03. skin it

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━━THE SUN'S RAYS BEAT DOWN ON THE FIVE TEENAGERS AS THEY STRUGGLED UP THE EMBANKMENT. Cassidy was extremely thirsty, and was starting to wish that she'd snatched her older brother's canteen for the trip as well.

"What do we need a pistol for, anyway?" Vern asked.

"You never know what we might find out in the woods," Chris replied.

"Yeah, we might see a bear," Teddy added.

"Or a garbage can," Cassidy joked. Gordie glared at her, but the small smile that played on his lips showed that he wasn't really upset.

Vern pulled a comb out of his pocket and said, "I brought a comb."

"What do we need a comb for?" Chris asked.

"If we get on TV, we wanna look good, don't we?" he justified. "Plus, Cass will need it."

"Actually," Cassidy drawled out. "I brought my own brush."

"Darn," the boy sighed.

Meanwhile, Chris was busy staring down the train tracks they were walking on. Sweating profusely, and squinting slightly from the sun's glare, the teens stood for a moment silently.

"How far do you think it's gunna be?" Teddy spoke up, looking to the others.

"We'll walk across the trestle into Harlow. Harlow's big. We're gunna be walking at least twenty miles," Chris explained. "That sound right to you, Gordie?"

Gordie hastily tore his eyes off Cassidy when everyone turned to him.

"Yeah," he agreed. "It might even be thirty."

"Gee, maybe we should just hitchhike," said Vern, already looking slightly burned out. Part of Cassidy agreed with him; She didn't feel like walking what could be thirty miles, but then again, where's the fun in pussying out?

And maybe a part of her didn't want to seem lame in front of Gordie.

"No way," Cassidy denied, shaking her head to emphasize her point. "That sucks."

"All we have to do is go up to Route 7 to the Shiloh church, then down the Back Harlow Road. We'll be there by sun down," Vern continued trying to persuade his friends.

"That's pussy," Teddy scoffed.

"Hey, it's long ways," Vern defended himself.

Pinky Swear: Gordie Lachance Where stories live. Discover now