The Raven Hotel | Jikook |

By Sincerely_Jikook

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Vampire AU) Top Jimin / Bottom Jungkook "The sweet blood rushing through your veins... Oh, how I craved it... More

Chapter 1: Rumor Has It
Chapter 2: One Rainy Night
Chapter 3: Check In
Chapter 4: He's Different
Chapter 5: An Extended Stay
Chapter 6: A Weak Lamb
Chapter 7: Don't Leave
Chapter 8: Who Are You?
Chapter 9: On the Sixth Floor
Chapter 10: No More Running
Chapter 11: Remember
Chapter 12: No One
Chapter 13: Curious
Chapter 14: A Quick Run
Chapter 15: A Cold Touch
Chapter 16: One Step Closer
Chapter 17: What I like about You
Chapter 18: The Unexplainable
Chapter 19: Big Plans
Chapter 20: A Raven Mask
Chapter 21: He's a Monster
Chapter 23: Comforting
Chapter 24: Clarity
Chapter 25: Closer
Chapter 26: What He Knows
Chapter 27: Take Things Slow
Chapter 28: Selfish
Chapter 29: In the Eyes of the Devil
Chapter 30: My Weakness
Chapter 31: Crave
Chapter 32: A Night to Remember
Chapter 33: A Warm Feeling
Chapter 34: What I Am
Chapter 35: Mine
Chapter 36: A Soulless Monster
Chapter 37: Trusting You
Chapter 38: Your Soothing Voice
Chapter 39: With You~
Chapter 40: My Limit~
Chapter 41: His Only Thought
Chapter 42: A Little Help~
Chapter 43: My Biggest Fear
Chapter 44: No Turning Back Now
Chapter 45: Home
Chapter 46: An Unplanned Stay
Chapter 47: Wake Up
Chapter 48: A Mother's Love
Chapter 49: Drenched in Blood
Chapter 50: Just a Name
Chapter 51: All I Have
Chapter 52: Open your Eyes
Chapter 53: I'm all Yours~
Chapter 54: Sharp Gasps~
Chapter 55: The Book Entry
Chapter 56: The Way You See Me
Chapter 57: Old Habits Die Hard
Chapter 58: Destined to Fall Apart
Chapter 59: The Way I See You
Chapter 60: An Eternal Love (FINALE)

Chapter 22: Intoxicated

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By Sincerely_Jikook

Jungkook couldn't seem to comprehend. He was able to grasp as much information as he could but at the same time, he didn't understand that this was the truth he's been searching for. Jungkook stopped drinking for a moment to process the words Hoseok mentioned and couldn't help but to let out another laugh. Deep down, he took in this information, but on the outside, he began to laugh at how intoxicated he became after drinking so much.

"Ah... ha, ha, so... ah... Jimin... is a vampire? So... it must have been him making the noises on the sixth floor that... that day!" Jungkook mentioned and gripped tightly onto the bottle he held and rubbed his eyes. "It all... it all makes sense to me now... I began to question it all... but I avoided any childish assumptions like that in the first place. But now... now that I know what he is... what do I do...?"

"It seems as if he has no problem with you at all, of course, you remind him of someone special, so the last thing he would do is harm you to the point where it would traumatize you," Hoseok mentioned and drank out of his first bottle while he watched Jungkook take another sip of his. "Should you really drink that much? Are you able to hold in your alcohol?"

"I'll... I'll be fine..." Jungkook replied into a soft giggle and leaned back against the chair to stare up at the ceiling silently. "He wouldn't harm me because I remind him of someone... he tends to compare... compare me to... some guy named Hyunwon..." Jungkook mentioned and noted how Hoseok tilted his head and lowered his drink. "Does... does that name... ring a bell?"

"Hyunwon... I think Seokjin told me about that name once. Even Seokjin told me about how you looked so much like him. Of course, Seokjin has only seen photographs of this man. And he mentioned how much of a resemblance the two of you shared. That could be the reason why Jimin locks you up in that room! He must be afraid of letting you go. Something must have happened to Hyunwon because he's no longer here. At least, I don't think so... I don't even know... not even Seokjin knows..."

