a rose by any other name

By cedricsrose

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We had made our own ending. - A Cedric Diggory love story. A Draco Malfoy best-friendship. Warning! This sto... More

a rose by any other name.
chapter one ❃ slytherin!
chapter two ❃ where it began.
chapter three ❃ the hufflepuff
chapter four ❃ eight months.
chapter five ❃ home
chapter six ❃ the first challenge
chapter seven ❃ just a name
chapter eight ❃ the second challenge
chapter nine ❃ invitations
chapter ten ❃ the golden dress
chapter eleven ❃ the yule ball
chapter twelve ❃ the truth
chapter thirteen ❃ my angel
chapter fourteen ❃ mystery man
chapter fifteen ❃ the maze
chapter sixteen ❃ the cruciatus curse
chapter seventeen ❃ i love you
chapter eighteen ❃ best friend
chapter nineteen ❃ goodbyes
chapter twenty ❃ the dark mark
chapter twenty-one ❃ the vanishing cabinet
chapter twenty-two ❃ going home
chapter twenty-three ❃ obliviate
chapter twenty-four ❃ burning
chapter twenty-five ❃ in trouble
chapter twenty-seven ❃ loss
chapter twenty-eight ❃ time passes
chapter twenty-nine ❃ cedric diggory
chapter thirty ❃ hufflepuff vs. slytherin
chapter thirty-one ❃ no more goodbyes
chapter thirty-two ❃ our own heaven
chapter thirty-three ❃ the unthinkable
chapter thirty-four ❃ the opal necklace
chapter thirty-five ❃ the poisoned mead
chapter thirty-six ❃ draco malfoy
chapter thirty-seven ❃ the fall of dumbledore
chapter thirty-eight ❃ felix rosier
chapter thirty-nine ❃ worried
chapter forty ❃ perfectly innocent
chapter forty-one ❃ parisa rosier
chapter forty-two ❃ gone
chapter forty-three ❃ mud-blood
chapter forty-four ❃ the battle of hogwarts
chapter forty-five ❃ this isn't over
chapter forty-six ❃ the end.

chapter twenty-six ❃ the birds

677 15 0
By cedricsrose

I woke up the next morning and went down to breakfast where I met Draco and Pansy, they both looked pretty tired as always and to be honest so I was I, I always felt tired recently, exhausted, I felt like I hadn't slept properly in months when really, I had slept way more than usual. I was still curious about Cedric, but he was at breakfast today. Again, I looked at him, but he didn't look up at me, he looked more tired today and he wasn't even talking to his friends. He was just sat there with his head resting on one of his hands looking down at the table playing with his cornflakes, the bowl was still full it looked like he hadn't even touched it. I was confused but I stopped looking before anyone could notice, Draco and I planned to start trying to fix the cabinet today. I had done a lot of research and hoped the process wouldn't be too bad, I had been in touch with Borgin – the man who actually made the cabinets, he wasn't a Death Eater, purely because Voldemort only gave the Dark Mark to his closest followers, lucky me. No Borgin wasn't a true follower, he just supported Voldemort enough to let him and his group use his shop and not tell the Ministry. Borgin had insisted that the easiest way to fix the cabinets was to have him look at them, however when I ran this by Snape he just flat out said no, I asked no further questions and told Borgin that it wasn't an option. He was annoyed but he wouldn't argue with Voldemort, and therefor he wouldn't argue with me, meaning I was kind of back at square one. He gave me some instructions he thought might help, but he couldn't be sure.

