Right Infront Of Your Eyes

By Peachsk

794K 21.6K 7.9K

Everyone around Kayla has always thought she was the rebellious child. No one dared to open their eyes wide e... More

A/N- Introduction
Chapter 1- Imagine
Chapter 2- You see vandalism, I see art.
Chapter 3 - Your in my personal bubble
Chapter 4- Shooting Star
Chapter 5- Watch it
Chapter 6- Batteries
Chapter 7- New Girl
Chapter 8- Keep Your Mouth Closed
Chapter 9- One becomes four
Chapter 10- One sip turns into many
Chapter 12- Leverage
Chapter 13- Late night adventure
Chapter 14- Ditch
Chapter 15- You see me
Chapter 16- Two sides
Chapter 17- Carpooling
Chapter 18- Righting The Wrongs
Chapter 19- Coming over?
Chapter 20- Simular Lives
Chapter 21- Bathroom Problems
Chapter 22- Phone Calls
Chapter 23- Information
Chapter 24- Help
Chapter 25- Stuck up
Chapter 26- A Bump In The Road
Chapter 27- Getting it off my chest
Chapter 28- Thats What They All Say...
Chapter 29- Accused
Chapter 30- Worried
Chapter 31- Shopping
Chapter 32- Not forgotten
Chapter 33- Family Day Out
Chapter 34- Arguments
Chapter 35- Listening
Chapter 36- Mapping it out...
Chapter 37- Opening A New Door...
Chapter 38- Pulse
Chapter 39- Angry Beast
Chapter 40- Long and Lost
Chapter 41- Seeing The Lost

Chapter 11- Drunken mess

19K 533 189
By Peachsk

Third Person

Harvey makes his way to the bathroom with his friend Dean. Four drinks later and nature needs to run its course.

When they finally find the bathroom, Harvey goes to open the door but it doesn't budge since it's locked. He looks at Dean and then knocks. "Are you almost done in there?"

They can't hear anything over the loud music. But there was still no sort of response.

Harvey sighs standing back, knocking again. "Hello? Is anyone even in here? I need to take a piss." Irritation starts to grow because he is bursting to go the bathroom.

Lee who is on the other side of the door, starts to get irritated himself. Getting sick of the knocking hoping they will go away if he tells them to. He gets up and opens the door slightly so whoever is on the otherside of the door can't see the mess inside.

While Gabby on the other hand is quick to react when Kayla starts throwing up again.

"What do you want?" Lee saids to both Harvey and Dean.

"I need to take a piss and your hogging up the bathroom." Harvey moves his head trying to see who else is in the bathroom behind Lee. It sounded like someone is getting sick.

"Well it's occupied." Lee tries to close the door but Harvey puts his foot inbetween the gap. While Dean pushes the door with his hand. Taking Lee by surprise as the door flings opens wide.

Harvey's eyes glance around the room until they landed on a familiar brown headed girl. Who is slumped over the toilet.


Lee tries to close the door again but Harvey pushes it again making Lee stumble a bit. Harvey walks hurriedly over to Kaylas slumped body which has now moved against the wall in the matter of seconds. Dean following behind as Harvey walks up to Kayla. Ignoring Gabby who is stood there shocked and India who is nearly half passed out.

Harvey crouch's down grabbing Kayla's chin so that she can look at him. To say he was worried was an understatement. His eyes search for any harm but don't find anything accept for the sweat around her forehead and the sick around her mouth.

Kayla's eyes start to droop but she tries her best to keep them open.

"Dean go get Ethan quick." Harvey saids to Dean. Not taking his eyes off of Kayla. Dean nods and goes off to search for Ethan.

Kayla brings her hand up to touch Harvey's which is around her chin. "Heeyyy Harveeeyy." Her words are all slurred. "What are you doing here?" Her head tilts slightly to the side as her eyes slightly droop.

"I could ask you the same thing." He muttered under his breath.

"Who the fuck are you?" Lee asks all of a sudden he is just as confused. As a random boy has just walked in here.

Harvey's snaps his attention to the brown headed boy who wouldn't let him in. "I'm her brother asshole." Harvey tone sounds irritated as he brings his attention back to Kayla.

