The Distance - Jamie Follesé...

By HCRsMiniVan

20.1K 216 101

Christia Diamonds is an average teenage girl who didn't really enjoy most of her 'home with family' time. She... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47

Chapter 1

1.7K 7 2
By HCRsMiniVan

Hey everyone! Yes you, the one who is about to read my story. Hi!! I'm just typing here to tell you that I am actually a new writer so I might have done some mistakes such as grammar and tenses errors. This is the first story I have ever written so I hope you guys won't be so harsh on me! I WROTE THIS WHEN I WAS YOUNG SO I MIGHT BE A LITTLE DUMB AT THAT TIME.  


Well hello there! My name is Christia Anne Diamonds but I just go by Tia but I'm also called as Chris by some of my friends. I’m just a 17 years old girl with a big dream with a never ending obsession on my favorite pop band Hot Chelle Rae.

My life is like a typical high school student's life, nothing much to tell about that. I’m just like any other 17 years old teenager who lives with happy families. Too bad mine aren’t that ‘happy family’ as you can say because I have 2 annoying younger sisters & brothers. Okay maybe we are happy but I'm just annoyed by them most of time. They're full of annoyance. 

Apart from that, I am also the eldest which means there’s a whole lot of responsibility I’m carrying on my back. Apparently, I don’t have a boyfriend and I’m forever a loner. But I do have good friends and one of my best friend is Melissa!

She’s the one I turn to fangirl with. We share a lot in common and knowing her was the best thing I’ve ever encountered to after knowing Hot Chelle Rae of course. So, basically this is how my whole life has been for the past 16 years.

One small decision has changed it all when the student exchange program decided to let me experience my new surroundings  in Franklin, Tenneesee.

“Christia Diamonds, please come to the office now” I was reading my story book on a bench near the cafeteria until suddenly I heard my name was being called. I turned to Melissa.

“Mels, did I just hear my name?” She was reading too but then looked up to me few seconds later.

“I think so. You're the only Christia in the school anyway. So I'm sure that's you. You better hurry too because Principal Franklin never likes waiting” Melissa warned me.

The minute I heard the word principal, I kind of shuddered  because I was a scaredy cat. Okay no, I wasn't being so some cat because our principal was like a lion, a hungry one. Trust me, you don't wanna make him angry. 

“I’m heading up! See you after school in the hallway.” I told her before standing up after shoving my book in the bag I was carrying and quickly rushed to the office.I scrambled my way to the main stairs leading to where the office was situated at.

“God damn it! I hate stairs”  I had to climb up flight of stairs with my bag which was filled of thick revision books which I should have dump inside my locker but I literally forgot about doing that.

“Christia Diamonds, Please report yourself at the office immediately” The announcement went again, desperately calling my name. It sounded so firm this time. I could hear the strain voice echoing throughout the school.

I ran my way across the library with all my might and finally reached the office in a minute. I was gasping for air by the time I reached the freaking office filled with standing clerks and teachers whom was all busy with their paperworks.

Oxygen was so limited at that very right moment when I saw principal Franklin waiting by the office door looking a little pissed like a monster whom had been hungry for years. His eyes were sparkling in anger. Boy I was so scared.

“Sorry I’m a little late, sir. I've been told that I was called out to the office?” I confidently blurt out but I was too scared to look up so I was just looking at my shoes and fiddled with my fingers instead of looking at him in the eyes.

“Yes. Come inside” He said calmly after clearing his throat.

Oh shit! Come inside?! I was sure that he was going to kill me. Help somebody! I followed his back and sat on the chair across his table. My heart was pounding very hard it would pop out anytime soon. I looked up and saw principal Franklin sitting in his chair and he was searching for something. Please don’t be any discipline letters or any bullshit! I had enough bad shit happening to me. I technically had a very bad day, and I wasn't planning to continue with another shit.

I couldn’t stop thinking of any reason why I was called here. Well, this wasn’t right. I didn’t do anything. “Miss Diamonds, your application for the student exchange program was accepted and you get to represent our school for the program. Here’s the letter.”

He held out his hand to me, holding the letter. I was pretty sure my hand trembled when I took it from his hand.“Kindly make sure to inform it to your parents.Congratulations. You’re going to Franklin, Teneessee.”  I was outrageously shocked! My jaw dropped as I read the letters clearly stated on the letter.

“Really?!” I think I might have shouted at my principal in shock. Seconds later, I realized I was in his office and probably had knocked some sense into my brain and quickly apologized for my careless yet childish mistake. Well, I just couldn't help it, I mean who wouldn't? Given the chance to stay in some other states for a few months with a new family sounded like a breath of fresh air to me.

“It's okay, Miss Diamonds. I could understand your excitement. Apparently, as the principal of the school, and you as a student of the North Shore High School, I believe you know the rules about sticking up for the image of the school right? So, I expect you to be on your best behavior all the time to protect the school's name while you're there." He was laughing at my excitement at first but then his facial expression changed in a split second and I just happily nodded my head.

"Is that it, Sir?" I asked and he dismissed me out of his room. I got up and ran my way down to the hallway. The bell rang indicating that school was finally over for the day! I even got the time to imagine my new life in Nashville for the next 3 months while running down the stairs. Excuse my over the edge excitement.

“Melissa!!" I screamed out when I finally caught a glimpse of her, ignoring the possibilities of people judging me. She was standing by my locker and I could see her chuckling at me. I tossed my bag on the floor before waving the letter in front of her face.

“Guess who got accepted for the student exchange program in Tennessee?!" I wiggled my eyebrows excitedly at her then I could see the changes forming on her face as she creased her forehead. “YOU?!" She gasped, well I couldn't blame her, she was currently in shock too. “YES!!!!!" I exclaimed at her before she enveloped me into a tight hug.

We were literally hugging while spinning plus screaming. It was that chaotic and we couldn't care less about the people around us.“Ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod. You are so lucky!!! And it's freaking Tennesee!! Who knows you might be staying in Franklin or somewhere near to the Follese' house!" We pulled apart and settled down as we took some breath to calm ourselves down.

“Indeed I am! I am so excited! It’s next week. And finally I get to live a minute of my life without my annoying siblings." I yelled in excitement, adrenaline shot through my veins. "Oh my god, I would die to in your freakin shoe right now." Melissa pouted.

"Don't worry, we'll skype every day. I would never go on a day without seeing my cray cray best friend. Come on, let me buy you a Grande sized Cotton Candy Frappe to celebrate." I took my bag and we were walking out of the school.

Both of us lived a  few blocks away from the school so would usually walk to and fro together everyday. As we were walking down the road to the nearest Starbucks situated a block away from out school, we chatted about the new surrounding I'd be exposed to in Tenneesse. All I had to do was to inform my parents and get myself prepared for the exciting journey ahead of me in a week of time.


Author's Note: 

Hello again :D Please do comment and give me feedbacks. That would be so helpful and it motivates me! I'd rather accept it with my open hearts than going against it. I'm not that kind of writer. If I'm wrong, I shall admit it so don't worry. Just point out the flaws, I'd be so happy to receive your help on making it a better story. Also, this story will be fully edited once I am done with it and I am well aware of the tenses and grammar errors I made which may be not obvious in this chapter but in the next one somehow. Don't worry, I am trying my best to edit it all out and makes it easier for you to enjoy the fun! Okay, I'm literally blabbering to much! Please continue reading hehe ;)

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