Breaking For You *|A Niam Fan...

By Belle33_NIAMshipper

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He watches him. And every time he does, his heart does a little leap. He looks away, hoping he didn't notice... More

Chapter 1: Strange Feelings
Chapter 2: What Are You Talking About?!
Chapter 3: My Little Snowflake
Chapter 4: Silence Is Sometimes A Good Thing
Chapter 5: Worst Day Ever
Chapter 6: It's A Start, At Least
Chapter 7: Some Saving Needed While Complications Arise
Chapter 8: I Guess I'm Happy For You (Some Larry)
Chapter 9: At Least I Got It
Chapter 10: A Mistake?
Chapter 11: All Touchy-Feely (Larry)
Chapter 12: Tear-Stained Lips
Chapter 13: So Sick Of It
Chapter 14: I'd Never Let You Go
Chapter 15: You what?
Chapter 16: I Love You, Too
Chapter 17: You're Beautiful
Chapter 18: Carnival Fun (Part 1)
Chapter 19: Carnival Fun (Part 2)
Chapter 20: Carnival Fun (Part 3)
Chapter 21: I Won't Give Up
Chapter 22: Cupcakes With Icing On Top...This Should Be Fun
Chapter 23: All Tingly Inside
Chapter 24: You Just Don't Understand
Chapter 25: F**k You, Louis
Chapter 26: I'm. Not. Jealous.
Chapter 27: What The Bloody Hell?! (Some Larry)
Chapter 28: I'm Yours
Chapter 29: This Aching Feeling
Chapter 30: Same Mistakes
Chapter 31: So. Much. Confusion.
Chapter 32: I'll Always Love You
Chapter 33: He's Torn
Chapter 34: Far from alright
Chapter 35: Delusional
Chapter 36: The Ice-Breaker
Chapter 37: Simply Niam
Chapter 38: Unexpected
Chapter 39: Anything But Normal
Chapter 41: I See Life In You
Chapter 42: Something Good
Chapter 43: Home Is With You
Chapter 44: Pancakes, Oatmeal, And a Muzzle
Chapter 45: I'll Give You All My Love (Some Larry)
Chapter 46: Nice? More Like Amazing
Chapter 47: Three Little Words

Chapter 40: We Have Each Other

11.4K 175 57
By Belle33_NIAMshipper

 Happy (late) New Year's and Christmas! I'm finally back and so is the continuation of this story!! I'm sorry for the long wait but here you guys go!! I hope it's alright and not to sad. The story will get happy again just hold on a little longer :)

Please vote comment and enjoy!! :D



“Zayn’s in the hospital. He got shot in the chest.” He whispered, tears slipping over his eyes and down his cheeks. I felt my face drain of color as his words repeated over and over in my head.

How much more has to go on before thing go back to normal? I thought to myself. And that’s when I realized those were the words Liam used before. He wants things to go back to normal and I was now finally getting it.

Where does normal stand in this band, though? From the very beginning, the five of us all knew we were anything but normal.

And, with all that’s happening, we are definitely proving that point to be true.

End of Recap

** ** **

Holding back tears was a lot harder than I thought.

At first it was just a few but once they started they did not stop. The burning ache in my chest was the only thing keeping me awake right now due to how tired I had become. I had my head in my hands, bending over on my knees as the silent tears crept down my cheeks.

How could things have gotten so bad? Would there ever be justice for this band? These two questions were the ones that continued to taunt my mind. They were unanswerable, unpredictable. I just couldn’t take all this grief that’s been thrown on us anymore.

“H-he has t-to be alright. He has t-t-to...” Whimpered Danielle who was now currently being held by Louis. He squeezed her gently, rocking them back and forth while whispering soothing words.

I could feel Liam’s body heat as he sat beside me, holding back tears of his own. I turned my head to sideways to look at him, positive that my eyes were red and puffy. Liam caught my gaze and his expression softened as he scooted closer to me on the seat.

I took in a shaky breath when he wrapped an arm around my shoulders to pull me into his chest. he used his other hand to run it through my hair and I closed my eyes.

“It’ll be okay. Zayn’s gonna be okay.” He murmured. Though, even I could tell he had trouble believing it himself.

