Wood and Ice

Von Jokers_Kitten

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Two athletes of different sports both professionals. What will happen when they both meet? Could there be a r... Mehr

Introduction/ Chapter 1
Chapter 2: The Phone Call
Chapter 3: 3 Weeks Later
Chapter 4: The Next Day
Chapter 5: Charity Event
Chapter 6: Drinks
Chapter 7: Woman's Classic
Chapter 8: Game Time
Chapter 9: Her Game
Chapter 10: The Workout
Chapter 11: The Telecast
Chapter 12: The Airport
Chapter 13: A Great Surprise
Chapter 14: Her Touch
Chapter 15: The Weekend Flies
Chapter 16: Several Months Later
Chapter 18: Broken and Confused
Chapter 19: Two Different Games
Chapter: 20 Reflection
Chapter 21: The Question
Chapter 22: Few Months Later
Chapter 23: The Big Reveal
Chapter 24:
Chapter 25: Several Months Later
Chapter 26 Several Months Later
Chapter 27:Shocking News
Chapter 28: Twist of Events

Chapter 17: The Shock

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Von Jokers_Kitten

A month later and here I am in a town that I never wanted to be in again. Why is it that the more I try to run away from being here, I always come back. I called Matt when I got home, along with Jayson and told him about my recent win and that the next tournament was in South Florida. They both agreed, for my sake, that they would make the trip down.

So Matt and Kennedy were here along with Jayson and Amber. I told Tyler that the four of them were coming and he was thrilled to see Matt and meet Kennedy. Along with seeing Jayson and Amber.

Tyler, myself, and Jamie got in a week earlier before the team had to be here. Jayson and is wife were flying in at the same time Matt and his wife were coming in.

So here we are waiting for their flights to come in. Of course they were arriving at the airport on the same day but at different times and different flights. Matt and Kennedy came in first and as soon as I saw my brother I ran to him and hugged him. Kennedy was laughing cause I almost knocked over Matt. Jamie and Ty were laughing as Kennedy introduced themselves to each other. Matt asked when Jayson and Amber were coming in and I told him his flight should be coming in within the next 30 minutes. At least that is what the flight board said.

So the five of us went to the airport cafe cause we were getting a little hungry. As we sat and ate a little we began talking about the upcoming week for us. Ty and Jamie got all of us tickets to watch them play. And of course I did the same. But they did tell me they were playing two games against the Panthers next week. Which was fine with me. Matt and I agreed that we would take everyone around to show them where we grew up. Well almost everywhere. There were a few places I didn't want them seeing.

Just as were were talking about what we wanted to do over the next couple of days the announcement came over the intercom that Jayson and Amber's flight just arrived. So we all walked together and made our way to their gate. Even though I am with Ty and I love him, even though I haven't told him, I still love Jayson. Yes at one point we tried dating and that only lasted a month, but he is and always be my best friend.

So here we are waiting and waiting for them to appear. I closed my eyes and leaned my head against Tyler's chest. His warmth is so calming. I was in my own little bubble when Ty squeezed me and leaned down to my ear. His breath tickled and I started to chuckle.

"Baby girl, open your eyes and look." He said whispering me then kissed my temple.

I looked up at him and smiled. I turned to face the gate and I saw Amber. I looked up to Ty and he just nodded my head. I smiled, kissed his lips and ran to Amber.

We hugged each other tightly and she kissed my cheek as I did hers. She had tears in her eyes and when I saw them I started to worry.

"Amber, what's wrong? Are you okay? Is it Jayson? My little girl? Amber talk to me please."

She wiped her eyes and told me everyone is fine but we will talk later. I nodded my head and just looked at her. I know that look. I've seen it before. And I know that I will have their back and do whatever I can to help them. Just like I did before.

"Well if it isn't the two prettiest women I have ever seen." A voice calls out behind Amber.

"Infamous." I ran over to him and hugged him as he hugged me back. "We need to talk Jayson." I said to him so only he could hear.

"I know love and we will just not here. Soon." He whispered.

We grabbed their luggage and we made our way to the cars and to our hotels. I am staying in a room with Tyler.


Over the course of the week we all hung out with each other. And showed Ty and the guys where we all went to school and some of our local hang outs. Matt, Jayson and I did not show them where we grew up. That is some place I didn't want them to see.

It was time for the Stars to take the ice in the first game against the Panthers. And Matt and Kennedy, Jayson and Amber, and I sat by the ice and watched the Stars take the ice. The boys looked good. Ty came by and hit the boards. He waved at us and threw me a kiss. I smiled back and did the same to him. He put his hand over his heart and skated away.

