This time, for sure.

Start from the beginning

The thought makes you wonder what Kuroo actually does for a living to live in such a high-roller building. You never bothered to ask or look him up on social media.

Kozume sneaks a glance at your distracted face. "Um...I'm out right now actually."

"With who? Are they more important than me? Your best friend who needs a shoulder to lean on?" Kuroo playfully speaks, a chuckle erupting from his throat. Kozume rolls his eyes with a small smile. He notices Y/N shake her head, the corner of her lips forming into a smile.

"He's an idiot." She whispers, holding back her laughter.

"Yeah. She's important." Kozume answers bluntly. You turn to look at Kozume with widen eyes. Kuroo sounds just as surprised on the phone.

"WOAH?! SHE?! Since when have you gone out with a girl? I literally spoke to you yesterday and there was never a conversation about a girl." Kuroo's words are a slur and it nearly sounds as if he's rapping.

Kozume scoffs. "How many girls do you think I know?"

"Well, is it a coworker? A supporter from your stream? Uh." Kuroo's thought process cuts short when he slows his car down at a traffic light. " has to be someone close if they're letting you talk to me this long. At least I know it's not a date." Kuroo goes off on a tangent and both Kozume and you exhale.

"There's no way you're with Y/N, right?"


Kuroo quietly sulks to himself. His shoulders droop and he grows quiet. "How is she? Does she look like she's gotten plenty of rest? I hope she hasn't skipped her meals because of work."

You hear Kuroo speak in a much softer tone. Hearing him ask these questions easily pulls your heartstrings. You purse your lips in response, casting your eyes out towards the driver window. Kozume carefully gazes at Y/N. He notices her face fall slightly from Kuroo's concern.

"You can ask her personally if you want. Tell me the address of the restaurant and we'll meet you there." Kozume ends the call before he can hear either of you retort. Your eyes flick over to Kozume.

"We're going to meet up with Tetsurō? But..." You want to protest but Kozume's already punching in the address on his GPS that Kuroo's texted over.

"We've been looking at wedding dresses all day without a break. You can't tell me you're not hungry Y/N. You wouldn't turn down a free meal, would you?" Kozume raises his eyes away from his phone with a playful smirk.

You clench your teeth, flaring your nostrils out and casting your eyes elsewhere. "No." You curtly respond and begin to drive.

Kozume quietly chuckles to himself from Y/N's response.


After parking your car and walking into the barbeque restaurant, you follow behind Kozume. The two of you find Kuroo sitting on the left side of the restaurant, downing a shot glass of soju alone.

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