“But what if he’s not?” Harry spoke quietly. “What’s going to happen? What if…what if he’s gone?” He bit his lip, turning his eyes solemnly to the ground. He had both arms wrapped around his torso and was rocking back and forth in the same rhythm that Louis was. The older boy looked over at Harry, who sat next to him, and reached his hand over to stroke his cheek with the back of his knuckles.

Harry brought his bleary eyes over to Louis and didn’t waste a second to move closer into his side. Louis used his free hand to wrap it around Harry’s shoulders and softly kissed his head.

I swallowed. "We just have to be here for him, alright guys? Maybe...maybe things will be fine...yeah..."

Liam let out a sigh before leaning his chin on my head and squeezing my shoulder. I hummed quietly to myself and sunk into his embrace when a choked sound came from Danielle. She hunched over slightly, as if the grief literally caused her pain, and let out a broken cry.

"When is this all going to end?!" She screamed, futilely trying to get away from Louis. He struggled to hold on to her but managed it and held her tightly. She pounded weakly into his chest and cried pitifully.

"I'm so sick of this. I'm so sick of it. When are things going to be fine? It seems that every time, every time, we almost overcome a problem something else happens. T-tell me...please tell me when it's all going to e-end..." Danielle spoke out weakly before burying her face into her hands and weeping.

I felt tears burn behind my own eyes and blinked them back. Louis let out a long breath of air, trying to control his own emotions, and stroked the girl's hair soothingly. He brought his eyes up to us, a new set of determination in them.

"I honestly don't know myself. I questioned it too. Why are all these things happening to us? When will it all stop?" Louis looked over at Harry quickly before looking back at us. "But I realized that every single person on this Earth has to go through trials. We all have to endure pain and grief so we can grow in it. So we can be more mature and have more knowing in the future if something like this were to happen again. We can't let it get to us, though. We can do this, alright? We'll get through this. I know we can. We're stronger than what we're going through. Zayn wouldn't want us to just give up and sit back moping. He would want us to fight and by hell we will. We'll get through this...together..." Louis whispered, smiling lovingly at each one of us.

"I know it's hard." He murmured, looking specifically at Danielle. "I know it hurts. It hurts so much that you can't breathe and you just want to scream out for help but at the same time collapse in defeat. Like there's no hope. You want to cry, yet at the same time lash out. You don't know what the bloody hell to do with yourself. We'll be alright, though. We have each other to get through this and it'll be alright."

Danielle let out a sniff but didn't say anything. She didn't need to. Her gratefulness for Louis' words shined bright in her eyes and she gave a small smile before curling back up and sighed. I watched Louis through bleary eyes and he smiled tenderly at me.

"Wow...ha..." I started, chuckling softly. "That was...amazing what you did there Lou. Thank you...thanks for being a good leader right now." I nodded at him and he nodded back. Harry was watching Louis with adoration and I smiled at the heart eyes he was giving our older band mate. I looked away back up to Liam who had his eyes set carefully on me.

I raised an eyebrow at him and squeezed his hand. "What?"

Seeming to snap out of his daze, Liam shook his head quickly and gave me a wide eyed look. "Hm--what? Oh sorry I-I was just...I zoned out. Sorry about that." He smiled awkwardly at me and I watched him with amusement.

"It's okay, love." I said to him, nuzzling into his arms. I could feel him relax under me and I took the opportunity to lean my head against his chest. Things may have gotten pretty bad but it was nice to know that Liam was slowly regaining who he was. We all sat there for a few more moments of silence, trying to see the light in it all that maybe things would start to get better, when someone cleared their throat.

“I…I think I need something to drink. You know, to clear my mind?” I heard Brayden murmur quietly but just loud enough for all of us to hear. I watched as he got up to head towards the vending machine and caught sight to how dull and broken his eyes looked. I suddenly felt very impulsive and spoke without thinking.

“Wait!” I called out. When he stopped and turned to look at me, I bit my lip and gave him a sheepish look. “E-erm…I’ll go with you.”

Brayden lifted a brow but didn’t object and nodded his head. “Okay.”

