Kim Potential

Von regertz

672 0 0

A desperate Dr. Drakken has sensibly reviewed his Files of Past Plots to find the most effective weapon yet u... Mehr

"Kim Potential..." Part I
"Kim Potential..." Part II...
"Kim Potential..." Part III...
"Kim Potential..." Part IV...
"Kim Potential..." Part V...
"Kim Potential..." Part VI...
"Kim Potential..." Part VII...
"Kim Potential..." Part VIII...
"Kim Potential..." Part IX...
"Kim Potential..." Part X...
"Kim Potential..." Part XI...
"Kim Potential..." Part XII...
"Kim Potential..." Part XIII...
"Kim Potential..." Part XIV...
"Kim Potential..." Part XV...
"Kim Potential..." Part XVI...
"Kim Potential..." Part XVII...
"Kim Potential..." Part XVIII...
"Kim Potential..." Part XIX...
"Kim Potential..." Part XX...
"Kim Potential..." Part XXI...
"Kim Potential..." Part XXII...
"Kim Potential..." Part XXIII...
"Kim Potential..." Part XXIV...
"Kim Potential..." Part XXV...
"Kim Potential..." Part XXVI...
"Kim Potential..." Part XXVII...
"Kim Potential..." Part XXVIII...
"Kim Potential..." Part XXIX...
"Kim Potential..." Part XXX...
"Kim Potential..." Part XXXI...
"Kim Potential..." Part XXXII...
"Kim Potential..." Part XXXIII...
"Kim Potential..." Part XXXIV...
"Kim Potential..." Part XXXV...
"Kim Potential..." Part XXXVI...
"Kim Potential..." Part XXXVII...
"Kim Potential..." Part XXXVIII...
"Kim Potential..." Part XXXIX...
"Kim Potential..." Part XL...
"Kim Potential..." Part XLI...
"Kim Potential..." Part XLII...
"Kim Potential..." Part XLIII...
"Kim Potential..." Part XLIV...
"Kim Potential..." Part XLV...
"Kim Potential..." Part XLVI...
"Kim Potential..." Part XLVII...
"Kim Potential..." Part XLVIII...
"Kim Potential..." Part XLIX...
"Kim Potential..." Part L...
"Kim Potential..." Part LII...
"Kim Potential..." Part LIII...
"Kim Potential..." Part LIV...
"Kim Potential..." Part LV...
"Kim Potential..." Part LVI...
"Kim Potential..." Part LVII...
"Kim Potential..." Part LVIII...
"Kim Potential..." Part LIX...
"Kim Potential..." Part LX...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXI...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXII...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXIII...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXIV...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXV...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXVI...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXVII...
"Kim Potential..." Part LVIII...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXIX...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXX...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXXI...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXXII...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXIII...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXXIV...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXXV...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXXVI...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXXVII...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXXVIII...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXXIX...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXXX...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXXXI...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXXXII...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXXXIII...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXXXIV...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXXXV...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXXXVI...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXXXVII...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXXXVIII...
"Kim Potential..." Part LXXXIX...
"Kim Potential..." Part XC...
"Kim Potential..." Part XCI...
"Kim Potential..." Part XCII...
"Kim Potential..." Part XCIII...
"Kim Potential..." Part XCIV...
"Kim Potential..." Part XCV...
"Kim Potential..." Part XCVI...
"Kim Potential..." Part XCVII...
"Kim Potential..." Part XCVIII...
"Kim Potential..." Part XCIX...
"Kim Potential..." Part C...

"Kim Potential..." Part LI...

4 0 0
Von regertz

Kim Potential...

Summary: A desperate Dr. Drakken has sensibly reviewed his Files of Past Plots to find the most effective weapon yet used on KP and improve it with unexpected results. Ron and company find they have a new partner.

Disclaimer: No infringement intended.

Part LI...

"Wade?" Potential on Kimmunicator... "Can you put me through to whoever's in charge on that boat down there?! Ron needs a doctor, stat!"

Daddy?! If you're able to listen in? Help! She barely managed not to say...Anxious glance to the unconscious Ron, bleeding...



Never saw blood except in original's vague memory of the dweeb twins fighting...

Somehow not as appealing as one would think in a nature attuned to her dark side...

"Kim? I can't confirm the id of that ship..."

"I can't wait, I've gotta set down, he's really hurt!"

"Don't give her away, in case her friends are in contact...Please?" 'Shego'/535 to the henchthug commander issuing orders...

"Sirs?" glance to Lindendon and Avairius.

"By all means..." Lindendon, pleasantly... "Far more useful to us this way, certainly, I'd say...Friend Avairius?"

"Sure...But soon as she sets down lets alter course immediately before they track us through her?" Aviarius suggested.

