Suna Rintarou - Concert

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Y/N: I don't think I've been this scared before... I've flirted with so many guys before without a single problem and yet with him I can barely get words out. I'm always so afraid I'll say something weird and he'll think I'm stupid or something, but on the other hand it feels like he actually might like me as well... I don't know him very well, though, so I wouldn't know... Maybe I'm mistaking simple kindness (which men don't seem to be able to understand these days) for flirting... It feels weird to be on the other side of this, I'm usually the one stopping simps when they misunderstand my kindness... But him? Oh boy... Just the way he acts; he's so chill, so cool, so smart and educated, but he's also fun and a goofball when he needs to be. It's so hard to read him, I mean, he talks about girls with the other guys all the time while I'm there, I feel like he doesn't really play games or anything so he doesn't really care if I hear, but he also puts songs on which he thinks I'll like and then asks me if I liked them... He started listening to some songs I've shown him too, and we both love the same bands. I've made a playlist for him, but I'm too scared to tell him about it cuz... What if he thinks that's weird? I'm so lost...
Whenever I think of him I feel so calm, but as soon as I think of the possibility that everything might be in my head I get so sad... I honestly have no idea what to do or how to approach him, I'll just keep acting the way I do, I guess and ma-

MOM: (y/n)!! It's late!! Go to bed!!
Y/N: Sorry...

(y/n) closed her diary and set it inside her bedside table's drawer before switching the light off and going to sleep. But all she could do was think of him...


SUNA: I mean, she's cute and all... But she's so, so dumb...
ATSUMU: Bro... She's hot, is there really anything else to talk about??
OSAMU: Uh, yeah? But still, I wouldn't mind tutoring her if it meant getting to be with her.
Y/N: (Talking about girls again? What a surprise) Hey guys!
SUNA: Hey there
OSAMU: There she is! We were starting to think you didn't wake up on time.
Y/N: That happened once, literally once.
OSAMU: It still happened, though.
Y/N: Shut up!

She said as she punched his arm.

ATSUMU: Sooo, (y/n), when you gonna let me take you out?
Y/N: Bruh.
OSAMU: Do you want to die, Tsumu?
SUNA: Pffft-

(y/n) and Osamu had been very good friends for a long time, they just went to different schools, however in her second year of high school, (y/n) switched and went to Osamu's, and that's where she met Atsumu, Suna and the rest of the volleyball team. Atsumu was always hitting on (y/n) and no one could tell if it was playful, or if he actually meant it. But one thing was for sure; even if he did like her, (y/n) would never accept him, firstly because she found Atsumu kind of disgusting with the way he talked about girls, and also because, even though she'd only known him for a few months, she liked Suna. No one knew about her crush, not even Osamu, because he was always so protective of her when it came to his friends, and also because she didn't want to get in over her head knowing Suna might not even like her.


(y/n) was very confused about how he felt about her, they would occasionally hang out, but always with at least Osamu around, and it was kind of hard for her to get any word in with him when Atsumu was around since he was constantly pestering her with strange questions and annoying remarks.

ATSUMU: (y/n)?
Y/N: Yes?
ATSUMU: What's your favorite type of noodle?
Y/N: I'm sorry, what??
ATSUMU: Go on... Answer.
Y/N: Uhm, I guess rice noodles... ?
ATSUMU: Hmmm, I see. Wanna try my noodle?
Y/N: Oh my god.

The others started laughing, except for Osamu who just stared his brother down with a nasty glare.

ATSUMU: I'm kidding, I'm kidding... Or am I?
OSAMU: You better be.

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