Levi x Reader One-Shots [DISC...

By kuroyukihimee

347K 8K 4.1K

Important More

Levi x Pregnant!Reader
Levi x Avain!Reader
OverProtective!Levi x Reckless!Reader
Vampire!Levi x Reader
Author's Note
Levi x Possesed!Reader
Levi x Dying!Reader
Author's Note
Levi x Possesed!Reader Pt.2
Author's Note
Dead!Levi x Reader
I'm needing Ideas!
Levi x Equal!Reader
Levi x Pregnant!Reader
Yandere!Levi x Reader
Author's Note
Christmas Special
Christmas Special #2
Merry Christmas!!!
New Year Update
New Year Special
10 facts about me
Comedy One-shot!
Author's Note: I'm sorry
Levi x Singer!Reader
Gamer!Levi x Gamer!Reader
Teacher!Levi x Student!Reader
Sick!Levi x Reader
Valentine's Special
Levi x ShySinger!Reader
Author's Note: WAIT!
Author's Note: Let's take a break
Author's Note: This will end here
Father!Levi x Mother!Reader
Author's Note: Yes or No? Also, HELP!!!
Author's Note: I'm Inlove... Ohgosh..
Author's Note: Surprise!
Author's Note: Forgive Me
Author's Note: It's My birthday
An Alarming Event
OlderBrother!Levi x LittleSister!Reader: Lemon
Author's Note: Thank you ♥
Author's Note: Read this
It's Over isn't it?
Yo! It's My Birthday!

Levi x Popular!Reader (AU)

9K 233 65
By kuroyukihimee

Requested by Clean_freak4life

"You need to be able to do that step or else!" Your mom shouted and you immidietly shouted a curse in your thought. You were a famous dancer/singer, you've been the one that has been working for your family since you turned 15. Of course, your family was rich, because of you. Your mom always brags about you to her other friends and you didn't like it. You never really liked beimg popular, it's just... In a bam! You were already in the news and tv's after you performed Ariana Grande's 'Problem' in '(Country) Got Talent'...


You've always been ordered around by your mom after you won. Your dad died when his plane crashed when he was coming back from his OJT from other country... Now--

"I said again! I'm not gaining money in any of your dances if it's like that!"

Now you've had enough!

"Oh shut up!" you spat out

"What did you say, you little imbecile?!"

Your mom was about to slap you but you firmly held her wrist and glared at her...

"I've had fucking enough!" You shouted " I'm always the hardworker here in our family! Why don't you get your fat ass on the work and let me rest for awhile huh?! You freaking free loader! It should've been your job to work for the family, now that dad is gone! "

You harshly let go of your mother's hand and stomped to your room,, muttering something about stupid and free loaders...

~Time Skip~

That night, you made sure that everyone in the house was asleep, so when you were done packing, you quickly called your secret guy... Levi

*ring* *ring* *ri--

"The fuck are you doing still awake this late at night?" Levi answered

"And good evening to you too" You answered sarcatically " But anyways, I need your help"

"For what?"

"I'm planning to go on a little trip"

"By little you mean like a run away kitty? Yeah right, good luck with that brat"

You tensed "How the fuck do know me that well?"

"I actually don't, I can just tell it since these past few days all you've been doing is complain to me about your stupid mom and how she locks you up like a bird in a fancy cage that you don't enjoy"

"Oh, well your a good observer, seems like you know me better than my own mother or anyone else"

Levi scoffed "Psh, I know I do"

"Well since you know my case already would you help me escape this stupid house?"

"Yeah sure"

"Can you do it... This time? I mean, it is the reason why I got to know you"


You kept rolling on your bed, unable to sleep. You glanced at you digital clock on your bed side that emitted a faint neon green light

"Dammit, it's already 12:30 and I still can't sleep, I need to wake up early tommorow to practice!" You muttered

Suddenly, you heard a crash coming near your room before the alarm went on and you suddenly got alarmed, add to that, your room suddenly opened and you saw a silhouette of a man, you were about to scream when he suddenly clamped your mouth with his hands

"Shhhh!" He whispered loudly

You nodded and he temoved his hands

"Okay, here's a deal... Help me escape Ms. Popular one and I'll do anything you want, just once!" He said, you thought about it

"Any time now, I'm in a pinch here" He said, tapping his foot impatiently

"Okay okay!" You stood up and removed the carpet and opened a trapdoor that has a ladder going down and a faint light can be seen down there

"Go in here and hide, When you hear silence and 3 taps, that's your cue to go out. Now, hide!" You ordered silently and he quickly jumped in as he skillfully slided on the ladder instead of going down. You quickly shut it (A/N: Btw, the CCTV on room is broken, deal with it :3) as you placed the carpet on top of it and you quickly jumped on your bed and pulled your blanket and pretended that you were asleep. Your door suddenly busted open as men with arms (A/N: That sounded kinda... Wrong) entered nd opened the lights and scanned your room. You quickly woke up and made a small squek of frightness as you held your head down and went on your knees on top of the carpet, as if preventing them to check the carpet and at the same time, fooling them.

