Proving You Wrong

By Laklynn_Hanlon

162K 4.9K 459

[Completed] "Sometimes we question the choices that take us to the places we end up. How did we get to where... More

Chapter One: A New Start
Chapter Two: One Terrific Night
Chapter Four: Propositions
Chapter Five: Requests
Chapter Six: Outside Perspectives
Chapter Seven: A New Façade
Chapter Eight: First Kiss
Chapter Nine: Secrets In the Open
Chapter Ten: Getting Closer
Needed to Say
Chapter Eleven: Another Opportunity
Chapter Twelve: A Night For The Books
Chapter Thirteen: Let Me Explain
Chapter Fourteen: Unexpected Happiness
Chapter Fifteen: The Night After
Chapter Sixteen: Last Day of Freedom
Chapter Seventeen: Its Complicated
Chapter Eighteen: Complete Preparation
Chapter Nineteen: May I?
Chapter Twenty: Tell me
Chapter Twenty One: Good To Know
Chapter Twenty Two: Sweet Treats
Chapter Twenty Three: Wanting More
Chapter Twenty Four: Into the Darkness
Chapter Twenty Five: An Even Darker Disposition
Chapter Twenty Six: A New Point of View
Chapter Twenty Seven: The End of One, the Start of Another
Book #2 is out!

Chapter Three: The Following Days

6.5K 208 3
By Laklynn_Hanlon

~Faith's POV~

I wake up to the pounding of my head. My eyes, throbbing from the bright sunlight streaming in through the window. Why? Why, why, why, why, why? Oh my god, my head! Someone hitting me on the head with a jack hammer would've been better than this.

Lightheaded, I sit up from my bed and rub my temples. Wait, my bed. How'd I get home last night? What even happened last night? Fudge! If this is what alcohol does to you, I'm never doing that again. Okay, think. I got to the party, swam and talked with Sterling, found Lexi at the bar and had a couple drinks, then I danced.

Why does it seem like there is more to the story?

I reluctantly stand up and walk to my bathroom. After popping a couple of Advil in my mouth and shoving them down my throat I realize that I called Christian to bring be home last night, maybe he knew something.

Quickly, I jog down stairs hoping he's awake. As soon as I get to the kitchen I recognize the smell of burnt toast and the yelling of curse words; because he is too stupid to know that you don't pick up toast right out of the stinking toaster because it's hot.

"Only you could burn toast Christian." I giggled.

"Oh good your up. Hopefully now you can enlighten me on the events of last night."

"I was actually hoping you could do the same."

"Why should I be able to, I wasn't there."

"I don't know, I woke up in my bed with the last thing I remember being that I was dancing."

"Well I found you passed out while your stomach was bleeding and Alec was fighting some guy."

"My stomach was bleeding?"

"Yeah. You'd fallen on a broken beer bottle seemingly." He acts as if that's an everyday occurrence! I lift up the new shirt I was miraculously wearing to see a long red line across my gut.

"Wait, did you say Alec was there?"


Something happened last night with Alec, but I couldn't put my finger on it. He was fighting someone? I racked my brain with possibilities of what happened last night until I came upon the truth.

He cheated.

That dirty son of a gun! Good for nothing, low life neanderthal! Typical boy. All they care about is sex and when he knew he wouldn't get any from me he had to get it somewhere else! And of all places; Danielle! He knew our past together and he went and did that. It was like he literally was stabbing me in the chest repeatedly. After all that I'd been through. I thought he loved me...

I was soon snapped out of my trance when Cristian started shaking me by the shoulders. I guess my breaths must've quickened because I found my self struggling for air. I can't have another break down like last night with Sterling. Why was I upstairs with Sterling again? He was probably just up there to tell me about Alec.

"Faith are you okay?" I probably should've slowed my breathing down.

"No." Was all that I could mutter out.

"Tell me what happened. Please."

"H-he cheated on me." Cristian stared at me waiting for me to continue. "With... Danielle." I finished. The look of awe he had on his face was as if I had told him the world was ending. Which, mine was. The sky had come crashing down with reality as its gravity. And above all things I didn't know what to do. My life was repeating itself and once again I wasn't prepared.

He took me into his arms and gently rocked me back 'n forth and then spoke, "It's going to be just fine Faith. Okay?"

"No it won't."

"Listen to me, I promise. I will make him pay, I just wish I could hit a girl too." Surprisingly, I pushed him back and stared at him with disgust.

