Thirty three

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The moon hung above them in waxing gibbous. It was bright this night, large and warm. The engine of the plane rumbled on as they glided on the night breeze. It was a surprisingly mild night and Damien took the chance to look around at the stars above them and the glow of the streetlamp below. The city of DC lit up around them. "Ahkmenrah. Look", He breathed in wonder. There was a pause and a deep sigh from his neck. Then Ahkmenrah lifted his head and blinked at the sight around them. Damien turned to grin at him, face lit up by the moonlight. His blue eyes sparkled, hair almost silver in the glow. "Isn't it beautiful?"

Ahk's expression was fond. Gently, he untangled his injured hand from the messy sling and cupped Damien's face. His calm warm against his skin. "Yes. But you are more so". Then he was leaning in and connecting their lips in a gentle kiss that made Damien's heart swoop more than the plane had.

"You might want to hold on boys", Amelia interrupted them. The two pulled away and glanced at her round the engine. She grinned at them. "We're going to come in hot". Damien was sure that she was enjoying this all way too much.

Ahk let out a low sigh and grimaced. "By the gods this is mad".

The stained glass windows of ancient history museum was growing closer. Ahk had lost whatever had made him confident a second ago and was gripping the canvas with white knuckles. Damien reached up and tugged his love more securely to his side as the plane swooped down. Then he was ducking their heads together as they crashed through the coloured glass, the shards tinkling across the stone. For a second the plane continued onwards, then they hit the floor hard. Larry lost his grip first. The man going tumbling behind them. Then something, some passing debris or a stray wire from the now broken plane, caught Damien's trouser leg. He was pulled sharply back and hit the stone floor hard. The tablet clattering next to him as he hurriedly tried to roll over.

"Ahk!" The impact had hurt and there were sure to be bruises forming but he didn't care. He was pushing himself upright and after the plane almost as soon as he had hit the stone. Chest heaving for any of the escaped air that had left him as he took in the hall.

His momentum of falling out of the plane had taken Ahk along with him. The brunette had gone rolling across the floor as the plane hit a glass case. Shards cascaded everywhere as the tapestry that had been protected behind the glass, fell over the wooden structure, obscuring it from sight. For a panic inducing second everything was still. Ahk was half curled on the floor, back to Damien and not moving.

"Ahk!" Damien snatched up the tablet as he went running towards where his lover was lying. Half running, half limping slightly due to a complaining bruise on one ankle.

Behind him came a shout of "Stop!" from Kahmenrah. To which he paid no heed as he dropped to his knees at Ahk's side.

The pharaoh had half rolled over to face him as soon as he had heard his name. Damien let out a breath of relief as he began patting down the other man for injuries. "Are you okay?" He muttered as he helped pull Ahk up onto his feet. His sprained wrist was looking better and the swelling had gone down a bit but it was obviously still sore. Ahk winced slightly as he moved, probably feeling as battered and bruised as Damien did.

"I am fine. Are you okay? You're bleeding". Ahk's hands came to cup Damien's face. A shard of glass from the window had left a small cut on his brow and it was bleeding more than such a small cut should have allowed. It darkened the blonde strands. Thick and red where drips traced their way round blue eyes. Damien smiled, yellow, red and blue.

"Enough of this sickening lovingness", Kahmenrah's voice echoed through the room. Damien rolled his eyes at his lover and Ahk stifled a smile as they both turned to face the man. Kahmenrah was not impressed. "You shall not be so pleased when I have you killed".

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