The game was close going back and forth and sometimes even tied. During the last few minutes the guys were down by one. If they made this goal they would tie it up and would have to go into overtime. Which is exactly what happened.

The game went into over time and the Stars pulled it out 5-4. We all stood up and yelled as loud as we could. We made our way over to the visiting teams' locker room and waited for the guys to come out.

Once we were all together we decided to go back to our hotel and order in cause we were all tired.

The next day we decided to go out and head to the bowling alley where my game was going to be held later in the week. We were all having fun laughing and joking around. But what came next hurt more than anything. The voice I heard several months back is here again.

"Well well look who it is."

"Jacob what do you want?" I looked to him. His voice sent ice cold chills down my back. I didn't want to be around him again. Never mind talking to him. He hurt me in so many ways.

"Hey Shell its your turn." Jayson said to me.

"Oh look there's the baby daddy." Jacob said as his words were laced with venom.

"What do you want Jake?" I knew Jayson hated him. Especially after everything that went on between the three of us.

"What I can't come by and say hi to her."

"No. And after what you did to her you need to leave and now. I'm not asking I'm telling you. Leave."

I couldn't move. I was frozen. Shaking on the inside. Wanting to run but just then two arms wrapped around me. That's when things got worse.

"Oh who do we have here Shelly baby? Another guy that is gonna get you pregnant? What you gonna give up this baby too." Jacob looked at Tyler then to me.

I wanted to attack Jacob but I couldn't move.

"Walk away Jake. Now." Jayson said.

Matt saw us and ran over to us pushing Jacob away from me. The two of them exchanged words but I couldn't hear them. I was frozen. To scared to move. How dare he I thought. How dare he bring up Lisa Marie like that. He knows why I had her and he had the nerve to say that to Tyler.

Matt came over and looked at Jayson and Tyler, then to me.

"Tyler, get her to move. Now. No joke she needs to move." Matt says and he is just as angry as Jayson.

Tyler hasn't moved he stands there.

But when I turned around to look at Tyler, he now had his hands down by his sides and the look of anger and hurt in his face and eyes.

"Ty, its not what it sounds like." I tried to assure him.

"What does he mean, Rochelle." Ty said coldly. " What does he mean baby daddy and you being pregnant?"

"I can explain just not here." I tried to say to him.

"No you can explain now. You told me you don't have kids."

"I don't."

"Don't lie to me." he said harshly

"I'm not believe me I'm telling you the truth." I started to tear up. How can he not believe me. I didn't lie.

"I trusted you and this is what I get. You telling me that you never had kids and this prick coming along saying you had his baby? And that you gave it away to him. Do you love him?" He is practically lacing every word with such venom in his voice.

"Yes I love him but-"

"I can't look at you. How could I be so foolish to think you wanted me to be with me when clearly you don't." He shook his head. "I'll make sure I get my stuff out of the hotel and stay with Jamie. I can't even look at you. You're nothing but a liar and a whore."

He went and got the hotel key from Jamie and left. I stood there tears pouring from my eyes. I fell to the ground and was shaking. I couldn't be around anyone. Jayson and Matt tried calling to me, but I couldn't be there.

I took off and left. Left to the only place I knew where I could be by myself.

Everglades Holiday Park.

I was crying, how could he believe him over me. why didn't Tyler give me the chance to explain. I was so hurt, so heartbroken. It felt like my heart was shattered into a million pieces.

I put on the song Days of Thunder by Brooks and Dunn. Just listening to the words.

I did what I did for Jayson and Amber. I was their surrogate for them. I carried Lisa Marie those 9 months for them. It wasn't my egg it was Amber's. She is Lisa Marie's true mother not me. They honored me to be that baby's god mother. And I took care of all the medical bills for this to happen. I was happy to do it for them. And if they asked me tomorrow I would do it all over again.

I just wanted Tyler to hear me out.

I don't know how long I was sitting there for. My phone was going off with phone calls and text messages but I didn't want to talk to anyone. I shut the ringer off and just let it be on silent.

As I am sitting there, I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. And even though I wished it was Tyler's I knew it wasn't. It was Amber. And Kennedy was there too. They sat beside me and didn't say a word.

"How did you find me?" I asked them while tears came down as I looked at the water.

"This was always your thinking place." Amber said.

"You think we don't know you well enough to go and find you." Kennedy replied back.

"He's gone. He wouldn't let me explain. He called me a liar and a whore." I said with more tears falling. "And the worst part of it is, is I love him. And he just ripped me apart."

"I know babes." Amber said.

