Syndicate: Project Rye [Kenda...

By ezeywolf27

36.5K 1.6K 407

World Crime Investigating Agency (W . C . I . A.) Is an unknown group of investigators organized by trusted... More

Welcome Detective!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13

Chapter 12

1.6K 100 20
By ezeywolf27

"Do you even hear what you're saying?" By now I was out of bed and in front of Kendall, hands firm on her shoulders. "You're not safe outside the agency."

"That's what I thought about the secret base. Guess what? It didn't turn out as safe as I though it would be." She counters.

She has a good point, unfortunately. "I...but— Kenny."

A smile beamed into her lips. "Can't top that can you?" She pulled back her hair and twist it in a circular motion then tucking the ends in the middle, creating a makeshift hair tie. "Now let's go, the sooner we get out of here the better."


"Y/N." She narrowed her eyes, closing her hands on my cheeks. "I'm safe with you. Besides that it's just us, no one would be able to know where we are. Not the agency, not the General, and not even your unit."

I stared at her reluctantly. She's right, no one would know our whereabouts, especially the traitor. Nonetheless, I know the agency more than her, they have good amount of ways and contacts to track down anyone, especially the ones who worked for them.

The chances of how hard refusing her idea was small as though it is measured on how my fingers are pinched together. I should've just send her back to bed and leave or just sleep together and spend the remaining time doing the things I or she loved, but I didn't.

I pulled her hands off my face, gripping them tightly as I nod. "Alright. Do you have a plan on where to go? Because leaving is not one of my ideas."

"I have a house in Atlanta, we can go there."

I shake my head. "Not a good idea. We should be anywhere but the places they know where you would be."

"No one knows I have a house there." She mentions. "It's basically hidden from anyone."

"What about your sister? You bestfriends? Surely you don't want to leave them."

"You see, when I said doesn't include my sister." Kendall sheepishly smiles. "Kylie would know where I would be if I ever disappear. As for my bestfriends, they'll understand as long as we contact them."

"That would be going against our plan," I shake my head. "Kendall, no one should know where we are. Not even your sister."

"Please, Rye." The model pleads, gripping my hand in front us and placed a gentle kiss. "Then just my sister, I don't know what I'd do if I ever find out something bad happened to her."

"But what if your sister's with the traitor? We can't gamble by taking them with us. "

"Who said we'd bring them both?" Kendall comes up. "We're going to get my sister."

I hesitate for a moment, putting myself in Dio's shoes. Base of what I've seen earlier, she's already attached to Kendall's sister, I can imagine what she would feel if she ever finds out Kylie's went missing or worse, left her behind. I feel sorry for what I would do, but I have to do this for Kendall.

"Alright," I breathed out heavily, checking my wrist watch to see its already long past midnight. "Everyone might be sleeping by now, we could sneak in to Kylie's room."

Pushing the door of our room slightly open, I peek through the small cracks and scanned the hallway to check if there was anybody around, fortunately for us no one is in sight. We creep to the next door, my hand lightly tugging the doorknob to the side, confirming my hunch that it was unlocked like what Kendall had left the room before.

They really are sisters.

A glance at Kendall who was behind me leaning against the wall, signaling my head to the side for her to enter. "Don't make too much noise." I whispe, trailing behind after she nods and went in, slipping through the small slit we created for our bodies to sneak in.

Kylie and Dio were already sleeping, Dio facing the wall with her back toward us while Kylie has her arms curled up around her hips, faced away as well. Kendall tiptoed to the edge of their bed, prod her fingers on her sister's side in a modified taps as though it was a signal.

And it was indeed because not long after Kylie speaks in her sleepy state, her soft voice piercing the silence.

"Kendall?" The girl mumbles groggily, laying flat on her back.

The said woman put a finger on her lips, hushing her quietly. She crane her neck, checking on Dio. "We're going to Atlanta, we leave now." She grips on her sister's wrist.

She reaches for the sleeping woman. "Wait, Dio—"

"Don't." Kendall stops her from waking the Detective. "We can't take her with us."

"Why?" Kylie asked, looking slightly crossed.

The older sister hesitates for a moment, she knows the risk of splitting them apart. "No one's supposed to know where we go."

Kylie's sight lands to me as I stood by the doorway watching their interaction, a frown flashes on her face. "She's coming and Dio's not? That's unfair, Kendall."

"Because we're going to be needing someone to take us there." Kendall manages to heave her sister off the bed while Kylie tries to pull away. "Kylie come on, we need to get out of here as soon as possible."

The younger sibling still won't relent.

"Rye." Kendall calls for my aid and I did so. I went between them, throwing the smaller girl on my shoulder.

Kylie let out a loud squeak.

"Kylie?.." A confused, croaky voice abruptly stops us.

The nightlight turned on, bathing us with soft yellowish light, unraveling us from the dark. Dio's sat there with still half lidded eyes, her gaze on the scene in front of her. She stared at us for a couple of seconds, I can already imagine the cogs in her mind trying to turn faster while she tries to make out what was happening before her; the door behind us slightly ajar with Kendall holding it, and me holding Kylie on my shoulder.

It was not a good sight to see, especially when you just woke up.

"Rye? What are you.." She sees me and her eyes glint in realisation.

In a flash Dio was already on her feet, clutching me by the collar while Kylie wiggled away from my grip and steps back to the floor, both of the girls trying to pry us both away from each other.

"You're the traitor aren't you?" Dio declares, her fingers pressing tightly on my throat.

I just glared at her, hands instinctively holding on to her wrist, squeezing it tightly as I try to fight off the pressure. I didn't want to do anything to increase more of her suspicion against me, it wouldn't be a right way to tell her that she got it wrong.

"Dio stop!" Kylie attempts to drag her back.

Kendall wedges in between, parting us. "Stop it, you're wrong. She's not the traitor. Rye agreed to help me hide in Atlanta where I have a place that no one knows, I wanted to bring Kylie along."

"Oh really?" Dio scoffed glaring daggers at me. "What if she's just trying to lure you both away before she kidnaps you and gives you to the Syndicates."

"I doubt that she'll do that." Kendall argues.

"How can you be so sure?"

Kendall's brows narrows. "Because she was opposed to my idea running away, I just conviced her."

Dio shoves me and yank Kylie next to her. "She stays with me."

"She's with us. We're going to hide safely in Atlanta."

"She's already safe with me. I'm her girlfriend, I can protect her."

"I'm her sister. I want her safe as much as you are." Kendall rebuts.

Groaning inwardly as I watch them impatiently. We were running out of time, and the last thing I want is another none sense arguing. If the two isn't going to compromise at what's going to happen at this point, it leaves me no choice to decide what I'm against of doing.

"You can come, Dio." I sighed in defeat, surprising the two. They opened their mouths to speak but I immediately cut them off. "No time for talking, we're running out of time." I told them before hastily pulling Kendall next to me and leading us out the room. 

When I swing the agaped door open, my eyes land on the person standing at the door way, the sound of their pistol cocking reverberated throughout the silent hall. I tug Kendall behind me, covering her and the others as I gaze at the guns nuzzle pointed directly at me.

Lifting a palm defensively, I cautiously parted my lips. “Aigle...”

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