Deku: The Sharingan Hero

By MrAuthor18

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In a world where 80% of the society have super powers dubbed "Quirks", Izuku Midoriya aka "Deku" a Quirkless... More

Chapter 1: The Awakening
Chapter 2: Training For The Entrance Exam Part 1
Chapter 3: Training For The Entrance Exam Part 2
Chapter 4: The True Meaning Of A Hero
Chapter 5: The Aftermath
Chapter 6: The Quirk Assessment Test
Chapter 7: Izuku's Resolve
Chapter 8: The Fated Battle
Chapter 9: Izuku and Katsuki, A New Start?
Chapter 10: The USJ Attack
Chapter 11: Izuku Vs The Nomus
Chapter 12: Izuku and All Might
Chapter 13: The Uchihas?
Chapter 14: Himiko Toga
Chapter 15: The Sports Festival
Chapter 16: Midoriya The Powerhouse
Chapter 17: Capture The Flag
Chapter 18: The Lightning Cutter
Chapter 19: Izuku's Eternal Rivals
Chapter 21: Envy vs Pride
Chapter 22: A Failure Stands Tall!
Chapter 23: The Boy Born With Nothing Versus The Boy Born With Everything
Chapter 24: The End Of The Beginning
Chapter 25: A New Threat
Chapter 26: Bonds
Chapter 27: The Promise
Chapter 28: Truth And More
Chapter 29: First Step Into Darkness
Chapter 30: Blood Ties

Chapter 20: The Battle Of Hypnotists

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By MrAuthor18

"Sorry, I went overboard... I was angry." Shoto said as he began melting the ice glacier with his left hand. Shoto then glanced at Izuku, who the ice glacier was only a few centimeters away from his face. Izuku looked back at Shoto who was staring at him with cold eyes, as if he's telling him that this is the fate that awaits him.

He looks... sad, more than intimidating. Izuku thought as he could tell something was troubling Shoto. So, he made his decision, that he will help Shoto.

While Shoto was busy melting the ice glacier he made, Izuku was writing some stuff in his notebook. To be more precise, he was changing Ochaco's stats and adding new paragraphs about her Quirk. He wrote down:

Name: Ochaco Uraraka

Quirk: Zero Gravity. Ochaco's Quirk gives her the power to nullify the effects of gravity on solid targets (living and nonliving) by touching them with the pads on her fingertips, causing them to become weightless and float. She is able to cancel the effect of her Quirk by touching her finger pads together. The main drawback is that if the upper weight limit is exceeded, or if Ochaco floats herself, she will suffer from severe nausea.


Power: 2/5 D

Speed: 1/5 E

Technique: 5/5 A

Intelligence: 3/5 C

Cooperativeness: 5/5 A

"Uraraka, did you still feel nauseous when you used your new ability?" Izuku asked the brunette, halting his writing for a second.

She gave a thoughtful look, trying her best to remember the sensation before she gave a nod. "Yes, I still felt nauseous, but I think it was lighter than before? Not so sure."

"It's okay." Izuku replied.

Quirk Awakening: Gravity Manipulation?

A new level of gravity control on objects around her much more powerful, to the point of it being easy to confuse it for telekinesis. Nausea weakness is still present.

Quirk Awakening State Stats:

Power: 4.5/5 B+

Speed: 1/5 E

Technique: 6.5/5 S+

Intelligence: 3/5 C

Cooperativeness: 5/5 A

I don't have a lot of information about her Quirk Awakening or whatever it was, but for the meantime, I think these notes should suffice. But man I have to say, you really should be proud of yourself Uraraka. If I had gone against you, I would've definitely lost. It's a shame that your first opponent was Kacchan, who his Quirk helped him a lot to counter yours, but with that kind of power you could've easily gotten first or second place today. He said in his head, as he re-read the notes he just wrote.

"Deku is that me?" Ochaco asked. She leaned closer as she observed the sketch and the notes with interest.

"Uraraka! S-So close..." Izuku stuttered as he blushed.

"Oh, I-I'm sorry..." She pulled away with her own blush. Wait, why am I getting all flustered? She mentally asked herself. But they quickly snapped out of their embarrassment.

However, this didn't go unnoticed by Mina who decided to observe for now.

"Deku, you've been amazing since I met you, but the Sports Festival is making me think that you're amazing all over again." Ochaco exclaimed, as she read Izuku's notes. She agreed with everything Izuku wrote.

"Wait, what's in this notebook of yours?" Ojiro asked Izuku with visible interest.

"It's my Hero Analysis Journal, I write notes about Heroes and their Quirks in it. Nothing really but a hobby I've had since I was a kid. I wrote some stuff about you guys too." He said with a sheepish smile. All the students were now interested by the revelation, they were eager to see what did Izuku write about them.

"Tsk, nerd." Bakugo muttered under his breath.

"May I take look?" Ojiro asked his friend.

"Sure, why not?" He exclaimed as he gave him his notebook.

Ojiro flipped through the pages, until he stumbled on the ones about him. Soon enough, his eyes widened in surprise. "Midoriya... This-This is amazing! You have everything noted down, strengths, weaknesses, applications and much more!" Ojiro was truly impressed. His earlier statement managed to get Class-A and B's attention who began to pass the notebook to one another. Seeing this made Izuku happy and managed to put a smile on his face. He was happy that people appreciated and liked his little hobby.

"I have to say Midoriya, in terms of analytic skills yours might be better than a Pro. I can't believe you managed to find about my Quirk's weakness without me mentioning it. Kero." Tsuyu exclaimed.

"During the Battle Trials when Todoroki froze the whole building, I noticed how you were shivering. I put two and two together and immediately deduced that it was your weakness. Glad to know I was right." Izuku explained, to which Tsuyu gave a nod.

"Hey, hey, Toru, look Midori has an idea on how to create an invisible Hero Costume for you." Mina said, grabbing the invisible girl's attention.

"Yeah, after what happened during the... second round I-I... tried to think of a way for you to do Hero work without resorting to get rid of your... clothes. I heard that when they made Mount Lady's Hero Costume, they used a piece of her hair or something. That way her clothes become bigger whenever she activates her Quirk." Izuku explained with a blush, as he remembered Toru's naked body.

