Turning the Page (Ashton Irwi...

By Gingersnap1019

229 13 10

Rachel Kelly has always put others first. After a drastic life experience she is afraid to let a certain amou... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 4

27 1 1
By Gingersnap1019

               “…Pharrell,” I said as I pointed at my new coach on The Voice. The whole crowd went crazy and started screaming that I could not hear myself think. All I could see was my coach Pharrell stand up with his fist held high. For the first time in long time I started laughing so hard as he did this little dance as he moved towards me. For a second I thought I was going to gain a six pack from the amount of laughter I was producing. If this is him all the time, then I think I made the right decision. Once again he embraced me in a big hug. Even though he is not that tall he still had to bend down a little.

               “Thank you so much,” he said a she let me go, “we are going to make something amazing together.”

               “Okay,” I said as I gave him a firm nod. Pharrell took my hand as he helped me along the steps, even though I felt like running out of there so they wouldn’t see me blush like a red tomato. I felt like on top of the world when I waved at the crowd as I made my way towards the hallway that exited out of the stage.

               Once I finally made it past the screaming crowds, giving a couple of high fives to a couple of the audiences, I ruffled my hand through my hair to try to grasp if what happened back there just happened. I couldn’t even focus on my surroundings, because I was still in shock! I couldn’t hear, see, or focus on anything to a point where I had to lean onto the nearest wall.

               “Congratulations Rachel,” said a fuzzy moving object that seems to be walking towards me, “Now if you please follow me to where your friends and family are waiting for your arrival.”

               Once I finally got everything into focus I got a good picture of the women giving me directions. She was about a head taller than me, most likely from the insanely high and uncomfortable looking red stilettos that she was wearing. Which perfectly matched with her black dress that was way too short I could not even look at it. So I focused on her face that was caked with so much makeup that it made her look very similar to that evil clown I used to have nightmares about when I was a little kid. Seriously if I have to where something like that when I perform we are going to have issues.

               I soon followed her, going to extra strides to her one to try to keep up with her. She led me to this hallway that had more portraits of the coaches. I have seen so many photos of each coach it is kind of getting me uncomfortable.

               “Your family and friends are on the second door to the right,” said cake face with a smile that was teetering on the creepy side. As she left me I was thinking about how I was going to enter to see my grandma and David. Should I just run screaming in while jumping up and down? No too overdone. Should I stroll in there like some confident person with swag that I don’t have. Nope can’t do something if I don’t have it in the first place. Wait. Why am I even thinking about this? Sometimes, no all the time, I always overthink things. It is a habit I want to stop. I should just be me.

               With that in mind I walked up to the glass door where I saw my loved ones and opened the door with probably the goofiest smile ever. I made eye contact with David’s blue eyes. Though maybe a little too long on the eye contact, because the next thing I knew I tripped on one of my shoe laces making me practically make out with the floor. Not my brightest moment I must say. Ha!

               My beloved grandma and boyfriend quickly came to my aid as I mentally face palm myself for being such a klutz.

            “Are you okay Rachel?” asked my grandma who immediately pulled me into her arms. Deep inside I felt that she did it purposely so David wouldn’t be the first to hug me first. Even though she loves David to bits I can tell that they have a friendly competition to get to my heart. Though the problem is that David doesn’t know about this “competition,” but that doesn’t stop my grandmother.

              “Yeah I am okay,” I replied as I tried to rub my head with the one hand that wasn’t being severely crushed my grandma’s bone crushing strength.

               “Good,” she said all seriously but that broke into a smile, “Now on a lighter note… I am so proud of you!!!” I now felt a new wave of hugs. I could have sworn that I heard my arm crack. “I am so happy that you picked Pharrell. He is such a talented artist and producer. Not to mention how attractive he is. When you meet up with him ask him if he likes older women for me. Okay Rachel.”

                I shook my head while trying to pull away from her with a short giggle. She practically has me in a death grip. “Umm… I think he is married grandma, but for you I will. Promise.”

                “Now can I have a turn with the future superstar here?” asked David with a lopsided smile on his face. Showing his fine dimples I must say.

                “Okay fine,” grandma replied playfully as she released me.

                Once she let go I immediately jumped into David’s arms as he picked me up and did a little twirl. “I knew you could do it Rach,” he whispered in my ear as he put me down.