"No you won't lay a finger on him!"

"Are you serious! Faith he fucking cheated on you! I'm not going to let him get away with breaking my little sister's heart without at least a broken nose!" He yelled flinging his arms around.

"Yes you are. Please Christian, he may have hurt me but that doesn't mean I want to see him hurt as well. Plus if he was in a fight as you said, he's probably a little banged up anyway."

"Fine but if he gets anywhere near you, I'll fucking deck 'em." I laugh at his idiocy and pull him in for a hug. I love my brother, but sometimes he can be a little overbearing. I've probably just become accustomed to it. Living with him for seventeen years and all.

"Thank you." I whispered into his ear, before we released and he walked sluggishly over to the couch.

I knew I'd have to see Alec eventually, but I was hoping it would be later rather than sooner.

"Oh and Faith, don't forget you have those summer P.E. credit courses starting Monday."

Great, I had exactly one day and fourteen hours to enjoy my summer, before I go back to the hell hole.

Now I'm just counting down the minutes.


Eight o'clock sharp. My alarm clock rings beside me, scaring the ever living petunias out of me. Pounding on my alarm I jump out of the cozy bed, only to want to jump right back in it.

Considering it's Monday morning and the only summer school class i had was P.E., I didn't even bother with looking good. I slung my hair back into a messy bun and added a swish of hairspray in attempt to tame my, many, unruly baby hairs. Swiping a line of eyeliner across each lid and a brush of mascara on my top and bottom lashes, I decided I was as ready as I would every be. Well, at least for a Monday morning P.E. session.

Reluctantly, I saunter into Satin's den, slowly making my way to the gym. Hearing the faint chatters of other students being forced to come here for two every week day for the next three months, the stingy, stale smell of sweat drifts unwillingly into my nostrils, causing my nose to scrunch up as i walk though the doors.

Confused by all the stares i was getting, I find the entrance to the girls locker room and walk down into it. After getting to my assigned locker and quickly changing into my workout clothes, I head back out, only to have my eardrums almost blown out by the coaches whistle.

"Okay students, go ahead and get stretched out, I'm going to my office to make a quick call."

Perfect. Alone. Or at least I thought I would be. A group of girls ran over to me in a huddle and all started talking at once. I could barely make out my own thoughts, let alone theirs.
"I can't believe-" "So horrible-" "You guys-" "How did you-" "Who was he with-" "Sorry-"

"Girls! What are you guys trying to say? Just spit out! One at a time, preferably."

One girl with brown hair and glasses stepped out and looked me in the eyes, quite creepily if you ask me.

"Faith, I'm so sorry." She spoke.

"For what again?"

"Um, Alec cheating on you."

"Oh, that." I mumbled. Great, I had spent so much time trying to forget that in the past two days, I ended up forgetting that it would come up.

"Yeah. I can't believe he would do that to you. You guys were like our role model couple."


"I guess we'll leave you alone now." Thank god. I honestly hate attention. public speaking has never worked out for me, because of that.

I should probably start stretching like the teacher said. As I spread my legs shoulder length apart and reach down to the ground whistles come from behind me. Unfortunately, not the teacher's whistle.

"Hey babe, it's hard to concentrate with your ass right in front of me." Some guy behind me yelled out. "Can you spread those legs any wider for me?" He asked trying to be nonchalant.

When I turned around, I found none other than Kaden smirking and his pack of 'bad boys' laughing like hyenas.

"Can you pigs get a new hobby?"

"Awe, but babe, this is the best one. It lets me look at your ass all day."

"Well if you like looking at butts so much why don't you just look in the mirror?"
Oh My Geez! Did I really just say something that stupid to the biggest Bad Boy at school? What is wrong with me!

"Only if it looks like yours."

Looks like my horrible comeback just turned into more ammo for him. All I could think to do, to save me from more embarrassment was to scoff and cross my arms over my chest, while giving him a death glare.

"You're cute when you're mad." Once again with that stupid smirk! He has the whole bad boy persona down pat! If he doesn't wipe that smug smirk of his face, I just might smack it off. But of course, before I could make another comeback I was interrupted by the Teacher. Gee people really have a knack for interrupting me right before I tell this guy off.

"Okay everyone, go on and head out to the track. We're starting out easy."

If this teacher thought running three million laps over the course of two hours was easy, she must be an alien from planet fitness. Pun intended.

We've already been running for twenty minutes and I've probably run like two miles by now and I'm freaking exhausted. I won't be able to take this all summer. Especially if I have Kaden and his pack of gorillas starring at me the whole time.

