Your spirit is what I love |D...

By 3Shoto3

164K 6.2K 1.4K

Everyone came back for their 8 year , except one person - Harry Potter . After the war he desapeard , no one... More

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 7 Pt.II
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12
Day 13
Day 14
Day 15
Day 16
Day 17
Day 18
Day 18 pt.ll
Day 19
Day 20
Day 20 pt.II
End of the book

Day 12 Pt.II

5.1K 216 18
By 3Shoto3

Few boys and girls were walking with Hagrid to the forest cause of their detention . It was one slytherin , a hufflepuff and two griffindors . They got into a fight in the hallway . They were all just first years .

" So what was the reason of your fight ? "
Asked Hagrid and smiled .
" They insulted July . "
" Not true you snake ! "
" You called her a freak ! What did you expect me to do , stand and watch ? "

The slytherin boy yelled at griffindor siblings and pushed the hufflepuff girl behind him .
" That's enough . I know you were mad Jay , but you should tell teacher not punch him in the face . "
" Tch ... Yeah yeah ... "

They all walked in silence trought the forest . Hagrid chuckled and turned to students .
" Y'know , this situation reminds me of something . 7 years ago four students were walking here with me . It was Hermione , Neville , Draco and Harry if I remember coreclty . "

Students gasped and looked at Hagrid .
" You mean Hermione Granger , Nevile Longbottom , Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter ?! "
" Yes ! It's pretty long story why they get here , but lets's just say , they didn't like eachother just like you do ."

Man smiled and patted July's shoulder .
" Anyways , what are we looking for ?"
" We are looling for some leaves for mrs. Pomfrey for her potions . You know for healing . "
" Oh yeah . "

They all stopped when they heard something barking . Hagrid turned around and brought the lamp closer to bush . He didn't saw anything coming their way , but he clearly heard wolf .

He got trought bush and saw a big wolf standing over something or someone , he didn't know it was pretty dark .
" Hey you ! Get away ! "
The wolf turned around and wanted to attack but when he saw the size of the man in front of him , he scowled abd runned away .

" What is that ..? "
Hagrid came closer and bring the lamp closer .
" Oh Merlin ! Kids ! Qick one of you go to profesor Mcgonnagal ! Now ! "
" W-what happened !? "
" I found someone we were looking for about 3 months ... "

With that the griffindor girl runned to castle . Hagrid took of his coat and wrapped the small boy in it . He was trembling and breathing heavily .

" Hagrid , what happened to him ? "
" It seems like , he was trying to get to the edge , but faintef on his way . Probably because of his condition . "
" For how long you think he was there ? "
" Long enough to almost die ... "
Said Hagrid and with students got to the castle .

{ Same time , slytherin dormitory }

" Still nothing ? "
" Sadly no ... "
" Damnit ! "

Blasie flopped onto the couch and sighed . Pansy came to him and hugged him . Draco sit on the floor next to the window and looked trought it . He saw Hagrid and some kids going to forest . Probably detention .

" Draco ... What if we won't find him ? I mean he could run away . For good this time . "
" I know ... But I'll still try to find him ."
" We will try again tomorow okay ? "

Draco nooded and waved his hand to his friends to go to sleep . Naya looked at the blond and sighed . She came to him and sitted beside him .

" Draco I ... I'm sorry . I know it's my fault he runned away . I just couldn't - There's no explantions for my actions ... Sorry ... "
" It's fine Naya ... I just want to know that he's safe ... "
" I know Draco ... I know ... "

They sat in the silence for few minutes .
" Draco , what if he went to Hogsmade ? "
" Huh ? "
" I mean we didn't check there- "
" Wait . "
" No realy- "
" I said wait , look . One kid is running back . "
" So ? "

Draco sighed and pointed to kid .
" She doesn't look scared . I think Hagrid seny her here . "
" But for what ? "
" I don't know ... Wait ! Look ! Hagrid is carrying someone . "
" You think it's the one of the kids ? "

Draco thought for a moment and shook his head .
" He was walking with 4 kids . He's coming back with 3 and someone on his hands plus the one that runned . "
" It's someone new ... But who ..? "
" Wait ... "

" HARRY ! "
They both yelled and quickly got up from the floor . They runned to the portrait and get out . They runned trought the corridors , not carying about the students that were looking at them .