I sighed and stood up. But before I could take another step, I felt a warm hand grasp mine. I looked down to see Liam staring up at me with gentle eyes. “Can…can I go with you?” he asked timidly.

I softened my gaze and squeezed his hand. “You don’t have to ask, love. Come on.” I told him, pulling him up and wrapping my arm around his waist. Liam leaned into me as we followed after Brayden all the way across the waiting room. As we caught up next to him near the vending machine, I eyed Brayden curiously when he inserted the coin and tapped in for water.

Three pairs of eyes stared as the machine moved to push the water out and to the bottom. The loud plop of the bottle echoed between us and Brayden reached his hand under the flap to grab it.

He turned to look at us as he uncapped the water. “Do you guys want a drink?” He held out the water bottle and I felt myself shaking my head.

“Oh no, that’s alright, mate. I can get one for me and Liam.” I looked over at my boyfriend. “Or do you want your own?” I asked him.

Liam shook his head and gave me a small smile. “No, it’s okay. We can…we can share. If—if you want.” He said shyly.

I gave him a reassuring grin. “Of course, Li.”

Carefully, I let go of Liam and made my way over to the vending machine, reaching into my pocket to pull out some coins. As I did so, an awkward silence filled the air between us and I swallowed dryly.

It wasn’t until Brayden cleared his throat that my ears perked to listen. “I…I was going to tell you guys—honest I swear.” He rushed out.

Pushing in the button to receive the water, I looked over at him. “Tell us what?”

It was as if he hadn’t heard me. He looked guiltily between me and Liam. “I was. I was going to tell you guys but I didn’t know she was involved in all this. I’m so sorry, though. I should have told you as soon as I found out—”

“Brayden!” I snapped, my impatience wearing thin due to all the stress. “What the bloody hell are you talking about?!”

He bit his lip and cast his eyes to the ground, looking even guiltier. I instantly felt bad for yelling at him and softened my eyes. Reaching over, I placed my hand on his arm and he looked up at me.

“Sorry, mate. Didn’t mean to freak like that. It’s just…what are you talking about?” I asked softly.

Brayden watched me for a moment before licking his lips nervously. “It’s…I was going to tell you about,” he lowered his voice, “—about Eleanor.”

The second he said her name, my body tensed and I clenched my teeth together in loathing at just the thought of that evil bitch. “What about her?” I said gruffly.

Brayden, noticing my anger, whispered gently to me. “She’s my…my sister, Niall.”

My eyes widened, all my anger disappearing and nothing but shock left. I felt my hand slip from his arm as I stared open-mouthed and astonished at him.

“What?!” I said a bit louder than intended.

He shrunk at my gaze. “Don’t freak out. What I meant to say was half-sister. Half. We have different moms. And I didn’t even know she was involved with you guys until she showed up at the flat.”

I shook my head, flabbergasted, and was about to make out Liam’s tiny voice as he spoke. “How? How could this all be a coincidence?” He asked Brayden curiously.

Brayden ran a  hand through his hair. “Well…let me just start off with the whole story.” He sighed and gave us a sad smile. “When she came to America, to Manhattan, to visit our dad before he and mom died…it wasn’t exactly a warm invitation. You see, she wasn’t at all what I expected. I have a younger sister—Emily. She’s my full sister. So when I found out I had another sister…I was pretty excited." He told us, his voice dropping into grief.

“She was nice at first. Polite to mom and pretty much perfect in dad’s and Emily’s eyes. I was even fooled myself. Until…she started changing.”

I studied Brayden; the way his shoulders sagged and how his eyes grew dull. “Change how?”

A sigh left his lips and he brought his eyes up to look into mine. I flinched unwillingly at the pain that reflected in them.

“She started…getting nasty with me.” He began, eyes growing distant at the memories. “Whenever we were alone she would…she’d hit me and say mean things. Horrible things. I was only 15 at the time. I’ve never been exposed to violence before considering how much my parents tried to keep me and Emily from it. So you can imagine how shocked and scared I was to even fight back.” He laughed bitterly, a cold sound that didn’t seem at all like Brayden.

