Clockwork Angel's (DISCONTINU...

By PaperBagBoi_

12K 676 114

Nineteen century England was a large place for anyone. The Pines Twins were sent to England after their paren... More

What happened?
Back to Annebeth's
Cracking the code
Powers of an Angel
Rescue misson?
The Key to the Gear Heart
Angel's Blood
Who would do this?
A package
Almost Eaten


505 38 2
By PaperBagBoi_

Third Person

Bill has been spending more time with Dipper. William has beginning to get worried about Bill and his closeness with Dipper. Will didn't want Bill to get in trouble with Marilyn.

Will didn't notice in himself that he was also growing a friendship with Mabel. A close behind with her. Will watched over her as best as he could. He didn't want to say that he secretly enjoy her company. He would chat with her almost every day about random things. It was something that he let slip through his mind. He's only been focused on Bill that he hasn't noticed his actions.

In the middle of the night, the two would sneak out and go to the garden. They would watch the dark sky with its bright stars. Bill has never done anything like this. Sneaking out after hours and just sit there and do simple things. For how he loved him. He was willing to break rules just to see him smile.

Dipper didn't mind Bill being by his side. Dipper would read out loud so Bill wouldn't be too bored. Bill would just listen to Dipper talk about random things when he gets distracted. He would make a soft smile and listen to him ramble about the things that he enjoyed or simple facts.

Marilyn was being watched by the organization closely. Marilyn had noticed that Bill has been more rebellious since the twins have a

Mabel has been noticing that Dipper hasn't been feeling well. She's noticed that he hasn't been sleeping as much as he used to.

Dipper has refused to go to certain rooms and hallways. Mabel did some reading to find out what was wrong with him. She wanted an explanation about everything that's been going on. With her powers and her brothers.

Her powers have been going out of control, but Dipper's hasn't. Healing and bring to life randomly was giving her a headache. She had to get rid of a jungle in her room because a small seed was in her hair and when she slept it grew. Why hasn't anything happened to Dipper yet?

"William, " Mabel called out, "Will!"
"What can I do for you, Mabel?" Will asked.
"Do you know where the library is?" Mabel asked him.
"Yes, what are you reading if you don't mind me asking, " William answered, "I think it's a little early to be reading. It's still early morning."
"I just wanted to read something about Angels, " Mabel easily confessed, "I don't know anything about them and I just need personal questions answered." She ignored the last question.
"We have an old book that talks about things, but it's high up so we need a ladder, " Will told Mabel.
"Thank you!" Mabel hugged Will.
"No problem, " Will smiled softly.

They went to the library and searched for the book.
Dipper bumped into the two as he was walking around. He didn't have to make breakfast since it was so early.

"Morning to the both of you," Dipper smiled.
"Morning Dipper!" Mabel hugged her brother.
"Morning to you as well," Will smiled.
"Where are we off too?" Dipper asked the pair.
"Will is helping me find a book," Mabel smiled.
"I hope I can find it," Will nervously chuckled.
"Which are you looking for? I've read all the books already, " Dipper said.
"All of them?" Will questioned, "Seriously? I have read all of them yet."
"It would have been faster, but I get distracted when Bill is with me, " Dipper admitted.
Mabel chuckled softly, "Isn't he with you almost every day?"
A soft blush appears on his face as he thought about it, "I guess you're correct... I felt it as normal."
"Bill always bothers me, but since you make him read he hasn't, " Will blurted out."
"He doesn't read, " Dipper explained, "He doodles or listens to me read. He gets bored and doesn't like the silence."
"We have to go, " Mabel said, "See you in a little."
"Bye you two, " Dipper smiled.
"Bye, " Will said.

Dipper left the two. Will and Mabel finally made it to the library. Will went to get all the books that he knew that had information about angels. The one that he's read so far at least.

"I can't believe Dipper has read all of these, " Mabel muttered, "I get bored easily."
"I say books aren't as boring as you think, " Will explained, "I feel like you need to find a book that suits your liking."
"That's what Dipper always says, " Mabel muttered, "I just don't enjoy it."
"I found the last one!" Will cheered, "But I can't reach it."
"Maybe I can, " Mabel smiled.
"Aren't you smaller than me?" Will asked.

They both didn't realize their height differences.

