Night life || Ahkmenrah

By Frayed-Apart

324K 15.5K 1.3K

"For what it's worth, I am glad you were the one to find me". "I think I was looking for you before I knew wh... More

New Covers
Part 2: Battle of the Smithsonian
Twenty one
Twenty two
Twenty three
Twenty four
twenty five
Twenty six
Twenty seven
Twenty eight
Twenty nine
Thirty One
Thirty two
Thirty three
Thirty four


9.9K 469 36
By Frayed-Apart

When Larry returned it was with Sacajawea and Teddy on his tails. The snow was falling heavily now. Thick blankets of white quickly dotting their clothes as they all stepped out into the alley. Ahkmanrah sneezed as a flake landed on his nose. Damien burst out laughing as the pharaoh grinned widely. The snowflakes sparks of white against the gold of Ahkmanrah's outfit. They lay on Damien's blonde hair like lace. He shook his head and a few flakes flew off onto his shoulders.

"Guys", Larry snapped his fingers at them. "I know this is exciting and all but attention please Dr Jean".

"My apologies", Ahkmanrah offered, but his grin wasn't sorry in the slightest. Damien didn't bother with a reply. The snow crunched under foot as he crossed over to crouch down in the middle of the alley with Sacajawea. The Native American woman had her hand held out over the faint imprint of tire tracks. The steadily falling snow quickly covering them up.

"He went east", She announced, standing up. "But lost control and crashed". Damien followed her, brushing off the white as he rose.

"That's amazing", Larry commented. "How did you know?"

She pointed round the corner. Just visible was the red van. It had collided with a pole and was stationary in the snow. Obviously abandoned. Damien rolled his eyes and turned his gaze back to the tracks. "What about these?" He called, stepping closer to another set slightly further away. Sacajawea followed him.

"He left the wagon", She voiced. "And came back".

"Came back? Why would he come back?"

The loud braying of horses made them turn. The horse drawn carriage which was on display in the civil war exhibit burst through the loading bay doors. Cecil was sat in the drivers seat, the reins in his hand and the tablet perched next to him. "Out of the way!" He called as the horses hooves landed in the snow. Most of them were nearer the alley wall and safe but Damien and Sacajawea had strolled away from the group to look at the tracks. Right into the middle of the alley and right in the path way of the now stampeding carriage.

Damien instantly recoiled. His feet slipping slightly in the snow as he stepped away from the oncoming carriage, arms raising defensively. A hand grabbed the back of his coat and pulled him heavily. He fell back, colliding with something and hitting the snow covered ground with a gasp. "Sacajawea!" He yelled as he blinked the snow from his eyes. The woman frozen in surprise. Then Teddy was there and throwing himself towards her. He shoved her hard enough to send her tumbling across the ground. The carriage and horse rolling by down the alley.

"That was close", Damien breathed, heart pounding as he watched the carriage turn round a corner and disappear from sight. He turned to where Ahkmanrah was sprawled in the snow behind him. The crown slightly askew and his gold cloak covered in snow. "Thank you for pulling me out of the way", he commended. He stood up and held out a hand. Ahkmanrah's lips tugging slightly up as he took it and Damien pulled him to his feet.

"I didn't want you harmed again", he confessed. Damien felt his smile falter at the pure sincerity of the other's words. As if reminded the bruises on his chest throbbed. Damien opens his mouth to say something, thoughts whirling a mile a minute, when a cry interrupted him.

"Teddy! Oh man", Larry sighed as he knelt down next to the fallen president. Damien and Ahk hurried over to see Teddy's body on the alley floor. The man was cut in half, probably by the carriage wheels. Sacajawea was helping prop up his torso as Teddy fixed his glasses.

"Larry relax. I'm wax", the man scolded. "Nothing a candle won't fix".

"Lucky", Damien commented. "It would have been a lot messier if I was the one run over. Haven't really had cause to test it but I'm pretty sure I bleed". He gestured to the snow. "It would have been a lot more violent and messy. Like a animal mauling".

They all looked at him. Damien winced and turned to Ahkmanrah. "Too dark?" He asked under his breath.

Ahk's face quirked in a half smirk. "A tiny bit. I would rather not have that image of you in my head".

"Awww", Damien cooed, a wide shit eating smile pulling at his face. "I care about you too". Ahkmanrah rolled his eyes but couldn't hide the slight grin forming on his lips. Damien chuckled softly and took the other's hand in his. Their fingers interlocking comfortingly. Hands warm despite the snow and cold.

"How are we going to get him now?" Nicky asked. "He could have gone anywhere".

Ahkmanrah's grin slipped away as the seriousness of the situation broke their moment. "He has my tablet", he stated anxiously.

Larry opened his mouth to reply when a whirring noise became audible. They all turned back to the museum and Damien let out a bark of laughter. A small remote controlled car speeded out of the doors and into the snow. It flew down the steps and pulled to a stop next to them. A familiar rib bone bouncing along behind it. The car towing it by a piece of rope. Two small faces peered up at them through the tiny windshield. Both little men letting out whoops of delight.

"At your service Gigantor!" Jed grinned from the drivers seat.

"How can we be of assistance my liege?" Octavius called. The little Roman clutching onto his helmet nervously.

"Marvellous", Damien commented. "Never underestimate the honour of miniatures". The two tiny men beamed at him with pride.

"Give me a second guys", Larry muttered. His eyes drifted to the rib bone tied to the back of the car, widening as realisation hit. "Rexy", he stated as the huge Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton appeared in the loading bay doors. Rexy roared at them in greeting. "Teddy!" Larry turned to the fallen president. "I need a horse!"

"Go get them", Teddy cheered.

"This is so wicked!" Nicky gasped as Rexy stomped towards them. "Much better than stock trading".


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