“I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t fight back because I was to afraid. I didn’t want to tell my parents—especially not my dad—because I didn’t want them to know how weak their son was. I felt trapped. Alone. Every day she would say things when no one looked, leave bruises from grabbing my arms or kicking me in the stomach. She even burned me once. With an iron.” He pointed to his lower back. “I was stupid to turn around. She was angry with me and when I let my guard down…she shoved me to the ground and placed the iron on my back. It was so hot. I can still feel the heat.”

I felt a lump grow in my throat as I noticed the tears filling Brayden’s eyes. He didn’t even notice. I swallowed and shook my head. “Brayden, you don’t have to—”

“I let her do it.” He choked out, a tear slipping. The ache in my chest twinged. “I let her abuse me for two years. Two years, can you believe it? I was such a coward. It wasn’t until one day when everyone went out to the carnival that she got exposed. You see, she forced me to fake sick. Telling my parents that she’d ‘take care’ of me. They believed her. When they took Emily to the carnival, leaving me alone with her, she was really angry.

I didn’t know what I did. Then again, I never did. She beat me in her rage. She even got a belt, screaming at me that I was worthless and—a-and a bastard. She kept hurting me for at least an hour and a half until one of the neighbor’s came because they heard my cries. They caught her when she didn’t hear the bell. They came in and found her beating me.” Tears were now streaming down Brayden’s cheeks but he didn’t seem to care. He only continued on with his story. I reached for him to give him at least some sort of comfort but he shook his head.

“They didn’t catch her. She knocked out my neighbor and escaped on the plane, obviously heading back here to England. It was too late by then when my parents found out. My mom was crying so much. I felt terrible. I made her cry because I was too scared to tell her what Eleanor was doing. After I got better, though, my parents vowed to never let anyone hurt me again.” Brayden wiped his eyes, finally taking noticed of the tears. “But then…a few weeks later the…the crash happened. They were killed on impact. All I had left was Emily.”

“After our parents were killed…we were taken to our uncle and aunt’s farm. They became our legal guardians. However, it was obvious that my uncle didn’t like me. He wasn’t cruel or abusive. He just didn’t like being around me. He and my aunt adored Emily and they made sure to give her everything to make her happy. Our cousins were already graduated so we got their old rooms. A couple months ago I turned 18—the legal age that says I’m no longer a kid. When that happened, my uncle told me I had to find somewhere else to stay. They gave me a few bucks and sent me off.

I knew Emily was in good hands but I promised to come back for her when I made enough money. I didn’t really know where to go so I stayed at hotels until I got a hold of Kale. He told me I could live with him and paid for my tickets. I didn’t think I would run into Eleanor when I came to live her in England but, you know. Obviously I was wrong. Again. So from there on I’m sure you can fill in to how I got involved with all this.”

His eyes were now pink, tinted with faint tears, and his hands were clenched into fists. He tore his eyes away from mine and stared down to the floor. I didn’t think twice about hugging him. I just did it. I reached over, ignoring his shaking head, and wrapped my arms around him.

I pressed my lips to his ear. “It’s alright, Brayden. It’s going to be alright. She’ll never hurt you again. They took her away remember? Me and Liam called the police and they took her away.” I whispered, squeezing him gently.

After a few seconds, I felt him relax into my embrace and wrap his arms around my neck. He pressed his face into my shoulder and, from the way his body began to tremble, I could tell he was crying. I cooed him softly and stroked my fingers through his hair.

“I’m sorry. I’m s-sorry. This never would’ve happened if-if I hadn’t come….I’m sorry…” He sobbed quietly.

I tightened my arms around him. “No. Don’t you say that. None of this is your fault. That bitch is going to pay for what she’s done. You didn’t know, Brayden. You didn’t know.” I said to him in a tender voice.

Brayden didn’t say anything. He only allowed me to hold him and that was fine by me. I would  hold him all day if he wanted me to. As I did this, as I held Brayden and soothed him, doing my best to lessen his pain, I didn’t notice Liam and how he rushed away from us.

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Liam’s POV


I was going to be sick.

As I watched quietly how Niall held Brayden gently, as if he might break, that’s when I felt it. The churning in my stomach and the way my vision grew slack. I could feel the way my body swayed and how the pain in my stomach increased that I was going to vomit.

