Shep689 Oneshots 2

By breeoc97

7.4K 363 150

This is the second book for the Shepherd-Aguiar family! Will Shepherd and RJ Aguiar are happily married and... More

a big surprise...
fun fall day!
first dr's appointment
day in the life vlog!
coralei's 4th birthday
spooky halloween!
telling the kids about the new baby!
benji's sick day
instagram captions #16
rj's birthday!
a very special thanksgiving surprise
benji's 8th birthday
a new puppy for christmas
making gingerbread houses!
a special little shepherd-aguiar christmas
snapchats #11
benji's winning hockey game
instagram captions #17
harlow's first haircut!
theodore's day out with daddy & papi!
valentine's day!
running errands with coralei!
welcoming luca
seeing luca for the first time
the kids meet luca for the first time!
snapchats #12
luca meets his grandparents
instagram captions #18
happy easter!
luca finally comes home!
relaxing day at home as a family!
instagram q&a w/ will
snapchats #13
we are adopting again?
instagram captions #19
welcome home, averie :)
random family vlog!
summer snowball fun!
instagram q&a w/ rj
averie's 4th birthday
a fun fourth of july!
grandma janice has passed away
saying goodbye to grandma janice
build a bear day with the girls
build a bear day with the boys
meeting a new baby cousin!
averie meets the family!
instagram captions #20
summer swim day!
first day of school!
snapchats #14
two wild! it's harlow's 2nd birthday!
instagram captions #21
a fun lunch date!
happy birthday benji's mom
coralei turns 5!
painting pumpkins!
snapchats #15
pumpkin patch + apple orchard fun!
benji's covid scare.
thanksgiving in the florida sun!
instagram q&a w/ will #2
rj's birthday full of surprise!
a shepherd-aguiar christmas
benji turns nine!
instagram q&a w/ rj #2
meeting pipo and mima's puppies!
birthday breakfast for daddy!
snapchats #16
@shep689: show me a picture of....
theodore's star wars 4th birthday
@damnitrj show me a picture of....
averie + daddy date!
celebrating grandma janice's birthday
special gifts for jennine's baby!
happy easter!
meeting baby henry!
instagram captions #23
luca's first birthday!
snapchats #17
q&a with benji
sunny park day!
instagram q&a w/ rj #3
averie pre-kindergarten graduation
instagram captions #24
ice cream + movie night fun!
will's autism diagnosis + do the kids have autism too?
averie's mermaid 5th birthday!
snapchats #18
instagram q&a w/ will #3
new neighbors!
instagram captions #25
visiting bisabuela at the hospital
frozen yogurt fun!
1st day of school!
here we go again?
harlow turns 3!
an exciting family photoshoot!
a fun shepherd-aguiar halloween!
let's pawty! coralei turns 6!
a small florida thanksgiving!
instagram captions #26
christmas + twin name reveal
benji turns 10!
covid hits the house!
family park day + meeting up with friends!
instagram captions #27
happy easter!
welcoming arya + oliver
averie graduates kindergarten!
i could have almost died...
first day of school!
happy halloween!
a cozy california thanksgiving
merry christmas!
remembering pop
will's birthday!
meet luci
the lucky grand finale
a happy easter!
life q&a: luci, henry, hank, family & more!
theodore graduates kindergarten!
looks like we'll be having a baby soon!
welcoming henry
back to school!
a fun sleepover! (pt 1)
a fun sleepover! (pt 2)
my dad passed away. recconecting with my dad after ten+ years
thanksgiving in florida!
meeting santa!
luci's second birthday!
a sweet family easter!
benji gets his ears pierced!
harlow graduates kindergarten!

instagram captions #22

29 2 0
By breeoc97

*Here are some more cute pictures from the Shepherd-Aguiar family! I hope you all enjoy! Please send suggestions on what you wanna see in this book! Love • Bree 💙💜*

• These are going to be from Will's account🌲 They are in no particular order! •
own your happiness. 🌿☀️🌧
dad to six kids, benjamin, coralei, averie, theodore, harlow & luca 🧑🏻👧🏻👧🏻👦🏻👧🏻👶🏻

*Video of Luca crawling around on the floor*
- look at him! he is on the move! 😭😍

*Picture of Averie showing off her new shirt hair cut*
- avy's very first haircut she got with us 🥺 she was so excited to get her hair short like this 💜

*Picture of Benji on his iPad*
- bubba is talking his paternal grandma and aunt 💖 he hasn't seen them in a while because they have had covid 😢

*Picture of Theodore showing off his mohawk*
- looks like papi @damnitrj did his hair this morning 👦🏻

*Picture of Harlow wrapped in a floral blanket on the floor and she is smiling up at Will*
- harlow loves her brand new blanket from my mom @shep689mom ❤️

*Picture of Coralei doing a split on the floor*
- stretching before gymnastics class! 🤸🏻‍♀️

*Picture of Will and RJ cuddling together in bed*
- we are very tired parents can you tell 💤

*Picture of Benji, Luca, Harlow, Coralei, Theodore and Averie all sitting together*
- I'm obsessed with coordinated outfits can you tell? 😍😌

*Picture of Will walking Sammy outside*

- how how how how how? how does this even happen 😂

*Picture of Dobby and Will cuddling on the couch together*
- cuddles with dobby 😇 my sweet old man 🐶

*Picture of Astrid wearing a pink bow on her collar as she sits in front of Will*
- my pretty girl loves her new bow! 🎀

*Picture of Luca playing with Will's hair while he lays down on the couch*
- I just wanted to nap but luca said today, Daddy 😂

*Picture of Luca sitting with Dobby, Sammy and Astrid on the floor*
- a baby and his dogs 👶🏻🐶🐶🐶