Lee eyes drift to Gabby who is currently crouched down rubbing Indias back. Gabby looks at him and nods verifying that it is her brother.

Even though Gabby only met Ethan once, his name was mentioned she knew that he had to of been her brother plus they looked a like even if they never wanted to admit it.

Ethan rushed into the bathroom following Dean. Dean hadn't really said much other than that Harvey needed him in the bathroom and it was an emergency. Once Dean shown Ethan the bathroom Ethan told him to leave.

Ethan was least expecting to see Kayla slumped over by the bathroom wall with Harvey crouched down infront of her. He didn't take notice if the three other people in the room with him.

"What happened here?" Ethan asked pulling Harvey's attention to him.

"She is drunk like really drunk." Harvey turned is attention back to Kayla when she started to gag and push her body so it was slumped over the toilet seat. He stood up rubbing her back and hold her hair as she threw up.

"I'll call Gavin to pick us up." Ethan said as he pulled out his phone to ring Gavin.

Kayla's head immediately shot up and her eyes glaze aroumd the room as she forget she was in the middle of throwing up. "Gavins here?" She questioned.

But before anyone could answer she threw up again.

"Gavin can you pick us up and quick?" Ethan said into the phone as Gavin picked up.

"Did something happen?" Gavin was confused but it didn't help by the slight panic in his brothers voice.

"Can you just pick us up? We will tell you when you get here." Ethans eyes darted to Kayla whow as now finished getting sick. As her body slumped against the wall again while Harvey wiped her mouth with tissue.

"Okay I'm leaving now. I'll text you when I'm outside." You could here the jingle of keys as Gavin spoke.

"Okay bye." Ethan hung up his phone and made his way over to Kayla and Harvey. He put his hand up against her forehead. She was boiling and you could tell by the sweat dripping down her forehead.

Lee had gone to get water when Gabby had asked him to for India and Kayla. When he came back he gave Gabby a bottle of water. Lee tapped Ethan on the shoulder bringing his attention to him.

"Here. This will help." Lee held out the water.

"Thanks." Ethan mumbled as he took the water from Lee and turned around to Kayla. He held the water up to her lips. But she didn't drink. Kayla let out a groan weakly trying to push the water bottle away from her lips.

"Kayla you need to drink this. It will help." Ethan said as he put the water back up to her lips.

Kayla squinted her eyes as she looked at the other boy who stood beside Harvey. "Ethan?"

"Yeah Kayla it's me Ethan." He held the bottle again up against her lips hoping she would drink it but again she weakly pushed the bottle away.

Harvey moved out of the way when suddenly India was perched against the toilet getting sick.

"Are you two going to be okay getting her home?" Harvey asks as he brings his attention to Lee and Gabby.

"Yeah we will be fine just take care of her." Lee points to Kayla.

Ethans phone then dings. He removes the bottle from Kaylas lips. Pulling out his phone to see a message from Gavin to say he was outside.

"Gavins here." Ethan said to Harvey.

Kayla giggles letting out a little hiccup. "Gavins not here silly." She starts to laugh again.

"He is outside. Kayla can you walk?" Harvey saids to Kayla as he crouched down to her eye level. Kayla doesn't respond. Harvey grabs her two hands trying to pull her up on her two legs as he stands up. Ethan standing there hesitantly in case she falls.

But Kayla's legs are like jelly and her legs can't hold her wait as she slumps back onto the ground.

"I'll lift her." Ethan walks over to Kayla lifting her under her legs as his other arm wraps around his back. Kayla's head falls back and it nearly looks like she is dead.

"Please take care of her." Gabby saids as they leave the bathroom. Ethan looks back giving her a small smile.


When Ethan walks outside the warmth of the house is gone. It's like a breath of fresh air. The coldness brings goose bumps to Kayla as she cuddles up closer in her brother arms.

Harvey's eyes search the road looking for his brothers car. Gavin spots them but can tell Ethan is carrying something or someone but it's too dark to see.

Gavin honks his horn bringing Harvey's attention to him as they walk towards the car that is parked right out front of the house.

Gavin watches as Harvey opens the back door. Harvey gets in as Ethan approaches the car. He watches as Ethan tries to hand Kayla over to Harvey.