Without saying a word, I quickly turned away from the two and made my way across the waiting room. I was about to head out toward the hallway where the restrooms were when I heard someone call out to me.

“Li? Liam are you alright? Where are you going?” Harry asked me as he rushed over, concern written all over his face. I clamped a hand over my mouth and shook my head frantically as he neared.

He gave me a confused look. “Liam, what’s wrong?”

When he got closer, I shut my eyes tightly and felt my body begin to fall over. Before I almost hit the ground, I felt Harry grab me quickly and steady me into his arms.

He murmured into my ear. “You look pale. Are you going to be sick, Li?”

I nodded like a madman and heard him take a deep breath as he led me out to the waiting room. I opened my eyes to see we were heading down the hallway and finally stood in front of the restroom. Harry pushed open the door and found the room to be empty. He glanced at me quickly, taking note how my knees began to wobble, and brought me into the larger stall.

The moment we entered it, my stomach coiled violently and I found myself hunched over the toilet coughing up whatever was in my stomach. My entire body shook and I could sense the way everything around me grew hot.

I felt cool fingers touch my forehead and wipe away the hair that clung to my sweaty skin. Another hand placed itself onto my back and between my shoulder blades while rubbing softly. I felt tears prick my eyes as the last of what was in my stomach released and I leaned my body back to rest against the wall.

I clutched my arms around my stomach and watched as Harry flushed the toilet. As I tried to regain my breathing, Harry came down to sit next to me and wrap an arm around my shoulder. I slumped against him as a wave of exhaustion hit me. He kissed my sweaty forehead as he stroked his cool fingers at the back of my neck.

Grateful, I pressed my cheek into his chest and breathed slowly. We sat like that for a few minutes, silence filling the air between us, when Harry’s deep voice interrupted it.

“How do you feel?” He asked me softly. He brought his hand up to stroke my hair and kiss the top of my head.

I swallowed a few times, not trusting my stomach to coil up on me again. “A little better. I just…I don’t know what happened. I was fine one moment and sick the next. I don’t understand. I don’t understand, Harry.” I whispered desperately, curling up into him as he pulled me closer.

He sighed. “Don’t cry, mate. It’s alright. I’m sure it’s just stress from all of it. Don’t cry.” He tried to reassure. He used his freehand to reach up and stroke my cheek. I hadn’t realized I was crying until he pointed it out.

“I’m sorry.” I murmured. “I’m only adding to it. I’m sorry, Haz.”

Harry shook his head. “No you’re not. It’s normal to feel this way, Li. It’s normal to feel stressed out, and angry, and sad. You’re not adding to the stress. You’re hurting, Liam. It’s okay. I’m here with you. We all are and we have each other.” He soothed, squeezing me against him.

I let out a heavy breath and buried my face into his shirt. Everything felt so hectic. So hopeless. I didn’t know if I could handle it anymore. But Harry was right. We all had each other.

“I’m scared. I’m scared, Harry.” I whimpered, feeling the tears streak down my cheeks again. “I’m scared of what will happen next.”

Harry touched my cheek again, using his thumb to wipe away the tears once more, and lifted my face. Our eyes locked and I could see tears slipping down his cheeks as well. He gave me a broken smile.

“So am I. So am I, Li. I understand. I hurts. It hurts so much—being afraid, terrified. Not knowing what’s going to happen next or whether everything will be alright. But I’ll tell you what I do know. We have each other. Everything will be alright as long as we have each other.” He said to me, leaning forward to press his lips lightly to my forehead as he did before.

I shut my eyes tightly, trying to wish away the pain. All  I wanted was closure. I was positive that that was what we all wanted. Closure. I wasn’t sure how long it would be until we got it. That was all I wanted right now for me and my friends.

It all hurt so much.

“…but we have each other.” I whispered.

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Niall’s POV


I finally noticed when Liam was gone.

After calming Brayden and pulling away, I remembered the water bottle and bent down to stick my hand under the flap. As I stood up straight with the cool plastic between my fingers, I turned around to offer Liam some water when I found he was no longer there.