*Picture of Benji, Will and Averie*
- a little daddy daughter and son date 💜💙

*Picture of Coralei, Luca, Harlow and Theodore all playing with shaving cream on the table*
- these four are having fun with their Papi @damnitrj ❤️

*Video of of Luca saying Da da and Pa pi*
- my little man is talking!! I'm literally in fucking tears 🥺😭

*Picture of Luca as a newborn and a picture of Luca
- to a thirty three week old preemie to a healthy baby! luca everett is such a miracle baby 👶🏻

*Picture of a Will selfie*

- I have a mustache now. what do you guys think about it? 🥸

*Picture of Dobby, Astrid and Sammy cuddling together*
- these three love each other so so much 🐶🐶🐶

*Video of Benji riding his skateboard outside*
- he has been riding around for over an hour now 🛹😇

*Picture of Coralei and Averie sitting together*
- don't they look like twins? they are eight months apart 👧🏻👧🏻

*Picture of Will holding Luca taking a mirror selfie*
- baby boy loves to look at himself in the mirror

*Picture of Harlow and Theodore kissing each other*
- see, these two love each other sometimes!❣️after this picture they both wiped their mouths off 😂

*Picture of Will and RJ sitting at Chiptole together*
- date night ❤️ thank you to @jenninematthias and @stephenmattbis for watching the kids for us!

*Picture of a PlayStation 5*

- it's about to go down 😎

*Picture of Dobby, Astrid and Sammy all running together outside*
- these three are enjoying the fresh air ☁️

*Picture of Luca playing with RJ's face*
- Papi's face is so much fun 😊

*Picture of Coralei, Harlow and Averie all playing with My Little Ponies*
- my little pony fun 🦄🦄🦄

*Picture of Benji holding Luca*
- bubba looks so big holding luca 🥺

*Picture of Will, RJ, Luca, Harlow, Theodore, Astrid, Benji, Sammy, Coralei, Dobby and Averie all sitting in the car*
- picnic at the park 🌿

• These are going to be from RJ's account🌲 They are in no particular order! •
NASM certified personal trainer, writer, producer, husband, nerd and papi to six. he/him/his.📍LA

*Picture of Coralei, Averie and Harlow all wearing matching dresses, hairstyles and hair bows*
- As a guy who only had a brother growing up, having three girls is a treat and a lot of fun! 🎀🎀🎀

*Picture of Luca sitting on RJ's shoulders*
- Luca is loving his new view up there! 👶🏻

*Picture of RJ's new tattoo on his fore arm*

- TO INFINITY AND BEYOND! (One down one more to go!) 💉

*Picture of Theodore holding up a soccer ball and he is smiling happily*
- Looks like this little dude wants to learn soccer too! ⚽️

*Picture of Benji outside with Astrid. Benji is holding a treat while Astrid is holding up a paw**
- Benji is teaching Astrid how to do tricks! Astrid already knows how to sit and lay down! 🐶💜

*Picture of Dobby and Sammy sitting together on the couch*
- These two are besties and never leave each other's side 🐶🐶

*Picture of RJ getting another tattoo done* 

- Starting da next one 💉

*Picture of RJ's new owl tattoo on his arm*

- Number two done 👍🏼🦉

*Picture of Benji drawing a picture outside*
- Benji loves sitting outside and drawing ✍🏻🌿

*Picture of Coralei and Theodore. Coralei is hugging Theodore from behind*
- Partners in crime 😈😈

*Picture of Averie and RJ sitting in the car together*
- Papi and Avy date! We are just going to Target and Starbucks but she is so excited 🎯😭

*Picture of Astrid holding a toy in her mouth*
- Astrid is ready to play some catch! 🎾

*Video of Luca talking to Will, RJ and Dobby*
Luca: "Da Da! Pa Pi! Dooo!"
- Luca knows some words! Daddy, Papi and Doo (for Dobby)

*Picture of Coralei and RJ cuddling on the couch together*
- Movie and cuddles with Coralei ❤️

*Picture of RJ getting his tattoo done and another picture of his sleeve on his arm*

- Hour boy's got an actual sleeve now 💪🏽

*Video of Benji and Theodore playing soccer together*
- soccer buds! ⚽️⚽️

*Picture of Benji, Luca, Harlow, Coralei, Theodore and Averie all sitting together*
- these six are my world! 🌎

*Video of Luca crawling around on the floor*
- Look at Luca crawling around 😭

*Picture of Averie doing a silly face at RJ*
- My silky girl! 😜

*Picture of RJ working out outside*
- New work out video is up! Check it out!

*Picture of RJ and Will cuddling in bed together*
- My love 🥰

*Picture of Benji hugging Averie*
- forever family 💜❤️

*Picture of Theodore, Luca and Harlow sitting together and they are playing*
- three little playmates! 👦🏻👶🏻👧🏻

*Picture of Coralei doing a handstand*
- Practicing her handstands! Look at her! 😍🤸🏻‍♀️

*Picture of Will holding Luca. Luca is playing with Will's glasses*
- Luca loves playing with Will's glasses 😂

*Picture of RJ and Benji sitting in the car together*
- Grocery store run with this big guy! He looks like a teen here 🥺

*Picture of Dobby, Astrid and Sammy all sitting on the couch together*
- Where do I sit guys? 😂🐶🐶🐶

*Picture of Luca smiling up at RJ*
- Luca loves to smile now! And look! He has a tooth! 🦷

*Picture of RJ and Will kissing each other*
- thank you for being my partner through life! I love you @shep689 ❤️

*Picture of RJ, Luca, Harlow, Will, Theodore, Sammy, Coralei, Astrid Averie, Benji and Dobby all sitting outside together*
- Family picnic! 🧺

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