š“š”šž š…šžššš« || š…šˆš•š„ ļæ½...

By luxwonderlands

701K 17.4K 25K

#1: number5, number8, fivexreader, eight, season1, vanya, theumbrellaacademy, fivehargreevesxreader, allison... More

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18.1K 492 714
By luxwonderlands



One day while wondering around the library in the house, I found a book. It was a book that I haven't seen before. So, I took a look at the title and it said, Extra Ordinary, My Life as Number Seven by Vanya Hargreeves. I opened the book, peering at the table of contents and started to read it.

To be honest, I was only a little mad about her writing it, but got over it pretty quickly. The reason why was well, she did say the truth—and I'm not complaining—but she didn't really say any lies. One thing is, I knew the others weren't going to be happy about it.

There was a chapter for each member. Reading chapter 6 was a little hard for me since Ben and I were really close as kids. She did write a chapter about me which was filled with all the memories we had and also filled with all the times I would include her.

I was extremely glad see didn't mention anything about me being trapped in my fear because I didn't want a lot of people to know about that. When I finished the book, I called Vanya to tell her. She thought that I would be mad, but i told her my reason that I wasn't and she understood.


I awoke from a bright light blinding me. Trying to sit up, I feel a stinging sensation in my stomach.

Oh yeah, I got shot last night.

As I was now fully sat up, I felt something in my hand. Looking down, I saw Five holding my hand while he was asleep in the chair beside the medical bed.

He stayed with me?


I move hand out of his and get up from the bed. I leave the room to change into cleaner clothes. Once I finish putting on a new pair of f/o with f/s, I go back to the medical room to take my medicine. On the way there, I pass by Five's room to see him stitching up his arm.

"Five, what the hell? You could've told me you had gotten hurt." he rolls his eyes.

"It's fine."

I shake my head. "Thanks for helping me last night. Ya know, with the bullet wound."

He turns towards me. "No problem." he gives a small smile and continues to stare at me. It started to get quiet.

I could hear the wind blowing around the room and small construction noises from outside. He then started to lean in.

"Y/n, dear," Mom knocks on the door. "you need to take your medicine." I turn around to see her standing in the door way with a grin on her face.

"I'll be right there, Mom." she nods her head and turns down the hallway. I turn back to Five, who was just sitting there awkwardly. "I'll be right back," I walk towards the door.

He gets up from his spot on his bed, grabbing my hand, turning me around. "Come back after. We have to go somewhere," he closes the door. I nod at the closed door and head towards the medical room.


After taking my medicine, I return to Fives room to only see him open the window and bring the piece of plastic inside the bag with him. "What are you doing?" I ask. 

"Well I would go out the front door, but. . ." he stops, noticing that I was nodding my head understanding why.

We both exit the window and go towards the fire escape to see Klaus dumpster diving. "Damn it, where's Dad's stuff?" Klaus asks aloud.

"Can we go see a movie or something?" an unknown voice adds. "Or the ocean."

Klaus rolls his eyes. "Shut up! I'm trying to find whatever...priceless crap was in that box so that Pogo will get off my ass!"

"Klaus?" I call out, making Klaus peek his head up from the inside of the dumpster. "Who are you talking to right now? I can hear them, but can't see them," I jump off from the latter as Klaus and Five give me weird looks.

"Um, I'm talking to. . ." he starts, getting interrupted by the unknown voice.

"Say its a. . . random ghost or something, don't say it's me. I don't think she's ready to know about me yet."

"Know about who?" I question. "Klaus, just tell me who it is." Klaus looks at the empty space on the railing, debating on what to say. "You know what, never mind."

"I'd ask what your up to, Klaus, but then it occurred to me. . . I don't care," Five tells Klaus as he jumps down from the fire escape latter.

"Hey!" Klaus starts, chuckling. "You know there are easier ways out of the house, buddy?"

Five jumps off the latter, joining my side. "Well, this one involved the least amount of talking. Or so I thought."

Klaus walks to the front of the dumpster. "Hey, hey, hey, so. . ." he grabs our attention. "You need any more company today? I could uh. . . clear my schedule," he takes a sip from his flask.

"Looks like you've got your hands full," Five looks to the flask in his hand and the fact that he's in a dumpster.