"Jimin says he's waiting for him... but I don't... I don't know what he means by that. I find it weird that he keeps me locked up there and tells me to remember a memory we shared but at the same time, he waits for him... I've never seen Jimin in my life!" Jungkook replied and began to laugh uncontrollably. Leaving Hoseok to focus his gaze onto his. "Does he think I'm Hyunwon? That doesn't make sense! I'm me!"

"Maybe... Hyunwon died and there could be a chance he was your past life, that's why Jimin can't let you leave his sight. He must be sure you're him!" Hoseok told the boy and suddenly laughed right after. "This makes so much sense now... you could be living his new life, but of course, you have no memory of your past life... Hyunwon must have died before you were born and now, Jimin has been waiting for you to come back into his life."

"And, here I am now... he's been waiting for me?" Jungkook asked and chuckled right after. "Ah, I feel stupid! This can't be true... Please, tell me this is all a dream! If it's true, Jimin must be over one hundred years old or so! He told me... he fell in love with the same person multiple times... he must have fallen for my past lives as well!" Jungkook mentioned as Hoseok's eyes widened at the sound of his words. "I'm losing my mind..."

"It must have been fate then, Jimin is a vampire, who has fallen in love with you in many lives before. We don't really know how old he is, it's difficult to tell but maybe, maybe he'll tell you more about it soon. Not now, Seokjin says he's a very difficult guy to get to."

"Then, what do I do n-now?! What if he tries to eat me? What if he... oh no, I have to go back!" Jungkook mentioned and finally remembered Jimin warning him about leaving. "I don't have much time here!"

"Calm down, Jungkook. What is he going to do to you? He treasures you, you're special to him. What is the worst thing he could do? Make you go to sleep early?" Hoseok asked and heard the boy grow silent. "If you want to escape... Seokjin and I are planning something and I think you could help us out on this..."

"A-An escape...? When is this? How? That sounds like a difficult thing to say when Jimin is not exactly human..." Jungkook mentioned and tried his best to fight back the urge of drinking more. "Did you forget he's a vampire? Who knows what he'll do to us!"

"He wouldn't dare to harm you or Seokjin since you two play very important parts in his life; Seokjin drains the guests to feed him, you are his past lover. The only person he would kill is me if we're not careful with this next plan," Hoseok mentioned and stood up, placing his bottle of soju on the table before walking back to a cabinet sitting along the plain wall. "I want you to listen closely, since I know there's a chance you might not come back to hear more of it, you'll have to sit here and listen to what I have prepared so far..."


"Seokjin told me that Jimin is preparing the next annual masquerade ball. This will mean that all of the guests will be in their masks for the ball and it will be a great chance to finally take him out..." Hoseok mentioned as Jungkook's eyes blew wide.

"T-Take him out?!" Jungkook asked as Hoseok nodded his head right after.

"You know, kill him! We can finally have an upper hand in this... you will be our secret weapon. If this is done, everyone will be free! I've been here for eight years... my family must think I'm dead, do you know how much I miss them? That's why we need to get out of here! Everyone except for you and Seokjin, are nothing but food to him. He feasts on anyone who checks in and throws a ball to attract more. How bad could this be? Jungkook, you need to join us on this plan..."

"What's... what's the plan?" Jungkook asked as Hoseok smiled and took out his own skull mask from the cabinet and smiled.

"During the ball, we need someone to inject a syringe into him... yet, we don't really know his weakness... if you can, get closer to him to the point where you find out many things about him. Study him, observe him... then, when we know his weakness, you could be the one to dance with him and deliver the final blow. He will die and we will all be able to escape!" Hoseok concluded. Smiling to himself and placing on his mask. "Jimin will wear his plague doctor mask as always, and I will wear this. Make sure you memorize this mask so you could find me then!"

"So... you want me to study him? To get to know him better and get closer to know his weakness?" Jungkook asked. Something in his mind knew this was for the best, while another side of him believed this didn't feel right. The drunk boy began to feel conflicted as his head was spinning. He stopped laughing and was now silent, pondering the plan Hoseok fed into his intoxicated mind. "Then, I will kill him and it will all be over..."