                  “Congratulations Rachel Kelly,” said a voice from behind that made me slightly jump. I turned around to see Carson Daley staring at me with a camera off to the side. Wait! Has that camera been there all this time? That means they saw me fall! Ugh I need to be more careful. “What was going on inside you head when you had to pick a coach? What made you go with Pharrell?”

                   “Uhh… well I could not even focus when I was supposed to pick a coach, because I was still in utter shock,” I began, “Though they all had good qualities that could take me far in my career in the music industry, what really set it apart was how comfortable and meaningful Pharrell was towards me. It was like in that moment I knew I could trust him into guiding me in the right direction.”

                 “Well we are so happy to have you join The Voice.” He said in the most sincere way possible, which was not much considering how fake he is, but that is just my opinion. Then like the rudest person on the planet he just left. Left us here without a direction of what to do next. I felt like a toddler, too scared to move at first, if it wasn’t for a man who had way too much Twinkies walking into the room with a headset and clipboard. Does everyone who work here have headsets on, because I want one now. I feel like a spy talking with the agency as I communicate about cracking a top secret code or something. Shut up Rachel! Focus on the man with the beer gut.

                 “Come this way please and we will discuss your stay here during the show,” he said as he calmly gestured at us to follow him. There were a lot of people who had to guide us where we had to go today. In my opinion we would have saved a lot of money if they just put a map right in the middle of the lobby and signs.

                 “Will the hotel room be safe for Rachel when she is here?” asked my grandma once we exited the room into the spacious lobby that we came from.

                 “Wait,” I said alarmed, “You are not planning to stay with me?”

                 “I am sorry Rachel,” she said with a frown, “but while you were gone to go and perform I talked to some of the people and they said that you will be rooming with the other contestants.”

                 “So you are just going to leave me here,” I said as I looked back and forth between my grandma and David.

                 “Don’t worry Rach,” David said as he gave me a comforting hug, “We will make sure we skype everyday if you want so we can see each other. There is only a three hour time difference, so we can fit a perfect time to talk to each other. Okay?”

                  “Okay,” I replied with the slightest uncertainty.

                 “Don’t worry,” beer gut man interjected, “We will provide you and the other contestants with excellent rate hotel rooms that will give you the comfort and safety you need to make this time on the show fun.” I had a feeling that he have been doing the same speech to other past contestants before, because his voice seemed like a broken record.

                  “Did you know about this Grandma?” I asked dropping my head slightly so I could look her in the eye, “That you guys wouldn’t be staying with me during the show.”

                  “Yeah,” she said blandly with no remorse, “But only because you would not fully commit to the idea if we told you the truth. We want you to succeed and if that means lying to then so be it.”

                  So that is why they were faster than I was when packing. Traitors.

                  “Want me to get someone to help you gather your bags from your hotel, so you can settle into your temporary stay on The Voice?” asked Beer Gut Man. I noticed that his name tag said Jeff, but I think Beer Gut Man suited him better.

                  “If only they come with me to see where I will be staying,” I said stubbornly.

                  “That is perfectly fine,” Mr. Beer Gut said with a smile on his chubby round face.


                   Getting to out cruddy hotel room was really cool, especially the part where we drove in a limo. Even though in the back of my head was petrified that we would crash and get seriously injured since we didn’t have seat belts, that didn’t stop me from waving my hands in the air pretending like I was an airplane going 40 mph on top of the sun roof. California was amazing. I felt like Donkey from Shrek Two when they went passed palm tree by palm tree on their way to the castle.

                   I felt something tap my leg which took me completely by surprised, since at first I thought it was a spider. Ugh those creepy crawley thingy majigys scare the living daylights out of me. While mentally throwing up at the thought of a daddy long leg on my thigh, I looked down towards my grandma and David who were looking up in my direction.

                  “What?” I asked with a confused look on my face.

                  “Nothing,” David said, “Just so happy to see that smile of yours that’s all.” I put my head back towards the blue sky and palm trees, afraid that he would see the deep red blush that was forming on my cheeks. I swear he can just breathe and I would die of asthma attack. Sometimes I wonder why I deserve him. He is too good for me.

                      I would go describe in detail about our motel that we chose to stay at, but I will just some it up in one word. Complete and utter shiz. We practically had six legged roommates everywhere at our stay, so I was more than happy to sprint to the limo driver to take my suitcase.