"Quite right, my wise friend..." Lindendon nodded. "Commander?" he turned to the henchthug commander. "I recommend as soon as possible we head for that bank of mist and add our own?" Indicating large mist bank, the commander nodding.

"Kim Possible!" the ship's loudspeaker blared. "We have you targeted! Land immediately and surrender! This is your only warning!"

"Lovely. Wade, it's not the UN...But I think I gotta set down." Potential told the Kimmunicator. "Tell them to...Hello? Wade?!" she shut the unit off.

Well, that should keep him thinking a few minutes...

And there's my welcome committee...She eyed the group below...Several obvious henchthugs in Dementor red alongside three easily distinguished leader figures.

Well, well...Stepmommie Dearest as well...She frowned at the waiting 'Shego'/535.

Offering a few interesting possibilities...

And hello? She eyed the hulking creature in uniform, dark blond and rather bizarrely handsome if distorted features on a massive frame...A nervous-looking Avairius in costume beside him, rather a plucked scarecrow of a chicken in contrast.

"Barclay?" Shego eyed the viewscreen...Nothing but water and clouds... "Any idea where she set down?"

"Uh...Well..." he began...

"According to 535's transmissions and its tracking..."

"Shego..." glare... "Where's Drakken? And you must be the Throwback?" Potential eyed Lindendon.

"Hello, bird guy...How's it hoverin'?" she nodded to Avairius. The three regarding her...

"Chutzpah, I like that." Lindendon beamed.

"Ok, you got me...Take care of my boyfriend..." anxiously...

'Shego'/535 making slight waves...Patting her own radio transmitter in hip belt...Kimberly? UN fleet tracking your...

"Certainly...And welcome...Uh, if you'd pardon me, Miss Possible?" Lindendon deftly grabbed the Kimmunicator from her, startling her with his speed....Did that arm of his just turn almost to rubber?...And tossed it overboard.

"You're among friends, my dear...But of course we can't let anyone know of our whereabouts...And it's best for your secret if we seem to be forcing it upon you...." he explained to her startled, reddening face.

"It's ok, Kim..." 'Shego/535 agreed. "We're in negotiation mode and things are moving along well."

"Oh, quite past that...Our alliance is a definite if you are as remarkable as you seem, young lady..." Lindendon smiled.

Really worse when he smiles...Potential noted, grimacing a bit...

"First, Ron..." she insisted...

"Of course..." Lindendon nodded benevolently... Glance to the henchthug commander who waved in a group who approached gingerly and took Ron gently from her.

"If he's hurt..." Potential, grimly.

"They'll take care of him..." Avairius, soothingly. As the three laid Ron on a stretcher and carried him off.

"They better..." Potential frowned. "I wanna go with him."

"In just a moment...Best to let them attend to the boy in any case." Lindendon noted. Eyeing her carefully.

"Remarkable...Exactly as in your video footage of her original in action..." he turned to Avairius. "Tell me, dear..." he turned back to her glaring look. "Do you know who you are and who Drew Drakken is?"

"Sure." Curtly. "I'm Kim Possible and Drakken is a demented loon. As for you...Who knows...But based on the briefing on you I had...."

"I'm pleased to hear I still have a formidable reputation." Lindendon smiled. "And very good, Miss. But as your associate Ms. Shego can tell you, we are fully aware of what you really are. Though, Miss Go?"

"Kimberly knows who she is..." 'Shego'/535 nodded. "Kim, it's ok...Dr. Drakken is ready to deal with the Colonel and his friends. You can speak freely."

Well, lie as if you were speaking freely...

"Oh? Not that I admit to any of this nonsense, but I'd like to hear that from him..." Potential, cautiously. "How do I know this isn't a trick? And I don't take orders from you, lady."

"Oh, you don't, eh?" 'Shego'/535...

Echoed by Shego listening to Barclay's feed from the droid's transmissions...

Say...That droid is doing one bang-up acting job, she noted to Barclay...Not that I'm forgetting or forgiving...Anything.

"535's the best the doctor made since 'Eric'..." nod.

'Eric'...Sally and several other henchthugs in hearing...Not all exclusively female...Sighed...

That was a sad loss to our little family...

"Ummn..." Potential wilted slightly under the glare of 'StepMom'...

"If Dad says I hafta..."

"You know he does..." 'Shego', sternly.

"'Dad'?..." Lindendon, Avairius...Eyeing each other...

"Makes good psychological sense..." Avairius reflected...Lindendon nodding. Indeed, a brilliant method of control.

"Fine..." Potential sighed... "Kimberly Potential Drakken here, dark twin of Kim Possible, nice to meetcha...I still wanna see Ron asap..." frown...

"Are you in touch with Dad, Shego? I wanna talk to him."