After breakfast, we all left for our lessons, Pansy wasn't in our lessons as she took different subjects this year, she was in Cedric's lessons. Me and Draco purposely took the same things, but Draco didn't really care about school, he was okay with missing lessons that Snape had managed to excuse us from to give us time to fix the cabinet, I on the other hand was not okay with it. "This is ridiculous, why do we have to miss lessons to do this." Draco rolled his eyes, "Ris, honestly stop being such a try hard for two minutes we can't let him down again." I didn't say anything I just scoffed and followed Draco as we looked for the Room of Requirement. When we saw the door forming, we quickly looked around before sneaking In and closing the door, it disappeared on the other side and we started searching for the cabinet. The room was huge and full of random things, Draco and I split up to look for it. After about half an hour I turned a corner created by a stack of tables and came face to face with the cabinet, it looked exactly the same as the one in Borgin and Burkes it was just dirtier. I called Draco and he apparated to me, there was no way he would have been able to find me in there without doing it. "So, where do we start?" Draco asked me, "I suppose we need something to test it on first, and then just start saying the incantation." I replied and Draco looked around, "Accio bird." Draco said and chuckled when a cage flew towards him, "This place has everything." He said as he took the small white bird out of the cage, I couldn't look at the bird, this was too cruel. Draco opened the cabinet and placed the small bird inside, he closed the door and then looked at me, "What now?" I sighed "Draco have you not done any reading at all, open the cabinet and put the bird in, close it and then open it again, if the bird is there, which it won't be, its working normally. But if it isn't then its broken, very broken if the bird is dead." Draco did what I said and when he opened the cabinet for the second time there where he had left it, was a limp white bird. It wasn't moving and it was no longer making little chirping noises. Draco looked at me before picking up the small bird. "Oh." Draco said and he actually looked quite sad, "He was quite cute." I took the bird from his hands before finding a box in the things next to us and placing it inside. "We can bury them when were done." Draco looked at me "Them? How many are we going to need? As many as it takes, I suppose." Draco answered himself. Draco sighed now before holding up his wand again. "Accio Birds!" All of a sudden what looked like hundreds of cages flew towards us and landed on the floor, all the cages had small white birds in them chirping away happily. I felt so guilty; this was murder. Draco patted my shoulder and smiled at me, "Sooner we get it done, we might not even need them all." He said trying to comfort me, I weakly smiled back at him and pulled out my wand. "Okay, I'll show you what to do and then we can just take it in turns." I told Draco before gently grabbing a bird from one of the cages and walking towards the cabinet. I stood in front and placed the small bird inside of the cabinet before closing the door and holding up my wand. "Harmonia Nectere Passus." I spoke clearly before waiting a few seconds, the cabinet groaned and shook slightly. I gulped and opened the door again. There laid the small white bird, motionless and silent. I sighed and picked it up before putting it in the box with the other one. "And then we just do that over and over until the bird flies back out." I told Draco turning around to face him. "Right." He said, Draco gulped before picking up a bird and doing the same. The bird, like mine, didn't make it and Draco sighed, picking up the bird and putting it in the box. He looked down into the box at the now three, dead birds. "This is wrong Parisa, they're all going to die." I went to stand next to him. "Well, we don't really have a choice, we need something that's living and unless you want to volunteer." Draco shook his head before laughing, I looked at him confused, "What?" Draco chuckled, "Maybe we should put Voldemort in there." I laughed at this, I also noticed how he called him Voldemort and not The Dark Lord and this actually comforted me, I wasn't alone in this, I had Draco and he finally felt the same way about this as I did. Neither of us said anything else we just got on with the task.

Draco and I stopped when I looked at my watch and realised that dinner was in ten minutes. We had been doing this all day, for hours, and we had got nowhere, the birds were still coming out dead and the box was now full of small white bodies. Draco sighed and put the lid on the box, "I guess we should go, have a break, we can do this once a week, that way we won't miss too many classes." I smiled at him for trying to make this easier for me and nodded. We walked towards the entrance to the room and snuck out. The door disappeared behind us as we made our way to the Great Hall. I remembered now, that it was mail day. Once a week our owls would come into the great hall to drop off newspapers and any mail we might have received. I doubted I would receive anything; I hadn't heard from my parents in ages and wondered why they hadn't been required to attend my meeting with Voldemort yesterday.

We arrived at the Great Hall and I was distracted by everyone as they were huddled around their tables, this was odd. When we walked in everybody looked up at me and Draco's direction, but they were all looking directly at me. I gulped and Draco scowled at them causing everyone to look away except for some of the Slytherins. I walked over to the nearest table and picked up a newspaper. When I read the headline, well I couldn't really miss it, it was huge taking up nearly half of the front page, my heart dropped to my feet.


