Chapter two

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It was like every other day, ibuki and mikan were hanging out, peko and mahiru were hanging out today, and gundham and sonia were together

Hiyoko was still asleep so mahiru went to go hang out with peko. They sat by the beach ' ' so how are your pictures going? ' ' peko asked as she dusted herself off  ' ' oh! I took some pictures of hiyoko yesterday! wanna see them? ' ' peko nodded and mahiru took out her camera and showed her the photos, Peko smiled ' ' beautiful ' ' mahiru smiled back ' ' thank you! ' '


Hiyoko finally woke up and stared at the ceiling ' ' mmmmm. . . ' ' hiyoko thought about mahiru for a second and cane to the conclusion that she likes mahiru, she couldn't keep bottling up these feelings. She got up and dusted herself off ' ' i wonder where mahiru is..' ' hiyoko yawned and stretched, she put on her kimono but left her hair down. She heard a knock and opened up the door, it was mikan and ibuki? ' ' ibuki and mikan want to know if hiyoko wants to go get ice cream ' ' mikan nodded ' ' w-we wanted t-to invite you b-b-because we know y-you like i-i-ice cream ' ' ibuki nodded, hiyoko looked at ibuki and then at mikan and nodded ' ' ibuki thinks you look cute with your hair down! ' ' mikan nodded her head in agreement ' ' s-shut up and let me get ready ' ' ibuki and mikan nodded and closed hiyokos door and waited. Hiyoko sighed and put her hair into pigtails and added her bows, she opened the door to see mikan and ibuki.. kissing?!

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