| Lies of Love ~ Kokichi Oma...

By nijiros-wife

40.2K 1K 2.3K

| A Killing Game, 17 Students, One of them being you - Do you have what it takes to win? - There are techniqu... More

Important A/N!
Backstory ( Angst )
Chp.1 ~ Plain Boring Highschool Students
Chp.2 ~ Ultimate Peers
Chp.3 ~ The Killing game and manhole
Chp.4 ~ Death Road of Despair
Chp.5 ~ Sensei Kirumi
Chp.6 ~ Cheer Up!
Thank You, I love all of you
Chp.7 ~ Book Wars
New Cover
Not deleting my account
Special Chp. ~ What Do You Mean, You Care About Me?
Chp. 8 ~ Childs Play
Chp. 9 ~ Secrects
Chp. 10 ~ Stargazing
Chp. 11 ~ Slow Conversations
Chapter 12 ~ Stress
Chapter 14 ~ Something Special
Chapter 15 ~ The Killing
Chapter 16 ~ Culprit
It's not done
Chapter 17 ~ Try
Chapter 18 ~ Just you and I

• Merry Christmas! •

683 23 20
By nijiros-wife

( I love that picture so much- I'm very aware some people don't celebrate Christmas but I hope you enjoy this and have a wonderful day💖 ) ( plz tell me if there is any grammar mistakes)

Monokuma had annocened that in three days it would be Christmas meaning that the mechanical bear had something special planned for them, the teenagers thought that what Monokuma was hiding up his sleeve was very clear to see; he might have been planning a Christmas party, though the idea of Monokuma, the on who is keeping them here to kill one another, planned a Christmas party seemed very ludicrous but when Monokuma was explaining the holiday coming up Rantaro spoke up and asked him if it had to do with killing or was a motive of some sort. The bear answered with little hesitation "Nope! It has nothing to do with killing even though that would be quite interesting to have a murder happen on a holiday~"

So as two days had passed it, was Christmas Eve and as they gathered in the dinning hall to find that it had been transformed into a Christmas themed room, there was a red and white striped table cloth covering the dinning table and Christmas ordiments hanging along the walls and roof and a very tall Christmas tree outside of the dinning hall of few yards away.

Y/n stared at it astonishment, earning a sense of nostalgia and comfort; it trigged flashbacks of how her parents used to take her to the winter festival and watched as workers lit up a large Christmas tree at the festival, her father would lift her up on his shoulders to see better due to how many people were there and her mother would hold your hand at all times; Y/n was very young and even in a place she thought was magical in every way she was still afraid to lose her parents in the crowd, afraid to be separated from the ones she deeply cared about and to never see them again.

So her mother made sure that her daughter wouldn't have to worry about losing them; the memories of them laughing as a happy family began to flood into Y/n's mind, she felt warm tears building up in her eyes, some dropping on the sides of her face. '...How I miss you both...'

Even with her grandma and her childhood friends that stuck with her but nothing could heal the wounds of her parents death that occurred right in front of her. Y/n was brought back to reality as she heard Kaito say something, she quickly rubbed the the tears away hoping no one saw the small episode that happened and thankfully no one did, except for one person.

Kirumi and Y/n escaped into the kitchen beginning to tie their aprons on themselves as Y/n asked in a polite tone, "So Sensei, what shall we make today?"

Smal Timeskip •

Egg on a cloud

Powdered Waffles

Jappense Rise Omelette

While cooking Kirumi pointed out the mistakes Y/n made in the process of cooking and teaching her how the correct way to do it. Once done they both placed out plates with the food laying on it and placed the plates on the table; Y/n went back to the kitchen to go wash her hands that were a bit messy from cooking and went to the dinning table to eat.

She sat in front of Shuichi, next to Tenko on her left and Kokichi on her right, she nodded to the three of them greeting them. A few minutes past, some were almost finished eating while others were barely close to done; occupied by talking with others in a happy attitude.

Y/n was chewing lightly on her omelette, swinging her feet in a playful matter until she felt a tap on her right shoulder, she turned to to see Kokichi smiling with his head in hand; it caused her to smile at the adorable sight, "Can I ask you an itty bitty question Y/n?" He asked her, Y/n nodded in response as she swallowed her food getting ready to answer his question.

"When we were outside, you started to cry, what was that about?" Kokichi questioned in an innocent voice, Y/n inhaled sharply hearing what the boy she had grown to adore asked her.

Kokichi took notice of this, not wanting her to go into shock or a panic he smiled sweetly at her joked, "You don't have dendrophobia do you? Like the fear of trees or something?"

She chuckled light under her breathe feeling a bit less panicked, "N-No, it's just..."