"Remarkable." Lindendon noted to Avairius. "Independent and yet firmly attached to her creator...Miss Go, the Doctor is to be congratulated."

"Dad knows his stuff..." Potential nodded... "Well?" she eyed 'Shego'.

"I'm in touch by embedded microwave...He says nice job with the drones."

"Thanks, Dad." Beam. "But Ron got hurt before I could get us out. What about him, anyhow?" she turned to Avairius.

"Deal or no deal, if he's not ok..." glare.

"Fascinating..." Lindendon shook his head. "And she's really only a few days' old?"

"Hello?" frown. "I know you're not a believer in women's rights or anything, but common courtesy? I'm right here and I'm not a doll or a robot, you know."

"My deepest apologizes..." Lindendon, pleasantly. "I'm just so taken with this great achievement, Miss Drakken. Your father is truly a brilliant scientist."

"You bet he is...One who runs rings around your little guy."

"Ist so?" Dementor's dry voice from doorway.

Might've guessed he'd come to spoil the party...Drakken, listening from about 150 by 200 feet down from the ship, matching speed...

"I'm afraid I've lost all contact with them, General..." Wade on screen informed General Masters, now enroute by plane to the UN task force... "We have to assume they're the prisoners of Dementor and/or Drakken and the Throwback...Unless it's true about Kim not being Kim in which case I guess Ron is the only prisoner."

"We've picked up nothing either by radar or observational sweeps...Too much mist and fog and they're deflecting our radar somehow..." the general noted. "If all this is true and the Throwback has united with those mad geniuses and some version of Miss Possible."

"What about Bortel? Is he still under surveillance?" Wade, nervously drumming fingers on keyboard, pulling up more cloning information...

Yeah, Ron could be right...Everything suggests there's no reason a clone wouldn't match up brainwave wise...And an emotional motivation from birth wouldn't likely show...

"He is...Still at his home, along with Dr. Avair, according to our surveillance..." the general noted.

"I'd be sure to keep him under watch..." Wade said. "He could still lead us to their headquarters."

"I have to tell you, son...The Secretary General and the Presidents of the three great powers have agreed that the Throwback and any allies must be destroyed, with extreme...You know..." the general sighed. "If we locate that ship it will be destroyed immediately. I'm sorry for Mr. Stoppable and Ms. Possible, if she is innocent ."

"General...You can't..." Wade, anxiously.

"We can't allow the Throwback a chance to terrorize the world again...And if this Dr. Drakken has created some sort of robot Possible or whatever..."

"Clone, maybe...But it's not proven..."

"Son...I understand your feelings...But..." the general eyed him. "I assume you're a 'Star Trek' fan...?"

"The needs of the many..." Wade sighed.

"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!...Grrr!..." Shego, firing off a series of plasma bursts.

Poor thing...Sally shaking head...As Shego nervously rubbed forehead.

"Aspirin, ma'am?" she suggested. "When the doc had me test the compliance chip against his anti-compliance necklace, last week, I found it really helped with the headache."

"Yeah, thanks...Oh..." clasped hands. "Go meet Dementor and that nut alone...How could they each be so stupid? What's the matter with them? Ok, fine...Our Juliet's in 'luv'...What's gotten into him? He's not the self-sacrificing type, however wonderful he is in his stupid, bumbling way..."

Pretty much the same thing that's happened to you...Sally sighed...


"So they let you go, Prof?" Potential eyed Dementor in his trademark costume... "You sure it was wise to come out here to us?"

"Ach, I'd prepare for this for some time...A simple matter of having our own duplicates standing by and a little creative camera work...They won't catch on for some time, I'm sure..." Dementor, contentedly... "Well, Miss Possible..."

"Drakken...So long as we're putting our cards on this kinda nice table..." Potential eyed the large table at which she, 'Shego', Avairius, the Throwback, and several henchthugs sat.

"Certainly, Miss Drakken...You wished to meet again, in private...Here we are...What do you wish to propose?"

"We should have the doc here..." 'Shego' noted. "And it's only fair you get your chance to see the cloning system before we sign on any dotted lines."

Less incriminating for any UN hearing after if we heroically blow you to Hell first, after all...

"And I wanna be sure Ron's ok..." Potential noted, firmly.

"That is most remarkable...An emotional bond held over from her original." Lindendon noted. "The balance of psychological forces the Doctor has created in her is worth careful study, don't you think, Professor? Proof that a clone army can be both devoted to its creator and function independently in battle."

"I must admit to being impressed." Dementor nodded.

"I'm thrilled you're thrilled, fellas." Potential, dryly. "Now, my boyfriend?"

Hmmn...Drakken listening rather anxiously...

Somehow I never envisioned a day when I'd be concerned over the fate of the buffoon...


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