I quickly read the small paragraph below it; Devastating Attack on the Ministry of Magic at 10am this morning. Some fatalities that identities are yet to be confirmed, Hundreds of injuries, names on page 15. I gulped and sat in the nearest seat quickly turning to page fifteen. I scanned through the names when I stopped on one, my heart dropped further; Cecilia Rosier, My Mother. She was injured. Was it bad? Was she okay? I realised now that this was why everyone had stared at me and I panicked even more. What if she d-died? It said they were still to confirm the deaths. I felt sick. Why had they done that? I knew what side they had been on and I knew that my father would have taken part too. That's why they hadn't been at my meeting, this was more important, as always. Draco sat down next to me and read the paper, he gasped quietly when he read my mother's name and immediately put his arm around me. "I'm sure she's fine Ris, honestly, your mother is smart, and your father's name isn't there so it couldn't have been bad, or he would have got hurt too, you know they would have stuck together." I sighed, he was right I didn't really need to worry, but I still was, yes I absolutely loathed my parents and I barley spoke to them, but I didn't want them dead.

Me and Draco were interrupted when a group of people walked up to us, I realised now that we had sat on the Hufflepuff table. "Go sit on your own table." The Hufflepuff girl I recognised to be Hannah Abbott said and I scowled at her. Draco stood up to face her and her group of friends. "Have some respect for your superiors Abbott." Draco snarled and I stood up behind him. Hannah didn't say anything, and a boy stepped forward to face Draco. I gulped as he spoke, "I hope you don't mean yourself." He laughed and I grabbed Draco's arm, I could tell he was angry. "Excuse me, Diggory." Draco said shaking me off and rolling his sleeves up. Cedric did the same before looking at me momentarily, for the first time in what felt like ages, something unreadable flashed across his face and to my surprise he walked away from Draco and me. The other people followed him saying things like 'Why'd you walk away Ced?' And 'You could have got him Ced' and Draco just scowled after them. "Come on Draco let's go find Pansy." I said dragging him towards our table. Pansy ran up to me and hugged me tightly, "Oh Parisa, I'm sorry, I'm sure she's okay! God Death Eaters are so evil I can't believe they would just hurt innocent people like that!" I smiled at Pansy weakly, at least she didn't think she was a Death Eater, hopefully the rest of the school thought like Pansy. "Thank you Pans, hopefully." I said before we all sat down, and Draco started complaining about Cedric and what just happened to Blaise. I was relieved that he walked away, I didn't really feel like having to drag Draco off of Cedric right now. But it was so strange, why did he walk away? Nothing was stopping him; it couldn't have been me. Could it? No, he hated me. I can't believe he had finally looked at me, honestly it had made butterflies explode in my stomach, I know it shouldn't of but just knowing he had finally acknowledged me actually made me hopeful, I knew it was ridiculous but I just couldn't help it.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I saw Snape enter the Great Hall, he never came in here unless Dumbledore forced him too... I felt a lump form in my throat when he scanned the room, made eye contact with me, and then started to walk towards us. "Oh god" I whispered, and Draco, Blaise and Pansy all turned to look at Snape. Pansy hugged me and it looked like she was about to cry. Snape was stood in front of us now and in his slow, strange voice he spoke. "Parisa, please come to my office, I have some news for you." He started walking away and I gulped standing up, I already knew what he was going to say. Draco stood up with me "I'll come with you Ris." He said and I shook my head not saying anything and just walking away, dazed. "I don't care, you're not going alone. I'm coming." I kept walking and Draco was soon beside me, before I turned the corner I turned and looked for the one person I wanted to be with right now, the one person I needed to be with right now but couldn't. And to my surprise when I looked at Cedric, this time, he was already looking at me.

authors note: Hello! I've almost finished writing 5th year today so I will be posting a lot, this story will end in 7th year by the way. Will get sad soon and Cedric won't be in it huge amounts but his POV is coming up soon. Also the next chapter is really long so i might have to split it into two shorter ones. I hope you're enjoying reading this as much as I am writing it and thank you to all those who have voted! 

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