
De _sincewerehere_

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Since the 17th century when pioneers came over from Europe to start a new life, witch hunting was always an i... Mais



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De _sincewerehere_


Angelica hadn't woken up from the state she was in, which worried her. It felt like she was in that state for forever, until it finally broke. Her eyes flying open with her mouth open wide. Her body flying forward up on top of the bed in the doctors office.

Her mind told her that she needed to hurry and find the boys. Angelica didn't care what was happening or what needed to be done she just needed to find Caleb before it happened.

Escaping the infirmary, she walked down the schools hallways down to the school's swimming pool. She opened the door to see all three boys, plus Chase, who was the only person at this very moment that Angelica was afraid...no not afriad... absolutely fucking terrified of right now. They were all standing above someone who was on the floor.

"Caleb!" Aneglica shouted as Pogue and the boys shot their heads up to look at her.

Her hands were shaking as she covered her mouth. Running over to them she knelt down beside Caleb, holding her hands ontop of his chest softly, a soft glow resonated from her hands that was only seen by her. Caleb's brown eyes soon opened and saw everyone standing around him.

Aneglica sighed as she rested her head on his chest.

"For fucks sake Caleb, don't do that too me." Angelica whined in a terrified voice.

"There you are."

"Whacked your head pretty good. Lucky for you, Chase was there to get you out. Before you sucked up the whole pool." Tyler jokingly said as Caleb sat up slowly.

"He also whipped your ass." Teid commented as Angelica shot him a look that spread fear in his entire body.

Before Pogue could say anything, Angelica stood up and walked out of the pool area. She couldn't be there anymore, not with Pogue, and definitely not with Chase.

She still didn't feel the best so she decided to go back to the infirmary to see if the doctors could give her any news. Gripping the door handle, she pushed it open and walked inside.

"Well there you are dear. Still not feeling better?" The kind old nurse asked her as she shook her head.

"No, I thought if I slept on it it would go away, but it didn't." Angelica softly whispered as she grimaced in pain that shot out through her body.

"Come on dear, let's go lay you back down." The nurse said as she helped Angelica go back to the room and lay down.

Angel didn't understand what was happening, the pain was coming from her belly and only there. It felt like sharp pains, kicking at her ribs. Contractions that grew worse and worse with every breath she took. Soon, the pain stopped, it went away, bit so did the conscious Angelica.


Later that day, Caleb had called Pogue and told him to meet him outside the Academy at late hours. Pogue didn't question him and did as he asked.

"What'd she say about Angel? Why hasn't she called me back?" Pogue questioned Caleb, hoping that Sarah said something him about his girlfriend who he was so worried about.

He had left over 100 calls and a thousand text messages, just for them to not go through or to go unanswered.

"She's still pissed at you." Caleb retorted as they climbed the steps to the door of the school.

"Why are we doing this?" Pogue questioned his best friend.

"I saw the darkling again today." Caleb answered back as he stared at the doors.

"Yeah, but why break into the admissions office?" Pogue confused and oblivious to the reasoning asked again.

"I want to know more about Chase Collins." Caleb answered once again as they both stood by the doors waiting for the best opportunity.

"Look I dont even like the guy. Are you sure you weren't just imagining this?" Pogue asked, trying to figure out another reasoning to why Caleb thought this about Chase.

"Look I'm telling you, his eyes were as black as night." Caleb insisted as Pogue just shrugged.

"All right." With that, Caleb's eyes turned into a ring of fire which unlocked the doors, letting the boys walk inside.


While Caleb and Pogue were searching for answers about Chase Collins, Chase had devious and malicious plans of his own. He had known that Angelic was inside the infirmary, which just made his plans even greater and more opportunistic.

Sitting down beside the girl who looked so much like sleeping beauty in that moment, Chase mumbled a serious of Latin words causing spiders to crawl out of the depths and onto the bed beside her. Each spider took its place, expressing and revealing its fangs before they seeped deep inside of her smooth, velvety flesh.

After each bite was created, the spiders disintegrated as fast as they came. Leaving Chase with a huge smirk on his face, as he stood up to leave, Angelica's hand raised. Tracing a rumen into the air like she was being controlled, the rune then placed itself onto the back of Chases neck. Beginning to work its magic as fast as it was placed.


"Well, how sick is she?" Sarah questioned the nurse who was calling her about the now unconscious Angelica, which laid on one of the beds.

"She came in complaining of stomach pains and nausea. Within an hour, she had a 101- degree fever." The nurse recalled as he held his clipboard in his hands.

