By PaigeParker3000

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First part of the Sucked Into Marvel series ˚* ੈ✩‧₊ ❝Tony's First Child❞ ❝When I First Saw You I Fell In Lo... More

Miserable - 1
A Rewrite - 2
Empath - 3
The September Foundation - 4
The Flight Before The Fight - 5
Underoos & Mama's Ravioli - 6
Adoption & Midtown High - 7
Too Far Up My Ass - 8
Still Too Far Up My Ass - 8
Our Very Own, Adrien Agreste - 9
The Ship is Sinking - 10
Operation Emotional Spider - 11
The Ship is Being Patched Up - 12
Meddling - 13
It's a Date - 14
Big Candy Scam - 15
Toomes is Coming - 16
I'm starting... to think... you're not... the Avengers! - 17
Jealous - 18
Bougie Party In the Suburbs - 19
The One Where they Go on that Second Date - 20
Flash Spanking People - 21
Two Birds with One Stone - 22
Where the Monument's Built By Slaves- 23
Popular, or Whatever - 24
Proposal gone wrong - 26
A Different Viewpoint and Some Glock Glock 3000- 27
After All We've Been Through - 29
The End - 30

A Responsibility Misplaced - 25

50 3 4
By PaigeParker3000

3rd Person POV

At school, the student news plays on a TV in the hall.

Jason: This past weekend, Midtown's Academic Decathlon team defeated the country's best to win the national championship. Later that day, they also defeated death.

Abe: (yells) Explosion. Sally scream. Flash scream. Everybody screamin'.

Charles: (excited) There were purple lasers and smoke everywhere, It was fucking just like a bon Jovi concert.

Mr. Harrington: As you know, we made it out alive, and that's the important thing. I couldn't bear to lose a student on a school trip. Not again.

The camera amateurishly zooms in on Mr. Harrington's face.

Jason: Thankfully, no one was seriously injured, thanks to the Spider-Man.

Jason/Betty: (awkwardly) Thank you, Spider-Man.

Jason: Up next: The Spider-Man mania is sweeping the school. How can you show your spider spirit?

Peter grins as he walks past the TV showing the student news. A few students are standing around the TV to watch the news. As Peter cheerfully enters another hall, Ned joins him.

Ned: Dude, dude, dude, dude. What is it like being famous when nobody knows it's you?

Peter: Crazy, dude.

Ned: It's crazy. Should we tell everyone?

Peter: No.

Ned: Should I tell everyone?

Payton: You know, sometimes it's good to not speak

Peter: Right! No, dude, no, that's not a good idea.

Ned: Okay, come on, we'll be late to class.

Peter: I'm not going to class.

Ned: You're already in so much trouble for ditching the Decathlon.

Peter: Dude, listen, I figured it out, right? The wing suit guy is stealing from Damage Control. And what he takes from Damage Control, that's how he builds the weapons. So all I gotta do is catch him.

Ned: But we have a Spanish quiz.

Peter: Ned, I'm probably never gonna come back here. Mr. Stark is moving the Avengers upstate, so when I bring this guy in-

Ned: Dude, you want to be a high school dropout?

Payton: Get yourself to class! Tony don't care that much about your ass. He's not bringing you nowhere(At least until the end of the movie...)

Peter: I am so far beyond high school right now. If I do help, Mr. Stark will-

Principal Morita: Parker, my office.


Payton's POV

Peter asked me to come to some dark parking lot. I low-key thought I was gonna br raped or some shit, but I showed up anyway. There was some man in the parking lot. "Aaron Davis, shown in Peter's baby monitor protocol as one of the criminals at the weapons deal." I jumped at the sound. "Jarvis, man, you gotta give a girl some warning!" I turn to see this guy with some groceries. As he closes the trunk, Peter shows up and sticks him to the car.

Peter: Remember me?

Peter speaks in a deep metallic voice. He approaches Aaron's car, and Aaron seems taken aback and so am I. What the fu-

Aaron: Uh, hey...

Peter: I need information. You're gonna give it to me now.

Aaron: All right, chill.

Peter: Come on!

Aaron: What happened to your voice?

Payton: Yea, you sound like Tweedle-Dumb

Peter: What do you mean, what happened to my voice? And do you mean Darth Vader?

Payton: Same thing

Aaron: I heard you by the bridge. I know what a girl sounds like.

Payton: HA! I CAN'T-

Peter: I'm not a girl! I'm a boy. I mean, I'm a... I'm a man.

Aaron: I don't care what you are, a boy, a girl...

Payton: Boy and girl together...

Peter: I'm not a girl or together! I'm a man. Come on, man. Look, who is selling these weapons? I need to know. Give me names or else.

Aaron slams the trunk shut, and Peter startles. He steps back and looks around in surprise. The spider drone chirps and flies around Peter's head.

Aaron: You ain't ever done this before, huh?

Peter: Deactivate interrogation mode.

The spider drone goes back in the emblem on the suit's chest. Aaron  and I laugh. Peter's voice changes back to its high-pitched tone.

Peter: Look, man, these guys are selling weapons that are crazy dangerous. They can't just be out on the streets. Look, if one of them can just cut Delmar's bodega in half...

Aaron is looking at his fingers, sniffing, not amused. He gives me a dirty look, though, when I tell him how weird sniffing his fingers is. However, when Peter mentions Delmar's, he gains genuine interest.

Aaron: You know Delmar's?

Peter: Yeah, best sandwich in Queens.

Aaron: Sub Haven's pretty good.

Payton: You mean Sub-WAY?! What is with the weird movie corrections!

Peter: It's too much bread. And what's Subway


Aaron: I like bread. 