Y/n wasn't sure how to respond, she didn't feel comfortable talking about her trauma with other people, feeling she would just be a burden to them and that they didn't need to worry about her problems. She sighed, "...It brought back old memories of my p-parents..." Y/n lowered her voice to a whisper as she was able to squeeze out the words parents itself; surprisingly she hasn't said it in a long time, well at least not out loud.

Kokichi felt his chest become heavy, fighting the urge to hug the girl; slowly reaching his hand over to hers to place his on top of Y/n's hand and squeezing it in a reassuring manner as Kokichi's eyes didn't leave Y/n for a second. Y/n turned to him in surprise by the sudden contact and it seemed as if time froze around them, no one else was in the room accept the two as they locked eyes with each other.

But both of them were snapped out of their faze by Miu's obnoxious laugh, Kokichi quickly yanked his hand off of her's bringing it close to him even though he wished it would've lasted longer than a few seconds. He laughed nervously, breaking eye contact with Y/n, feeling embarrassed.

"Uh- um..." Y/n was unsure of what to say as she kept look at him, flustered at what had happened.

The rest of the day continued with nothing strange or concerning happening but when Y/n was fixing up her dorm room alone she heard her doorbell go off suddenly, she walked over to the other side of the room, trying to guess who was waiting for her outside but when Y/n had opened the door she was surprised to see Kokichi himself acting a bit strange; looking a bit skeptical and darting his eyes away from her with every blink.

"Ah, hello Kokichi! Is there anything you to tell me?" Y/n asked politely with a smile, finally containing eye contact with her e/c orbs, Y/n felt herself grow nervous and felt slightly bubbly inside, she had noticed that that had happened when she was around Kokichi more and could tell what was to her happening.

"Well~ I do have something special for you but you need to guess what it is~" He smirked playfully at the girl, she thought for a second before smirking coming up with an answer.

"It's a present." Y/n deadpanned.
Kokichi's smirk dropped at her answer becoming irritated, "Well yeah! Of course it's a present I was asking what was inside." He explained, acting annoyed with her answer.

She slightly chuckled, "I know but you did say 'You have to guess what it is', you never said anything about what's inside." She answered her kind grin turning into a teasing one. Kokichi felt his heart quicken pace as his face flushed at the sight he found quite enchanting.

"Nishi~ Touché Y/n, touché." A smirk also appearing on his face as well, he pulled his arm infront of him from behind his back to reveal a small present a little bigger that his hand; wrapped with f/c paper and a sparkling white tie. Y/n thanked him with a sweet smile making his heart melt, Kokichi handed her the present and waited a few seconds before asking her to open it, but she insists to open it tomorrow, which was Christmas.

Kokichi sweat dropped on the inside while he kept a straight smile on his face, stunned as he just witnessed his plan instantly go crashing down on fire. Kokichi told her she should just open it right now also lying to her saying it was food but Y/n was smart and said she would just put it in the fridge and eat it on Christmas morning. Kokichi kept trying to get her to open the gift today, right now but she always had a logical comeback, trial and error over and over again until he sighed lightly, knowing that there wasn't anything he could do for her to open it; he couldn't open it for her, Kokichi needed Y/n to open it.

So Kokichi was waved tiredly and left leaving a confused Y/n in the doorway, wondering why he was trying so hard for her to open it today though she just shrugged it off thinking it might be a prank considering how desperate Kokichi seemed for her to open it in front of him, right there. Y/n placed the present on top of her night stand and went back to tidying her dorm.

• Timeskip •

Christmas morning was exciting for everyone but not so much for Ryoma but he enjoyed everyone being in a happy mood. Kirumi, Y/n, Rantaro, Kaede helped make a big breakfast for everyone.

( Yes, I am sparing you this time bc I'm tired af and I need to get this done )

They all enjoyed the food that was prepared for each of them enjoying everyone's company at the dinning table.

• Another Timeskip •

It was snowing lightly outside, Monokuma and the Monokubs thought it would be a nice touch to add for the Christmas theme and ordered everyone to go into their dorms for a surprise was waiting for them there.

Y/n entered her dorm scanning the room for anything to see something resting on her bed, she walked over to the bed to see a f/c hoodie dress with white leggings.

Reference Picturee - What is on the Hoodie (you have opinions)

( I edited that I'm so proud 😌 )

(You can tell I'm losing motivation ;-; ^ )


Y/n laughed at the hoodie dresses before putting it on herself, it stopped right above her knees, she then pulled the white leggings on her legs and thighs. Y/n felt comfortable in the current outfit considering she was lucky enough to get something similar to a hoodie though she thought a regular hoodie and sweatpants would be nice but she wasn't complaining, it could've been wrose.