"What could it be?" Sarah asked worriedly for one of her best friends health.

"The doctor is checking on her now, we'll call you when we know more." The gentle old nurse insisted, but was soon shot down by Sarah.

"It's okay. I'm coming over there." Sarah told the nurse as she hung up the phone and told Kate to get dressed so they could go see Angelica.


Sarah and Kate had arrived at the infirmary, just as the Doctor told the nurse to call to get her transported to Gloucester. Sarah and Kate were worried once they heard about the transfer.

"Why are you taking her to the hospital in Gloucester?" Sarah remanded to hear as the Doctor stood beside Sarah and Kate, as Kate held onto Sarah's arm in concern.

"Her temperature jumped to 105...and she is showing signs of anaphylactic shock." The doctor concluded as Sarah's expression changed suddenly.

"What's that mean?" Sarah inquired as she looked at her best friend, hundreds of bumps littered her skin.

"Its a severe allergic reaction." Continues the Doctor.

"To what?" Kate furrowed her brows as she had tears threatening to spill.

"Were not sure. It's as if she has been bitten by hundreds of insects. Like spiders." Sarah's whole demeanor changed when she heard the world spiders.

Recalling the nightmare she had a few nights prior, thousands of spiders in her room crawling on her and Kate. Even on Angelica, since it was the night she had stayed the night.

Pulling out her phone she began calling Caleb in hopes he would comfort her.


All four descendants of the families arrived at Caleb's fathers house, the meeting room in the basement of the house, which held the upmost important ceremonies and meetings of the first four and the sixth family.

Caleb made his way down the steps into the room as Logue stood there leaning against the wall.

"I told them everything. About the darkling, what we found in his file..." PPogue said as Caleb passed him and made his way over to his stone seat.

Looking over at one of the book shelves, a ring of fire sparked in his eyes as the Book of Damnation floated out and over the center ring, floating above the ring of fire.

"Its a list of names...who brought charges against John Putnam and his family...during the Salem hunt." Caleb expressed with a monotone voice escaping his lips.

"Pope was one of them. Goody Pope. Widow to Jacob, mother to Hagen."

"So what?" Reid argued back at Caleb go get to his point.

"So she claims John came to her in her dreams as an Incubus....after she was widowed." Each of the boys looked at each other before Caleb continued.

"The Book also records births and deaths during the damnation. Goody Pope's husband, Jacob, died June 4th, 1692. Her son, Hagen, was born April 11th, 1693. That's 10 months and 24 months later." Caleb expressed with worry and concern in his voice.

"If what your saying is true, and Hagen is the bastard son of John Putnam...then the fifth bloodline in the Covenant didn't die in Salem." Tyler intervened and brought what Caleb had said into the light.

"And Chase is one of us." Caleb said with a heavy heart.

'Yes Caleb. He is, you have to do something about it Caleb! He's coming for you! He wants you Caleb!'

"That's crazy!" Reid insisted that Caleb was just making all of this up. "He can't be."

"The night after the party at the Dells...someone was using. The Power was strong enough to wake me." Caleb answered honestly as he sat up straight.

"The next night it happened again." Caleb continued.

"See? I told you. I felt it too." Tyler answered to Caleb.

"When you said it wasn't you, were you lying?" Caleb looked up at Reid begging for an answer.

"No." Reid answered.

"You swear?"

"I swear." Reid promised.

"Then it was him."

Just as Caleb was about to continue, his phone began ringing in his pocket. He picked his phone out of his pocket seeing the ringers name.


"Hey could I call you?.." Caleb began to talk, but was cut off by a hysterical Sarah.

"Caleb, Angel's been attacked." Sarah ran her hand through her hair as she tried to stop crying.

"Wait, wait. What?" Caleb had to hear her again to make sure it was what he had heard.

"They say it's like she's been bitten by spiders...and I had this horrible nightmare about spiders. I'm scared Caleb." Sarah began to send herself finton a full fledge panic attack and Caleb could tell.

"Okay listen. I want you to go back to your dorm and wait for me there. I'll see you soon, okay?" Caleb insisted Sarah as she nodded and agreed. Hanging up the phone, Caleb pushed it to his lips.

He had to control his emotions as he looked up at the three others. Directly at Pogue.

Pogue could tell something was wrong as soon as Caleb looked at him like that. Pogue knew Caleb long enough to tell when something was wrong.

"He's put a spell of Angel."

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