Untold truths

By Quoteswanky

432 18 3

Whilst Brittany was in high school and Santana left for New York, there were certain tensions which brought t... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 1

128 4 0
By Quoteswanky

Brittany S Pierce had just watched some of her friends graduate. She hated that she had to do another year but she knew she would get through it. It's only a year right ?.. but something felt wrong, like something was missing. But she couldn't understand what it was, it was like a void that she couldn't fill. It felt strange but it also made her feel adventurous to figure what that void was that she so desperately needed to fill. Her thoughts were interrupted by a girl with auburn hair and bright green eyes, it was Marley Rose. One of the newbies in glee club. "Hi Brittany.. I need some advice.." she said as she looked concerned about something. "Sure, what's up?" Britt said confused. Nobody had asked her for advice before, they'd always assume she wouldn't have any because she's dumb, except for Santana of course. Santana believed in her More than anyone and was always there when she needed help, she misses her the most. Brittany soon snapped back out of her thoughts as Marley began to speak again. "It's about Jake.. what do you think, he thinks about me ?" She asked even more conferenced than before. "Oh boy.. let's have a walk" Britt said as she hooked arms with Marley and began to walk down the hall.

Santana Lopez, just graduating realised that she wants to go to New York. It seemed like the place for dreams to come true and she had many of those. She had overheard her classmates Kurt Hummel and Rachel Berry speak about going to live there. So she packed her suitcases and booked a flight to New York, she had mixed feelings. And she felt that she had left something behind, but she didn't know what.. she took a nap on the plane and headed towards New York. Once she arrived she took a cab to Kurt and Rachel's apartment after telling them she would be visiting, when that really wasn't the case. She intended to stay with them for as long as she needed. Hell, she didn't even know what they would say but she didn't care. She was here to make her dreams come true, the same as Hummel and Berry. This was her chance to make it big in "the city of dreams". Once she arrived she stepped out of the taxi and headed towards their apartment, where she then knocked on their door. She could hear Kurt screaming in excitement from behind the door.. of course he was. Once it opened Kurt hugged her tightly, "oh.. sorry, please come in" he said smiling softly. Santana smiled back at him and stepped in with her bags, "wow it's so... grungy.. I like it" she says as she turns back to him whilst he's closing the door. "Aha thanks, well we try" Kurt laughed a little. "So where's Berry?" Santana said as she placed her bags next to the couch and sat on it. Kurt sighed and sat in his seat, "well she's currently off at Nyada. I'm still upset that I didn't get in but what can you do, you know ?" He said whilst sitting on a chair in the kitchen. Santana nodded softly, "completely understand. I dropped out of college because maybe cheerleading wasn't my dream after all" she said as she took her lip gloss out of her pocket and started to place it on. Kurt looked confused, "wait you dropped out ?" He asked, slightly concerned. He thought that cheerleading was her passion, it was part of who she was. "What made you drop out ?" He asked curiously as he got up to boil the kettle. Santana slapped her legs softly and got up from the couch, she sighed softly. "I missed home too much and everyone there. I also know that my passion is to live here, In New York. And to fulfil my dreams" she smiled softly as she placed her hands on the back of the chair. Kurt started to make some tea, "so... you want to live in New York ? That's amazing. Are you going to get a place ?" He asked as he looked up at her quickly and then back to focus on the tea he was making. "Uh.. I was actually thinking about that..." Santana said as she pulled a chair out from the table and sat on it. "I was actually thinking I could stay with you guys ?" She asked softly as she leaned her elbows on the table with her face in her hands, looking directly at Kurt. Kurt's Eyes instantly widened, "you.. want to live here with us ?" He asked as he placed her tea on the table in front of her. Santana Nodded, "I mean... if that isn't a problem for you guys ?" She managed to say things in a snarkish way but also a way you would feel bad and say yes to absolutely anything. Kurt sighed, ".. fine ! But you are gonna have to pay towards some rent" he said as he sat on the chair next to her. "Already in progress, I got a job at a diner" she smiled softly at him and sipped some of her tea. She was excited. She was in New York, she had a place to stay and she even had roommates ! New York alone would be terrifying. I think that was what she was most afraid of. "So.. have you heard from any of the others ? Sam ? Finn ? Brittany ? ... Blaine ?" Kurt's face turned into a slight frown when he had mentioned about Blaine. "No.. I haven't. Have you spoken to them ? Blaine mostly" she asked, she could tell something was off but she just didn't know what. Although before Kurt left they did have a huge argument and break up over literally nothing. Kurt sighed and looked down at his cup, "I haven't spoken to him since the breakup.. I just don't want to sound too clingy and could long distance really work ?" He said, he really couldn't stop thinking about Blaine and what had been said before he left. He just wished that he could go back and change it all, make it different.. so that they wouldn't break up and everything would go back to normal. Maybe if he just spoke to him. Kurt then took a sip of his tea and looked down at the table.

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