I glanced at Brayden in worry and he returned it. With Brayden at my heels, we rushed over to where Louis and Danielle were still at. That’s when I noticed Harry was gone as well. I went to stand in front  of Louis and looked at him in panic.

“Where’s Liam and Harry? Are they alright?” I asked. Louis stared up at me through gentle eyes.

“Harry went with Liam to the restroom. Liam looked like he was going to be sick.” He said to me. I cursed silently for being so oblivious and was about to run towards the hallway when I saw them.

Harry had an arm wrapped around Liam’s waist while the other clutched gently to Liam’s upper arm. He was watching Liam carefully through puffy eyes and I was sure he had been crying. When my eyes swept over to Liam, I felt my heart lurch as I took in his pale cheeks, red, puffy eyes like Harry, and the way his body swayed a little. Our eyes met and he gave me a half-smile as if to say ‘don’t worry about me.’ I ignored the look and found myself standing in front of him, holding his face in between my hands.

“Love, are you okay? You’re pale and you look like you’ve been crying. What’s wrong? Did you get sick? Damn—I’m sorry for not noticing. Tell me you’re alright.” I rushed out.

Liam brought one hand up to touch my hand and sighed. “I’m…fine. I just threw up a little but I’ll be okay. It’s just stress is all. Don’t worry, love. It’s okay.” He said to me, softly. I opened my mouth to protest when a calm, professional voice stopped me.

“Are you all here for Mr. Malik? Or Zayn, I suppose.” The doctor came up to us, face looking strangely sympathetic but very tired. Louis and Harry had told us that this was the same doctor—Dr. Fair—who had treated Zayn when Liam beat him up. The man didn’t look any older than 30 but he had deep, brown eyes that held many memories of grief and wisdom from the years gone by. Then again, seeing people die almost all the time probably had that effect on you.

I looked over to see Louis and Danielle stand up in a flash. Louis, being the oldest and seeming the most calm at the moment, spoke for the band.

“Yes, we are. How is he?” Louis demanded, not leaving any room for discussion that put off news about Zayn. To be honest, I wasn’t feeling very patient myself. Agitated and worried seemed like a better fit.

Dr. Fair sighed, a deep, heavy sigh that said he was about to deliver bad news. I felt my heart thud painfully in my chest and held my breath. The older man’s gaze studied through each one of us and when he landed on me, I gave him a desperate look.

He licked his lips and sighed again. “Look, when we brought Zayn in, the wound didn’t look that bad. But after looking closer, I realized that looks can be deceiving. Zayn…is in critical condition. The bullet is right below his heart, not quite near it but close enough to have struck a delicate nerve. He’s lost a lot of blood and it’s not looking to good.” He watched us silently, waiting for any response.

None of us said a word. It was so silent that I could hear the rain tap gently on the window outside. Subconsciously, I pulled Liam into my arms and he allowed me to without a second thought. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Louis hugging Harry to his chest when Harry buried into his arms.

 I stared straight at the doctor, eyeing him but not really seeing him. All I could see was Zayn, lying on the hospital bed, bleeding to death, maybe even taking his last breath, while there was nothing we could do.

They always say that it's a good thing to let your emotions out. They say it's good for you. They say that's it alright to cry. They say and say it over and over but they don't understand fully what it means to go through it.

At the same time I wanted to cry, I wanted to scream at the world and thrash everything around. I wanted to beg somebody through my tears to please, just please take this pain away. Take it all away and save me from the heartache that's sure to come. But at the same time...I didn't want to cry. I don't want to cry anymore. I want to be strong and I want to be able to keep things together for others. I want to comfort them instead of wallowing in my own misery.

That' why I held back my tears. That's the reason why, even though I had to roughly bite my lip in order to hold back heaving sobs, I stood firm with my arms around Liam as he cried in them. I had to be strong for him, I had to be strong for them. I had to be strong. I want to be strong.

"A-are you saying that...t-tha-that h-he could...d-die?" I heard Harry whisper brokenly, tear-marks trailing down his face. He hiccuped gently into Louis' chest, watching the man before us with the white coat and the solemn look on his face that said he was so 'terrible sorry for your loss'. I didn't want to hear it. I didn't think I'd be able to.

