Chapter Five_

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"Good morning Mr. Kirigun".

"Good morning Mrs. Lane," Tharn greeted back while taking his seat.

Mrs. Lane is their long time house help since Thanya were born. She's the only one he trusts when it comes to his house and for Thanya's well being,and he treats her like a second mother.

"Would you like some coffee?"

"Yes please,thank you!"

"Morning Dad!"

"Morning princess", Tharn greet Thanya. "Your early today",he said while checking his watch, she's an hour early to go to school.

"We're going to meet our new teacher today,so they told us to come earlier than usual,"

"Is that today?",he ask then thank Mrs. Lane for his coffee.

"Yes Dad,I told you that last week,"

"Really?"he ask,that really slip his mind.

"Hmm,", she nods,while chewing her food. Then Thanya started giggling when she saw Tharn.

"What!",he ask while looking at her.

"You eat like a chipmunk daddy!" She said giggling.

"Am I?",Tharn ask,then he cross his eyes look more silly.

"Yes!",her giggles turned to laugh because of his silliness.

These kind of moment is what Tharn treasured the most, seeing his daughter's happiness is his motivation to be a good father that he can be. Thanya is the reason why he works so hard,and to be were he is right now. He wanted to give her everything that this world could give and he did everything to be a good father to her. Give all the love she deserves.

After a while of joking around,they both finished their breakfast and get ready for the day. While his waiting for Thanya to get her bag,he talked to Mrs. Lane.

"Dad I'm ready!", Tharn heard Thanya so he grab his things then meet her on the front door.

"Good morning Mr. Kirigun, Ms. Thanya", Mr. Tamp greeted them.[he's Nong Stu,p'tamp😉]

Mr. Tamp is Tharn's driver/ bodyguard/ assistant role in one for four years now. They were classmates in college and became friends along with Boat. Tharn and Boat stay in contact because he's Thanya's godfather,but they lost their  contacts with Tamp when he moved. He was surprised when he saw Tamp again when he hired a driver,and he's been working for him since then.

"Good morning T',and when are you going to obey me to call me Tharn?"he ask.

" Good morning uncle Tamp!", Thanya greeted him,then run to the car.

"Your my boss", Tamp said while taking his suitcase on his hands and opening the car door.

"We're not at the office yet you know,and we're friends!"he said while entering the car.

" Well,I have rules to follow as your driver,"Tamp answered once he was seated on the driver's seat.

"But even I ordered you to call me Tharn as my driver",he said and emphasizing the word driver. " Yet you never listen".

"Let's just say I'm more comfortable by calling you Mr. Kirigun or sir". Tamp said then started to drive.

"Still stubborn huh?!"Tharn said while shaking his head. Then he turned to Thanya who's playing her iPod.

"Isn't it early for you to be on your iPod, young lady?".

"I'm not playing dad,I'm checking my homework",she said then she show him her iPod.

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