                     Once we drove back in the same direction to Universal Studios where the auditions were held I held my breath as we drove past it towards the fanciest building I have ever seen. It was probably thirty stories max and was colored in a creamy color with fancy embroidery all over. Fountains everywhere with angels that, in my opinion, need to put some damn clothes on. The entrance had a red rounded overhead with a man in the suit opening the door for anyone who came in. Seriously, how much does he get paid? If this doesn’t work I am highly recommending his job. Opening a door wearing fancy clothes all day, I am writing that down on my job lists.

                   We entered the parking lot and the limo temporarily went to a halt where the driver opened the door for us, while another worker immediately opened the trunk to gather our things. I felt like royalty almost.

                    “Would you like to take us into your room miss?” asked one of the workers who had my bag on a bellhop. He was probably no older than twenty. He had brown eyes and his hair was covered because of the red bellhop hat that he wore, but I could still see a couple of blonde strands that peeked out from his hat heare and there.

                 “Uh… sure,” I said, “Though I don’t know what my room is. Sorry.”

               “It is okay,” said our driver as he pulled out a lanyard that had the Voice logo on the front in the clear slip thingy majiigy, “We have already settled your room. Here is a badge, so the people who work here know that you are on The Voice.” Then he turned his direction towards the guy with the bellhop. “Take her to room 1020.” The bellhop dude with the cool work outfit nodded in reply.

               “Wait,” I said before they could do anything else, “Where is that. Well I know it is a room, but where exactly?” Ugh such a stupid question Rachel.

               “Why the top floor of course,” the driver said with a smile, “The Voice wants the best for their contestants.” I swear I thought I was going to faint right on the spot. Looking at Grandma and David I gave them that look saying, “is he serious?” And the size of their smiles said it all. They couldn’t believe it either.

               “Right this way Miss Kelly,” said the guy caring the bellhop.

               “Can I ride on that?” I asked without even thinking twice, “Oh never mind, that was a stupid question. I was just asking, because I always thought it would be fun to ride one. Sorry.” It was like I was word vomiting all over the poor dude. I mentally flipped myself off as he just gave me a kind reassuring smile.

               “That’s okay,” he said, “Hope on.”

               Without any hesitation I jumped right on and decided that this place wouldn’t be half bad. The cart started moving and at first I had trouble hanging on making me almost fall on the glassy floor in the hotel lobby. I heard David let out a chuckle from my klutzy move, which led me to sticking my tongue out at him.

               The lobby was beautiful. Marble columns were placed down a path that led you to the front desk. They had red sofas put to the side that was occupied by adults who were mingling and people were passing by with suitcases or plates full of food. One of the people had a plate filled with biscuits and fried chicken. My stomach started growling just imagining the gourmet food in my mouth.

               I made sure to put the lanyard around my neck as we made it to the front desk. The lady had a bored look on my face, but when she say me “roll” my way towards her she plastered a fake smile on her face.

               “Hi how can I help you guys?” asked Ms. Fake. Is everyone in this city fake or something?

               “She just needs her room key Jasmine,” stated Cool Outfit Dude. I don’t know why I keep making them nicknames, but I need to stop it and actually look at their name tags. The women finally looked at my lanyard/badge thing and nodded.

               “What room?” she asked him. Really! I am standing right here. I am not some child. Well maybe me standing on the bellhop is a bit childish, but hey I was bored at it was there. No harm no foul.

               “Room 1020,” interjected David.

               “Okay,” Ms. Fake said as he looked him up and down with a smile that most likely belonged to a skank. Oh no she didn’t. As I was mentally plotting her death, she came back with her key and gave it to David.

               “Oh so you made it on The Voice I see,” she said making sure to pop out her breasts in his direction. What breast? They are practically negative Bs thanks to the extreme diet she is probably on.

               “No my GIRLFRIEND is,” he calmly said making sure to put emphasis on the word girlfriend as he gestured towards me.

                “I will take that,” I said as I took the keys out from the skank’s hand and jumped off the bellhop to head towards the elevator. Soon the others followed me and we finally made it into the elevator. I didn’t dare look back at the skank who was probably glaring at me with her eyes that had pounds of makeup on them. She is in the past, and right no David is my present and future. The bellhop dude pressed the button that led to the top floor and all of a sudden Grandma just started cracking up.