Payton: That's weird. Who likes a 50% bread sandwich? There's no flavor..

Peter: Come on, man, please.

Peter starts to walk away. I grab his arm to keep him from leaving.

Peter: Stupid interrogation mode. Karen, don't ever do that again. Let me leave, we're not getting anything done!

Aaron: The other night, you told that dude, "if you shoot somebody, shoot me." It's pretty ballsy. I don't want those weapons in this neighborhood. I got a nephew who live here.

Peter stops when Aaron starts speaking, and walks back to him.

Peter: Who are these guys? What can you tell me about the guy with the wings?

Aaron: Other than he's a psychopath dressed like a demon, nothing. I don't know who he is or where he is.

Peter leans his head on Aaron's car, and gives out a sigh.

Aaron: I do know where he's gonna be.

Peter: Really?

Aaron: Yeah, this crazy dude I used to work with, he's supposed to be doing a deal with him.

Peter: Yes! Yes. Thank-

Payton: He didn't tell you where!

Peter starts to walk happily away, skipping like Filch...

Aaron: Hey. Hey. Hey. She's right! I didn't tell you where. You don't have a location.

Peter: Right, of course. Yeah, my bad. Silly. Just...

Embarrassed, Peter comes closer and leans on the car.

Peter: Yeah. Where is it?

Aaron: Can I give you some advice?

Peter: Hmm?

Aaron: You got to get better at this part of the job.

Peter: I don't understand. I'm intimidating.

Peter demonstrates his "intimidating" pose, crossing his arms.

Payton: You're cute, not scary. It's like Barney, but Barney's actually scary, not you

Aaron: She's funny. Staten Island ferry, eleven.

Peter: Oh, that's soon. Hey, that's gonna dissolve in two hours. And that wasn't funny. I'm scary!

Aaron: No, no, no, no. Come fix this.

Peter: Two hours. You deserve that.

Peter walks away, stabbing a finger in Aaron's direction.

Aaron: I got ice cream in here.

Peter: You deserve that. You're a criminal. Bye, Mr. Criminal.

Payton: Sorry! I shot my hand at the webs, making them dissolve. He smiled and I followed after Peter

~Time Skip Due to Filch's Hair Being Longer than Mine...~

At the Staten Island Ferry terminal, Peter swings onto a building roof. As the massive orange ferry pulls out of the dock, he takes a running leap and spreads his glider wings. He lands and hangs on the hull, grunting out a, "Nice." He peeks through a window and sees passengers sitting inside. "Okay, Karen, activate Enhanced Reconnaissance Mode." Karen replies, "Sure thing." We hear, "He's up front. Main deck." And some guy named 'Shultz' state, "I hate this guy." Peter speaks hushed and excitedly. "It's the guy from the bridge, right? Who's that other guy?"Liz's dad!! Her dad tells his mod crew to "keep him posted." Karen finds no record of him, which makes sense because he makes them do the work for him. She randomly says, "Incoming call from May, Peter. Should I reroute to your heads-up display?"

"I can't talk right now. I'll call her back." He let it ring out. We gave it a few minutes, but she continued to call. When it seemed to finally stop, she called me instead. "She's calling me now! I'll answer. Give me a minute and then I'll help!" Peter nodded and I pushed off from the Ferry, using my powers to shoot me into the sky. "Hi, Mrs. Parker!" I could hear her smile through the phone. "Payton! You know you can call me May. Or mother in law!" I shook my head. "Um- that's a little far into the future!" She laughed and moved closer to the phone, heard by the static of her leaning into the mic. "Do you know where Peter is? He didn't come home and hasn't been answering my calls. I assumed he'd be with you?" Should I tell her I am or not? I don't want him getting into trouble. "Uh actually, I think he might be at Delmar's because he said he was getting us food, but I'll ask him to call you. He feels really bad about the detention!" She sighed, "I thought he might. Thank you Payton! I'll talk to him tonight!" I said goodbye and hung up the phone abruptly, hearing deafening screams and massive sounds in the background. I turned around to see that the entire ferry was ripped in half. Water floods the cargo hold, pushing the cars forward. People cling to posts as the stream rushes past them. On the upper level, passengers slide down the floor of the leaning ferry. The gap widens as the web strands continue to snap. Peter leaps into the air.

Peter: No!

He grabs a thread and shoots another. Arms outstretched, Peter hangs between the two sides, trying to hold them together. I push with one hand to the right, seeing that Father Stark has gotten the right. I use the other hand to steady myself in the air, honing in on the anger I am feeling right now. I turned around for TWO SECONDS and you DESTROY an entire ferry filled with people! Suddenly, the two sides start to move toward each other. "What the hell?" I hear Peter exclaim. He lands gently in the seating area and looks around. "What the hell..." Iron Man rises into view. "Hi, Spider-Man. Band practice, was it?"Hovering outside, he holds up one half of the boat. I arrive on the other side and attached my hands to the other half. The two halves of the ferry come forward and join together. Tony looks at Peter through the window, then flies off. And a random man yells, "Yeah, Iron Man!"Pete swings into the cargo load, where Tony is fixing things. "Uh, Mr. Stark? Hey, Mr. Stark. Could I do anything? What do you want me to do?" He shakes his head and lets go of the piece he was working on. "I think you've done enough."

Iron Man flies away. Peter climbs to the top platform of a mast and looks around. Smoke is pouring out from the massive vessel. Rescue boats and helicopters approach from all directions. He turns to look and me and then down to his own hands. Destruction and creation, coming from the same hand. With this, a responsibility given. A responsibility taken. A responsibility misplaced.

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