Hearing this made the invisible girl so happy, so happy that she pulled Izuku in a hug, with the latter's face becoming as red as Kirishima's hair. "That's so brilliant Midoriya, thank you so much! I don't know how I didn't think about this before, but thank you!" She exclaimed before pulling away. Izuku muttered something between a "no problem" and Itsuka, Momo and Ochaco frowned, with the latter two not knowing the reason.

"Lucky..." Mineta murmured with a drool coming out of his mouth, but Tsuyu slapped him with her tongue.


"Hell yeah!" Kirishima shouted with enthusiasm. He really liked his intro.


"I believe this is more of a rematch, don't you think, Tokoyami?" Kirishima exclaimed, while cracking his knuckles.

"Indeed, this time however Ojiro isn't here to help you." Tokoyami replied.

"Well, may the best man win then." Kirishima said as he activated his Quirk, and immediately sprinted towards the Dark Samurai.

Seeing this, Tokoyami activated Dark Shadow, who punched Kirishima right in his forehead, but it didn't even faze Kirishima thanks to his Quirk. Kirishima then threw several punches at Dark Shadow, but the Dark Being swiftly dodged them, going left and right.

Dark Shadow then uppercut Kirishima's chin, which stunned him for a second. However, this second was more than enough for Dark Shadow to land a barrage of hits on Kirishima, keeping him away from his master. After all, Tokoyami knew that it would be in his best to keep the other teenager at a distance.

"Is that all you've got?!" Kirishima taunted Dark Shadow, as he endured more hits.

"Bold of you to say that when you can't even get past me." The Dark being replied, as he pushed back the red-haired teen.

"Midoriya, who do you think will win?" Tenya asked the Sharingan user.

Izuku only looked at the sky, before he gave his answer. "Tokoyami will win this. Kirishima may have a strong defense, but it's not unbreakable, not to mention he can't harden his body for long. I assume that knowing this Kirishima intended to get close to Tokoyami where he excels and push him out of the ring. However, Tokoyami excels at long range combat thanks to Dark Shadow. Also..." He then pointed at the sky, specifically at the sun. "It's past noon, meaning that Dark Shadow is much stronger now than he was at the start of the Festival." Izuku finished as both Tenya and Ochaco listened carefully.

Kirishima punched Dark Shadow in his beak, but the Dark Being grew even more ferocious and even slightly bigger. He began attacking Kirishima again, who couldn't harden his body any longer, and with one final push he knocked him out of the ring.

"Eijiro Kirishima is out bounds! Fumikage Tokoyami wins and advances to the next round!" Midnight announced as she cracked her whip.


Before heading out of the arena, Kirishima extended his hand to Tokoyami, who kindly answered the gesture back and shook the other teen's hand. "It was a manly match Tokoyami, but know that next time I won't lose. But today, I hope you make it to the finals." Kirishima said.

"Thank you, I will do my best today, but I also look forward to the next time we face each other." Tokoyami responded, which made Kirishima's eyes teary while saying how manly the Dark Samurai was.

"S-So youthful!" Midnight squealed with a blush on her face.


"The fuck?!" Awase exclaimed, clearly not happy with his introduction, but before he could say anything more the match started.


All right Yosetsu, remember all you have to do is bind him and restraint him, simple... Man who am I fucking kidding?! Do I really have a chance against him?! He's the only guy who was able to stand alongside Midoriya in the front lines! Awase screamed in his head as Ojiro sprinted towards him. Ojiro threw a punch at Awase, but the latter dodged to the side and used his Quirk to bind Ojiro's arm to his forearm.

"I got you now!" He shouted with newfound confidence. He was so close to victory now, all he had to do is just bind Ojiro to the floor and then it would be done.

However, unluckily for Awase, he was the one who was caught in Ojiro's plan. "I'm the one who got you now." Ojiro said with a smirk, before giving the teenager a karate chop to the neck.

The crowd was silent for a moment, waiting for the match to continue, but nothing happened. The silence was quickly broken by Ojiro. "Midnight-sensei, Awase is unconscious." Ojiro exclaimed and true to his words the other teen was unconscious. Seeing this, everyone gasped in shock except Daisuke.

Midnight raised her eyebrows for a moment, trying to comprehend the situation, before she snapped out of her shock. "Yosetsu Awase is unconscious. Mashirao Ojiro wins!" Midnight announced as she cracked her whip.


However, the silence was once again broken by Ojiro, who realized that his plan had one mistake in it. "Midnight-sensei, I don't think you know how to deal with this, right?" He motioned at his arm that was still bound to Awase's.

Seeing Ojiro carrying Awase's limp body, earned him cheers, claps and even laughs from the crowd. But sure enough, they respected him and were satisfied by the display of power he showed.

"I guess it's my turn now..." Izuku murmured as he stood up from his chair, he looked at Itsuka who was staring at him and gave her a simple nod before going.


"Hey Ojiro, nice match back there." Izuku exclaimed as he approached his friend.

"Thanks Midoriya, but aren't you running late on your match?" Ojiro asked, while still holding Awase.

Izuku chuckled before replying "Don't worry about it. So, how much are you still holding back?"

Ojiro flinched for a second, before he smiled. "As expected from you, you already figured out that I was holding back." Ojiro said, before Izuku grabbed his forearm.

"I see, so that's how you were able to knock Awase down with one hit." Izuku exclaimed, as he let go of Ojiro's forearm.

"Well, it's kinda of an advantage and disadvantage in the same time, I also asked Aizawa-sensei about it and he said it was fine." Ojiro explained, before giving the other teen a smirk. "When we meet in the finals, I'll go all out, so be careful. Now go, you have a match to win and I have to get Awase to Recovery Girl." Ojiro said, before walking away.

"Yes, see you in a bit..." Izuku replied as he clenched his fists, a menacing aura was surrounding him. He was still angry about what Shinso did to Itsuka.

"IZUKU MIDORIYA FROM CLASS 1-A, PLEASE COME TO THE ARENA TO START THE FIRST MATCH OF THE SECOND ROUND!" Present Mic announced. His voice was easily heard in the corridors.

"Better hurry then..." Izuku murmured to himself as he ran to the arena.


Wait a second! How is he here? Last time I saw him he was too tired to even walk. Shinso said in his mind, as a lot of questions began to pop in his head. It doesn't matter, it doesn't change what I have to do.

"Sorry for being late." Izuku told Midnight with a sheepish smile while rubbing the back of his head.