Y/n turned on her heel, heading towards the door until she saw a pair of black ankle boots on the wall near the door, ( I like ankle boots way too much so you can change it if you don't like ankle boots or wanna wear smt else and same goes for the hoodie/outfit )

Y/n put the boots on and turned off the lights, walking out of the room to see everyone walking out their dorms and some walking out of the dormitory, she suddenly felt someone's arm link with hers.

Y/n turned to see Angie smiling sweetly, "Nyaha! Come on Y/n we're all going to the dinning hall, Atua says something jovial awaits us!" She told Y/n in her cheerful voice as they walked down the stairs together.

Once they both arrived at the dinning hall Y/n's eyes were first drawn to everyone laughing in joy, it warmed her heart, Y/n felt Angie tap her shoulder lightly trying to get her attention.

Once Angie did, she pointed to Kokichi who was waving at them, but mostly Y/n, Y/n thanked Angie before going over to Kokichi. It wasn't until she stopped walking that they noticed each other's shirt. Kokichi had a decorated sweater but in the center held text: _ ~ Nice _ ~ Naughty ✓ ~ I tried

Y/n went inti giggled fit as Kokichi chuckled at her hoodie dress in interest, Y/n's giggle went for a few minutes giving Kokichi time to examine Y/n. She started to calm down a bit, trying to catch her breath she opened her eyes slowly to see Kokichi looking her up and down, obeservenly. Y/n stiffened, becoming very flustered, Kokichi noticed this so he carried his eyes back to her face, now meeting each other's eyes.

Now Kokichi had become flustered as a peach color invaded his cheeks struggling to keep his blush down. Y/n quickly dismissed it, not wanting to make it akaward but she did feel a bit flattered.
They talked a bit before joining everyone else; the Monokubs set up a lot of things for the teens to enjoy; face hole cutouts, photo booths, inside games such a twister, ( To twist ur ankle, oh ur not flexible? Make them- 🤡), pie face, uno, game of life, lie detector, taboo, watch your mouth, 30 seconds, etc.

• Small Timeskip •

It's been about two hours of playing games with each other when they started to hand out presents to one another as Kirumi prepared more food, Y/n was going to help her until she was pulled back with great force causing her to bump into someone; She turned to see that someone was Kokichi, she quickly apologizing, feeling embarrassed. "Hey Y/n, fallow me I wanna show you something special." Kokichi told her as he walked out of the dinning hall looking at her from behind, expecting her to fallow along.

He led her outside away from the dinning hall, when he stopped. Kokichi turned towards her with a serious look on his face and it scared Y/n, she wasn't use to it, she knew the playful teasing Kokichi so seeing him like this worried her greatly.

Kokichi noticed this and softened his gaze, "Y/n this may seem a bit.... sudden and you might think this is some sort of prank but it's not." Kokichi started feeling his cheeks he's up.
"When I'm a-around you I- ....You effect me in a certain way that no ever has before."

"Your a very special person to me," Kokichi pauses for a second reaching his hands forwards hers, "And I can't bear to hide my feelings away from s-someone who makes me want to hold them in a loving embrace everytime I see them."

Both of them were flushed, Kokichi took his hands in her's squeezing it lightly, "Your someone who I've been missing, the missing piece....To everything, my life, my heart, my soul, my treasure, my sun and moon, the air I breathe, nothing in this world could ever make me think differently of you."

Kokichi's face was much closer to yours now, you could only look into his purple eyes that seemed to be the endless abyss of space that you could get lost in, his hand was intertwined with yours and his other hand was pulling your face closer to his. You could see in his eyes that his only intention was to love you and as you both grew even closer your eyes started closing feeling his soft breathe brushing against your lips.

And then it happen, the most wonderful sensation you've ever shared with anyone before; Time seemed to froze as you focused on how his felt against yours, they were gentle. You felt wonderful, you started to smile slightly into the kiss causing Kokichi do as well. Kokichi added a bit more pressure to the kiss having the urge to feel you more and you did too.
You both moved in a rythem against each other's lips with passion but you were running out of air but you wanted this to last longer but you had to pull away. You breathed out a sigh, "Your lips are really soft you know that?" Kokichi asked with a small grin making you blush and turned your eyes away from him but you couldn't help but smile.

You shook your head light before meeting his loving eyes again, "This is the best Christmas gift I've ever had."
You told him with a lovesick smile.

"Well of course, I am the best when it comes to everything~" Kokichi answered in a narcissistic manner before continuing, "But I think you're the best gift anyone in the world could ask for." Kokichi said before pulling you into a warm embrace.

A/N ~ Uhhh yeah, it's 5 am and u can tell I need sleep nc of how many interruptions I did in the story for no reason what so ever but I hope you enjoyed that but here are some memes from multible fandoms I'm in bc I don't know what to do


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