"I didn't know Jacob was there. I was so scared. After what he did to me finding out that I was carrying Jayson's baby for the two of you. He beat me so bad that I though I was going to lose her. I never told you this Amber and I am sorry."

Amber had tears in her eyes as well as Kennedy. The girls both hugged me.

"Amber, I want you to know that I would do it all over again for you in a heartbeat. If you and Jayson want another baby I will do it. I will pay for everything. You just give me the word and I will be there."

"Rochelle, now is not the time to talk about that. I wanted to let you know that I was in fact pregnant but lost the baby a week ago. Jayson and I were gonna ask you later but right now I don't care about that. I care about you." Amber said with her voice cracking.

Kennedy held both of us in her arms and we sat there for a few more minutes before we had the courage to go back to the hotel. A hotel that I know will not have Tyler there waiting for me.

We made our way back and my room was full of people. Jayson, Jamie and Matt were all there waiting for me. I followed the girls in but when Jayson saw me I broke down again and so did he. We held each other tight.

"Jayson, I would do it all over again for the two of you." I said crying.

"I know baby girl, I know. But let's not talk about that right now. " He said

"Rochelle," Jamie called out to me.

"Jamie, I am so sorry really. I wanted to tell you guys I really did. I just didn't know how. Please forgive me."

"Rochelle, I am not mad at you. So you don't need to apologize. I understand what you did and I am so unbelievably proud of you for doing something like that. You are an amazing woman. I am just honored I know you and consider you my dearest friend. And if I ever see that prick who hurt you like he did, I'll kill him myself."

"You know?" I looked up to him and asked with even more tears coming down my face.

"Yes, Jayson and Matt told me. Any man who does that to a female should be castrated."

Jamie hugged me and I cried into his chest. But no matter who held me, Matt included, I just wanted Tyler.

After everyone left, because I fell asleep crying my eyes out. I woke up and it was still very dark out. I checked the clock by the bed and it was 5 am.

I typed a message out to Ty and erased it several times. But as I was going to hit send my phone rang and it was from a number in Canada.


"Rochelle, this is Jackie."

"Hi Mrs. Seguin."

"Its Jackie dear. Now tell me what happened. Ty called all pissed and then hung up before I could say anything."

So I told her. All of it. Including the part where my own parents disowned me for what I did for Jayson and Amber. I when I did that for them, my parents abandoned me. Then abandoned Matt cause he stood by my side. And said I would do it again. Plus telling them that they tried naturally and how Amber lost it. How she was able to conceive but couldn't carry full term. They tried so many times.

She told me she was proud of me, that I was a remarkable young woman and honored to know me and to be a part of her family. With or without Tyler by myside. That broke my heart even more. She said she now has three daughters not two. And her and the girls are flying in today to come to my aide.

I told her it wasn't necessary but she told me not to argue that a mother knows best and she was very disappointed in Tyler. And that she will be dealing with him.

Plus she said that she wanted to meet Jay's and Amber plus my brother and his wife.

"Now listen darling, Jamie will pick us up and bring us to the hotel. We will get to the bottom of why my son is being a jack wagon. Momma Segs has this."

"Yes ma'am."

I hung up and layed back down for a couple more hours. At least I am gonna try to.

But sleep wouldn't come. So I got up and went to the one of the only places I know that was good for a stress relief. And no it wasn't the lanes. Although that usually works.

So I took the rental car that Ty and I got and left. I walked in, the sounds of grunting, metal hitting metal, smell of sweat. Yup Sammy's Gym. At first I didn't see him so I went to the locker room and changed my clothes. I put my stuff in one of the lockers and walked out and hit the back room to where I can stretch. I put my head phones in and listened to Rebolution-Feeling Good, Feeling Alright. The song has a somewhat slow steady beat to help one relax while working.

Once done there I hit the tread-mill for a slight jog. I change the music to a somewhat faster one. One that can get me moving like I need to. As I finished my run and turned around there was Sammy standing with his arms crossed, not looking to happy. I know its not me that he is unhappy with. He opens his arms and I sink into him.

Its times like these I love the men in my life. Jayson, Sammy, my little brother. These three have always had my back. Been there for me especially after what Jacob did and how my parents left when I needed them the most.

"Hi hermana."

"Hi hermano. I'm sorry for ruining your shirt." I said after I pulled back and realized I cried into him.

"No worries. Matt and Jayson called me."

"Of course they did."

"Wanna talk about it."

"No. I think you know what I want."

"Strap up them. What are you doing standing here and talking to me for?"