               “Is something wrong?” I asked her.

               “Oh just how plastic the girl was on the front desk,” she laughed as she bend down to try to catch her breath, “Here is a grown women trying to flirt with a 17 year old boy. Now that is disgusting.”

               “Yeah, she is known for doing that I will admit,” laughed the man holding the bellhop.

               “Really she was flirting?” asked David, “Sorry, but I am more into short curvy girls, not sticks.” A small smirk grew on my lips as he nudged me.

               When the elevator opened the bellhop dude made a left down the hall and stopped when the number 1020 was printed nicely on a white door that had intricate designs along the border.

               “May I have the keys ma’am?” he asked me as he politely held out his hand with a smile. Seriously this dude need to teach that skank a thing or two about hospitality.

                “Of course,” I said as I handed him the keys. He slid in the key in and once the light turn green he opened the door. Once I stepped inside I could not help but stand there in complete shock. The hotel room was huge. Well at least much bigger then our cruddy motel room. There was two queen sized beds. No doubt for my roommate and I. There was a television across from the beds, and a coffee table with a lamp, which was perfect for me to sit down and write my songs. The coffee table was next to the window that had the most incredible view overlooking the city. On the opposite side of the room there was the bathroom that probably the size of the motel room alone. Talk about an upgrade.

               Immediately I flopped down on one of the beds claiming it.

“This room is nice,” said Grandma as she and David finally entered the room along with the dude with my suitcase. I need to start learning names, because this is just horrible. I looked at his nametag that read “Robert” and made a mental note to remember. Sometimes I have a keen sense of memory and other times I feel like I am Dori from Finding Nemo.

               “There will be a schedule that will be handed out in the morning,” said Robert, “Also the cafeteria is open all day and there is spa as well as other extra activities that you can do on your free time. If you have any questions you can just ask me or the… front desk.” I practically doubled over in laughter. My stomach hurt so much. I guess it has been a while since I have laughed like that.

               “No, I don’t think I would ask her for help even if it meant asking her for directions if the building was on fire,” I said with my elbows bent on the bedspread.

               Suddenly I felt the bedding move, indicating David sitting down on my new bedspread. “Do you think you will be okay here?” he asked as he looked me straight in the eye.

               “Yeah,” I replied with full honesty, “I think I can manage.”

               “Now stand up Rachel, because Grandma isn’t going to walk over there towards you,” Grandma said while speaking in third person.

               “Fine,” I said as I trudged dramatically over to her. Once again I was grasped by her signature bone crushing hug when she embraced me. It is crazy how delicate and small she looks when you first look at her, but then the next thing you know she cusses you out if you cut her off on the freeway. I have seen the works of that, and let’s just say she owed me ten bucks by the end of that car ride.

               “Have a wonderful time here Rachel,” she said, “And make sure to kick some major ass in this competition.”

               “Grandma!” I said alarmed at her use of language.

               “Shhh! Just remember how much we love each other, and how proud I am of you,” she simply said.

               “Okay,” I said letting her use of foul language slide.

               I let her go as I walked to David only to stand right in front of him. He looked down at me as I stretched my neck to get a good look at him. Despite my grandma being five feet away from us, I grabbed his neck and pulled him down to give him a kiss. I kissed him long and hard to show how much I am going to miss him. He responded immediately and kissed back. We didn’t have to tell each other anything, for the kiss said it all. Our lips were in sync, though we heard a very familiar grunt from the doom patrol. A.K.A Grandma.

               He broke the kiss but rested his forehead on mine as we both looked into each other’s eyes. Gosh I was going to miss him. His smile. His eyes. His support. His spirit. And so much more. Even though we were standing right next to each other it felt like he was still slipping away.

               “It is only temporarily,” he whispered, “We will see each other soon.”

               “I miss you already,” I whispered.

               “As do I.” He gave me one final peck on the lips as him and my grandma both exited out of the hotel room and out of my life for now.

A/N: My eyes are tired. I just had track and field pratice, so I ate cake to make me feel beter. Hope you liked this chapter. I didn't intend for it to be this long, but whatever. Don't worry next chapter will be more exciting. I got tons of things in store for you guys. Vote and comment on what you think.





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