"It's okay, you weren't that late. We were supposed to have a short break, but we're running behind schedule so we decided to speed things up." She replied.

"Because you kids keep destroying the arena!" Cementos shouted from the back.

"VERSUS- THE GUY WHO'S FROM THE GENERAL STUDIES, BUT WHO IS SLOWLY MAKING HIS WAY TO THE TOP! HITOSHI SHINSO!" Shinso walked into the arena, both he and Izuku were looking intensely at each other.

"AND NOW, START!" Present Mic cried out.

Izuku activated his Sharingan and One for All Full Cowl, before taking a battle stance. He was ready to fight.

"Tell me, how did it feel to be attacked by Villains during the USJ?" Shinso asked, but to his surprise he got no answer. Izuku was just staring at him silently. "I see... that bitch told you, right? She told you how my Quirk works, right...? Tell me, was she crying and being pathetic like the useless Hero she is?" Shinso exclaimed, trying his best to taunt Izuku and force an answer out of him, but Izuku didn't reply, only a frown began to appear on his face. "Fine! If you won't talk, I'll use another trick!" He said in frustration, as he brought his hands together to form a triangle with his indexes and thumbs. "Mind Transfer!" He shouted.

Izuku's eyes widened, he was taken by surprise. He didn't know what was happening and then suddenly, his control over his body slipped away. On the other hand, Shinso fell on his knees. He wasn't moving.

"SHINSO IS UNCONSCIOUS, BUT MIDORIYA... ISN'T MOVING TOO? WHAT'S GOING ON?!" Present Mic asked with visible confusion.

Aizawa was confused, Midnight was confused and the crowd was confused. Silence filled the air for a moment until Izuku raised his hand. "Midnight-sensei..."

I didn't want to use this until the finals, but it doesn't matter. I managed to take your body Izuku Midoriya and defeating you will surely be a great feat in itself. Shinso thought, as he was in control of Izuku's body.

"Oh right, you defeated Shinso. Sorry I was confused for a moment on how you did it, bu-" Midnight began but was interrupted by Izuku.

"No Midnight-sensei, Shinso didn't lose. What I want to say is I, Izuku Midoriya, would like to give..." Izuku exclaimed.

"...up." Shinso gasped in shock as he heard his own voice finishing the sentence. He took a quick look at himself and realized that he was in his own body, and not Izuku's. He then looked at where his body was supposed to be and his shock grew even more, his unconscious body was still there. "What's going on?" He asked himself with visible confusion. The next thing he saw was his unconscious body standing up and changing into... Izuku. "What?! You shouldn't be able to move freely, yet alone do-do... do these tricks! What did you do?!" He shouted. His incomprehension of the situation was making him go crazy.

"Hey..." Izuku simply said as his eyes were closed. "You made fun of Itsuka for how she dealt with the Villains, right? You said that she wasn't a Hero, that she was useless and called her a bitch." He calmly exclaimed, but not without a terrifying aura rapidly filling the air around him. "Then let's see how you'll deal with them." He finished as he opened his eyes revealing his Sharingan.

At that moment, everything became dark, Shinso was no longer in the arena. The whole stadium disappeared. Usually, it was so hard for anything to faze Shinso, not even Bakugo managed to do it. But when he saw himself in the USJ surrounded by the Black Nomu and the Green one, he felt utterly terrified. He never imagined that the Hero Course students had to deal with these beasts. He wanted to run, but he couldn't move his legs. The Nomus then grabbed him, restrained him and were slowly dragging him to Shigaraki.

"Stop, release me! Stop!" He cried out, truly terrified by what he was experiencing.

He took a quick look at Shigaraki and saw Vlad in a puddle of blood and Aizawa broken and beaten, before Shigaraki decayed them both, turning them to dust on the spot. His eyes widened, he tried to break free of the Nomus' grasp but it was useless... And so right now, his brain couldn't comprehend anything except Fear. With each passing second his fear doubled as Shigaraki's hand was closer and closer to his face, until it was a few millimeters away.

"No! Stay away, stay away from me!" He begged and pleaded but to no avail. "Please!" He repeated with a shaky voice.

He closed his eyes waiting for Shigaraki's hand to touch his face and kill him, but he never felt it. When he opened his eyes again, he found himself in the arena once again, in front of Izuku.

"You! What did you do to me?!" Shinso asked angrily, while panting and shaking.

"I showed you how USJ was like when we got attacked by Villains. What you just saw was a common scenario that many of us had to see in our nightmares after the attack. This is what the students you mocked them had to deal with." Izuku explained.

"You arrogant bastard!" Shinso yelled. He got up and tried to punch Izuku but the punch went through him, which made Shinso stumble on his feet and fall on the floor. He got up again and tried to kick Izuku but his leg passed through the Sharingan user.

"Don't even try, you're trapped in my Genjutsu." Izuku replied calmly.

"A what?"

"A Genjutsu, an illusion I created. You're in my world, my territory, my word is rule here. Your Quirk won't work and nothing you'll do will work." Izuku continued with his explanation.

"How? How did you counter my Mind Transfer ability?" He asked the Sharingan user.

"Simple, when the match first began, I looked in your memories with my Sharingan and learned all about your Quirk, and then trapped you in an illusion before you even tried to use your Mind Transfer ability." Izuku replied. He still had his dark gaze.

"Of course... How stupid of me?" Shinso said as he fell on his knees. "And here I thought I could beat the Number One freshman... How foolish of me? I guess I'm not blessed after all." Shinso murmured, before he received a punch from Izuku.

Izuku then grabbed Shinso by his shirt. "You really are getting on my nerves, you know... Always complaining about how your Quirk is useless and how the Hero Course students are blessed with powerful Quirks to help them. Think again moron! How the hell is your Quirk useless if you managed to secure a spot among the top eight students today, huh? Answer me! You have one of the most amazing Quirks you fool...!

"Like you're one to talk! Your Quirk gives you so many abilities at once! You can produce lightning that can easily shatter the arena! What do you know about my pain?! I'm jealous! Thanks to my Quirk, I've been behind from the start! Someone who's been blessed like you can't understand, can you?!" He retaliated in frustration. All of his emotions were bubbling to the surface, but the same thing could be said about Izuku.

"I understand because I've felt the same way too!" Izuku shouted. "But, it's true... I've been blessed."

"See! You're someone who was born with the ideal Quirk! You're someone who can easily reach his goal!"