He always had a way to make me smile. So that's what I did. I went strapped up my hands and met him in the rink. Sammy takes it a little easy on me but lets me get all my anger out. We sparred for a few but mostly he is letting me hit the pads he has on his body. And I have to say it was great. I was smiling when we got done.

After a while of talking and working out I cleaned up and headed out. I was still upset over the fact that Ty didn't want to hear me out. I tried calling him and messaging him but he never responded back.

I went back to the hotel room and got cleaned up. By the time I looked at the clock it was 1pm. Great I had to be at the lanes at 6. So I had 5 hours to sit here and be miserable without him. A knock on my door startled me. I got up and looked in the peep hole, hoping it was him but instead I see Jamie, Jackie, Cassy and Candace. I opened the door and his sisters were the first ones to hug me and kiss my cheek. Then I got a hug from Jamie and a kiss on the forehead from him. The last person to hug me was Ty's mom. And that's when I broke down again. She held me like I was her daughter. A mother's embrace. One I haven't had since I was 21. It was warm, loving, almost as Ty was standing here holding me himself. But it wasn't him. It was his mom.

I let them all inside and we sat down on the couch. Jamie held my hand as Ty's mom held my other. "It's going to be alright darling. You'll see." She says.

Just then another knock at my door and Jamie gets up to answer this one. Cass and Candace are sitting in the loveseat across from me when I hear six more voices come into the room. One of which is a high pitch one.


Yup my god daughter.

"Hey bug." I said as she ran to me and jumped into my lap making me and everyone laugh.

"Why sad Titi El? I here now."

"Yes you are and now I'm happy." I said giving her a cuddle.

I looked at Amber and Jayson and said thank you. They nodded their heads like they knew what I was missing. I looked at Amber's mom and said hi. She came over and kissed my forehead.

"Where are my manners?" I chuckled out. "Amber, Jayson, Lisa Marie, I want you to meet three very important people." Pointing to the three blonde ladies in my room. "This is Cassy, Candace, and Mrs. Seguin. Ladies this is Amber, Jayson and this little one is my god-daughter Lisa Marie."

"Its Jackie, Rochelle, Mrs. Seguin makes me feel old." She says smiling. "Its lovely to meet you all."

They exchange their hellos and handshakes/hugs. Then I introduced them to Amber's mom and of course my brother Matt and his wife Kennedy.

Kennedy takes Lisa Marie out with Amber's mom so we can have time to talk before I had to be at the lanes. And talk we did. Jackie and the girls were so moved by Amber and Jayson's story and my relationship with them that they were so upset with the way Tyler acted. Jamie himself was in tears. Which I didn't think that was even possible with him.

Jamie's phone started ringing and he looked at the caller id and said it was Ty. Jackie put her hand out to Jamie. I tried not to laugh at the look on Jamie's face but I couldn't hold the chuckle. He rolled his eyes and handed the phone over. She put a finger to her mouth telling all of us to be quiet, as she put the phone on speaker for all of us to hear. I wasn't sure I wanted to hear his voice. But a part of me did. I wanted him to know I was hurting for what he said and did to me that night.

"Chubs where are you? I came back from my run and you're not here."

"Tyler Paul Seguin." The sound in her voice had all of us sitting up straight in our seats.

"Mom? What are you doing with Chubs' phone? Where are you?"

"That's right its your mother. And the question is why are you not with your girl?"

"Mom" he says in a irritated voice.

"Tyler its Amber."

"What the hell?"

"Watch your mouth very closely son." Jackie says.

"What do you want?" Tyler says snippy.

"I know you are pissed," Amber says and you can hear Tyler scuff. "And the conversation like this is not the right one to have over the phone. Can you please meet me in our hotel room?"

"Is Jamie there."

"Yeah bro I am here. And I will be if you join in this conversation. Its one you really need to listen to and hear out man. I am going to be honest with you, I had a hard time to. But what I heard it breaks my heart more than you can understand. Rochelle is amazing and I know you know that too."

You can hear Tyler sigh. Like he is running his hands thru hair and thinking really hard about what to say and do next.

"Fine. What time and what room?"

Amber gives him the time and room number. Jackie said she will be there as well. They all hang up the phone and now its time for me to get ready. Jackie makes me some food in the little kitchen that's in the apartment. We all sit and eat then Matt, Kennedy, Tyler's sisters and I head out after Jackie and Jamie give me a hug telling me they will see me later. Jayson and Amber do the same.

Well here I go. Confused, heartbroken, scared, nervous, all different emotion going thru me and yet I have to focus on this tournament. I pray that I don't see Jacob again. But the way my is luck I probably will.


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