I swear, they're like the male version of the plastics.

Kaden is the head of the their little pack. Nothing short of Mr. Perfect, he always has girls fawning over him. Even though he is currently dating Danielle, he still has no problem cheating on her with multiple other girls. Judging from Friday night's 'show',I'm guessing she doesn't have have a problem with it either. The schools' two biggest players. Figures.

Although I genuinely hate his guts, I have to admit; He isn't hard on the eyes.

Standing 6' 2" and made of pure muscle, he could obliterate anything in his path. Though, he still has a calming quality to him. Maybe it's his coca brown eyes with flicks of green throughout them, his untamed chocolate mane, or rigid jawline, but whatever it is, it's heavenly.

Mr. Second in command is his best friend, Logan Reid. Just as tall, but in place of muscle, Logan is more lean. His brown hair is always styled perfectly upright so it never falls into his big, bright, blue eyes. Quite the cutie-pie if you ask me.

The twins, Jamie and Chris Novoa, were completely identical with their short, brown hair and mesmerizing hazel eyes. To be honest, they don't look like they're all the bad their friends are. They seem to be more of the level headed pair of the group.

Chase Ryder on the other hand is Mr. Daredevil. He can't say no to a bet. whether it's the stupidest thing on the planet, or a life threatening stunt. He doesn't care. Definitely the cliché bad boy considering his deep brown eyes and dark hair with patches of golden blonde in the front, a black lip ring, and tattoos found around his body.

Last, but not least, Shane Kingsley. No one really knows much about him. He's just the hot, really hot, mystery guy. All we know is what we can piece together; From the rumors I've heard, he was kicked out of his last school, not surprising if he's hanging out with Kaden, but no one is quite sure why. Some say he killed his sister, but I don't believe it. He would be in Juvie if he did that. Right? I guess it doesn't matter if he did, it's not my business.

All together though, I would have to say they are the hottest guys at school. They are all really in shape and always look like they're ready to knock someone out, if needed. Most of all, they're all, 100% bad.

They. Will. Not. Stop. Staring. At. Me!

They'll look over at me and talk to each other. Laughing, they'll look back again like their eyes won't let 'em look away. Taking me in, like they've never seen a girl before, or they never will again. I caught a glance at Kaden when he was looking at me, and even though we were running laps our eyes never left each other's. Why is he-

"Hey bitch!" Wha- oh.

Danielle. Just my luck.

She and her posse catch up to me from behind. Danielle latches on to my shoulder and digs her perfectly manicured nails into my shoulder blade. I stop suddenly and turn to her.

"What do you want?" I spat out, leaning on one hip. My chest heaving up and down from all the running and probably looking like crap.

"Feisty today I see." She pointed her eyes at me. "Stop being such a slut and stay away from Kaden. He's my boyfriend. I know yours dumped you, probably for being a slut and yet such a drag at the same time, but that doesn't mean you should go after other's." She retorted with a smirk.

"First of all you must be insane if you think I'm the slut. Second of all I have no interest in your boyfriend, he was making dirty jokes about me! And third, you slept with MY boyfriend and you watched me break up with HIM. I don't know what happened to you. You changed into something I can't even recognize. Whatever I did to make you hate me so dang much better've been huge because no one deserves this. Your just lucky you did it to me.

Nothing you said was actually relevant, so just leave me alone and go ruin someone else's life who actually gives a care. Danielle, all you are is some little girl who likes to pick on others to make herself feel better. You bring others down just so you can stand on them with your ten inch heels and I'm sick of it. Do whatever you want because I don't care anymore. Nothing you do effects me and I wouldn't care if it did. Now go play Barbie with your plastics."

Finally, the words I've been wanting to say since the eighth grade. I finally growled out the words that've been strewing in my mind for years, and it felt amazing. I finally stood up for myself instead of just standing my ground. No longer thoughts just prancing in my head, but taking over my mind in strides.

Danielle was fuming. I swear if you looked hard enough you could see the steam coming from her ears. Her lips were parted, almost speechless, but you could tell the wheels were spinning in her tiny little head. Just thinking of come backs, but she didn't dare to speak. Just stare at me in disgust with her hip jutted out.

I am enjoying this so much.

Until someone had to ruin it. Well, not just someone. Kaden. Today is just not my day.

"Hey Cambia! Oh, yeah, hey to you too Danielle!"

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