"You know, if you had worked on your Quirk and physical abilities instead of comparing yourself to others, you would've been in the Hero Course today! Like look at my classmates, we have an invisible girl and a guy with a tail! But instead of being held back by their jealousy they worked hard every day to get here! I'm Ojiro's rival and let me tell you something. When Ojiro trains, he doesn't compare himself to me or to anyone else, he compares himself to what he was the day before, because this is the true path to strength, to self-improve, to go beyond PLUS ULTRA!" Izuku exclaimed with visible anger. However, his anger quickly subsided and he let go of Shinso.

"I-I..." Shinso was utterly speechless, there was nothing he could say. Izuku was right about everything he said. He couldn't deny it.

"One last thing Shinso... Try to put some trust in others, I know how hard it may seem now, but open up to other people. You're not alone..." Izuku said with a hint of sadness, before he undid the Genjutsu. As soon as Shinso snapped out of the illusion he was met with a roundhouse kick from Izuku that knocked him out of the arena.

"Hitoshi Shinso is out of bounds! Izuku Midoriya advances to the next round!" Midnight announced as she cracked her whip.


"Sure, no problem. You see Shinso's Quirk is brainwashing and since I don't know how it works, I decided to trap him in an illusion, but Shinso was a lot stronger than I thought. So, it ended up being a battle of minds, a battle of hypnotists you may say. It was really a hard battle, more than you think, but I managed to win. Like at some point Shinso had control over my body and mind and almost won. And after finally winning the battle of minds, Shinso was tired and so I knocked him out. That's it really." Izuku explained and lied about what really happened.

"INCREDIBLE! ALL OF THIS TIME YOU TWO WERE FIGHTING IN YOUR MINDS! THAT'S CRAZY! GIVE THEM THE RESPECT THEY DESERVE EVERYONE!" Present Mic cried out as the crowd began cheering and clapping, while Izuku walked over to Shinso and helped him to stand up.

"What are you saying? Why didn't you tell them the truth about your overwhelming victory?" Shinso whispered, which made Izuku chuckle.

"Consider this an apology for being so harsh on you earlier. I really went overboard with that USJ illusion." Izuku replied, as he clearly looked sincere about it.

Shinso paused for a second as he thought about his next words. "No, don't apologize, I deserved it. I kept mocking you guys from the Hero Course because you got so much attention after the USJ attack, because I was jealous. But, after seeing how terrifying the experience really was, I realized that I was wrong. Also, it doesn't help that I insulted your girlfriend and your friends." Shinso said with an apologetic tone. He clearly regretted the things he said earlier.

"Gi-Girlf-Girlfriend! No, no Itsuka and I aren't like that, we're just friends." Izuku replied with a blush on his face.

"Really? So, you guys aren't dating?" He asked once again with a teasing smirk.

"Absolutely-" Izuku began, but suddenly felt all control over his body slip away.

"People are usually wary when they talk to me, though... At this rate, someone'll trip you up in no time. At least... " Shinso said with a smirk before he undid the brainwashing. "Don't lose in an unseemly way." Shinso added which made Izuku laugh.

Then, when they were finally heading to the arena's exit, Izuku and Shinso were interrupted by several comments coming from the crowd.

*Music: You Can Become A Hero OST*

"You're so cool Shinso!" One of the General Studies students shouted, who was quickly followed by others.

"Good job!"

"I was really surprised!"

"You're the star of General Studies!"

"You managed to come out of the top eight and put up a great fight against the Number One freshman!"

"Besides-" One student said, as he pointed at some Pro Heroes.

"That Quirk would work quite well against Villains. I wish I had it." One of the Pro Heroes pointed out.

"UA's not very smart if he's in the General Studies."

"Well, they've got a ton of people applying, so some things just can't be helped."

"It was the difference in their experience, I guess."

"Yeah, it ends up making a big difference."

"What a waste."

"You hear that, Shinso? You're amazing!"

For the first time in his life, Shinso felt happy. For the first time in his life, he truly appreciated his Quirk and what he had. He didn't know how to react all, he felt... blessed.

Izuku put a hand on Shinso's shoulder, before saying "You see Shinso, you too can become a Hero." Shinso was truly conflicted, he couldn't stop himself from smiling and he also couldn't stop his... tears. He touched his cheeks and was surprised. He was so happy that tears of joy were filling his eyes. Seeing this, Izuku decided to leave Shinso alone so that he could enjoy this moment.

"Midoriya! Thank you so much!" Shinso shouted as he bowed in respect. Right now, Shinso had mad respect for Izuku. I mean, how couldn't he? Izuku managed to guide him on the right path, he helped him realize his worth, he saved him.

"Don't mention it." Izuku replied as he waved his hand and went on his way.

"Depending on the results, they'll consider our transfer into the Hero Course. Remember that. Even if it didn't work this time, I definitely won't give up. I'll get into the Hero Course, get certified, and I'll definitely become a better Hero than you guys...! But I'll also become a better version of myself, of what I was today!" Shinso yelled, while Izuku gained a smile.

Many of us believe that saving someone means saving their lives or saving them from danger. But truth is a lot of people suffer from mental health problems, and sometimes all it takes for them to feel better, all they need to feel better... is just to hear a few words. And in its own way this is saving someone too... Izuku knew well what Shinso wanted to hear... Izuku saved Shinso...


Staff Room:

"DeathArms..." Mount Lady called her coworker.

"Yeah..." He responded.

"You said that Midoriya won't be able to continue participating in the Sports Festival, right?" She exclaimed.

"Yes" He replied.

"Then how did he just win his second match and advanced to the semi-finals?" Mount Lady asked.

"You're kidding, right?" DeathArms said as he raised an eyebrow, not believing her. She pointed at the TV, and the Pro Hero took a look. He then put a hand on his chin and tried to think of an explanation. "Does UA have a healer better than Recovery Girl now? No... Present Mic said that she was the doctor... I don't know what happened to him, but seems like he's back in the game I guess." He shrugged.

"How do you think Kamui will-" Mount Lady began but was interrupted by Kamui himself.

"Midoriya! Thank God you're still in the Sports Festival, you saved my savings!" Kamui Wood comically said as he hugged the TV. Tears of joy were escaping his eyes. After all the man thought that his salary and savings were all gone. The sight made all the Pro Heroes present in the room sweat drop.