"What is going on?" Gavin asks as he watches his brothers try place a half passed out Kayla into the car.

"She won't let go." Ethan saids ignoring Gavin.

"Guys seriously what's go__"

"Right. I'll get into the front you sit in the back with her." Harvey gets out letting Ethan get in. Harvey then closes the door and makes his way around to the front.

Gavin looks back at Ethan and Kayla. Ethan places Kaylas head on his lap as he lays down the rest of her body on the back seat.

"Someone tell me what's going on right now." Gain demands as he looks between his two brothers.

"Oh heeeeyyyy Gavin." Kayla slurs as she weakly lifts her hand up giving him a floppy wave.

Gavin looks between his two brothers who still haven't answered.

"She is really drunk." Ethan saids as he runs his hand through her messy hair.

"No way captain obvious. What happened?" Gavin was getting irritated.

"We don't know. I found her like this with her friends in the bathroom." Harvey shrugs.

Gavin sighs as he takes one last look at Kayla before bringing his attention back to his two brothers. "If Dad finds out he will go mad."

"Are we going to tell him?" Ethan asks as he looks back up at Gavin. Gavin glances back at Kayla.

He doesn't say anything but turn back around and face the steering wheel and drives off.


Not even three minutes into the drive home Kayla immediately sits up with her hand over her mouth. Her eyes dash around the car.

Ethan is fully alerted by Kayla movements as she nearly hit him in the chin. His eyes go wide when he see her gagging.

"Gavin pull over she is going to get sick." Ethan saids.

Gavins eyes widens as he pulls in onto the path. Kaylas free hand fumbles with the door handle as she tries not to let the sick leave her mouth. Ethan reaches over opening the door for her. She immediately sticks her head out throwing up.

Ethan rubs her back and pulls back her hair as she let's it all out. While Gavin tries not to cringe from the sounds of her throwing up.

When Kayla is done she sits back up getting her arm to wipe across her mouth as she slumps up against the seat. Harvey and Gavin both turn in their seat to look back at Kayla.

"Harvey do you have that bottle of water?" Ethan asks.

"Yeah." Harvey hands over the water that he had beside him.

"Kayla your going to need to drink this." Ethan holds up the bottle against her mouth.

"What are you guys doing at the party?" Kayla let's out a little giggle. Completely ignoring Ethan.

"Kayla were not at the party anymore. We are in Gavins car." Harvey saids.

"Kayla you need to drink some water or you will be dehydrated." Gavin explains.

Kayla tilts her head slightly to the side. "Why do you guys care in anyways?" Her head slightly drops a bit.

"Kayla I just need you to have a sip of water." Ethan presses the bottle up against her lips ignoring her last comment.

"Kayla we will have to tell Dad if you don't drink some water." Gavin threatens.

"Fine." She breathes out as Ethan starts to tilt the water back letting her have a sip of the water.

When Ethan removes the bottle from her lips he just wipes his mouth with his hand. Kayla brings her finger up to her lips. "SShhh don't tell Dad." A small smile makes it's way onto her face as her eyes start to droop again.

Ethan pulls her back so she is back lying down and shuts the door. Gavin starts up the car again and continues driving.


They finally park up infront of the house. Gavin turns off the car but no one moves. Gavin turns in his seat so he can see both Ethan and Harvey. Kayla had passed out after she had gotten sick.

"We're not going to tell Dad." Gavin saids.

"Why?" Harvey asks as he glances back at Kayla.

"Because..." Gavin glances at his little sister and then back to his two brothers. "Because we can help her tonight but the rest is up to her plus we can always use this as leverage against her." Gavin glances at Kayla again who is starting to stir.

The three of them won't admit it. They all know the real reason why they won't tell their Dad. But they will only ever use is excuses.

Gavin gets out of the car and opens the door to help Ethan take Kayla out.

"I'll take her. You two distract Dad and Louise." Gavin saids when Ethan slides out of the car and tries to lift up Kayla again.

Ethan and Harvey nod going in first to distract the couple. As Gavin lifts Kayla out bridal style. She inches closer to him when the cold breeze hits her.

He closes the car door walking up the front door to hear silence. Both Ethan and Harvey stand there in the living room. "I think they went asleep." Harvey whispers.