They finaly got to the main entrance , but Hagrid wasn't there anymore . Then Draco spotted few students that were sitting on the bench , next to tge door .

" Hey , um . Do you know wherr maybe Hagrid went ? "
Draco asked . The girl that he was talking to looked at him and smiled .
" I'm sory but I don't know . But I think that he maybe went to the hospital wing , cause he was carrying someone . "
" Thank you so much ! "

Draco and Naya runned to the hospital wing and Draco was talking all the way there .
" God ! Why am I so stupid ?! Of course they would go to the hospital wing ! They need to check if everything is okay ! I hope it is ... "

They finaly got there and saw four students walking away . They were talking and smiling . Maybe they apologise to eachother or become friends ? Who knows ...

Draco opened the door and saw Hagrid , Mcgonnagal and mrs Pomfrey in the room next to one of tye beds . He was pretty sure that it was Harry laying there . He turned around to Naya and told her to inform others . The girl nooded and runned away .

Draco was walking around thinking about Harry and if he's okay . He was woried that something bad happened to him . Why did Hagrid caried him ? Did something happen to his legs ? Or he passed out from fear ? He didn't remember Hagrid and Draco was sure that Harry would be scared of him .

" Draco ! "
Blond turned around and saw his friends and 2/3 of golden trio running his way .
" What's wrong with Harry ?! "
" I don't know , I didn't went in there ."
" Are you fucking kidding me ?! You didn't check on him ?! "
" I was wiating for you- "
" Draco , I'm realy hapoy that you waited for us but that wasn't the right situation to wait . You should send Naya to us and check on him . "

Draco looked away and sighed .
" Yeah , sorry . "
" It's fine , just remember that . Now let's go see Harry . "

The six if them walked in and looked around the room . There wasn't any teachers here . Hermione looked around and saw three people standing and talking in tge office .

" Looks like they're talking about Harry . "
" What you expect them to talk about ? Weather ? Their golden boy was missing for almost 3 months ! Of course they'll talk about him . "
Blaise told Hermione and walked with Draco closer to Harry .
" Oh my ... He looks awfull ... "

It was true . Harry had a lot of bruises due to fights with other animals . He was thin but know that he wasn't eating for almost 3 weeks , he got even thinner . He had dark circles under his eyes and was breathing heavily . His cheeks were red because of fever and his body was shaking from cold that he expirienced .

" Poor thing ... How did he even survived that long ? "
" I think that if Hagrid didn't found him ... He wouldn't be so lucky to survive . "

" But Hagrid never go far in forest with students . "
" That mean that Harry was on the edge of forest . "
" But when we were looking , he wasn't there . "
" Maybe ... Maybe he was far in forest , but he wanted to come back . That's probably how he ended up there . "
" Probably - "
" And what you six are doing here ? "

All group turned around and saw ...
" Profesor Mcgonnagal , umm... Hello ? "
" Hello to you too , Pansy . Mind explaining what are you doing
here ? "
" Well ... We came to look if Harry os alright . "
" He's pretty fine- Wait ... Why would you do that ? I understand miss Granger and mister Weasley but you three ? And who are you may I ask ? "

Mcgonnagal asked Naya and she looked away .
" I'm a friend of Harry's . I've been helping him when he was in the forest . "
" You were helping him ? "
" Yes ... "
" Mhm... And you ? "
" Well ... It's pretty long story -"
" Great , you'll tell me it tomoroe at my office . Now go to your room and you , wolf girl , you can stay here as well . "
" Thank you ma'am . "

The group walked out and everybody went to their dorms . Draco wasn't sleeping peacfully that night . No , he was thinking about Harry and what will profesor say tomorow .

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