"By the way, I'm going to bet on that Bakugo kid." DeathArms pointed out.

"What? I thought you were betting on Todoroki." Mount Lady said. She was surprised that DeathArms changed his mind.

"The boy defied gravity itself with his will power and explosions. He has guts and I like that. Besides, why does it matter to you? If I lose, it just means more money for you." He replied.

"In that case I don't mind at all!" She exclaimed as her pupils became bright stars.

"Young Midoriya" All Might called his Successor with a smile on his face.


"You did it, you're going to the semi-finals. I have to say good job on making it this far my boy." All Might exclaimed. He was so happy by his disciple's performance.

"Yeah..." He murmured but loud enough for All Might to hear him. He wasn't sharing the same energy his mentor had.

"What's wrong Young Midoriya?" All Might questioned. He wanted to know why his Successor seemed troubled.

Izuku told him the truth about their battle in details and what really transpired. He also told him about the USJ illusion and what he did to Shinso. "I couldn't smile at all. I didn't like how the match went."

"Well, his cries hit close to home for you, huh?" All Might replied.

"But that didn't mean that I could do that to him." Izuku protested.

All Might sighed before he patted Izuku's head. "Listen Young Midoriya, you were consumed by anger at the time and that's totally human. You're someone who cares about his friends after all. Even I sometimes can't control my anger, it's normal, we're humans after all and we always do mistakes. But let me tell you something, when you understood him, your anger subsided and you decided to help him, right?" All Might said to which Izuku nodded. "And you managed to help him, his expression at the end of the match was much different. He was happy and grateful, sure you were a bit harsh on him, but in the end, you did the right thing and quickly fixed your mess. And remember you're still a Hero in training, you're here to learn to be a Hero. What's important is to learn from what happened today and become a better version of yourself tomorrow, isn't that what I taught you?" All Might explained, as Izuku listened carefully.

"Yes Sir! You taught me great valuable life lessons that I'll never forget about." He replied as he regained his smile.

"And I'm glad to hear that. You're doing a great job today, so keep at it, okay?" All Might exclaimed as he patted his Successor's shoulder.

"I will, I have to prove myself today."

"Good, now I believe we should go and see who'll be you next opponent."

"Right. See you later Toshinori-sensei." Izuku said as he headed back to the stands.


"Hey kid, you're Shinso, right?" A familiar voice asked the Brainwash user.

"Yes... wait a second, you're that old man." Shinso exclaimed as he recognized Kurogane.

"The name is Kurogane. I wanted to talk to you." The older man replied.

"Sure, no problem." The teen said.

"I'm sorry if Midoriya was a little harsh. He doesn't hate you. You probably don't know this but Midoriya had a really hard childhood, being Quirkless and all. In fact, he never had any friends and was constantly bullied for not having what everyone had, just like you. Still, I've never seen him give up on his goals, and no matter how harsh my training was, he always complied. He was always and still someone who's ready to put his life on the line to achieve his goals in a heartbeat." Kurogane talked about Izuku with a serious tone, while Shinso was looking at him with interest. "I even forced him to stay underwater for five minutes and more, I threw some knives at him, I made him climb a cliff while carrying a heavy katana on his back, but he never complained."

"Excuse me Sir, but what the hell is wrong with you and your training methods?!" Shinso said with utter shock, while Kurogane laughed. Shinso was worried about what this man had put Izuku through but he was also amazed. He never knew that Izuku had to go through all that to get this strong. This only made him understand more how wrong he was about Izuku.

"Now I know that his Quirk may seem like one of the strongest Quirks out there, but let me tell you. When he first awakened his Quirk, it was just like yours. A Quirk that wasn't flashy at all. A Quirk that would've been useless in the UA Entrance Exams. He only had increased perception and could copy fighting styles for fifteen minutes, and that is if his body was up to the task. And let me tell you, that was a big if. You should've seen how he looked like a year ago. But you see, my guess is that overtime he got tired of crying, of being weak and decided to do something about it. Even though he's still young, he knows what it means to be strong, and I think he knows better than any of us what you're going through. Whatever Midoriya has told you earlier, as cruel as it sounded, he has probably told himself that a thousand times." Kurogane finished his explanation, leaving a shocked and silent Shinso.

I can't believe this, while I was just wasting my time doing nothing, he had already taken matters in his hand and worked so hard to get to the top. I can't believe how foolish I was. Shinso said in his head as he regretted the life choices he made so far.

"I promised myself a long time ago that I wouldn't take any disciples again, but I ended up taking Midoriya because I saw how worthy he was of my training, but I think I can make an exception again and take another one." Kurogane exclaimed as he walked away.

Shinso was still silent as his mind was still processing all what he learned about Izuku, but soon enough he snapped out of his daze. "Wait, how do I even reach-" He began, but stopped when he saw a paper with a phone number in his hand. "When did he..." Shinso began, but ignored the question and put the paper in his pocket. "Wait how did he even know about what happened during the match?"


"Hey, Midoriya! You're back!" Kirishima greeted the Sharingan user.

"Yeah, hope I made it before the next match starts." Izuku replied.

"They just started so don't worry. Anyways, nice match buddy, you were so manly!" Kirishima said with his usual passion.

"Thanks, Kirishima." Izuku replied as he took his seat.

"Hey Four Eyes! Remember what I told you the first time we met? I said that I would crush you, and today is the day I deliver my promise." Bakugo violently said.

"I have to admit, I was looking forward to this match as well. So, prepare yourself because I'm going to defeat you right here and right now." Tenya replied.

"DON'T UNDERESTIMATE ME YOU BASTARD!" Bakugo shouted as he used his explosions to propel himself and attack Tenya.

However, Tenya dodged and ran to the other side to evade Bakugo's explosion. He's not planning on giving me any time, huh? Tenya mentally said. But Bakugo fired a huge explosion in front of Tenya, stopping him in his tracks.

"YOU'RE NOT GETTING AWAY FROM ME FOUR EYES! DIE!" Bakugo yelled as he fired another explosion at Tenya.


However, out of the dust came Tenya who had managed to jump high in the air when Bakugo fired his explosion.

"Wow, a standing long jump!" Ochaco exclaimed in amazement.

"Recipro Burst!" Tenya shouted as his engines emitted blue flames. He tried to hit Bakugo's head with a roundhouse kick, but the latter ducked under the kick. I have about ten seconds before my engines stall! I have to win it in that time! Tenya yelled in his head, as he once again attempted to kick Bakugo, but this time he hit his mark.

