be some neighbours or their kids asking for something.

I opened the door to shout at the person but my eye balls bulged out of sockets on seeing the person in front of me.

Manik Malhotra

With a bouquet

"Aap !?? " I almost shouted at his sudden appearance when there was only the sound of crickets and no being around.

It was just 9 but it's extremely cold outside so people finish their courses soon to retire home early. And secondly it's Shimla not his Mumbai where he can go anywhere at whatever time he wants.

"May I come in ?" He asked and I came back to Earth. His face lacked anger that time much to my satisfaction but I was nowhere calm. My insides burned with the thought of getting up from my warm bed in a room with heater only to see him.

Relax Nandini.

I calmed myself because not treating a guest with hospitality was never an option for me and I remembered how much he is dearer to my parents.

Of course.!! He acts all well-mannered in front of them.

"Sure." I said with a half heart and moved backwards to let him in. I continued to not show interest on his arrival which was a fact.

"Where is Uncle and Aunty ?" He asked looking around the quiet home.

"They are not at home." I said in a cold tone.

In the same way with which he said me those bitter words.

"Ohh. I came to greet them." He said not looking happy with the fact.

"That I can see, Mr Malhotra." I said in the same way and I could feel him clenching and unclenching his jaw.

Have a taste of your own pill.

"When will they be back ?" He asked.

"No idea." I said straight away.

According to definition of manners I would have asked him to sit and have a cup of coffee but no manners for an ill-mannered person like him.

"Tell Uncle and Aunty that I will visit them again." He said keeping the bouquet on the table and marched towards the door and I followed him to lock the door behind him.

He stood in the door way to go and I not even for once asked him even a glass of water out of hostility.

"Lock the door properly." He said looking over his shoulder and then walked away.

What was that ?

I ain't locking because you said it but because I know it.

I closed the door shut and moved to continue the film that I chose for tonight.



"Who sent these flowers?" My mother shouted at 11 in the night as she came back and found them on the table.

I moved out of the bed cursing the one who brought the flowers.

I moved downstairs and immediately mama looked in my direction for an answer.

Jerk came and gave flowers.

"Mr Malhotra came and brought these. You both were not at home so he went away." I said and my mother smiled considering him one of the best man in the world." He said that he will come again." I added his words praying for him to change his mind of coming again.

"Of course he should. I shall call him for dinner tomorrow." Mama said hauling me in my steps towards my room.

What is wrong with my family ?


I grabbed my bag and move downstairs to have breakfast before going to college. It's Monday and I felt myself more sleepy by every passing minute.

"I am leaving. Bye" I shouted at my parents and moved out to startle Navya who was going to ring the bell.

"Christ.." Navya stood with her hand on heart. " You scared me Nandini." She said and I laughed at her childish behaviour. I hugged her and then we moved to catch the bus.

Our college is a bit in out skirts of town in a place where there is lesser population. We go by the bus provided by the college for convinience of students. But this bus arrives almost 10 minutes away from my home. Me and Navya go to the bus stop covering the walking distance and then hop into the bus.

"How's you preparation going for the show ?" I asked Navya who seemed to be on cloud nine for getting to participate in a music competition two days from today.

"Amazing actually. I can't wait for Thursday."

She was already jumping around the place.

Sidharth had many times asked to give me a ride to college and back home but I clearly refused as he would have to take  a complete different route for me and then I didn't want others to think that I befriended him for his luxurious life.

Soon we got the bus and hoped into it. It was almost full with Space's students.

I looked outside the window with having earphone blugged in my ears as Navya started talking to every random girl or boy in the bus.

I realized how calm this place is. And how calm am I. I truly feel blessed to be born amongst these mountains. I overlooked my whole life and realized how blessed I am to have such a peaceful life. No parental fights, no disagreement with parents, no trust issues and most importantly no boyfriend issues.

I mentally laughed at my imgination.

I continued to look outisde into nowhere when...

I immediately sat straight looking in one particular direction. The bus kept moving and I moved my head out of window to find no one.

It clearly was Manik Malhotra

What was he doing in the middle of nowhere. He had clearly seen me in the bus. But what was he doing there?

