Secrets//Jake Jagielski

By writer5678904

411K 7.9K 243

Brighid Scott, the younger sister of Nathan Scott, nonetheless just as popular. Best friends with Brooke Davi... More



2.5K 44 0
By writer5678904

The next morning they all gathered at the race track. Brighid stayed behind, hanging with Cooper will the rest of the them took a crash course.

"So how's school? Heard you jumped a grade" Cooper began with small talk. Brighid could sense a bigger, more serious topic of discussion was to follow.

"Good. Schools like the least of my concerns right now" Brighid answered truthfully.

"Oh yeah? What's more concerning? A boy?" Cooper asked nudging her. Brighid laughed.

"Relationship advice from you? What happened to Katrina? Or was it Svetlana who was your last wife" Brighid nudged back.

"Don't be poking at my marriages. So is it a boy? Cause I know guys and they can be ruthless" Cooper asked being all serious.

"Not really. Although Jake and I's relationship I guess is something I'm always unsure of. It's more Nathan and Lucas. Nathan's distant and Lucas has swooped in replacing him practically. Then there's my dad and trying to please him. Then there's Jenny. So yeah schools's the least of my worries right now"

Just Cooper was about to say something the group pulled up jumping out of the car.

"Next time watch the track" Lucas joked at Daytona who was grinning.

"How was it?" Cooper asked Nathan and Lucas.

"Amazing" Lucas commented with a big smile.

"Great. Let's get geared up" Cooper said ushering everyone inside.

After they were all geared up and ready they walked out onto the track to find the cars lined up. They plugged in their mics and hopped into the car. Brighid riding shot gun with Cooper.

"Let's smoke those girls" Cooper commented making Brighid smile. The car revved as Cooper followed the pace car.

"This is stinking great" Lucas commented over the head set as they picked up speed.

"You boys sure you want to be humiliated?" Cooper asked looking at Brighid quickly.

"Notice how he didn't say girls" Daytona commented back.

The flag signaled the start of the race and Cooper instantly took first putting his foot to the medal. Tony staggered behind them with Nathan and Lucas fighting to get out of last.

As they approached the last flag Nathan was able to pass Cooper.

"Wow that was impressive even for the knucklehead nephew of mine" Cooper commented.

"Watch this" Cooper whispered to Brighid. Cooper sped up and tapped Nathan's back bumper taking the lead for first and winning the race.

They all slowed down pulling into their respective pit  stop spots when Nathan speeds by and races on the track again.

"Nathan that's the first victory lap I've seen for a loser" Cooper jokes. Nathan continues racing around the track.

Cooper and Brighid jump out of the car and Cooper runs up to the platform to talk to Nathan.

Lucas, Brighid and Daytona watch from the side of the pit as Nathan's speed gets faster and faster. Brighid glanced at Cooper to see a worried look on his face.

She looked back to see the car heading towards the barrier.

"Nathan" Brighid shouted as the car sparked against the concrete.  She tried to run to him but Lucas' arms stopped her.

Cooper and Ray pulled Nathan out as the fire continued to grow.

"Nathan" Brighid cried out running towards him. She could see he was unconscious. Ray called for an ambulance.

Brighid stood in the middle of the track frozen in her spot.

"Come on" Cooper said ushering her inside. They rode with him to the local hospital. As they piled out Brighid just stood in the entrance way. Her feet wouldn't move.

Memories of her in the accident, losing her memory, her dad being in the hospital. It all came back to her, flooding her memories. She had an extremely bad feeling something was going to happen to Nathan.

Cooper came back out ushering Brighid inside. She was completely numb sitting in the chair next to Lucas.

"Your mom and dad are on the way" Cooper explained to her as he paced in the waiting area. "Your mother is going to kill me" Cooper muttered.

A half an hour later Brighid's parents walked in.

"Where is he?" Dan asked as he and Deb rushed inside.

"Deb I am so sorry" Cooper softly stated.

"I'm glad you're okay" Deb whispered kissing Brighid on top of the head.

The doctor explained to her parents the extent of Nathan's condition. Her mother shortly after followed the doctor.

"You better pray he's okay" Dan threatened Cooper.

"Brighid come on" Dan said roughly pushing her out of the seat.

"Hey, you know my sister may let you bully the kids but I won't" Cooper spoke out.

"Too bad they aren't your kids to have a say. Brighid up now" Dan continued pulling her by her shirt. She obeyed not wanting to cause more trouble.

The three waited together when the doctor came out.

"Is anyone else the say blood type?"

"He needs more?" Deb asked concerned.

"I am" Brighid spoke out getting up from her seat. The doctor nodded escorting her to the nurse who took her to the room.

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