I Love You More Than Science...

By keshaswarrioranimal

1.7K 65 60

15 year old science teacher Adam Young is growing tired of the constant disrespect he has to put up with from... More

Author's Note
Ch 1 New Student?!
Ch 3 Detention?!
Ch 4 Meet Valerie Slabinsky
Ch 5 Lunch
Ch 6 Fight at lunch?
Ch 7 Echo
Ch 8 The restroom
Ch 9 Detention
Ch 10 After detention
Ch 11 Where's Mr Young?

Ch 2 Who is the new student?

205 4 4
By keshaswarrioranimal

New student.

The words kept repeating in Adam's brain all day- and all night, heck he didn't even get any sleep cause he was that nervous about the new student.

"I'll just hope that maybe this time the student might actually turn out to be a good student." Adam explained to his sister the next morning as they ate breakfast.

"You think?" Ivy snickered.

"You should just quit being a teacher at this point."

Before Adam could say anything, Ivy continued.

"It's not like anyone takes your class seriously, anyway. Maybe go work at NASA."

"That way I can finally have the house all to myself." Ivy finishes off, closing her eyes and sighing dreamily, as if she were imagining it already.

Adam rolled his eyes.

"Thanks, Ivy." Adam stated sarcastically as he continued eating his cereal.

Why do I even bother talking to Ivy about these things?

He wondered.


"Hello class." Adam greeted as always as he stands in front of the class, pointing at his chalkboard.

"Today we'll be learning about the periodic table and the different elements. For example-"

"Tater!" A random kid spat out.

"Huh?" Adam raised a brow.

"That's incorrect Jonathan, we do not have an element in the periodic tabled named T-"

"Mr. Young!" A masculine voice booms.

"Ah!" Adam jumped.

"Mr. Tater!"

"Yes, that's me."

"How can I assist you?" Adam asked.

"I don't need any assistance, but our new student will definitely need it." Mr. Tater said.

"Right, right." Adam nodded.

"We have a new student."

"Well, where is he?" Derby asked.

"She." Principal Tater corrected.

"And I'm not sure, that's why I came here. Mr. Young, I want you to look for the new student. I think she might've gotten lost or something."

"Me? Can't one of the students look for her? I'm in the middle of a lesson." Adam turned to grab his chalk, until he realized it was missing.


"What?" Slab snapped back defensively, before burping out a white cloud.

He smiled sheepishly.

"Oops." He stated shamelessly, the students around him staring in disgust.

"Really dude? Eating the chalk?" Derby said, disappointed.

Adam nodded in agreement.

"Derby's right, Slab."

Derby shook his head.

"No I mean really dude? Eating the chalk? That was soooo last year."

Adam narrowed his eyes at Derby, Derby raising his hands.

"What? If Slab wants to do something it should do something more original. Like that time I called you using my Principal Tater voice and told you that you had a few days off, so you wouldn't come to school and-" Derby clamps his hand against his mouth after realizing he basically snitched on himself.

"What?! That was you?" Adam asked, staring in disbelief.

"ANYWAY- THE NEW STUDENT. You should probably start looking for her Adam..don't-don't wanna have her waiting!" Derby stammers out, quickly changing the topic.


"Before you ask about your classroom, not to worry I'll keep the classroom in check-" Tater said, being cut off by a jelly sandwich that was thrown to him.

"Who threw that?!" He looked around the classroom.

"At least Tater has hair now- jelly hair-" One of the kids commented, cackling right after.

"That's it, detention for all of you until the one who did this shows themselves!" Tater announced.

Adam just sighed as he walked out of his classroom, not paying attention to the rest of the quarrel between Tater and the class.


"I've been walking in circles for hours!" The new student groaned when she ended up in the same place for the 4th time.

She's been trying to find her 1st period for about an half an hour now, and none of the people at the school seemed to be helping.

Either they gave confusing directions or they just purposely trolled her into joining the wrong classrooms.

"I swear if I get pranked one more time-"

"Excuse me, ma'am." She stops by the women's restroom and tapped the shoulder of an older woman that walked out of there.

"What is it?" she snapped her neck to look at Valerie.

"Can you tell me where Mr. Young's room is?"

"Sure, just follow me." The woman said.

Really? That was easier than she thought it would be.

Or she thought.

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