Was he with a girl..!!???

I tried to suppress my shocked expressions as I thought about all the possibilities.

After all he is Manik Malhotra.

One can expect every kind of weird-ness from him.

Soon we reached college and Navya moved to her singing practise while I moved to attend the classes.

"Boo..!!!" I scared Sidharth who was standing in the middle of corridor busy on his phone.

"Murthyyy.." He exclaimed like a baby and I laughed.

"Lets go. We are getting late." We both moved towards our classes.

The time spent in college was a true memorable one as we tried to make our last months filled with happy moments.


The classes passed in a jiffy with Sid's constant comments on each and every teacher. Sidharth was always a carefree guy, not caring about anyone.

"Sidharth can I have a word." One of the students, Varun came and took Sid to a side while I continued my walk towards the canteen.

"He is exceptionally handsome."

"He is back and this time I will make sure to impress him."

"He is so hot."

"His cologne is so intoxicating."

I heard girls drooling over some guy in the whole of corridor. The expressions they made actually made me think that he was some Michael Morrone in an Indian version.

Shut up Nandini. He is the hottest.

I quickly moved towards canteen to see everyone looking towards the source of talk, standing outside Principal's office.

Don't tell me.

Manik Malhotra

And here I was fantasizing about meeting Michael.

He was talking to the principal while Principal seemed to be the most obedient person in front of the owner of the college.


There was a girl beside Manik.

I know her...

Veebha Patel.

She was our senior, from Manik's badge and used to be a diva of space.

Diva of Space. She ws actually given that title on her farewell party.

Her every move shouted classy. Her tall ,slim frame looked perfect in a green tight skirt till her mid thighs with a black fur coat pairing with black boots. Her hands perfectly manicured and having a branded watch and a bracelet.

Were they dating ?

Was he with her in middle of nowhere..??

Were they....

My eyes bulged out of sockets as I thought of all the possibilities.

I quickly composed myself and thought to straightaway move towards the canteen.

"Nandini." I heard my name being called and I cursed my stars for it.

I have always avoided The Monster and now I avoid him even more after his harsh words. I don't want to give him any chance of insulting me again. Ever.

"Yes Sir.!!" I replied looking towards Principal only who called me.

"You must know he is Manik Malhotra and she is his friend Veebha Patel who is funding for this singing competition." He gave me a new piece of information and I realized how smart is Malhotra to keep his girlfriend in front of him all the time.

Nice move Malhotra.

"I want to handle you all the preparations for the function. Guide Miss Patel through the area fixed for function and tell her how the things would be for the function." I so wanted to say no to Principal. I hated being around so much richness. It makes me feel suffocated to even breathe in the air filled with their expensive perfumes.

Veebha stood in full confidence and showing that she is someone who is known through her own hardwork. She didn't look too kind though.

As expected.

"Sure Sir." I said dejectedly.

Sidharth had never made me feel bad with his rich aura because he feels very much like me.

"This way." I said as I lead Veebha towards backside to see people climbing laddars and hanging up things all around the place.

Principal and Mr Malhotra were out of sight, busy in some deep converstion.

"Function will be held here." I said breathing in some cool breeze.

"You can see around. If you don't like anything then you may let me know." I tried to sound polite and get away from here as soon as possible.

"What has happened to Space's standards ?" She said almost on the verge of breaking everything and I looked at her baffled. "Is it a joke going on over here.!!?"

Everything was fine.

"It is goddamn music competition amongst known bands of Space not amongst children of class four..!!" She said and I felt anger rising in me on listening such things from her about my college.

My college.

"Just because this decor is not branded it doesn't mean that it is not acceptable. It is perfect the way it is and it will remain so. If you have any problem then you may withdraw."

She was funding the function.

She was helping it to become famous.

She was strong.

I was weak.

She might use it against me.

She might get me suspended.

But I cared less about myself. She was talking rubbish. So, I said what I had in my mind without thinking of the consequences.

And that is exactly what happened.

She raised her hand in the air to slap me because I was just a mere student.

"VEEBHA..!!!" A voice came and a hand held hers in the mid air before it could hit me.


   |End of Chapter|



Continua llegint

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