"I am shorter than you, " Mabel always saw Will as the same height.
"It's just a few inches, " Will explained, "Do you think if I carried you we can reach the book?"
"I presume so, " Mabel said, "Maybe I can fly."
"Since when can you fly?" Will looked at Mabel in confusion.
"I'm an angel, I have wings, " Mabel said and then whispered, "Angels have wings right?"
Will laughed, "Of course you do."
"Ok, because a few days ago I found out that angels can have multiple eyes. Where do they go? Also, where do they go after I don't need them?" Mabel discussed.
"Is this what you think about?" Will questioned, "Just this?"
"Don't make fun of me, " Mabel pouted, "These are serious questions. Some demons have horns! Half of them can make them appear and others can't-"

Mabel covered her mouth and looked at Will. She made a mistake. Mabel and Dipper agreed not to bring up anything that can bring them harm. Even their knowledge of the other side because the Thompson's weren't always what they seemed.

"I thought you didn't know anything about the other side?" Will asked.
"We never said that, " Mabel looked down and held her dress, "We told everything that we knew little."
"How much is a little?" Will asked her, "No one is here but me... You can trust me."
"I trust you and your brother more than anyone else here because you're like us... Not a moral, " Mabel looked at Will, "You've shown us more kindness than the rest. Something is telling me to trust you."
"Really?" Will was happy that Mabel trusted him.
"Of course I do," Mabel chuckled softly.
"How much do you know," Will asked.
"Can I ask you something before I answer?" Mabel muttered.
"Of course," Will smiled.
"Why don't you use your powers?" Mabel whispered.
"To keep it simple," Will whispered back, "We're forbidden because of the rules that they made for us since we're not mortals. They're afraid that we'll attack them and that we're only allowed to use them when we were told by them or in emergencies. If we break the rules we'll be pun-punished."

Fear entered Will's eyes when he mustered out those words. Mabel saw the fear and hugged him tightly.

"I'm sorry...That's cruel," Mabel blurted out, "They treat you like a monster when you're such a kind soul."

Will felt tears come down his face when Mabel hugged him.


They stopped hugging and looked around. Will heard a small child's laugh.

"You heard that laugh right?" Mabel muttered.
"There are no children here," Will told Mabel, "No one has children."
"Mummy..." It was a young girl's voice.
"She sounds upset, " Mabel said.

A bloody stuffed bear fell on top of Mabel's head and then fell into her hands. Mabel scream and threw it at Will. Will dropped the bear and looked around.

"Gross, " Mabel hated blood, "Where did that come from?"
"Mummy!" The girl started to cry.

Will and Mabel walked around the library and then their eyes widen. They saw a demon girl bloody sitting on the ground crying. When she looked up at the both of them Mabel's wings came out.

One of her eyes was gone from her socket, one of her horns torn off, scratches and bruises, some of her bone was sticking out of her arm.

"Poor soul, " Will frowned.
"Hello, " Mabel didn't know how to approach this dead child.
The girl sniffled and looked at Mabel, "Are you going to hurt me?"
"Never, " Mabel smiled.
"Where's my mummy?" She asked them.
"I don't know, " Mabel answered, "Who is she?"
"Why are you here?" The girl asked Mabel, "Angels don't help demons..."
Mabel kneeled and said softly, "We help everyone... The sinners and the saints."
"Where's my bear?" She started to panic.

Will went to get the bear and gave it to her. She hugged it and noticed the blood.

"Blood?" The girl muttered.
Mabel's heart sunk when she realized, "She doesn't know that she passed."

She started to look cry as she looked at herself.

"It's going to be okay, " Mabel said, "I'm here to help."
"How?" She asked.
"I can help you move on, " Mabel blurted out.
"Can you even do that?" Will whispered to Mabel.
"I don't know, " Mabel whispered back.
"I'm never going to see my mummy again, I'm never going to see daddy either, I'm never going to see my big sister, " The girl hugged her bear tightly and the room began to shake, "What can you do!"

Mabel and Will fell and the girl ran away. Books started to fall on them and it stopped when she left the room. They followed the young girl wanting to keep her safe. They didn't know how they were going to do it, but they were going to do something.

They caught up to the girl and one of her shoes was missing and her dress was torn. Mabel and Will kept telling her to stop running away. The young girl ran into Bill. Bill's eyes widen when he saw a bloody girl.

"G-Get away from me!" She shouted.