"A DIRECT HIT!" Present Mic yelled as Bakugo's body slammed into the arena.

"He got a pretty heavy hit in!" Sero said with visible shock.

"That kick was way too fast!" Denki added.

Eight seconds left! I can do it! Tenya thought as he outstretched his hand to grab Bakugo. However, he never expected Bakugo to quickly recover and fire a huge explosion from point blank range.

"DIE!" Bakugo shouted with a devilish grin. Tenya was immediately sent flying away and once he hit the floor, he kept rolling for a moment until he finally stopped. He couldn't move anymore and he was knocked out of the arena.

"Iida is out of bounds! Bakugo wins!" Midnight said as she cracked her whip, before the crowd began cheering.

"BAKUGO ADVANCES TO THE SEMI-FINALS! I HAVE TO SAY FOLKS EVEN I CAN FEEL YOUR EXCITEMENT!" Present Mic exclaimed, as Bakugo looked at Izuku with a shit-eating grin. He looked like a lion who finally caught his prey.

Izuku stared at Bakugo, neither of them breaking the eye contact. To be honest, while he was a little bit nervous, Izuku was excited. He wanted to go all out against Bakugo. He wanted to face him, he wanted to have a chaotic battle with him. He didn't understand why, but he didn't care.

"Tensei..." Tenya muttered his brother's name as he was being carried by the medics to Recovery Girl's office.


"Fame... Money... They're all calling themselves heroes..." A menacing voice said as a phone covered in blood was showing a missed call notification from Tenya. "But you bastards aren't heroes... You're a fake who became one out of obligation. You became one in order to continue your family's mantel. Isn't that right Tensei Iida?"

"How... how did you... know, Stain?" The man, identified as Tensei, who's wearing a knight armor that resembles Tenya's weakly said. He was lying in a puddle of his own blood in a dark alleyway.

"I know everything... My eyes see everything. And what I see right now is your death." Stain explained as he stabbed Tensei's body with his Katana. Tensei screamed in agony, the pain was unbearable. "The only one I'll let kill me... is All Might!" Stain exclaimed as Tensei lost his consciousness. Stain then licked the blood that was on his blade, before he looked at it. It showed his reflection, it showed his special eyes.


"Midoriya, what do you think of this match?" Ojiro asked Izuku. He wanted to get his friend's opinion.

"Yaoyorozu has a versatile Quirk there's no denying that. However, its strength depends on her mind. I'm afraid when she goes against someone like Todoroki, her abilities won't be enough against his overwhelming power." Izuku explained to which Ojiro agreed with him.

Todoroki is a strong opponent. He's a recommended student just like me and someone who fought on par with Midoriya during the second event. I cannot underestimate him. In addition, Todoroki can freeze the entire arena with no time lag, so there's no doubt he will start with a preemptive strike. It would be best if I create a... Momo thought, as she tried to think of a plan to counter Shoto's ice glacier but was interrupted by Present Mic announcing the start of the match.


As soon as Shoto heard the start signal, he froze the arena on the spot, trapping Momo in an ice glacier. Shoto was someone who understood well that against someone like Momo, the best defense would be an attack without hesitation. Not giving her the chance to think and attack was the best strategy. Kinda like chess when you think about it.

"Yaoyorozu is immobilized! Todoroki advances to the semi-finals!" Midnight announced as she cracked her whip. The crowd then began cheering again.

"TODOROKI WINS AGAIN AND ADVANCES TO THE NEXT ROUND! I HAVE TO SAY FOLKS, I HAVE A FEELING THAT THE NEXT MATCHES ARE GOING TO BE CHAOTIC!" Present Mic exclaimed as the crowd began to cheer louder. They were so excited for the next matches.

"No... I couldn't do anything... Nothing..." Momo murmured as tears began to form in her eyes.

"Todoroki's too amazing. I can't believe he defeated her in a second." Izuku exclaimed with visible shock. He never knew that the gap between the two recommended students was this big.

"That's how easy it was for him, huh? I wonder how strong he'll be if he used his fire?" Ojiro questioned which made Izuku think about it.

Could Todoroki be stronger than me if he used his fire? Izuku thought.

"Midoriya" Ojiro called Izuku, who quickly snapped of his daze. "Don't tell me you're being nervous right now?" He asked.

"No. Not at all." Izuku responded.

"Well, there's no reason to anyway, because I'll be the one who defeats him." Ojiro said as he gave Izuku a thumbs up.

Izuku nodded with a smile before he said "How about we go to the waiting room? I mean your match will start after Todoroki melts the ice glacier, right?"

"You're right, let's go." Ojiro replied. The two of them stood up and walked away, but before leaving the stands, Izuku looked at Momo. She must feel really frustrated... He thought.

While Izuku and Ojiro were walking in the corridors, they were talking about the Sports Festival, until they saw Endeavor in front of them.

"Endeavor?!" Both boys said with shock. They never imagined meeting the Number Two Hero here.

"Oh, there you are." He said as he approached Izuku.

"Endeavor... What are you doing here...?" Izuku asked, clearly intimidated by the older man.

"I wanted to speak with you Midoriya and privately." He pointed out, making sure Ojiro understands that he should go away.

"Don't worry Midoriya, I have to go to my match. I'll see you in a bit." Ojiro said as he walked away.

"I watched your fights. You have a wonderful Quirk. You created so much wind pressure just by punching the air. If we're talking about power alone, yours is comparable to All Might's." Endeacor exclaimed, which made Izuku even more nervous.

"Wh-What are you... What are you trying to say?" He nervously questioned. Endeavor knows about One for All? No, from the way he talked, he doesn't know. Anyway, this is the one person I can't let find out.

"However, your Sharingan is still weak." Endeavor added, which immediately raised the red flags in Izuku's brain.

He knows about the Sharingan, the Uchihas? Izuku thought.

"I don't really know how your Sharingan works since instead of having fire powers you have enhanced strength. However, based on the numbers of tomoes in your eyes, you're still missing one in each, which means that you can still become stronger." Endeavor explained.

Izuku gulped before he asked "How do you know so much about the Sharingan?"

Endeavor smiled before he gave a response. "You see my boy, you're a special kid. You're the descendant of the only man who I can openly admit that his flames were stronger than my own. You're the grandchild of my mentor Hajime Midoriya." Endeavor further explained.