The doctor cleared his throat, the sound echoing through the silent halls. I felt Liam shudder in my arms the moment a large sigh left the man's lips. I felt my lungs squeeze painfully, making it harder to breath. Danielle stood beside me with Brayden, so utterly quiet herself. I didn't dare look at her. I wouldn't be able to handle the look she was sparing.

"Is he?" She breathed into the air so soft that we almost didn't hear her. The doctor looked at her then. A conflicted emotion ran through his eyes as he studied her, a simple gesture. He ran a hand down his face tiredly, probably wishing he had never got himself into this job.

"I won't lie to you, alright?" He told us gently, trying his best to sooth are wounds perhaps. Nothing would soothe us, though. Not if he was about to say the dreadful word we wouldn't be able to handle.

So when he said it. A simple, one answer of "Yes"...

I wasn't able to breathe then. I could literally feel every movement my lungs made up until the moment they closed up on me. My breathing became shallow but wasn't loud enough to be heard. Only by Liam, though. Only him because his ear was leaned up against my heart. He was able to feel the flutter and excessive struggle it had to maintain.

When he looked up at me, his big, brown eyes so full of compassion and understanding...I knew that I wouldn't go through this alone. None of us would.

We would all be there for each other because...

...isn't that what true love and friendship is all about?

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Zayn’s POV

It was dark. Black. No light whatsoever.

There was, however, a rushing sound running through the black atmosphere. It was thick, static-y, loud. It ripped un-caringly into the abyss. It was heavy, so heavy, like the pressure of a strong wind pushing down. A roaring, deafening sound that seemed to never end.

It was also scorching hot, then ice cold,. A quick, flash of cruel red dispersed through the darkness. It was less than half a second when it happened. Almost just as blinding to look at.

I could feel everything. The way that the heat burned mercilessly like a flood through my veins. It felt like being dropped into a fire pit. But, oh, then the ice would come. It climbed like needles over the fire and continued to grow thick, unbreakable. It iced around my lungs, into my lungs, making it hard to breathe. I could feel the way my heart thumped painfully; feel the way the hot, burning blood trickled in and out of it to keep it moving. I could feel the way my heart, the beat of it, vibrated the darkness harshly.

And then the pain really started.

I was stretching, being pulled apart, but also pulled into a tight ball. I was being drowned in my own blood, hot flashes of pulsating red running like strobe lights in the darkness. My heart raced erratically, faster than before, as a needling feeling traveled into me. Everything burned, everything ice cold, everything falling apart. I could no longer hear anything, no long feel anything. I was frozen. I was torn.

I was no longer me.

Everything suddenly became loud, unbearable. A piercing sound so high in note and so sharp that it enhanced the pain. I could not cry out, though. I was sealed shut into the forever dooming abyss. The sound clutched tightly to it, screeching angrily. But then the walls of the darkness seemed to crumble as a blinding white hole broke through it.

I reached for it, wanting to escape desperately and find out what that light held away from me. It grew larger, wider, as I got closer. My heart ached from all the adrenaline pushing at it. It wanted to give up, admit defeat. But I would not allow that. Not yet. I had to find out what was beyond the light.

I was now closer to the light, finding it unbearable to breathe. Suddenly, as I stepped through it, momentarily blinded, I could feel everything once again. But much worse.

A gasp escaped through my dry lips as I spasmed violently on whatever surface held me. I could hear voices faintly, and feel the way the movements around me grew wild. I couldn’t see, though, because I was still blinded. It was driving me mad. I could feel my burning, ice cold body spasm again, shocking me into a frozen state. My body slumped over in sudden exhaustion, my eyes heavy and falling slowly.

“We’re losing him!” I heard a distant shout. I didn’t care, though. All I wanted was to succumb back into the darkness; to rest.

“Zayn!” was the last thing I heard.

And then nothing.


 I hope this was alright :) the next chapter will be a bit better (story wise) and I'm sure you'll be happy to know something good will finally happen in it :))

Thanks for reading guys and i'll do my best to update in a few days!! Please vote, comment, and enjoy!! :D

♥♥♥Lots of love♥♥♥

January 5, 2013

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