Glass House


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The description will be in the beginning. It's a emgk story (MGK x Eminem) More

Chapter 1: The mess up
Chapter 2: "Slim shady is crazy to?"
Chapter 3: Hang out
Chapter 4: Awkward
Chapter 6: "Mistake"
Chapter 7: "He's gone"
Chapter 8: Lonely
Chapter 9 - "What am I Doing?"

Chapter 5: "The Truth"

255 19 17

Kelly yawned as he walked down the steps with his PJ's loosely hanging off his waist. He looked over and saw em with his hand thrown back and drool dripping from his mouth. He chuckled and grabbed his phone on the counter and quickly took a pic.

Kelly started some coffee as it was just 8 in the morning and he was on the edge of falling over asleep. He heard little feet patting down the stairs and he watched as casie looked at em asleep on the couch and the walked in the kitchen to kells.

"Dad. There is a man asleep on our couch." Casie whispered. Colson chuckled. "Yea i know. You know who he is?" Kelly asked and casie shrugged. "I'll introduce y'all when he wakes up yea? Go upstairs and pack your bag. Your going over to your friends house today." Kelly said as casie ran up the stairs. Colson walked back in the kitchen and took the coffee off the pot. He heard shuffling as he looked in the living room and saw marshall moving.

Marshall groaned out as leaned up and held his head in in his hands. "Fuck, I must got fucking wasted last night." Em said. Colson walked in the living room with a cup of coffee on the table. "Actually no you didn't." Colson said and Marshall looked up to see a shirtless kells. "Wait. Why the fuck am I at your place." Em said jumping off the couch and clutching his head as he got dizzy.

Marshall smelled his clothes and he grimaced. "Fuck. I smell like shit." Marshall said and then his eyes widen as he looked at a shirtless Colson then back at his own clothes and grimaced. "Did we...." Marshall said trailing off and Colson rolled his eyes as he caught on to what em was trying to say. "No we didn't do that. Know stop over reacting and drink your damn coffee." Colson said as em sat back down on the couch.

Marshall grimaced as the hot liquid slipped down his throat. "Ok. Well then why am I here? Why do my clothes smell like shit? And Why do I have a headache from hell?" Marshall asked. Kells sat down In the chair that was beside of the small sofa. "1. Your here because you fell asleep on me on the way home and your house was so far away and Pete didn't feel like driving it. 2. You did sleep in them all night and three is drool all over your shirt. 3. That could be because of lack of sleep. I noticed that you had circles around your eyes have you been sleeping?" Colson asked.

"Is there ever sleep in this industry? I mean your in the same field as me so you tell me." Marshall said and colson had to agree. There was nights where you could sleep like a angel and then you had nights that felt restless because you was stuck on a certain song. "Well. If you wanna get the stench off before pete comes and picks us up for a whole day you can go hop in my shower and I'll have some of my clothes ready for you." Colson said standing up and Marshall doing so behind him.

"Go up the stairs and take a right and the shower and bath combo is on the right." Colson said as he walked back in the kitchen and poured the rest of the coffee out in the sink. He dried his hands off and went into the laundry room and gathered some clothes. "There probably gonna be to big." Colson said as he laid them on the table. He sat on the sofa and sighed as he looked outside at the cloudy sky.

Colson really needed to do some recording today but pete said he needed "relax" and not think about writing or singing. Kells ran his head through his hair and he heard the water shut off. He hears footsteps coming down the stairs and looks and sees a Eminem that looks like a drowned rat and a fuzzy towel wrapped around his body. Colson chuckles and points at the kitchen counter. "The clothes might be a little to big but its all I had." Colson said grabbing his Cigarettes and lighter.

Kells watches as marshall grabs his clothes and colson watches as he walks back up the stairs and shakes his head when Em walks back into the bathroom. "Fuck." Colson mutters as he lights the cigarette. This always helped clearing his head. Marshall comes back a couple mins later and colson cackles as he sees his clothes developing Em. Marshall flips him off and steals his cigarette.

Marshall sits down as he takes a puff and hands it back to kells. Colson sticks it in his mouth and lets it loosely hang in his mouth. "So how you doing?" Em asked trying to make small talk as he noticed the pill bottles sitting on the kitchen counter. Colson followed his gaze and shrugged. "Alright, There just pills. Nothing I'm not used to." Colson said putting the Cigarette Butt out. Marshall grabbed kells upper arm and colson looked at the hand. "You can talk to me. I have been where your at right know." Marshall said and colson looked at him as blue eyes met brown ones.

Colson wanted to tell him he did but like what where they doing? Going from absoloute rivals to fucking best friends in one day? Marshall could practically hear the gears moving in colson's head as he looked at the younger male and saw the blue eyes falter for just once but then they became hard, closed off like a brick wall. "Im fine." Colson said ripping his arm away from Ems grip and walked back into the kitchen.