"Hajime Midoriya... Who's that? I don't know who's that guy. I never even met him before." Izuku replied.

"That's because he died long before you were born. Seems like no one really told you anything." Endeavor added with a hint of sadness in his eyes. Izuku's whole world was shaking, there were so many questions on his mind that he just forgot about the Sports Festival.

"Is he my grandfather from my father's side or my mother's?" He asked.

"He's your grandfather from your father's side." Endeavor replied, before he decided to get to the main point. "I came to give you an offer. I know that All Might, Kendo-sensei, Mori-sensei and that sadistic geezer Kurogane-sensei trained you. But I'm offering to train you, to develop your Sharingan and help you get stronger. Today will even be your first test." Endeavor further explained which added more questions to Izuku's brain.

"What? How do you know that I trained with All Might and the three old men? And, how do you even know them? And, what do you mean by a test?" Izuku asked many questions as he started to mutter like usual, but stopped when Endeavor raised the temperature of his flames. He got annoyed by the boy's muttering.

"Calm down boy and listen to me. You'll get your answers after the Sports Festival, but for now I'll explain your test. It is my Shoto's duty to surpass All Might. I have no doubt that you and him will face each other in the finals. With that being said his match with you will be a very instructive test bed. I want you to force him to use his fire side and see how your fare against it. He has rejected his left side due to a personal vendetta. But I'm sure that with you being the grandson of Hajime Midoriya, you'll be able to figure something."

"Without using his damn Quirk... No... I'll reject him completely by winning first place without using it." Izuku remembered the conversation he had with Shoto after Capture The Flag. He gripped his fists as he nodded his head.

"I guess Todoroki was right after all. You only see us as tools, you see your son as a tool to surpass All Might where you failed, and now you see me as a tool to help your son fulfill your goals. You even used Todoroki's mother as a tool to create your so-called masterpiece!" Izuku said with anger, which took Endeavor by surprise.

"Yes, this woman means nothing to me anymore. Her Quirk is of no use to me now that I have Shoto." Endeavor replied with visible annoyance.

"Tell me! Did you cast away Todoroki's siblings too?! Just like their mother's! And what would happen if Todoroki is no longer able to use his Quirk? Will you toss him aside like he's nothing too?! A broken tool...! Man, that's so wrong...! So wrong...!" Izuku exclaimed with visible anger and sadness. His eyes were teary. And to be honest Endeavor was speechless.

"I will save Todoroki... but not in the way you want, because I'm not All Might nor my grandfather." Izuku added, breaking the silence.

"That's ob-" Endeavor began but was interrupted by Izuku.

"That's obvious, right? And Todoroki isn't you either." Izuku sternly pointed out as he began walking away. All this time Endeavor only had a puzzled look on his face. "And let me tell you one last thing, my family may be small, but my family is a circle of strength of love, with every birth and union the circle grows." Izuku pointed out as he thought about his mother, Himiko and All Might. Endeavor gasped in shock as he remembered his mentor's words.


*Music: Bleach -Will Of The Heart*

"Welcome to our team Enji. You're part of our family now." Hajime said to a young Endeavor, who came to intern with his mentor.

"Why is he here? I don't like him sensei." The young Endeavor said as he pointed at a young All Might, who was just smiling at the other teen.

"Now, now Enji don't be like that. I'm sure you two and Hiashi will get along and become wonderful Heroes. After all, we're a family now and a family is a circle of strength of love, with every birth and union the circle grows." Hajime replied, while Enji let out a sigh and frowned. "Fine, I will get along with them." He replied to which Hajime gave a smile.

"Dad, I want to be a Hero with you and big brother too." A little kid with dark green messy hair said.

"Now you little champion, you'll have to wait for your mother to pick you up." Hajime pointed out as he patted the little kid's head.

"Dad stop treating me like a kid, I'm already 10." The kid said with visible embarrassment. "Big brother can you help me with my fireball training?" The little kid questioned his brother.

The older kid identified as Hiashi kneeled before he poked his brother's forehead with his two fingers. "Forgive me, Hisashi. Next time, okay?"

"You always do that and then say next time, but you never keep your word big brother." Hisashi said with visible annoyance, but it was cute that it made everyone laugh.

Hajime stopped laughing for a second as he looked at Enji and said "You see Enji, this is what it means to have a family." He said with a gentle smile.

The memories then began to shift to a much darker day. The day when Hajime Midoriya was killed in duty.

"Why? Why did you go alone sensei? Why?! We could've been there for you! We could've helped you!" A young adult, Endeavor shouted with visible tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry... Enji, I did what I had to protect you guys, to protect my... family. I already failed multiple times... and I couldn't bear to lose anyone again. But this time I think I did it." Hajime weakly said.

"What do you mean sensei?! I don't understand...!"

"Enji... don't cry. I'm sure you'll become a wonderful... Hero. But always remember your first lesson. Family is the most... important thing. Family is... a circle of strength of love, with every birth and union the circle grows." Hajime weakly muttered for the last time. 'Seems like I'll join you now, Nana...' He thought before finally passing away. He died with a smile on his face.

Endeavor who was still holding his sensei's hand noticed that it went limp. He noticed that his sensei stopped breathing. "Sensei... no... No, no, no sensei, this better be one of your illusions! Please don't go! I still need you! Don't go! This isn't fair!" Endeavor yelled as tears streamed from his eyes. Medics came rushing in to take Hajime's body, but Endeavor wouldn't let them.

"Sir, please we need to take him away." One of the medics said.

"NO, HE ISN'T DEAD, HE ISN'T! SENSEI IS NOT DEAD! YOU HEAR ME! HE'S NOT!" Endeavor yelled in frustration.

"Enji! Stop!" A man with ginger hair and teal eyes ordered, but his eyes were also teary.

"Kendo-sensei, please tell them that Hajime-sensei is still alive. He can't be dead. He's the strongest!" Endeavor was still in denial.

"I'm sorry Enji, but even he wasn't a god... He's a human and that's our common destiny." Daisuke said, before he enlarged his fists and grabbed Endeavor, giving the medics the chance to take the body away.

"No, let me go! LET ME GO!" Endeavor shouted. His spirit was broken.

Enji Todoroki lost his mentor and father figure at age of 20.