"Yes! We will all be free, Jungkook. Trust us, if you do your part, we will all be free. Jimin will fall and we will finally make it back home."

Home; those words were enough to make Jungkook emotional once more. He couldn't tell if it was just his drunk emotions or just something he kept deep down for the longest. But as soon as Hoseok said that heavyweighted word, he began to continue drinking. A tear threatened to fall from Jungkook's beady eyes as he thought about it more, but as he began to chug soju into his system, his noisy thoughts finally grew silent. Jeon Jungkook drank more to forget his pain as if he was running away from himself all over again. As the coward he truly was, Jungkook only found drinking as a true escape for him.

"I... I think I need to go back..." Jungkook whispered to himself and finally stood up. The moment the boy stood, his head began to spin and his balance became loose. In seconds, he was walking around and hugging the walls close by as he approached them. His legs became frail and wobbly and his vision swirled each time he walked towards what looked to be the door. In seconds, Jungkook was on the ground where he let out a laugh at the cold feeling of the ground kissing his soft and pale face.

"And I thought you could hold your drink in... oh well, as long as you know the plan already, you should be fine," Hoseok stated and walked towards the boy to pull him up to stand on his own. "....and I thought you could have at least set the bottle on the table before you fell onto the ground!"

"Haha, stop crying, Hoseok!~"

"...yeah... anyway, remember to report back to me with his weaknesses... if you don't find anything, Seokjin and I will go along with a plan B."

"Plan B? Woah! WHOSE PREGNANT?!" Jungkook shouted and let out another laugh before Hoseok walked him to the door and silenced him.

"No... ah, stop it Jungkook! Seokjin and I will have to keep talking about that second plan since we don't know much. But please, don't let us down! You're our only hope here. Remember, we need you to be present at the ball but please, whatever you do, don't interfere when the plan is set into action," The pale man warned the boy and finally walked Jungkook out of the hotel room. Instantly regretting the choice of letting Jungkook drink for a bit, but deep down, the older man believed Jungkook was a smart boy to keep the plan in mind. "We need to do this at the ball... it's the only time everyone is out of their rooms... but no matter how many people there are, we are still weak and we will fail if we all just choose to escape at once. Understand, Jungkook? Tell me what you have to do again..."

"I.... I... I study him... I observe him! Then... I fuCK HIM!" Jungkook spoke up and left Hoseok staring at him in disbelief as they walked down the hallway of the tenth floor.

"...close enough!" Hoseok replied and began to smile. Freedom was in his future and the simple thought of it was enough to excite him. The man eagerly pressed the button to the sixth floor and set the drunk boy inside the elevator happily. "Remember Jungkook, don't let Jimin know the plan... I trust you and we're all depending on you. Return to Jimin's room and wait for him there. Got it?"

"Yup!" Jungkook replied as the elevator doors finally closed. Jungkook threw his head up and looked at the ceiling of the elevator, softly humming to himself as he began to crave more alcohol. However, he was no longer in Hoseok's room to feed his addiction. So there, Jungkook began to fear his many thoughts returning to him.

Eventually, the boy made it out of the elevator, not being aware of his surroundings as he just kept walking forward and sliding his weak body against the wall. All of a sudden, he slipped into a dark room, believing it was the room he shared with Jimin but apparently, it was only one of the abandoned rooms close by. Jungkook looked around the room as he quickly flinched when he noticed a body laying over the ground; completely lifeless.

The drunk boy didn't think much of it and right as he began to approach it, he felt the hairs of his neck raise so suddenly. Alas, a cold touch slid up his back, latched onto the nape of his neck, and slowly turned to lock over his throat once more. Just then, Jungkook instantly felt another cold hand lock around his waist; touching him softly but never tight enough to harm him. Within seconds, a voice; an eerie and bone chilling voice, called out to him into a whisper just against his ear. Causing goosebumps to form over his soft skin like before.

"Oh Jungkook , just when I was beginning to trust you... look what you did to me; you deceived me..."

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