"Oh, this?" he argues. "No, no. I can do this whenever. I'm just—" he falls into the dumpster, resulting in Five and I exchanging glances, shaking our heads.

"I just misplaced something. That's all," Klaus jumps up from the dumpster with a half eaten bagel, "Oh! Found it! Thank God!" he sighs taking a bite of the bagel, making me turn away, trying not to gag. Five grabs my hand and turns towards a plumbing van that sat in the back of the alleyway.

"We're done funding your drug habit," Five says, starting to lead us towards the van. Ignoring Klaus's remarks, we get inside the van and Five starts to drive off.


Five and I have been sitting outside of Meritech waiting for Lance to come out. "Oh, shit," Five spoke, causing me to turn my head towards him to only see him go to the bag Delores was in and unzip it, putting Delores in between us.

"Hey," he sighs. "Sorry you were in there for so long, Delores." I turn towards him with a weird look, wondering why the hell he's talking to a doll.

"No, I'm not drunk," he responds out of the blue. "I'm working."

I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion. "I didn't say anythi—"

"Yes, it's about the eye thing," Five interrupts me, still talking to the "love of his life". "This is the place it was made. Or. . . will be made." he looks at the building again, sighing out. "We just have to wait."

"Well, that was weirder than ever," I breath out. "This is even weirder than when Klaus waxed his ass with chocolate pudding when we were twelve," I shudder as Five turns his head towards me with a weird look. Rolling his eyes, he turns back to the building.


A group of kids pass by kicking a soccer ball. "Kick it over here!" One shouted, making me smile a bit.

"No!" I hear Five yell.

Does he not like soccer or something? I mean, the kid kicked it pretty well, not gonna lie.

"Five? Five?" I ask. Luther knocked on the door asking to let him in. In annoyance, I flip him off then go back to Five.

"No!" he shouts again.

"Five!" I put a hand on his shoulder which causes him to snap out of it. "Are you alright? Are you okay?" I slip my hand off his shoulder.

"Um, yeah." he looks around.

"Well, King Kong is knocking on my door. Want me to let him in?" I point to the door. 

He nods which leads me to open my door. "Move,"  Luther announces, as I scrunch my eyebrows looking around, trying to see who he's talking to. "What are you doing?"

I chuckle. "Trying to see who the fuck you're talking to with that attitude."

Fed up, he slides me onto Fives lap. Five and I make eye contact, therefore quickly turning away as Five starts to blush madly. "You okay?" questions Luther.

"You shouldn't be. . ." Five starts. "How did you find us?"

"Um. . ." Luther turns around to the back of the van to see Klaus dancing with Delores.

"Hey, baby," he whispers to Delores as he dances with her, making me burst out with laughter, but quickly covering it with my hand. "Hey, a little privacy, guys," Klaus notices us staring at him. "We're really hitting it off back here."

Five throws a cup at him which causes Klaus to scream, hiding behind Delores, using her as a shield. "Get out! You can't be here!" Five yells at him as he proceeds to move up to the front where we are.

"Any luck finding your one-eyed man?" Klaus investigates.

"No," Five and I whisper under our breath.

"What's he talkin' about?" Luther hisses. "Does it matter? It's Klaus." Five sighs as I hit him on the arm.

"What do you want Luther?" I ask, getting annoyed by now.

"Um. . ." he starts. "So, Grace may have had something to do with Dad's death. So I need both of you to come back to the academy all right? It's important."

My eyes turn f/c as I stare Luther dead in the eyes and I start to get angry. "Do you really think mom had something to do with Reginald's death? How could you think that? First you think its me—then you start to think Mom had something to do with it! That's just. . . unbelievable Luther," I glare now leaving the car from Fives side.

"Unbelievable," I mumble under my breath as I slam the car door, walking inside the convenience store that was close by to cool down.

How could he think that?

How dare he think mom would do that!

As I was about to rage some more, my thoughts were interrupted by the bell ringing and Klaus walking in. I tilt my head in confusion as I walk up to him. "What happened?"

"They kicked me out because I'm not serious," he pouts and I pat his head, snickering.

"Don't worry Klaus, I think you're serious. And I think that you're so serious that. . ." I pause and grab a couple of snacks, putting them into my pockets. "you'll help me steal," I wink and Klaus claps his hands happily.

