06. lard ass hogan

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━━HAMBURGER BALLS ROASTING OVER A CAMPFIRE, THE GROUP SAT IN A SERENE SILENCE. Some of them were still a bit shaken up about the day's earlier events. Cassidy was buried into Gordie's side, half for warmth, half for comfort.

"Man, that was the all-time train dodge," Teddy broke the silence. "Too cool! Vern, you was so scared you looked like that fat guy— what's his name— Abbott Costello, when he saw the mummy!"

"I wasn't that scared," Vern lied.

"Vern," the others said in unison.

"No, really, I wasn't. Sincerely," Vern insisted.

"Then you won't mind if we examine the seat of your Jockeys for Hershey squirts, will you?" Gordie asked, holding back laughter.

"Go screw," Vern huffed.

The Chambers twins guffawed.

"Better turn yours over, Vern," Chris said, nodding to the hamburger meat on Vern's stick that was about to slip off.

Vern brushed Chris' advice off.

"This is the way I like to do it."

PLOP! Vern's hamburger meat fell right off the stick, and straight into the fire. Everyone but Vern roared with laughter.

"Oh, man, oh no, man," Vern panicked. "You got any more, Gordie?"

"Sorry, Verno."

The others laughed again, and Vern groaned.

"This isn't funny . . . What am I supposed to eat?" he asked.

"Why don't you cook your dick?" Teddy suggested. They laughed harder.

"Be a small meal," Chris added.

"Oh, stop teasing Vern, guys," Cassidy chastised. "I'm sure he's, er . . . a fine size."

Teddy cackled, "As if you'd know. The only one you could speak for is Gordie here."

Both Gordie and Cassidy turn a deep shade of red, sputtering.



"Eee-eee-eee, calm down, guys. It was just a joke," Teddy grinned. "Vern still has a small dick, though."

"Screw you guys, I got it," Vern held up the charred hamburger meat victoriously.

The fire had died down, and Cassidy, Chris, Gordie, Teddy, and Vern had their bedrolls set up around it; They were laying down, smoking Winstons.

It was moments like these that they would look back on when they were old, wishing that they could go back and just be young and free again, sitting around with your friends, speaking about anything and everything.

Pinky Swear: Gordie Lachance Where stories live. Discover now