She ran past him and Bill saw Will and Mabel running after her.

"What's going on?" Bill asked them.
"She's so fast," Mabel stopped to catch her breath.
"She's a ghost," Will quickly said.
"Come on Will," Mabel said grabbing the twin's hands, "You too."

Bill was now apart of the chase. They lost her for a few minutes but found her. They all froze and saw her with Dipper.

The atmosphere was different when the girl was with Dipper. Will and Mabel noticed something different from what happened to them. Mabel only had her wings appeared while with Dipper it was his wings and marks.

"I want to go home, " She cried, "I miss my family."
"So you're the voice that I've been hearing in my head, " Dipper muttered, "The sweet saint that cries."
"I see so much blood and it's on my bear, " She whimpered, "Am I dead?"
Dipper held put his hand and smiled, "Let's take a walk."
"A-Alright, "

She held Dipper's hand as walked with him. Dipper could only see the ghost of the girl. Mabel, Will, and Bill noticed that as the two walked down the hall flowers started to grow behind the girl. Flowers would grow behind Dipper, but they all welted once the next step was made. As she walked her wounds disappeared and she looked like herself again.

The trio followed the duo. The girl stopped in the hallway and pointed up. She passed away in the attic. 

Dipper lifted the girl and asked her to pull the string. The ladder went down and they climbed up. The girl sat down where she had died and looked at Dipper. Dipper sat down right across from the child and smiled.

"You think that I'm a saint?" She asked Dipper, "Even when I'm a demon?"
Dipper smiled and softly said, "You are a saint and always will be no matter what demon you are."
"People told me that angels wouldn't help demons," She told him, "That we're meant to wander the earth forever until we are forgotten."
"That will never happen," Dipper told her.

The girl looked at her bear and then looked at Dipper.

Her voice cracked as she mustered out this question, "Why is life cruel?"

Dipper didn't know how to sugar coat this question into a sweet answer. Dipper held her hands and looked her in the eyes.

"Life is cruel, life is terrifying and unfair. It is the worst thing possible and some don't have a good life, " Dipper told her, "Life will easily stab you in the back the moment you at weak. It'll lie and cheat you."

Mabel felt like she was being stabbed in the back. When Dipper said those nasty things she wanted to cry.

"But... it can be so kind to you. This world may be cruel and unforgiving, but there will always be a light that will always make life better, even for a second. There will always be people that will love and care for you in this sick world. They make life better even when you didn't live all of it." Dipper said, "Life will always be worth living when you have someone that cares. Even with a short life, you had people that cared for and loved you so much. Life can be the most devilish creature, but it can be loved and appreciated by the right people. Death can be the same and we need both to survive. We need to take the good and the bad."

Dipper placed his hand on her cheek and whipped her tears away.

"I'm scared, " She exclaimed, "I'm going to be alone."
"You will never be alone as long as I'm here with you. You will always be loved and cherished going to the other side, " Dipper smiled.
"What if..."
"Even when life is cruel and ruthless, it can be beautiful and sweet. My child, you will never be alone because I'm here and you'll be everyone that you love." Dipper hugged her softly.
"I'm tired, " She mumbled.
"I am too, " Dipper muttered.
"Before I go, " She said, "Can you sing me to sleep?"
"Sure, but I don't know many songs, " Dipper fold her.

Dipper sat down and the girl sat down having her head on his chest. Dipper held her hand and kissed the back of her head

"You're just like me, " She yawned.
"I guess I have to face that in this awful place, " Dipper sang softly, "I shouldn't show a trace of doubt, but pulled against the grain I feel a little pain that I would rather do without."

Mabel, Bill, and Will listened to the song as some tears went down. 

"I'd rather be free~ free~ free~ I'd rather be free~ free~ free~, " Dipper held her and then slowly started to let her go, "free~ free~ from here..."

The body disappeared into the air. Dipper went on his knees and looked at the flower that was left.
Dipper grabbed the flower and felt tears run down his face.

"I-I'm sorry, "

Bill bolted up and placed his arms around Dipper. Bill placed his hand I'm Dipper's cheek and said.

"You were amazing, "

Mabel and Will went to check up on Dipper because of what they just saw. Mabel smiled f Dipper and said thank you.

Dipper continued to be on the embrace of Bill. His voices were slowly telling him that there was still more to be done.

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