Since it's safe Gavin carries Kayla up the stairs and into the bathroom with Ethan following behind him. As Harvey went to get some fresh water and pain killers 

Gavin sits Kayla down on the bathroom floors as her body slumps bit her eyes start to open.

"Go get her a change of clothes." Gavin whispers to Ethan who nods and goes off.

Gavin crouches down infront of Kayla. He slightly shakes her so that she wakes up. Her eyes drift around the room in confusion as it then lands on Gavin.

"Kayla I need you to get sick so you can sober up." Gavin saids as he grabs her chin so that her attention is in him.

"Heeyyy Gav." She saids a bit too loudly.

"Kayla we have to be quite." Gavin whispers.

"Okay SShhh." She puts her finger on his lip. "Your being too loud."

Gavin rolls his eyes and removes her finger from his lips.

"Come on Kayla I just need to sober you up." The only reason Gavin wanted her to get sick and hopefully that would sober her up is because he didn't want anything to happen to her in her sleep.

Kayla shook her head. Gavin sighed he knew this wasn't going to easy but for his own worry and Kayla's health he slowly brought her head towards the toilet as he shoved his fingers down her throat making Kayla gag.

Soon she threw up and Gavin didn't have to do it another time since she just got sick naturally. Ethan had walked in with a change of clothes.

"Do you need any help?" Ethan asked Gavin who was washing his hands and then got a face cloth to wash Kayla's face.



The boys had changed Kayla into a pair of pyjamas and Gavin had just wiped down her face and arms.

Gavin then carried Kayla to her bed where Harvey had left her some pain killers and two bottles of water.

Gavin sat down with Kayla on his lap helping her to sit up as Ethan brought on of the bottles of water to her lips. Kayla took small sips of the water but soon drank it all.

Ethan had left when Gavin told him he would be able to take care of the rest. Gavin laid her down wrapping the blankets around her. Giving her a kiss on the forehead before leaving. Something he had learned from his Mom.

Just as he was about to leave Kayla mumbled "I love you too Mom."


Kayla's POV

The banging in my head won't stop. I let out a groan turning over to the other side. Did I forget to close the curtains?

I pull my pillow over my head to block out the light. The coldness slightly soothes my pounding headache.

Wait a minute...how did I get in my bed?

I shoot up and look around my room blinking rapidly trying to adjust to the brightness. I don't remember how I got home.

I turn to my bedside table to see some painkillers and two bottles of water one empty while the other one is full. My phone also on my bedside table.

I take the tablets with some of the water hoping to soothe this headache asap. I pick my phone up. It's dead great.

I grab my charger putting it in. Then falling back trying to find some sort of memory of how I got home. How did I even get changed?

My phone turns on and I'm instantly bombarded with messages.

'Did they take care of you?' -Gabby

'OMG your not responding! Don't tell me they killed you' -Gabby

'Hello? You alive?' -Gabby

'Are you alive? Were those people your brothers?' -Lee

And they're only examples of messages I got.

'I'm alive but I can't remember how I got home?' -Kayla

I texted Gabby.

'Oh thank God! Your brothers took you home.' -Gabby

That made sense for how I got the medicine and stuff but did they actually take care of me? I would love to see that on video.

WAIT! Did they tell Dad?! If they told him I don't know what he would do.

'Oh okay thank. Did you get home okay?' -Kayla

'Yeah Lee and me some how got a taxi and took India home. She was just as bad as you.' -Gabby

'Oh I must of gotten really drunk last night. I have to go but text you later.' -Kayla

'Okay bye!' -Gabby

I groan closing my eyes. I didn't want to leave my room. I didn't want to face my brothers or my Dad. I just wanted to stay in my little bubble. But my stomach has other plans.

There we go Chapter 11...

So we got to see a different side of her brothers in this chapter. They were a bit more caring.

Also I hope everyone had a nice Christmas.

The next couple of chapters are going to be intresting well I think they will be....

What did you think of her brothers in this Chapter??

Why do you think they won't admit to what they are really thinking??

Any suggestions??
Any theories??
Any questions??

Thank you for reading. Don't forget to vote and comment...

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