Klaus starts grabbing food and energy drinks while I grab candies. "Hey!" I call Klaus over. "You think you can distract the clerk while I grab the pack of cigarettes?"

Klaus nods as he calls the clerk over to an isle that was far away from the front of the store. I use my powers to take a f/c lighter from the counter as well as a pack of cigarettes, slipping it into my pocket.

I look towards Klaus, holding up a thumbs up and he tells the clerk that he doesn't need him anymore and the clerk goes back behind the counter.

As I go back to Klaus, we move closer towards the door. "Look, there's a cop," I point out the cop to Klaus.

He smirks and says, "Bonus points if you can make an illusion on him so he thinks we didn't steal!" I give him nod and start the count down.

"3, 2, 1!" We sprint to the door, discarding the calls from the store owner, Klaus and I make it out of the store okay. While passing by the van, I see Luther and Five talking to each other.



Finishing my conversation with Luther, we hear a whistle blowing and see Klaus and Y/n running out of the convenience store hold snacks, candy, and drinks. "Hey, bitches!" Klaus yells as he runs from the cop.

"Hurry the fuck up, Klaus!" I hear Y/n yell.

Y/n turns around to the cop and her eyes turn from e/c to f/c, and f/c wisps come out of her finger tips as she waves her fingers near the cops head, causing him to stop and turn back around.

"Now I'm starting to wonder if that was the wisest decision."


A couple minuets after Luther left, Y/n came back into the passenger seat breathing heavily. "Did you have fun?" I ask her, sarcastically.

"Ha ha, very funny," she mocks, "Just be happy I brought candy," she takes the candy out from under her clothes and sets them on the dash board. "Oh," she takes out a packet of cigarettes and a f/c lighter, "I got these," she smiles.

She opens the pack, putting the lighter in the cup holder, so she could use both hands and takes one out. Holding it in her mouth, she lights it with the lighter, inhaling the smoke and taking it out of her mouth as smoke escapes her lips.

Not gonna lie, it was kinda hot.

"Are you gonna stare at me the whole time, or what?" she looks over to me, snapping me out of my thought.

"Yeah yeah, whatever," I roll my eyes.

"What, you want one?" I shrug reluctantly nodding my head. "Have you smoked before?" she turns her head towards me, putting the cigarette in her mouth, inhaling.

"Yeah, in the apocalypse a lot. Also, don't forget that one time Klaus made us both smoke weed with him as blackmail so he wouldn't tell dad we slept together since you got a nightmare that one time."

Y/n laughed, exhaling the smoke and handing her cigarette to me as she grabs another from the pack.

Trading, she hands me mine and I give her back hers. I put it in between my lips as she brought the lighter towards the end of it, lighting it up then opened hers and I's windows slightly

I inhaled the smoke looking out the window as I saw trees sway in the wind. I tilted my head towards the ceiling of the car, taking the cigarette out of my mouth and exhaling upwards.

We both start snickering as she lays her feet on the dashboard and leans her back on the door. She moves over a bit, grabbing a vodka from the bag I had Delores in and starts to drink it, holding her new cigarette in one hand.

"Really?" I look down at her as she takes huge gulps. "You're gonna end up drunk."

She waves her hand, getting smoke everywhere. "I'll be fine. Besides, the world's gonna end in a couple days unless a 58 year old time traveler and a Wanda Maximoff rip off can save the world." I roll my eyes at her statement, remembering how when we were younger, she would always say that Wanda stole her powers—considering they could do the same things.

She places the cigarette back into her mouth and continues to smoke it for a solid 8 minutes, switching from bottle to cigarette, until she passes out. Rolling my eyes once more, I take the cigarette from her lips and throw it out of the window, placing the one I had between my finger tips in my mouth.

I put the cap on the vodka bottle and place it back into the bag. I grab a blanket from the back of the van and place it over Y/n as soft snores come from her mouth.

I'll be fine, my ass.

I take the cigarette out of my mouth and throw it out of the window, seeing as it was finished. I look back down at Y/n, who was sleeping peacefully as the mid-day sunshine flashed on her s/c skin. I take a deep breath, trying to get relaxed as I start to fall asleep.


Okay, but like imagine Five smoking, that's kinda hot<3 Also, Five's character was supposed to be a smoker along with a drinker so don't come for me.

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