Marshall has saw this before. Staying distant. He knew Kelly was troubled that he had a lot of thoughts on his mind and part of him didn't even blame Kelly for not trusting him. Casie ran down the stairs and into the kitchen. "Im packed." She said and colson reached down and kissed the top of her head. "How long do you plan on staying?" colson asked as Marshall watched there whole interaction and couldn't help but smile.

"I was wondering if I could stay for summer break." Casie asked and colson frowned. "That's a whole month." kells said and casie nodded. "Ill talk to Amanda's mom and we will see." Colson said. "Come in here." Colson said and casie followed him into the living room. "Em this is casie. Casie this is Eminem." Colson said as casie was hugging colson's leg as marshall was looking at her. "Baby Girl. Its ok he's friendly." Colson said and casie walked closer.

"Hi. Em." Casie said shyly. "Hi." Marshall said looking at her and casie reached out and grabbed his beard. "I like your beard." Casie said running her fingers through it. "Dad why wont you grow one? There so soft." She said playing with marshall. "I think imma just keep the stubble I have." Colson said. Casie frowned. "But yours is pokey." she said. "Ill but upstairs." She said yelling as she walked back upstairs.

"She's cool." Marshall said. Colson chuckled. "She is exactly like her mom." colson said and Marshall hummed. "Where is she?" Marshall said and he wanted to kick himself as soon as it left mouth. "She left us when casie was born. Its always been me and her. I was 18 at the time but I put her before myself and I wasn't going to put her in adoption. Shes my blood even if her mom didn't want her." Colson said.

Marshall Hummed. There was a knock at the door and colson got up and answered it. "Hey lisa." Colson said as Amanda Hugged his leg. "Uncle kells!!" Amanda yelled as colson picked her up and twirled her around. "Go upstairs and get casie." He whispered as lisa looked inside and saw Em on the couch. "There a reason Eminem is on your couch and wearing your clothes.?" She asked with a raised eye brow. "Yea but not what your thinking." He said and lisa hummed.

"So casie wanted to stay for the whole summer if its fine with you." Colson said as marshall was listening to them. "Of Course. Shes like my own" Lisa said as casie and Amanda came down the stairs. "We are ready!!" They screamed going to the door colson leaned down and hugged casie. "Your got your phone right?" He asked and she nodded. "Ok. Baby girl. I love you." Colson said as he wrapped his arms around her and she hugged him back. "I love you to." She said pulling away and waving goodbye as he watched them pull out of the driveway.

Colson yawned. "Pete should be here in a few." Colson said as his phone ringed. He walked into the kitchen and answered. "Hello?" He asked. "Hey son." His dad said through the phone feebly. "Dad. How is it going?" Colson asked.

"I'm not doing any better son. How about you?" He asked and Colson closed his eyes and breathed. "They diagnosed me with depression and a mental illness. I'm taking pills." Colson said quietly but he didn't know Marshall was listening to everything.

"Wish i was there to help you through this." His dad said then started coughing. Colson bit his lip. "It's fine your be better soon." Colson said watery but pushed the tears back. "I don't know son. I'm getting worser everyday. I'll talk to you later the nurse is here. Bye son." Colson breathed. "Bye dad." He said and hung up his phone.

Marshall got up and walked into the kitchen and stood behind him. "Depression and a mental illness?" Marshall said and colson winced. "You heard me?" Colson asked and Marshall chuckled. "Sorry i was eavesdropping." Marshall said and
Colson nodded. "So um wanna talk about?" Marshall asked nervously. He wasn't used to being nice to anyone or anything but for goodness sake he's in Kelly's clothes and plus slept at his house might as well get buddy buddy.

Colson looked down at him. "I almost committed sucide." Marshall eyes widen. "I Didn't tho. Thanks to pete. Just don't like tell anyone or use it against me." Colson said and marshall looked at him. "I wouldn't go that personal I'm not that mean." Marshall said and colson chuckled.

"What about your dad?" Marshall said moving to stand against the counter in front of kells. "His sick. Cancer." Colson said looking down closing his eyes and marshall sighed as he looked at colson. He walked over and wrapped his arms around colson as his head laid on colson's chest.

Colson looked down at the smaller man with a raised eyebrow. "What are you doing?" Colson asked. "Hugging you. You looked like you needed one." Marshall said colson chuckled. "Eminem gives hugs?" Colson said marshall rolled his eyes. "Shut up and take it." Marshall said colson sighed and wrapped his arms around the smaller male.

He needed this. He laid his head ontop of Marshalls as they stayed in one anothers grasp over time.

1800 words 😁

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