"Miss? Have you seen someone here, you know, suspicious" One of the cops asked

"How would I see if I was asleep dumbass?!" You snapped before you even realized what you just said

"I-I'm sorry, I'm really grumpy when I'm sleepy. So can you please do this tommorow?" You yawned "I wanna sleep"

All of them nodded "Okay, sorry madam if we disturbed you" Wih that, they all got out of your room and you counted 1-5 in your head, maintaining the silence before you tapped you foot on the floor 3 times

"Are they gone?" Levi asked as he quietly emerged himself outside the space he's in


Levi sighed as he scratched the back of his head "So, whaddya want, brat?" he asked

"I'm not a brat, also it's pretty simple actually"

"What is it?"

"Make me your friend" You grinned

"Wha?" He stared at you in shock and you wav3d a finger at him

"Tsk, tsk tsk. Remeber what you said"

"Ugh, fine! Here's my number, call if you ever need company or help" He walked towards your bedroom window and opened it which leads to your balcony.

"By the way, I'm a thief, okay?"

"Yeah sure" You replied as you stared at him

"Your actually the first person to not judge me, and who actually had the guts to be my friend" He said as he looked back at you

"To be honest, I feel like I'm isolated, I don't have any real friends, my fans are different from real friends, they tend to go berserk or squel when they're with me, so that's a big No No in my list. Plus, I just... wanna be something that is not forced on me to be..." You said silently "So it's better to atleast have someone to be a real friend, beggars can't be choosers"

"Well then, It seems I'd love to agree now to be your friend, now that I've heard you story" He was about to jump when he looked back at you and extended his hand

"Levi. Levi Ackerman"

You shook his hand

"(Y/N). (Y/N) (L/N)"

He let go of your hand and jumped off the balcony, you waved goodbye, not worrying for him since you've heard in the news that he is a ver skilled thief, although the name wasn't reffered and so was the picture since they haven't caught sight of him yet, but you knew it was him.

*End of Flashback*

"(Y/N)? (Y/N)?!" Levi said, his voice had slightly risen

"Oh sorry, I spaced out a bit"

"What? Are you dreaming about me?" He teased

"As if!" You said, but knew it was a lie since what he said was true but you didn't dare tell him... Yet

"Okay, I'm here"

You looked out of your balcony and saw a black subaru car, parking from the other side of the street your big house was in

"Now, can you get down?" He asked

"Yeah, hold on a sec"

You opened your window that led to your balcony and saw levi had already sneaked in and was hiding on a tree, the guard was asleep so that made it easier. You got your bags and levi quickly transferred from tree to tree until he was near you and you threw the bags, which he grabbed successfully and you waited as he placed your bag somewhere hidden behind the tree before he signalled you to jump. It was fine with you because it was just like a stunt that you perform every single day. Dangerous (yet sexy) stunts, if I may add.

You jumped levi caught you perfectly in a bridal style


Levi carefully set you down as you both made your escape succesfully

~With Levi~

"Whew, well, that was fun." you giggled as levi turned the car on and drove


"Where are we going, exactly?" you asked

"To my house"

"What kind?"

"Thanks to your daily finances, I get to have a 2 story house. You'll be sleeping with me from now on"

"Ok, then"

~Time Skip~

You went inside as levi opened the lights and you gasped at how clean it looked.


"Nice, right?"


Levi took of his coat and hang it on a racker before he made his way to you and hugged you from behind...

"Finally, Ivan stop this stupid feud of being popular..." you muttered

"And finally, we can have a time of our own... Oh how much I waited for this babe..."

You moaned slightly as levi planted kisses on your neck

"Babe, not here, the lights are own, they... Might see us"


Levi grumbled as he locked the door and took you upstairs to have a little bit of 'fun'

"They Don't Know About Us"

So so sorry for the late update! But please expect it simce it's my monthly test now and I won't be able to update for 2 -3 days... I think? Depends though. Also, I kinda did this on a rush (again) I still accept request okay? Good night, my bestie babes!! Ja~ne!

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