Present Day:

"Sensei..." Endeavor muttered as tears fell from his eyes. "Your will has been passed on, but I'm afraid I failed you..." He added as Izuku's words made him reflect on his life decisions. He was sure that if his sensei was alive, he would've been disappointed.

Endeavor then felt the presence of a hand on his shoulder and heard Hajime's voice in his ear. "You can still redeem yourself Enji. Prepare them, prepare the next generation."

"Sensei!" Endeavor quickly turned around but saw nothing. "What was that?" He asked himself.


Player Waiting Room 1:

While Endeavor was busy remembering the past, Izuku met Momo who was... crying?

"Yaoyorozu, what's wrong?" Izuku asked with visible concern.

Seeing him, Momo quickly wiped her tears. "I'm sorry... I know you have an important match coming up next." She said with a shaky voice. She then stood up and headed towards the door, but Izuku grabbed her hand.

"Wait, please stay." Izuku asked her.

"Midoriya, I..." She tried to protest, but Izuku wasn't having it.

"I insist."

Momo nodded before she took back her seat. "I feel like I'm useless." Momo began.

"Why? Why do you feel like that? Is it because you lost?" Izuku asked.

"It's not just because I lost. It's because I've been doing a lot of wrong things since I came here... I let you get hurt by the Villains in the USJ! And I was so afraid when I heard that you might never wake up again! I felt guilty! I was so sad and I blamed myself for what happened to you...! And then today, I tried to make it up to you during the second event by joining your team, but once again you did everything! I was useless! The moment Todoroki took our flag, Ochaco and you went to get it back, while I did nothing! And now, I lost in less than ten seconds during my match. It was a devastating defeat!" She cried out as she couldn't hold back her tears any longer.

"That's not true Yaoyorozu... During the USJ, no matter what anybody would've said. I would've still gone to save my teachers, which would've led to me fighting the Nomus again. It is how it is. And during the second event, if it wasn't for you being part of my team, I would've lost. I'm not a one-man army or anything, and without your and Mei's gauntlet I would've lost. It's a fact. We all contributed in some way and support is just as important as attacking. Not only did you support our team, but you defended the one million flag for 14 minutes. I don't know about you, but I think it's an achievement. You proved yourself time and time again that you're an excellent Hero in training. I mean look at you, you made it out of the top eight. And remember there's always next year." Izuku replied, as he showed to Momo that she's not useless at all.

"I don't know Midoriya, I don't feel-" She began but Izuku interrupted her.

"Yaoyorozu, I bet that many Pro Heroes who are both present and not present will send you an internship. If this is not true, I, Izuku Midoriya, will leave UA. And yes, I'm betting my whole career on it." Momo gave a thoughtful look for a moment, thinking about what Izuku just told her. No matter how much she tried to deny it he was right.

"Thank you, Midoriya." She simply said.

"No problem." He said before standing up and leading her to the door. However, he didn't expect her to hug him.

Izuku was truly taken by surprise. He totally forgot about his family issues and his match with Bakugo, and no one could really blame the dude. Anyone would've done the same when you're feeling Momo's well developed boobs rubbing against your stomach. He was so red and heating up that smoke was coming out of his ears.

No Izuku! pull yourself together. She needs this hug, and remember don't be a pervert, don't be like Mineta. You're better than this. He mentally told himself as he kindly hugged her back and comforted her.

However, just like him Momo was getting embarrassed. Oh my god! I don't know what came over me. I never knew that his abs were this hard. His muscles are really... What am I thinking? I'm totally abusing his kindness! She mentally scolded herself.

They both stayed quite for a while, before Momo pulled away. She was blushing and looked like she was thinking about something. "Midoriya, I have two requests." She said as she brought her two index fingers together.

"Sure, tell me." He replied.

"First, can you train me after the Sports Festival? You could teach me how to fight with weapons." Momo asked.

"Of course, no problem at all. I'm happy to help and what's the other request?" He asked, making her face brighten with a smile.

"Can you call me Momo?" She asked. Now this wasn't expected.

He took a deep breath to calm himself down, before he gave a response. "Sure thing Momo, you can call me Izuku too if you want." He replied.

"Alright, thank you for everything, Izuku. I won't take anymore from your time and good luck with your match." She exclaimed before she left. Yeah, like he could concentrate on his match after what just happened.

I called a girl by her first name for the third time! He though with a blush on his face.

However, his thoughts were interrupted by Present Mic announcing that Ojiro had won his match against Tokoyami, and that it was time for his match against Bakugo. If Izuku had to guess, he would say that thanks to his new incredible speed and power Ojiro managed to close the gap between him and Tokoyami before he landed some devastating blows.

He left the room and headed towards the arena. His mind was back in the game now.


*Music: One Piece OST Overtaken*

"NOW THAT WE HAVE OUR FINAL FOUR, WHO ARE SUPRISINGLY THE SAME FOUR WHO HAVE BEEN DOMINATING THE SPORTS FESTIVAL SO FAR! OR NOT SO SURPRISING! BUT NOW IS THE TIME TO DETERMINE THE BEST OUT OF THE BEST! LET'S START THE FIRST MATCH OF THE SEMI-FINALS!" Present Mic announced as the stadium's screen displayed Izuku and Bakugo. The crowd cheered louder than ever as they knew this was going to be a good match.


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY HAVING ANGER ISSUES! I'LL KILL YOU BASTARD!" He growled, which showed more than enough that he didn't like Mic's comment.

"Alright, I think it's time for me to wake up from my nap." Aizawa said, as he put his sleeping bag away. He knew about the heated history between these two, having seen first-hand their first battle. However, unlike last time, he knew that things won't go the same way. "Popcorn" He offered Present Mic who gladly accepted it.

"READY...!" Present Mic interrupted but was cut off by both Izuku and Bakugo.

"Me and him. One on one with no rings outs, no disqualifications..." Bakugo explained.

"No holds barred, the winner is decided when one of us submits or is completely knocked out..." Izuku continued.

"THIS IS A BATTLE TO DETERMINE..." Bakugo said, raising his voice, unable to contain his excitement.

"WHO'S THE BETTER HERO, WHO'S THE STRONGEST..." Izuku raised his voice too unable to keep his excitement in check.

"RIGHT HERE AND RIGHT NOW!" Both shouted in unison as they activated their respective Quirks.
Merry Christmas everyone. I hope you spend some quality time with your loved ones.

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